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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语语法的基本体系,一、,词法,二、,句法,1、按句型结构分,(1),简单句,(2),并列句,(3),复合句,2、按使用目的可分为四类,(1)陈述句,(2)疑问句,(3)感叹句,(4)祈使句,1,英语语法的基本体系一、词法二、句法1、按句型结构,简单句,.按句型结构分有以下五种句型:,()主语动词 (不及物),()主语动词(及物)宾语,()主语动词(系动词)表语,()主语动词(及物),间接宾语直接宾语,()主语动词宾语宾补,2.,按使用目的可分为四类,(1)陈述句(2)疑问句,(3)感叹句(4)祈使句,2,简单句.按句型结构分有以下五种句型:2,复合句,(1)名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,(2)状语从句(时间、地点、方 式、目的、伴随、,结果等),(3)定语从句,3,复合句(1)名词性从句 主语从句3,一、词法,名词 n. noun,代词,pron. pronoun,形容词,adj. adjective,数词,num. numeral,动词,v. verb,副词,adv. adverb,冠词art. article,介词prep. preposition,连词conj. conjunction,感叹词inter. interjection,4,一、词法名词 n. noun 4,名词,1、专有名词,的分类: 2、普通名词 (1)集合名词,(2)物质名词,(3)抽象名词,名词在句中的作用:,1)主语 Horse runs faster than elephant.,2)表语 He is a teacher.,3)宾语或 构成复合宾语,We made him monitor of our class.,4)定语或同位语 This is a shoe store.,5)呼语 Professor Wang,this is what you need.,6)状语 The lecture lasted an hour.,名词的复数形式:,要记规则和不规则词的变化,5,5,形容词,在句中主要是作:,1)定语 We have had an interesting class.,2)表语 The news is interesting.,3)复合宾语 I found the news interesting.,4)状语 He arrived home,cold and hungry.,记住以a 开头的形容词不能作定语:如alone,afraid,asleep,alive 等,eg:,一条活鱼 是, a fish alive/a living fish .而非an alive fish .,形容词的比较及以及最高级的用法,6,形容词6,副词,在句中主要作状语,修饰动词形容词副词整个句子,7,副词在句中主要作状语,修饰动词形容词副词整个句子7,数词,基数词 :充当定语、主语、宾语或介宾、表语、同位语,序数词: 充当定语,前面要加定冠词,分数词: 充当定语、主语、宾语或介宾、表语、同位语、状语,8,数词 基数词 :充当定语、主语、宾语或介宾、表语、同位语8,人称代词:主格: I/you/he/she/we/she/it/we/you/they 只作主语,宾格:me/you/him/her/it/us/them 只作宾语,物主代词:形容词型 :my/ your/ his/her/ its/ our/ your/their 定语,名词型: mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/yours/theirs,名词型的作用 相当于名词的作用,自身代词:单数:myself/ yourself/ himself/herself/itself,复数:ourselves/ yourselves/ themselves,自身代词可作:宾语、表语及主语或宾语的同位语,代词,相互代词:one another/ each other,指示代词:this/that/these/those 作主语、宾语、表语、定语,such 作定语、主语、表语,疑问代词:who 作主语或表语,whom 作宾语,whose/what/which 作主语、表语、宾语、定语,关系代词:who/whom/whose/that/which作主语、宾语、表语、定语,连接代词:包括疑问代词,不定代词:all/each/every/both/either/neither/one/none/little/few/many/,much/other/another/some/any/no/something/nothing等,9,人称代词:主格: I/you/,动词,及物动词 跟宾语,不及物动词 不跟宾语,系动词 跟表语,助动词 跟动词原形或分词(无特殊意义),情态动词 跟动词原形(有自己的意思),动词具有人称、数、时态、语态、语气的变化,还要注意动词过去式与过去分词中规则与不规则的变化,10,动词 10,基本时态,一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,现在完成进行时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去完成进行时,一般将来时,将来进行时,现在完成进行时,将来完成进行时,过去将来时,过去将来进行时,过去将来完成时,过去将来完成进行时,11,基本时态一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时现在完成进行时一般过,一般时 do,将来时 will /be going to do,进行时 be doing,完成时 have done,不管变为那种时态,只要把动词原形拿来变。,12,一般时 do12,动词的非谓语形式 to do/doing/done,1.以 doing 为宾语的动词,2.以to do 为宾语的动词,3.以to do/doing 为宾语,但意义有别的动词,4.以to do/doing为宾语,意义无差别的动词,非谓语动词的时态和语态:,如:to be done/to have done /to have been done/,to be doing,being done/having done/having been done,13,动词的非谓语形式 to do/doing/done13,冠词 定冠词 a an,不定冠词 the,14,冠词 定冠词 a an14,连词,并列连词: but/and/or/nor/so/therefore/yet/however/nevertheless/for/as well,as/bothand/not onlybut also/ eitheror/neithernor/(and)then,从属连词:用来引导从句:after/when/before/as/while/as long as/in order that /as if 等.,15,连词15,动词的考法,通过语境来判断时态,如:,1、-How are you today?(NMET 2000),-Oh,I,as ill as I do now for a very long time.,A.didnt feel B.wasnt feeling C.dont feel,D,.havent felt,2.The price,but I doubt whether it will remain so.(NMET 99),A.went down B.will go down,C.,has gone down D.was going down,3.-Hey,look where you are going!(NMET99),-Oh, Im terribly sorry.,.,A.Im not noticing,B.,I wasnt noticing C.I havent noticed D.I dont notice,4 -You havent been to Beijing, have you?(NMET 98),-,.How I wish to go there!,A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I havent C.No, I have,D.,No, I havent,5.Shirley,book about China last year but I dont know whether she has,finished it.(NMET 98) A.has written B.wrote C.had written,D.,was writing,6.-Hi,Tracy,you look tired.(NMET 98),-I am tired.I,the living room all day.,A.painted B.had painted,C.,have been painting D.have painted,16,动词的考法 16,句子的成分及在句中的作用,英语句子的成分可以是,单词,,也可以是,词组或从句,在句子中起主要作用的有:,主语、谓语。,在句子中起次要作用的有:,宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),,补语(说明主语或宾语的动作 、状态,特征),状语(修饰形容词、动词、副词或全句的成分),表语(在系动词后,说明主语的身份、状态、特征),定语( 修饰名词或代词),17,句子的成分及在句中的作用英语句子的成分可以是单词,也可以是词,句子的主要成分及其构成:,主语: 名词或起名词作用的其他词类、短语或从句。,谓语:动词或动词短语,或系动词加以形容词或名词或起同类作用的其他词类、短语、从句。,宾语:名词或与之相当的其他词类,短语或从句。,(放在及物动词后面),定语: 形容词或与之相当的其他词类、 短语或从句。(用来修饰名词或代词;单个形容词作定语一般放所修饰名词之前,短语或从句放其后。),状语:副词、介词、短语、分词及从句等。,语序,倒装和强调.ppt,18,句子的主要成分及其构成:主语: 名词或起名词作用的其他词类、,二、句法,句子按结构可以分为三类,简单句,并列句,复合句,句子按使用目的可分为四类,陈述句,肯定句,否定句,疑问句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句,祈使句,感叹句,19,二、句法句子按结构可以分为三类19,简单句:,一、简单句:只有一套主语和谓语。,Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang are from Beijing.,Both Emmer and her little sister play the piano and often go to concerts.,.按句型结构分有:,20,简单句:一、简单句:只有一套主语和谓语。20,()主语动词 : She(主语) sings(动词),Time flies.,Class begins.,Spring has come.,The birds are singing.,Everybody laughed.,Fish swim.,The medicine works.,21,()主语动词 : She(主语) sings(,(2)主语动词宾语: She(主语)sings(动词) folk songs(宾语).,We are learning English.,My sister prepares her lessons after supper.,She plays the piano beautifully.,The children watch TV in the evening.,I planted some flowers in the garden.,The girls are picking cotton in the field.,We invited some foreign friends to the show.,22,(2)主语动词宾语: She(主语)sings(,(3)主语系动词表语: She is a great singer. (主语) (系动词) (表语),1. This is our classroom.,2. It is bright and clean.,3. My parents are both teachers.,4. The story is very instructive.,5. School is over.,6. We were all out.,7. Tom looks young.,8. You seem tired.,9. I feel quite comfortable.,10. The weather is keeping fine.,11. He remained silent.,12. The day are getting longer and longer.,23,(3)主语系动词表语: She,(4)主语动词宾语宾补: She asked him to sing a song. (主语)(动词) (宾语) (宾补),We call him Tom.,The news made us happy.,We elected him president.,We always keep our office clean.,His father named him Peter.,I found him honest.,We all thought her nice and sincere.,She has got supper ready.,24,(4)主语动词宾语宾补: She,(5)主语动词间接宾语直接宾语: She sang him a song. (主语) (动词) (间宾) (直宾),Mother made me a coat.,I gave him a pen.,I wrote my brother a letter yesterday.,I will bring you the paper tomorrow.,Father will buy me a bike.,Tom showed me the photo of his family.,My sister sent me these pictures from Beijing.,25,(5)主语动词间接宾语直接宾语: She,此句型也可改为 :,S + P+ sth. for/ to sb.,eg:,He showed his passport to the guard.,His father will buy a mobile phone for him.,26,此句型也可改为 :26,接双宾的动词有,:,买:buy sth. for sb.,制造/做:,make sth. for sb.,节约:,save sth. for sb.,递:,pass/pass on sth. to sb.,送:,send/post/mail sth. to sb.,教:teach sb. sth.,给:give sth. to sb.,拿:,take/bring sth. to sb.,借:,borrow/lend sth. to sb.,取:fetch sth. to sb.,写:writh sth. to sb.,提供:offer sth to sb.,27,接双宾的动词有: 给:give sth. to sb.,常用于句型(5)的动词:,call, think, name, make, consider,elect, select, want, dye, paint, cut, tear,28,常用于句型(5)的动词:call, think, name,并列句,并列句,:,由两个或两个以上的简单句组成,,各简单句之间由并列连词连接,最常用的连词是:and, but,or, otherwise, or else,so,yet,and yet however,for,either or,neithernor,not onlybut also,例句:Either you are mad,or I am.,Not only did she work in the village,but also she worked in mountains.,29,并列句29,复合句,复合句:复合句也是由两个或两个以上的句子组成,但其作用有主有次。起主要作用的句子叫主句,它本身可以独立,另外的句子是从属它的,因而叫从句。各个从句里都有主语和谓语。,复合句分: 1、名词性从句,2、定语从句,3、状语从句,30,复合句 复合句:复合句也是由两个或两个以上的句子组成,但,1、名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,31,1、名词性从句主语从句31,(1)主语从句,主语从句:从句充当主语,引导词有:连接词:that,whether,疑问代词:who,what,what, which,whose;,疑问副词:when, where,how,why,例句:,That Professor Zhou will come,is certain.,主语从句,Why he did it,wasnt known.,主语从句,32,(1)主语从句 主语从句:从句充当主语32,(2),宾语从句,宾语从句:从句充当宾语。,引导词有:连接词:that,whether,if,疑问代词:who,what,which,whose;,疑问副词:when, where,how,why,例句:Tom didnt know what his stepfather would say to him.,33,(2)宾语从句宾语从句:从句充当宾语。,(3)表语从句,表语从句:从句充当表语。,引导词有:连接词:that,whether,疑问代词:who,what,which,whose;,疑问副词:when, where,how,why,例句:The question is whether he will come or not.,34,(3)表语从句表语从句:从句充当表语。34,(4),同位语从句,同谓语从句:从句充当同谓语。,引导词有:,连接词:that,whether,疑问代词:who,what,which,whose;,疑问副词:when, where,how,why,例句:,The question whether he will come or not is serious.,The news that we had won the game is exciting.,35,(4)同位语从句同谓语从句:从句充当同谓语。35,2、状语从句,时间状语从句,原因状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句,比较或方式状语从句,目的状语从句,结果状语从句,让步状语从句,36,2、状语从句时间状语从句36,(1)时间状语从句,引导词:when (当.时候), as (一边.一边;当.时候),while (在.过程中) , before(在.以前),after (在. 以后),since (自从.以来), till(until)(直到.,直到.才),ao soon as (一. . 就. . . ) , the moment(一.就.),no sooner . than (刚.就.), hardly . when .(刚.就.),例句: I was going out when a visitor came.,37,(1)时间状语从句引导词:when (当.时候), as,()原因状语从句,引导词:because (因为),since (既然), as (由于)。,例句: As the day was fine, they decided to go on a trip.,Since you are free today, you had better help me with my mathematics.,38,()原因状语从句 引导词:because (因为),si,()地点状语从句,引导词:where (在.地方), wherever(无论.在哪里),例句:Wherever you are,you should work for the people heart and soul.,39,()地点状语从句 引导词:where (在.地方),()条件状语从句,引导词:if (假如,如果), unless (除非),so (as) long as(只要),例句:You may use the book so long as you will return it on time.,40,()条件状语从句 引导词:if (假如,如果), unl,()比较或方式状语从句,引导词:as.as (象.一样 ), than (比), the.the. (越.就越), as (正如), as if (似乎,好象),例句:The more you practise, the more knowledge you will get.,41,()比较或方式状语从句 引导词:as.as (象.,()目的状语从句,引导词:so (使得), that (以便), so that (为了,使得),in order that (这样.就),例句:They set out early that they might arrive at the station in good time.,42,()目的状语从句 引导词:so (使得), that,()结果状语从句,引导词:so (结果),so that (结果),sothat(suchthat,(如此.以至.),例句:It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it away.,43,()结果状语从句引导词:so (结果),so that,()让步状语从句,引导词:though (although) (虽然.但是.), even if (即使), however (不管怎样),whatever (无论什么), no matter how (who.) (不管多么.),( 无论谁.),例句:She carries on the job even if she has had a bad cold for several days now.,44,()让步状语从句引导词:though (although,3、定语从句:,(1)定语从句:从句充当定语,在复合句中修饰名词或代词。,(2)引导词:,关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that.,关系副词:where,when,why.,(3)引导词用法:关系代词在从句中做主语或宾语;关系副词在从句中作状语,例:1. The teacher talked of some writers and books,that,were unknown to us.(主语),2. Whats that,which,you saw just now?(宾语),3. He found himself in a room,where,he had never been.(地点状语),45,3、定语从句:(1)定语从句:从句充当定语,在复合句中修饰,


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