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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,I can read the story.,I can act or retell the story.,金发姑娘与三只熊,(Story time),Its very big and beautiful!,There are many trees and flowers.,There are some streams,(小河、小溪),.,Many wild,(野生的),animals live here.,What place is it,?,Riddle,forest,森林,e,/ i /,There are many trees in the forest.,There is/are in the forest.,Goldilocks,金发女孩,There is a girl in the forest.,Whose,house,is it?,bear,s,What,a beautiful house!,Whats in the house?,Watch and answer,Whats in the house?,There are three beds.,There is some,s,ou,p,.,There are three bears.,There is a house.,常规预习反馈,There are _ _ in the room.,There is _ _ on the table.,There are _ _ in the house.,There is _ _ in the forest.,three beds,some soup,three bears,a house,Q2:Whats the matter with Goldilocks?,She is _, _, _ and,afraid.,hungry,thirsty,tired,Tip :,小声读课文,注意观察图片,说一说,本来,happy,的,Goldilocks,怎么了?,害怕的,There is some soup on the table.,This soup is too cold,.,This soup is too hot,.,This soup is,just right,.,试试读出冷、热、刚刚好的感觉,可配上动作表情哦!,Q2:Whats the matter with Goldilocks?,She is _, _, _ and,afraid.,hungry,thirsty,tired,There are three beds in the room.,This bed is too h,ar,d,硬的,This bed is too s,o,ft,软的,想想,Goldilocks,会睡哪张床,她会怎么说呢?,Q3: Why is she ?,afr,ai,d,害怕的,Q3: Why is she ?,afr,ai,d,in front of,Lets read,Lets read,以四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文,注意语气。,Read one by one.,(,一人读一句,),Read after one.,(,跟一人读,),Read together.(,齐读,),Lets read,常规预习反馈,1 Goldilocks sees a house in the forest.,2 She goes into the house.,3 She is hungry and eats the soup.,4 She is tired and sleep on the bed.,5 She sees the three bears.,6 She is afraid and run away.,Try to remember,记一记,再大声说一说,等会我们要来复述故事哦!,Try to retell,Goldilocks is,happy,. There is ,Goldilocks is,hungry and thirsty,. There is ,Goldilocks is,tired, there are ,Goldilocks is,afraid, there are ,Be good friends.,人和动物是朋友,我们应该互相帮助,彼此和谐相处。,People and animals are friends, we,should,help each other, each other in,harmony,h:mn,.,Ticking time,I can read the story.,I can act or retell the story.,All together, Ive got _ stars.,Homework,Read and act the new words,with your classmates.,Write a dialogue with the,pictures on page 7172.,2. To finish the exercise,.,1. Read the story, and try to tell it to your parents.,Goodbye!,


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