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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,*,银行日常英语,之口语,1,银行日常英语,银行英语口语,(A) Basic English,基础英语,Greeting Customers,招呼客户,Welcome to Bank of *!,欢迎光临*银行,Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak English?,请问您讲中文吗?请问您讲英文吗?,Hello!,您好,Good morning!,早上好,Good afternoon!,下午好,How can I help you?,有什么能帮您的吗?,Which transaction would you like to do today?,请问您想办理什么业务?,2,银行英语口语(A) Basic English基础英语Gre,银行英语口语,(A) Basic English,基础英语,Orientation,指引,Please take this number, when your number will be called please go to the counter,请拿号,叫到号时请到相应柜台办理业务。,This is your turn, please go to 1/2/3/4 counter,到您了,请到,1/2/3/4,柜台办理。,Please follow-me,请跟我来,Please wait for a moment,请稍候,3,银行英语口语(A) Basic English基础英语Ori,银行英语口语,(A) Basic English,基础英语,Information,信息,Sorry, we do not have this service in our Bank, please go to Bank of China or Industrial Bank of China,对不起,我行不能办理这种业务,请前往中国银行或工商银行办理。,Sorry I do not understand,对不起,我无法理解您的意思。,Is there someone in China who can help you to translate?,请问您有认识的人可以帮助翻译吗?,Let me call a colleague, he can speaks English, he will help you to translate.,我会打电话给我的同事,他会讲英文,能帮您翻译。,Please let me help you to call our customer-service, they have English-Speaking services,请让我帮您拨打我们的客服电话,他们提供双语服务。,Please give me your telephone number, one colleague will contact you to help you, he speaks English,请留下您的联系方式,我们同事会与您联系,他会讲英文。,4,银行英语口语(A) Basic English基础英语Inf,银行英语口语,(A) Basic English,基础英语,Customer Departure,客户离开,Do you need to do another transaction?,您还要办理其他业务吗?,Thank you, goodbye!,谢谢,再见。,Thank you for coming!,谢谢您的光临!,Be sure you did not forget anything.,请不要忘记您的随身物品。,See you next time!,再见!,5,银行英语口语(A) Basic English基础英语Cus,银行英语口语,(B) Foreign Exchange,货币兑换,Buying / Selling,买,/,卖,Do you want to change some money?,您需要换钱吗?,How much do you want to change?,您需要换多少金额?,Please could you fill that form with your name, address, passport, etc.,请您在这张表格上填写您的姓名、地址、护照等信息。,In which currency do you want to change your RMB?,您想将何种货币兑换成人民币?,US Dollar / Euro / Australian Dollar,美元,/,欧元,/,澳元,Which currency do you want?,您想要兑换成何种货币?,How would you like it? In which denominations?,您想要哪种面额的?,6,银行英语口语(B) Foreign Exchange货币兑换,银行英语口语,(B) Foreign Exchange,货币兑换,Exchange Rate / Restriction,兑换汇率,/,法规,Todays rate is :,今天的汇率是:,Todays selling rate for RMB in notes is,今天的人民币卖出牌价是,The exchange rate today is,今天的兑换汇率是,You can check the exchange rate on the conversion table there,您可以在那边的牌价台上核对兑换汇率,I am sorry, unfortunately we can not handle the exchange of this currency, please could you go to one Branch of Bank of China.,非常抱歉,我们这里不兑换这种货币,您可以去中国银行的分支机构办理。,Due to restriction, we can only exchange a maximum of USD 5000.00 per day.,根据规定,您每天兑换的最大金额为,5000,美元。,7,银行英语口语(B) Foreign Exchange货币兑换,银行英语口语,(C) ATMs / Cards,ATM,机,/,卡,Use ATM,使用,ATM,机,If you do not want to wait you can do this transaction in our ATMs.,如果您不想排队,您可以在我们的,ATM,机上操作。,Please follow me, I will assist you to use our ATMs,请跟我来,我会帮助您进行,ATM,操作。,You can withdrawal money in our ATMs,您可以在我们的,ATM,机上提取现金。,If you have an account here you can deposit money using our ATMs.,如果您有我行的账户,您可以在我们的,ATM,机上存钱。,To know the fee when using our ATMs, you should contact the issuer of your card,如果要了解用,ATM,的费用,您应该与您的发卡行联系。,8,银行英语口语(C) ATMs / Cards ATM机,银行英语口语,(C) ATMs / Cards,ATM,机,/,卡,Card Application,申请办卡,If you want to obtain a card here, please fill this application.,如果您想申请办卡,请您填写这张表格。,May I ask your passport please?,请出示您的护照。,Please mention your name, address, phone number.,请告诉我您的姓名、地址和电话号码。,You should deposit a minimum of RMB 10.00 to obtain the card,您要开卡最少要存,10,元人民币。,The annual cost of our debit card is free.,借记卡是不需要支付年费的。,9,银行英语口语(C) ATMs / Cards ATM,银行英语口语,(C) ATMs / Cards,ATM,机,/,卡,Card Lost / Blocked,遗失卡,/,吞卡,If your card is blocked in our ATMs please could you let me know which ATMs?,您能告诉我是哪台,ATM,机吞了您的卡吗?,What is the issuer of your card? Could you please let me know the name on the card or the card number?,您的发卡行是哪家银行?能告诉我持卡人的姓名或卡号吗?,Please could you give me your passport?,能给我您的护照吗?,Unfortunately we can not take the card now, could you give me your telephone number and we will contact you when you can come take it back.,很抱歉我们现在不能立即将卡片交还给您,您能留下您的电话号码吗?我们会与您联系何时能拿到卡。,If you lost your card, please contact our customer-service center,如果您遗失了您的卡,请立刻与我们的客服联系。,10,银行英语口语(C) ATMs / Cards ATM,银行英语口语,(D) Withdrawal / Deposit,取,/,存款,Withdrawal,取现,Unfortunately with this card you can not withdrawal money, please use our ATMs,很抱歉这张卡不能取款,请使用我们的,ATM,机。,How much do you want?,请问您要存,/,取多少金额?,From which account do you want to take this money?,请问您要从哪个账号中取款?,Please could you give me your passbook?,能提供您的护照吗?,Could you please input your password?,请输入密码。,Please input it (password) one more time.,请再次输入密码。,Please could you sign here,请在这里签名。,11,银行英语口语(D) Withdrawal / Deposit,银行英语口语,(D) Withdrawal / Deposit,取,/,存款,Deposit,存款,How much do you want to deposit on your account?,请问您要存多少钱?,On which account do you want to deposit this money?,请问您要存到哪个账号?,You can use our ATMs if you want to deposit money on your Bank of * account.,如果您要在*银行账号中存款,您可以使用我们的,ATM,机。,Please could you sign here,请在这里签名。,12,银行英语口语(D) Withdrawal / Deposit,银行英语口语,(E) Account opening,开户,Account information,账户信息,If you want to open an account here, you need to have an address in China.,如果您要开账户,您需要提供您在中国的住址。,What kind of account do you want to open? A current account or fixed-term account?,您想开什么类型的账户?活期还是定期?,Please could you fill this form to open the account,您要开户请填写这张表格。,For which purpose do you want to open this account?,您为什么要开这个账户?,Would you like to apply for E-Banking as well?,您想申请开通网银吗?,Do you want a card?,您需要办卡吗?,13,银行英语口语(E) Account opening开户Acc,银行英语口语,(E) Account opening,开户,Fees,手续费,There is not service charge to open an account.,开户不用收取手续费。,You may have some service charge for some transactions, like withdrawal money with your card in other bank,有些交易您可能需要支付手续费,例如在他行提取现金。,The minimum deposit to open an account is RMB 10.00 how much do you want to deposit?,开户最少要存,10,元人民币,您要存多少?,14,银行英语口语(E) Account opening开户Fee,银行英语口语,(E) Account opening,开户,Form fill,填写表格,Please could you give me your passport?,请提供您的护照。,Where is your current valid visa on your passport?,请问您护照的有效签证在哪里。,Please could you fill this form and sign it.,请填写这张表格并签名。,Please mention your name in the correct order.,请以正确的顺序告诉我您的姓名。,15,银行英语口语(E) Account opening开户For,银行英语口语,(F) Travelers Checks,旅行支票,Information,信息,Unfortunately we can not cash this travelers check here.,很抱歉,我们银行不能兑换旅行支票。,Could you please go to a Branch of Bank of China where you will have the possibility to cash this checks.,您可以前往中国银行分支机构兑换支票。,I am not sure about the condition to cash this check but here at Bank of * we can not do it.,我不太清楚兑换这张支票的必要条件,但是我们*银行是无法办理这项业务的。,16,银行英语口语(F) Travelers Checks旅行支,银行英语口语,(G) Vocabulary,词汇,Welcome,欢迎,US Dollar,美元,Hello!,你好,Euro,欧元,Transaction,交易,Australian Dollar,澳元,Number,号码,Denominations,面额,Counter,柜台,Rate,率,Service,服务,Selling Rate,卖出汇率,Translate,翻译,Exchange Rate,兑换汇率,Customer-Service,客户服务,Conversion Table,牌价台,Telephone number,电话号码,Restriction,法规,Change,兑换,ATMs,ATM,机,Money,钱,Withdrawal,取款,Form,表格,Deposit,存款,Address,地址,Fees,手续费,Passport,护照,Application,申请,Currency,货币,Annual cost,年费,17,银行英语口语(G) Vocabulary词汇Welcome欢,银行英语口语,(G) Vocabulary,词汇,Issuer,发卡行,Card,卡,Account,账户,Passbook,存折,Password,密码,Signature,签名,Current Account,活期账户,Fixed-term account,定期账户,Minimum,最低金额,Visa,签证,Travelers checks,旅行支票,18,银行英语口语(G) Vocabulary词汇Issuer发卡,


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