starterU1period2 (2)课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Starter Unit 1,Period 2,Revise the English letters.,A a,B b,C c,D d,E e,F f,G g,H h,F H,看图片,在四线三格中写出所给字母的左邻右舍。,A C,D F,B D,E G,翻译,:,1.,早上好,!,2.,起立,!,3.,坐下,!,4.,班级,同学们,Good morning!,Stand up!,Sit down!,class,5.,请,please,Listen and read.,Dale,map,he,pen,same,thank,these,yes,Grace,black,evening,spell,e,i,e,音标,/ei/ / /i:/ /e/,的学习,ei,发这个音的字母和字母组合,a ai ay,a: cake make name game snake gate lazy,ai: rain train wait,ay: day May play today way,发这个音的字母和字母组合,a,a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag,hand rabbit ant,black fat has,stand rat map, i:,发这个音的字母和字母组合,e ea ee,e: me be she he we evening,ee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green,ea: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean,e,发这个音的字母和字母组合,e ea,e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen,ea: bread head breakfast,3a,Listen and number the pictures (1-3).,1,2,3,A:,Good morning, Im,Jim,!,B:,Good morning, Im,Cindy,!,Make the dialogue.,3b,Practice the conversations in 3a,with your partner.,9:00,Good,morning!,Good,morning!,Good morning!,Good morning!,14,:,30,Good afternoon!,Good afternoon!,18,:,00,Good,evening!,Good evening!,3c,Listen to the conversation. Then,practice it with your partner.,3d,Choose an English name for yourself. Then greet each other.,Lucy Jenny,Alan Jim,Sally Gina,Tony Tom,Mary Linda,Mike Jack,Nancy Joy,Peter David,Kate Jane,John Paul,Anna Emma,William Henry,Tina Susan,Mark Ted,Hi, Cindy! How are you?,Hi, Eric! Im fine. Thanks.,Hello, Alice! How are you?,Im fine. How are you?,Im,OK.,4a,Write the names of the children on,page S1. Then write the names in,alphabetical order.,Cindy,Bob,Eric,Helen,Dale,Frank,Grace,Alice,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,按性别分类(不可混用),boy (,男孩,):,girl (,女孩,):,C,indy,B,ob,H,elen,E,ric,F,rank,D,ale,A,lice,G,race,Name List,_,_,_,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,将方框中的单词归入字典,A-H,栏中。,1. a: _ 2. b: _,3. c: _ 4. d: _,5. e: _ 6. f: _,7. g: _ 8. h: _,Alice,are,Bob,bye,CD,Cindy,Dale,do,evening,Eric,five,father,Helen, green, Alice, five, Bob, CD, evening, bye, are, Dale, English, father, do, good, hello, Cindy, Eric,green,good,Helen,hello,4b,Listen and repeat.,A,A H Dale Grace Frank thanks,E,B C D E G evening F Helen,e,i,e,Try to read the new words.,4c,Read it aloud.,A,A H Dale Grace Frank thanks,E,B C D E G evening F Helen,e,i,e,age hand,he bed,Good morning! Good morning!,How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,How are you?,Im OK.,Good afternoon! Good afternoon! How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,How are you?,Im OK.,Good evening!,Good evening!,How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,How are you?,Im OK.,4d,Listen and sing the song.,Good afternoon!,下午好!午后至大阳落山前用。,Good evening!,晚上好!太阳落山(黄昏)到入睡前用。,Good night!,晚安!不是问候语,而是晚间告别用语。,Exercises,1.,下列,大写字母是由两笔写成的选项,_,。,A. B B. H C. A,2.,含有相同元音音素的选项是,_,。,A. A, G B. B, C C. E, H,3.,下列的缩略词中,表示“光盘”意思的是,_,。,A. HB B. BBC C. CD,选择填空,4. Good evening, Mr Chen., _, Alice.,A. Good evening,B. Good morning,C. Good afternoon,5. _?, Im OK, thank you.,A. How are you,B. How do you do,C. Are you Alice,6.,早晨你在门口遇到张老师,你应当向张老师说,_,打招呼。,A. Hi! B. Good afternoon!,C. Good morning!,7.,英语缩写,BBC,的含义是,_,。,A.,美国之音,B.,美国广播公司,C.,英国广播公司,8. How _ you?, I _ fine. Thanks.,A. are; am B. are; is C. am, are,9. Hello, Eric!, _, Bob!,A. Thank you B. Hi,C. Goodbye,补全对话:,1. Good morning, Mr. Wang!,_, Mr. Li.,2. Good afternoon, Alice!,_, Frank.,Good,morning,Good,afternoon,3. Hello, Li Ming!,_, Zhang Hong!,4. _,Fine, thanks. And you?,_,Hello,/ Hi,How are you?,Im OK.,


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