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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,组胚教研室 陈同强,Circulatory System,循环系统,Nissl bodies,Synapse,Internode,0,组胚教研室 陈同强 Circulatory System循环,目的与要求,1,、,掌握心脏结构,2,、,掌握大中小动脉的结构特点和功能,3,、了解静脉的结构特点,4,、,掌握毛细血管的光镜结构及几种毛细血管的超微结构,1,目的与要求1、掌握心脏结构1,Circulatory system is a closed tubular system consisting of,cardiovascular and lymphatic,vascular,system.,B. The lymphatic vascular system begins in blind-ended,lymphatic capillaries, which anastomose in,lymphatic vessels,and then empty into the large veins near the heart by,lymphatic ducts,.,A. The cardiovascular system includes the,heart,arteries, capillaries and veins,. They are hollow organs, wall of which is composed of 3 and lined with endothelium.,Introduction,tunics,(tunica),膜,2,Circulatory system is a closed,.,Heart, a pump, hollow muscular organ,1. The wall of the heart 3 layers:,right ventricle,right atrium,endocardium,心内膜,myocardium,心肌膜,epicardium,心外膜,3,.Heart a pump, hollow,(1) Endocardium, thin inner lining composed of 2 layers,Endothelium:,simple squamous epithelium,: a thin sheet of connective tissue.,consists of loose connective tissue containing blood vessles, nerves and the conducting system of the heart.,Subendothelial layer,内皮下层,Subendocardial layer,心,内,膜,下层,4,(1) Endocardium thin inner l,组织学与胚胎学-内分泌系统-双语教学10Circulatory-System课件, of the,Consists of a thin layer of,loose connective tissue,covered by (simple squamous epithelium,).,Numerous adipose cells,in the,(3) Epicardium,pericardium,心包膜,visceral layer,脏层,subepicardial layer.,心外膜下层,mesothelium,间皮,(4) Cardiac valve,6, of t,Sinoatrial node occupies a,subepicardial position,near junction of the,superior vena cava,and the right atrium. Others are located in,subendocardial layer,.,Composed of the,sinoatrial node,(SA node),atrioventricular node,(AV node),AV bundle,and the network of,Purkinje fibers,.,2. Conducting system of the heart,Three types of specialized cardiac muscle cells:,Pacemaker cell(P-cell), transitional cell and,Purkinje fiber,. Differing significantly from ordinary working myocardial cells.,7,Sinoatrial node occupies a sub,(1). Pacemaker cell (P cell):,pale,appearance,under both LM and EM, the,site of,pacemaker,impulse formation, smaller than ordinary cardiac muscular cells, more numerous in the SA node and AV node, particularly in their central part;,(2). Transitional cell:,intermediate,between simple P-cells and more complex ordinary cardiac muscular cells, distributed in the,periphery of,the SA node and the AV node.,8,(1). Pacemaker cell (P cell):8,(3). Purkinje fiber,/,cell, terminal branches of conducting system,a.,Broader,and,shorter,than ordinary cardiac muscle fibers.,b. Pale stained and rich in sarcoplasm(,肌浆,). Two nuclei may be found.,c.,Few myofibrils,majority of them distributed in the periphery of the cell; abundant glycogen.,d. Well-developed,intercalated discs,between Purkinje fibers.,e. Conduct impulses much faster than, and to ordinary cardiac muscle fibers.,9,(3). Purkinje fiber / cell te,.,Arteries,classified according to size into 4 groups:,Large,Medium-sized,Small arteries,and,arteriole, but,no clearly-defined limits,exist between them.,composed of three concentric layers:,tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia,.,Large arteries,(elastic arteries),including,主动脉、肺动脉、无名动脉、颈总动脉、锁骨下动脉、髂总动脉等,。,10,. Arteries composed of three,1. tunica intima,Endothelium,Subendothelial layer,a.,Comparatively,thicker,than that in medium-sized and small arteries.,b. Composed of,endothelium,and,subendothelial layer,of LCT which contains collagenous fibers and a few longitudinal smooth muscle cells.,c. Endothelial cells have,Weibel-Palade(W-P) body,containing von Willebrandt Factor(vWF) in EM,tunica intima,tunica media,tunica adventitia,11,1. tunica intimaEndothelium Su,2. tunica media,Thickest layer, consisting mainly of,40-70 concentrically-arranged elastic membranes,which are usually fenestrated and composed of elastin. Also containing collagenous, elastic fibres and smooth muscles.,All components are,produced by the smooth muscular cell,.,Chondroitin sulfate in ground substance making the background blue in H.E. staining.,12,2. tunica mediaThickest layer,elastic membranes,smooth muscular cell,elastic fibres,Large amount of elastic laminae in,tunica media,are connected by elastic fibers,.,13,elastic membranessmooth muscul,Thin layer of loose connective tissue,containing small blood vessels (termed,vasa vasorum,) and nerve fibres.,3.,Tunica adventitia,4. Function:,d,ecreasing the blood pressure and,making the,blood flow constant by dilating periodically.,14,Thin layer of loose connective,B. Medium-sized artery,:,(,Muscular artery / distributing artery,).,Except for the large arteries, all arteries which have the name in gross anatomy, e.g. renal artery, hepatic artery.,Similar to that of the large arteries. Distinguishing histological characteristics are:,15,B. Medium-sized artery:15,1.,tunica intima consists of three layers:,an endothelium, a,subendothelial layer,(very thin) and an prominent,internal elastic membrane,(bright refractile wavelike band).,2.,Tunica media is composed of,10 - 40 layers of annular arranged smooth muscle cells,(muscular arteries).,3. Tunica adventitia:,As thick as the tunica media,16,1. tunica intima consists of t,Function: Regulates the blood flow to organs distributing arteries.,A layer of connective tissue containing small blood vessels (,vasa vasorum,) and,unmylinated,.,In some arteries, the,external elastic membrane,can be found between tunica media and tunica adventitia.,vasomotor nerves,血管运动神经,17,Function: Regulates the blood,1. Diameter less than 1mm. Called arteriole if less than 300 m.,2. Internal elastic membrane gradually disappears.,3. The tunica media is mainly composed of,several layers of smooth muscle cells,(,muscular arteries,).,C. Small artery and arteriole,18,1. Diameter less than 1mm. Cal,2-3,layers,of smooth muscle in tunica media.,Function,: Responsible for the presence of,blood pressure,( ),.,resistance vessels,阻力,血管,Small artery,19,2-3 layers of smooth muscle in,Basic features,The smallest blood vessels with,an average luminal diameter of about 7-9m,.,The thinnest wall (0.2-0.4 m) composed of,a layer of endothelial cells,resting on,a basal lamina, within which,are enclosed.,Distribute widely in the body and form a network with different density according to metabolism.,Great surface area facilitates substance exchange.,. Capillary:,exchange vessels,pericytes,20,Basic features. Capillary: ,Connects the arterioles and venules. Most widely distributed. Thinnest, simplest, longest.,21,Connects the arterioles and ve,1.Structure:,Endothelium + basal lamina + pericyte.,May differentiate into endothelium and fibroblast (surrounding CT) when tissue is injured. Pericyte contains rich contractile proteins in its processes.,Pericyte has basal lamina on its,both,surfaces. Partly surrounds the endothelium. Difficult to distinguish from endothelium under LM.,22,1.Structure:May differentiate,2.,Classification,According to the appearance of the endothelium and basal lamina in EM, capillaries can be classified as :,continuous capillary,fenestrated capillary,sinusoidal capillary.,23,2. Classification,A,continuous layer of endothelial cells,joined by tight junctions.,A,continuous layer of basal lamina,.,A large number of,pinocytotic vesicles,in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells,Present in the muscular tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue and lungs.,(1). Continuous capillary:,24,A continuous layer of endothel,*,tight junctions,.,*,small irregular protrusions on the inner surface of endothelium.,*,the,pinocytotic vesicles,for transendothelial transport of some water-soluble substances.,25,* tight junctions.* the pinoc,The,continuous endothelium and basal lamina,.,Characterized by,pores, whose diameter is 60-80 nm, usually closed by a diaphragm, through the wall of endothelial cells.,(2). Fenestrated capillaries,Present in tissues in which,rapid exchange of substances,occurs between the tissues and the blood, such as in the renal glomerulus, submucosa of stomach and intestine, and some endocrine glands.,26,The continuous endothelium and,有孔毛细血管超微结构,27,有孔毛细血管超微结构27,An,wide and irregular lumen,(diameter of 30 - 40m).,Wide gaps,between endothelial cells.,The,basal lamina is incomplete or lack,at all.,Endothelial cells may have,pores lacking diaphragms,.,Found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and in certain endocrine glands.,(3). Sinusoid/sinusoidal capillary,Greatly facilitate the exchange of fluids and macromolecules across the wall of the sinusoid between blood and tissues,28,An wide and irregular lumen (d,Continuous capillary,Fenestrated capillaries,Sinusoid,Intercellular Junctions,tight junctions,tight junctions,not obvious,pinocytotic vesicles,many,few,not have,pores,not have,many,more,basal lamina,continuous,continuous,incomplete or lack,permeability,a little,more,most,distributing,muscular tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue, lungs etc.,renal glomerulus, submucosa of stomach and intestine, some endocrine glands,liver, spleen, bone marrow, certain endocrine glands,29,Continuous capillaryFenestrate,3. Function,of capillary:,The place where the material exchanges,take place, and t,he permeability is regulated by many factors, such as histamine, etc. Capillary density is closely related to the local metabolism rate.,30,3. Function of capillary: 30,Larger diameter, thinner wall and fewer smooth muscles,than accompanying arteries. Lumen frequently appears irregular (capacitance vessels).,Also classified into: Large, Medium-sized and Small veins, Venule and postcapillary venules.,Internal and external elastic membranes are absent, The boundaries between 3 layers are obscure.,.,Veins,General features,capacitance vessel,容量,血管,31,Larger diameter, thinner wall,1. Venule and postcapillary venules,Postcapillary venules are formed by the confluence of 2-4 capillaries, and,range in diameter from 10-30um or more,. Venules are formed by the union of several postcapillary venules and have a diameter in,50-200um.1-2 layers of smooth muscle cells in the tunica media or absent,2. Small veins, The tunica media contains mainly,one to four layers of circular smooth muscle,separated by elastic and collagenous fibers.,32,1. Venule and postcapillary,3. Medium-sized veins,The medium-sized veins, with,a diameter in 2-9mm, include all the named veins of gross anatomy apart from the large veins,. The tunica media is much thinner than that of corresponding arteries. The,tunica advenitia is well-developed and thicker,than the tunica media. Some longitudinally-oriented smooth muscle fibers are frequently present.,33,3. Medium-sized veins33,The tunica adventitia is,relatively thick,.,34,The tunica adventitia is relat,4. Large veins.,Large veins include the venous trunks with a,diameter larger than 1cm,(,颈外静脉、无名静脉、奇静脉、肺静脉、髂外静脉、门静脉和腔静脉等,).,The tunica media is very thin and contains only a few layers of circular smooth muscle. The tunica adventitia is the,thickest,of the three layers and consists of,longitudinally-oriented smooth muscle cells,.,35,4. Large veins. 35,5. Vein valve,s,:,Semilunar-like protrusion of,tunica intima, which prevents the blood flow from running in opposite direction. Be present,in medium-sized veins and large veins (especially numerous in veins of limbs),36,5. Vein valves: 36,. Lymphatic vascular system :,The lymphatic vascular system,is a drainage system which conducts excess tissue fluids from the extracellular spaces in the periphery back to the veins.,Including Lymphatic capillary,Lymphatic vessel and lymphatic duct.,37,. Lymphatic vascular system :,1.,Lymphatic capillary,locate in CT and have blind ends. Responsible for picking up surplus tissue fluid as lymph.,2.,Lymphatic vessels,have larger,lumen, thinner wall, compared with the vein of the same,grade. Composed of endothelium, a few smooth muscle fiber and CT.,3. Lymphatic duct: Lymph enters the blood via,right lymphatic duct,and,thoracic duct,.,Structurally resemble to veins of equal size. But thinner wall, more smooth muscle in the tunica media.,Lymph vascular system,begins from lymphatic capillary, then to lymphatic vessels and ends at right lymphatic duct and .,thoracic duct,胸导管,38,3. Lymphatic duct: Lymph enter,THE END,39,THE END 39,心外膜,心包膜脏层,心包膜壁层,心包腔,Epicardium,visceral layer of the pericardium,Parietal layer of the pericardium,Pericardial cavity,40,心外膜心包膜壁层心包腔EpicardiumParietal,Endothelia contain special tubular organelle, the,Weibel-Palade (WP) bodies, which release,Factor VIII,related antigen,to facilitate blood clotting when blood vessels break.,Endothelia also contains some enzymes, such as,etc.,von Willebrandt Factor(vWF),内皮细胞衍生舒张因子,EDRF,41,Endothelia contain special tub,


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