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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chapter Six,Pragmatics,Contents,Case Study,Two kinds of meaning,What is Pragmatics?,Micropragmatics,Reference: Deixis,Anaphora presupposition,Macropragmatics,Speech act theory,The Cooperative Principle,The Politeness Principle,Relevance Theory,Case Stud,生,容易;死,容易;生活,不容易。,我爱你一万年。,男:你爱我吗?,女:我爱钱,We bought her dog biscuits.,Case Study,seminar?ng to the,1. A: Are you goin,B: Its on philosophy.,2. A: Would you like some,coffee?,B: Coffee would keep me,awake,3A:我带的钱不够,今天买,不了。,B:那就下次再买吧,When a diplomat says yes he means perhaps,When he says perhaps, he means na,When he says na, he is not a diplomat.,When a lady says na, she means perhaps,When she says perhaps, she means yes,When she says yes, she is not a lady,Two kinds of meaning,Sentence Meaning Utterance Meaning,It is the abstract It is context-dependent,context-independent It is the product of,entity called semantic sentence meaning and,proposition. It is the context. Therefore, it is,literal meaning of a richer than the meaning,sentence,of the sentence,Sentence meaning: What does x,mean?,Utterance meaning What do you,mean by x?,Dog!,My bag is heavy,Im hungry.,Definition of Pragmatics,The study of language in use,The study of meaning in context,The study of speakersmeaning,utterance meaning, contextual,meanIng.,画皿、(DK,Ts(“A命,的A化,Prevent Tooth Decay. Its time for a check up,Semantics and Pragmatics,Both semantics and pragmatics,study the meaning of a linguistic,form,The difference: whether the factor of,context is considered,If it its not considered, the study is,confined to semantics. If it is,considered, the study is being,carried out in the area of pragmatics,Pragmatics= Meaning- Semantics 9,Micropragmatics,Reference(指称/所指), Deixis(指示),Anaphora(回指),Presupposition(预设/前提),Refer to Pages 143-147,


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