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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit2These are my parents,uncle,aunt,uncle,sister,Tony,cousin,cousin,This is a photo of Tonys family. This is Tonys ,These are,Tonys,parents.,-Are these,your parents?,-,Is this your aunt?,-,No, it isnt.,-,Yes,they are,.,Be,动词(,am,、,is,、,are,)填空,Who _ this ?,Who _ these ?,Who _ the boy who _ the girl ?,Who _ the boy,and,the girl ?,Who _ the women ?,These _ my parent,s,.,Those _ my grandparent,s,.,is,are,is,is,are,are,are,are,Where are you?,Talk about your position(,位置,) in the classroom.,next to,in front of,behind,on the left,on the right,This,这,这个,These,这些,that,those,a bus,driver,He is,a driver.,bus station,What is his,job,(,工作,)?,at a,at,a bus station.,在汽车站,汽车司机,nurse,a,What is,her,job,(,工作,)?,She is,a nurse.,hospital,Theyre nurse,s,.,a,at,at,a hospital.,nurses,What is,their,job,?,at,a hospital.,They are,at,the same,hospital,在,同,一家医院,a theatre,actor,He is,an,actor.,What is,his,job?,an,at,at,a theatre.,actress,an,男演员,女演员,What is,your mothers,job,(,工作,)?,school,a teacher,She is a teacher,.,an,English,teacher,at,a school,an,English,teacher.,at,a school.,police station,policeman,He is,a policeman,.,My fathers job,is,at,a police station.,at a,He is,a manager,.,a hotel,宾馆,manager,经理,What is his job,(,工作,)?,In / at,hotel manager.,= He is,a manager,of,a hotel,.,in a hotel.,他是一家酒店的经理,.,他是一个酒店经理,.,She is an English teacher at a school.,He is a policeman at a police station.,He is a hotel manager at a hotel.,They are _.,He is_,The man is _,nurses at the same hospital,a bus driver at a bus station.,an actor at a theatre,Label the pictures,hospital,bus station,theatre,school,police station,hotel,nurses,bus driver,actor,teacher,policeman,manager,a,b,c,d,e,f,2. Read again and write the letters of the pictures.,1 These are Bettys parents. _,2 These are,Linglings,mother,and,Damings,mother._,3 This is Tonys father.,_,4 This is Tonys mother._,5 This is,Damings,father._,6 This is,Linglings,father._,c,a,f,d,e,b,a,b,c,d,e,f,Read the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1.,1,These are Bettys parents. _,2,These are,Linglings,mother and,Damings,mother. _,3,This is Tonys father. _,c,a,f,3,Her/She,father is an actor.,Her/She,mother is a manager of a theatre.,They/Their,are nurse,s,.,He/His father,is a hotel manager.,Her,Her,They,His,Read the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1.,4,This is Tonys mother. _,5,This is Damings father. _,6,This is,Linglings,father. _,3,d,b,e,She/Her,is an English teacher,.,He /His,is a policeman,.,He/His,is a bus driver.,He,She,She,1. Read and answer the questions.,1) Where is Betty King from ?,2) Whats her fathers job ?,3) Whats her mothers job ?,She is from America.,He is an actor.,She is a manager of a theatre.,Step 2 Reading,B. 1) Where is Li,Daming,from?,2) Whats his fathers job?,3) Whats his mothers job?,He is from China.,He is a policeman.,She is a nurse.,C. 1) Where is Tony Smith from?,2) What is his fathers job?,3)What is his mothers job?,He is from England.,He is a hotel manager.,She is an English teacher.,D. 1) Where is Wang,Lingling,from?,2) What is her mothers job?,3) What is her fathers job?,She is from China.,She is a nurse.,He is a bus driver.,4.,Complete the table,Betty,Daming,Father,actor,theatre,Mother,nurse,manager,theatre,policeman,police station,hospital,Tony,Lingling,Father,Mother,manager,English teacher,hotel,school,bus driver,nurse,bus station,hospital,Writing,Now underline capital letters and full stops.,1 These American teachers are in China.,2 Im Betty and Im thirteen years old.,3 This is a photo of Ms Li.,4. Im in Class One Grade Seven.,5. He is at,Dajing,No.1 Middle School.,5,Capital letters:,首字母,人名(姓与名首字母),地名,国名,国人。,4.,称呼(,Ms,Mr,),5.,学校,班级,(,句号,.),(,大写字母,A),1.,T,hese,A,merican teachers are in,C,hina,.,2.,I,m,B,etty and,I,m thirteen years old,.,3.,T,his is a photo of,M,iss,L,i,.,Write sentences with,full stops,and,capital letters,.,(,句号,.),(,大写字母,A),Textbook P11 Activity 6,句首字母要大写。,人名、称呼语和姓的首字母要大写。,Li,Daming,Miss Li,国名、地名和国民的首字母要大写。,China - Chinese England - English,America - American Beijing,Xinhui,4.,单词,I,在句中任何位置都要大写。,5.,专有名词要大写。,Im in Class One, Grade One.,Xinhui,Shangya,Bilingual Experimental School,Please look at Picture One.,My name is _.,These are my parents.,We are from _.,We are_.,My father is _.,And my mother is _.,Betty King,America,American,an actor,the manager of a theatre,Capital letters:,首字母,人名(姓与名首字母),地名,国名,国人。,4.,称呼(,Ms,Mr,),5.,学校,班级,


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