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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c,How can we become good learners?,Translation.,1.你如何进行备考?我通过参加小组学习。,2.你用英语和朋友进行对话吗?,3.大声朗读练习发音如何?,4.我用那种方法学到了很多。,5.它确实提升了我的口语技巧。我认为那有帮助。,6.听懂英语口语太难了。,7.我必须读完一本书,下周一作报告。,8.我读书很慢。,9.起先请快速阅读来理解大意。不要逐词阅读,要按意群读。,10.尽量通过阅读前后句来猜测单词的意思。,11.耐心点儿,这需要时间。,12.你可以通过每天阅读你喜欢的东西而变得更好。,13.你读书越多,你的阅读速度就会越快。,14. 伟芬觉得学好英语难。,15.老师说得很快,大多数时间我都听不懂。,16.由于我的发音不好,所以我害怕问问题。,17.虽然我不能明白那些角色所说的一切,但他们的肢体语言和,脸上的表情能帮助我明白其中意思。,18.我还意识到我可以通过听关键词来理解意思。,19.通过听英文电影的对白,我的发音也进步了。,20.我发现听有趣的东西是学习语言的诀窍。,21.我想要学习更多生词和语法,这样我才能更好地理解英文电影。,22.我通过听磁带大声复读来提高我的语音。,23.我通过记笔记、记句型来提高我的写作技能。,24. 一种方法是通过写日语日记。,She is,able,to sing English songs well.,She has the,ability,to sing English songs well.,/blt/,Is,she,born,with,the,ability,(,出生,) to sing English songs?,She did not have the ability,overnight,(,一夜间,).,She,create,s an interest in learning English songs.,Her,brain,(,大脑,) is,active,when shes interested in it.,She,pays attention to,(,注意,) an English song for a long time.,She,review,s (,回顾,) the song by,trying many times.,She can sing,wisely,(聪明地),and,sing well,.,Create an interest.,Review often.,What good learning habits can you think of?,2a,Being attentive (,专注的,) in class.,Having an interest in the subject.,Reading the relevant,(相关的),text before a lesson.,Reviewing what has be taught after each class.,Asking questions in class.,Having a study partner.,Be active in class.,Be interested in what,theyre learning.,Ask questions in class.,Pay attention to the class.,How can you become a successful learner?,2b,Find the four habits of successful learners in,the passage.,1. Creating an interest in what they learn,2. Practicing and learning from mistakes,3. Developing their study skills,4. Asking questions,Paras 2-5,Detailed,information,Para 1,General,introduction,Everyone is born with the ability to learn.,But whether or not you can do this well,depends on your learning habits. .,Para 6,Conclusion,(,结论,),Learning is lifelong journey becasue every,day brings something new. Everything that,you learn becomes a part of you and .,Read Para 1. -General introduction,Everyone is,born,with the,ability,to learn.,But whether or not you can do this well depends on your,learning habits.,Research shows that successful learners have some good,habits in common.,opinion,opinion,fact,Read Para 6. -Conclusion,Learning is,lifelong,journey becasue every day brings,something new.,Everything that you learn becomes a part of you,and changes you, so learn,wisely,and learn well.,opinion,advice,A. The writer advises us to learn in a slow way.,B. The writer advises us to learn in a quick way.,C. The writer advises us to learn in a smart way.,D. The writer advises us to learn in a free way.,Read Paras 2-5. -Detainled information,Creating an interest in,what they laern,1. If you ., your,brain,is more active.,2. Its also easier for you to .,3. Good learners,connect,.,with,.,Practicing and learning,from mistakes,1. Good learners think about.,2. Good learners will keep practing.,3. Good learners are not afraid of .,Developing their study,skills,1. Its not enough to just study hard.,2. Good learners know the best way.,3. Good learners look for ways .,Asking questions,1. Good learners ask questions .,2. Good learners even ask.,Read Paras 2-5. again and choose the best answer.,1. Good learners _.,A. create an interest in everything,B. have more active brain than anyone elses,C. pay attention to practicing what theyve learned,D. think its enough to work hard,2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? _,A. Practicing more makes you successful.,B. Connecting what you learn with someting interesting,is a good way.,C. A good learner doesnt need to review everything.,D. A good learner thinks knowledge comes from asking,questions in or after class.,Read Paras 2-5. again and give a saying for,each paragraph.,Creating an interest in,what they laern,Practicing and learning,from mistakes,Developing their study,skills,Asking questions,Interest is the best teacher.,Use it or lose it.,Practice makes perfect.,Reviewing makes learning new.,Knowledge comes from,questions.,Read Paras 2-5. again and give a summary about,what a good learner is.,Good learners creates an _ in what they learn.,Their brains are more _ and they _,_ it for a long time. They also _ what they need,to learn with _. They wont _,this way. Besides, they keep _what theyve learned,and they are never afraid of _. Whats,more, they _ their study skills. They often look for,ways to _ what theyve learned. Good learners,often _ during or after class. They think,_comes from questioning and _,makes perfect.,interest,active,pay attention,to,connect,something interesting,get bored,practicing,making mistakes,review,develop,ask questions,knowledge,practice,2c,Read the whole passage and answer questions.,1. Why is it a good idea to connect something you need to,learn with something you are interested in?,2. What study skills does the writer talk about?,Do you have those study skills?,3. Do you agree that learning is a longlife journey?,Why or why not?,4. According to English learning, what can we learn from,the passage?,A. I learn English by guding the foreigners as I like traveling.,B. I learn English by learning from mistakes in grammar.,C. I usually explain what Ive learned to my class,m,ates.,D. If I cant catch what teachers say, Ill ask them questions.,2d,Do you think you are a good learner?,What learning habits do you think are useful?,Discuss with your group and share your ideas,with the class.,Groupwork,Using dictionaries,This can help you find the definition (定义) that,matches the context (语境) of the word in the text.,使用字典可以帮助你找到与课文中的单词语境相匹配的,定义。,Writing,How can you become a successful English learner?,


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