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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,法律文本的翻译,法律文本的翻译,法律文体的分类,法律文本,Legal text,法律条文,Legal provision,如:国际法,,国内法,,政府颁布的具有法律效力的,法规、法令,法律文书,Legal document/,Instrument of law,如:条约、,公约、,协定、,合同、,起诉书、,传票、,法律文体的分类法律文本法律条文如:国际法,法律文书如:条约,法律文体的英汉翻译,英语法律文本的形式特征,条理化:法律条文都以章、条、款、项从小到大层次罗列。,法律文体的英汉翻译英语法律文本的形式特征,语言特征:,1.,不厌其烦的重复,为了确保并体现法律的严密性,英语法律文本中很多语句诘屈聱牙,复杂难懂,有些词或词语的重复在远离法律工作的普通人看来简直到了无可复加的地步。,e.g.,If,any,of the provisions of this Contract or,any,document executed in connection herewith is hereafter determined to be,invalid, illegal or unenforceable,in,any,respect under,any,applicable law, (i) the,validity, legality and enforceability,of the remaining provisions shall not in,any,way be affected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect; and (ii) the,invalid, illegal or unenforceable,provision shall be replaced by a,valid, legal and enforceable,provision that comes closest to expressing the true intent of such an,invalid, illegal or unenforceable,provision.,如果本合同的条款或与本合同有关的执行文件,在合同签订以后,根据适用的法律,任何方面被确定无效,(,1,)其他条款的有效性不受影响,将继续完全有效,(,2,)那个无效的条款,由最接近于表示该无效条款真正意图的有效条款来代替。,语言特征:,2.,句子结构复杂,英语法律文本的句子结构通常很复杂,一个句子就是一个段落的情况比比皆是。,e.g.,As implementing the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that the Guarantor guarantees that the obligations will be paid to Party B in accordance with the terms and provisions of any agreement, expressed or implied, which has been or may hereafter be made or entered into by Party A in reference thereto. The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be discharged except by payment in full of the obligations as herein provided.,在实施上述事项时,双方同意,保证人将按照甲方已经订立的协议,或此后参照已经订立的协议可能订立的新协议所明示或暗示的条款向乙方履行付款义务。根据本保证书,保证人的付款义务不得解除,但本保证书里提出的付款义务已充分履行的情况除外。,2. 句子结构复杂,3.,英语法律文体中喜欢使用正式词语,不使用同样意义的其他文本里常见的词语。在英语法律文本中经常见如下正式词语:,Assist (help),帮助,,render (give),给予,,assign (transfer),转让,,amend (revise),修改,convene (call together),召集,,construe (explain),解释,,title (ownership),所有权,,surrender (present),提交,,partake (take part),参加,,forthwith (immediately),立即,,require (ask),要求,,notify (inform),通知,,furnish (give),提供,,alter (change),更改,,supplement (add),增加,,repatriate (send back),返还,3. 英语法律文体中喜欢使用正式词语,不使用同样意义的其他文,4.,同意反复的成对词语的使用,法律文体中使用成对词是历史的沿袭,是法律严格、周密的体现。不但副词成双,介词成双,谓语动词、分词、不定式、形容词、名词也都有成双成对的。,e.g.,The parties may, through consultation, make,amendments to and revisions,of this Contract,as and when,the need arises.,双方可在必要时通过协商,修改本合同。,This Agreement is,made and entered,into,by and between,ABV Co. and XYZ Co.,本协议有,ABC,公司和,XYZ,公司签订。,4. 同意反复的成对词语的使用,Licensor agrees to,furnish and provide,Licensee with technical information such as ,售证人同意向购证人提供,技术资料。,Furthermore, Licensee,agrees to pay and shall pay,a royalty of % on the Net Selling Price of all products manufactured and / or assembled by Licensee during the term of this Agreement.,此外,购证人还同意在协议期间按照制造或装配产品的销售净价的,%,支付提成费。,Each party to this agreement shall,fulfill or perform,any of the obligations under this Agreement.,本协议的双方应履行协议规定的义务。,This Agreement and any rights or obligations hereunder are not,transferable or assignable,by one party to this Agreement without the consent of the other party hereto.,本协议以及本协议规定的权利或义务,没有另一方的同意就不得擅自转让。,Licensor agrees to furnish and,5.,英语法律中频繁使用,here, there, where,与介词,in, by, of, to, on, upon, with, after, before, under,等结合构成的副词,在句子中作状语或定语。这种结构在其它文体中极为罕见,所以构成了理解法律文体的难点。,Here,是,this,的意思,指“本法律(条约、合同、文书)”,但有时在,hereinafter, hereinbefore,等词中,,here,是,this point,的意思指“该处”;,There,是,that,的意思,指这里讲到的“那个法律(条约、合同、文书)”;,Where,构成的副词是关系副词,连接状语从句。,5. 英语法律中频繁使用here, there, where,1.Hereafter = from now on, in the future,此后,往后,2. Hereby = by this means, as the result of this document,以此,特此,兹,3. Herein = in this document,于此,4. Hereinafter = in what follows, further on in this document,在下文,以下,5. Hereinbefore = in what has gone before, before this point in this document,在上文,以上,6. Hereof = of this document,本法律(合同、担保书等)的,7. Hereto = to this document,对此法律,于此法律,8. Heretofore = before now, until now,在此以前,知道此时,9. Hereunder = under this, as provided for under the terms of this document,据此,按照本法律条款规定,10. Hereupon = after this, as a result of this,此后,由此,就此,11. Herewith = with this document,同此,于此,附此,1.Hereafter = from now on, in,12. Thereafter = after that time, after that place,此后,13. Thereby = thus, by that means, as a result of that,因此,由此,以此,14. Therefore = for that reason,为此,因此,15. Therefrom =from that,从那里,16. Therein = in that thing, in that place, in that document, in that respect,在那点,在那里,在那法律,在那方面,17.Theretofore = before that time,在那以前,18. Therebefore = before that time, before that place,19. Thereof = of the place, thing, event etc. just mentioned,关于刚才提到的,20. Thereon = on that thing just mentioned,就刚才提到的,21. Thereto = to that,对那,与那,22. Thereunder = in accordance with the thing mentioned,按照那(文件)的规定,23. Thereupon = as the result of that; immediately or shortly after that,因此;此后立即,24. Therewith = with that,与之,与此,12. Thereafter = after that ti,whereas = considering that, since,鉴于,因为,whereby = by which,据此,以此,wherein = in which,在那里,在那点上,whereof = of which, of what, of whom,关于那事,关于那物,关于那人,whereon = on which, on what,在那上面,whereafter = after which,此后,whereto = to which,对于那,whereupon = immediately after which,whereas = considering that, si,6.,情态动词,shall,使用多,在非法律文件中,shall,用于第一人称表示将来,用于第二人称表示讲话人的命令,用于第三人称表示讲话人的决心。在法律文体中,shall,表示法律意义上的约束力和强制性,或表示条约或合同对签约双方的约束力。,e.g.,This Guaranty shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Peoples Republic of China to the jurisdiction of which the parties hereto submit.,本保证书由订立双方提交司法的中华人民共和国的法律管辖和解释。,6. 情态动词shall 使用多,法律文体的英汉翻译技术,1.,注意法律文体的形式特征:,法律条文的章、条、款、项的层次布排在段落空间进行设置,左右页边宽狭幅度的设置上体现出层次性。法律根据内容需要可以分为编、章、节、条、款、项、目。,编, part,章, chapter,节, section,条, article,款,paragraph,项,subparagraph,目,item,法律文体的英汉翻译技术1. 注意法律文体的形式特征:,例,3,:,Article 23*,Under either of the following circumstance, an interested person may apply to the peoples court for a declaration of a citizens death:,(1),if the citizens whereabouts have been unknown for four years or, *,(2),if the citizens whereabouts have been unknown for two years after the date of an accident in which he was involved.,If a persons whereabouts become unknown during a war, the calculation of the time period in which his whereabouts are unknown shall begin on the final day of the war. *,* article 23,* the subparagraph (1) of article 23,* the second paragraph of article 23,译文:,第,23,条*,公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡:,(,一,),下落不明满四年的;*,(二),因意外事故下落不明,从事故发生之日起满两年的。,战争期间下落不明的,下落不明的时间从战争结束之日起计算。*,* 第,23,条,*第,23,条第,1,款第,1,项,*第,23,条第,2,款,例3:Article 23* Under either of,2.,分析原文句子的语法结构,法律文体句子通常较长,句子内部结构复杂,首先要找出主句的主谓宾,在分析其他句子成分是怎么分别修饰主句里的主谓宾的,从句需分析出于主句成分的关系,注意嵌套从句层次的分析。,是否需要分译?先译哪里?后译哪里?,分译不符合汉语表达逻辑就不可分译,需重新排列英语句内各句子成分,使译文符合汉语思维习惯和表达逻辑。汉语句子成分排列基本顺序基本如下:,时间状语,+,主语,+,各种其他状语,+,地点状语,+,动词谓语,+,宾语,即,什么时间,某某,为了什么目的,用了什么方法或手段,与谁一起,在什么地方,做了什么事,2. 分析原文句子的语法结构,3. and / or,的翻译,这一用法是英语法律文体同义成对词语使用特点的体现,大多数情况下只要选择一个能表达英语两个词意义的汉语用语就可以了,个别情况下,一个汉语词表达不了,or,连接的两个或数个词,需要用更多一些词语译出。,4. all(,全部,),、,any(,任何,),不必每次出现都译出,根据汉语需要,在适当位置译出。,5. here, there, where,与介词,in, by, of, to,等构成的副词,在英语句中是放在后面的状语,汉语句子中状语大都放在句子前部,翻译时注意用词适切。,6. shall,通常译“应当”、“应该” ,有时根据上下文不一定译出,,shall not,通常译为“不得”,7.,注意措辞的严肃性。,3. and / or 的翻译,法律文体的汉译英,法律文体的汉译英是英译汉的逆向思维,中文法律文体的特征,1.,用词严肃,本法律、该法律、本章、该章、管辖、禁止、吊销、缴销、不得、给予补偿、不受干涉、须经审批,2.,中文法律文体句子简短,简明扼要,不用长句,没有堆砌和不厌其烦的重复,3.,不使用成对词,区别于英语法律文体,法律文体的汉译英法律文体的汉译英是英译汉的逆向思维,英译时应注意:,1.,文书的格式和布局要一目了然,2.,要以汉语段落为单位构思,3.,由于汉语不是靠语法结构,而是约定俗成的排列,英语则是复杂的语法结构,翻译时需先设计好英语句子结构,先考虑一个大的框架,在将具体细节理顺加进,绝大多数情况下,一个段落译成一个英语句子。设计英语句子需注意:,使用,shall,和,shall not,表示法律约束力,常用一般现在时描述情况,使用正式词,如“解释”译为,construe,,“管辖”译为,govern,使用,here, there, where,和介词构成的副词,如,herein,、,hereby,等,使用同义反复的成对词,如,any and all,,,force and effect,,注意此类成对词都是约定俗成的,不可为了成对自己创造,英译时应注意:,EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT,聘请协议,This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (this “,Agreement,”) is dated as of August 1, 2008 (the “,Effective Date,”), between Youg Xu, (“Employee”), and Sing Kung, Ltd. a British Virgin Islands corporation (the “,Company,”),本聘请协议(下称“协议”)由徐勇(下称“雇员”)与,Sing Kung,有限公司(下称“公司”)于,2008,年,8,月,1,日(下称“生效日期”)签订。,Sing Kung,有限公司是一家位于英国维京群岛的公司。,WHEREAS, the Company believes that Employee will provide unique and valuable services for the Company and the Subsidiaries wishes to retain the services of Employee as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company; and,鉴于,公司认为雇员将会为公司提供独一无二及有价值的服务,并且子公司希望保留雇员,继续担任公司副总裁和首席财务总监,并,EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT,WHEREAS, Employee wishes to accept employment with Sing Kung Ltd. and the Subsidiaries, and following the prospective merger with InterAmerican Acquisition Group, Inc. (IAG) the successor company; and,鉴于,雇员愿意接受,Sing Kung,有限公司及其子公司的雇佣,并正在进行与美洲收购集团(,InterAmerican Acquisition Group, Inc. (IAG),)富有前景的合并,,IAG,为继任公司,并,WHEREAS, the Company and Employee have reached an understanding with respect to Employees employment with the Company for a two-year period with a third-year extension option commencing as of the Effective Date; and,鉴于,公司与雇员就自生效日期开始起开始雇员两年的雇佣期并可于第三年可选择续签一年达成共识,并,WHEREAS, the Company and Employee desire to evidence their agreement in writing and to provide for the employment of Employee by the Company on the terms set forth herein.,鉴于,公司与雇员双方都希望以书面协议为鉴证,并希望由公司根据本协议以下订立条款履行雇员雇佣。,WHEREAS, Employee wishes to ac,NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the foregoing facts, the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows:,兹考虑到上述事实,于此包含的双方共同关心的协议及其它有价值的考量,上述双方达成协议如下:,NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATI,资产评估约定书,本合同由甲方、乙方(下称“委托方”)与丙方(下称“受托方”),,与,年,月,日签订。双方通过友好协商,自愿在平等互利的基,础上签订本合同如下:,本合同字签字之日起生效,至委托方支付完所有本合同第四条所述,服务金额后终止。,委托方:,法定代表人:,_,法定代表人:,_,_,年,_,月,_,日,_,年,_,月,_,日,受托方:,法定代表人:,_,_,年,_,月,_,日,资产评估约定书,Assets Evaluation Agreement,This contract (hereinafter called the “Contract”) is signed on this ,day of , by Party And Party B on the one side (hereinafter called,the “Entrusters”) and Party C on the other (hereinafter called the,“Entrustee”). Both sides have reached an agreement on the following,terms based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits through,sufficient friendly consultations.,The Contract becomes effective as from the date of signature and,continues to be in force until the Entrusters have paid all service charge,as stated in Article Four of the Contract.,Entrusters,Legal Representative:_ Legal Representative:_,Dated: Dated:,Entrustee,Legal Representative:_,Dated:,Assets Evaluation Agreement,JOINT SOURCING AGREEMENT,This JOINT SOURCING AGREEMENT (this “JSA”) is made and,entered into as of the this day of 2003, by and between Party A, a,corporation organized and existing under the laws of (country) and,Party B, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the,Peoples Republic of China.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this JSA by their,respective duly authorized representatives on the date and in the years,first written above.,PARTY A,By:_,Name:,Title:,PARTY B,By:_,Name:,Title:,JOINT SOURCING AGREEMENT,联合采购协议,本联合采购协议订于,年,月,日。签约双方:甲方为,一家根据,国法律建立及运作的公司;乙方为一家根据中华人,民共和国法律建立及运作的公司。,据此,双方由各自授权代表与上述时间签署本协议:,甲方,代表签名:,职位:,乙方,代表签名:,职位:,联合采购协议 本联合采购协议订于年月日,Personal Guaranty,The Guaranty is made on _ of _, _, by and between _(hereafter referred to as the “Guarantor”) who is director of _ Company (hereafter referred to as Party A), with its principal business at _, and _ Company (hereafter referred to as Party B ) with its principle place of business at _.,Personal Guaranty,个人保证书,本保证书由,有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)董事,(以下简称“保证人”)与,公司(以下简称“乙方”)于,年,月,日订立。甲方主营业部所在地为,。乙方所在地位,。,Preamble,约首,个人保证书,For a valuable consideration and in order to induce Party B to enter into continuing business relationship with Party A, the Guarantor hereby irrevocalby and unconditionally guarantees the faithful performance of the agreement(s), inclucing but not limited to purchase agreements for goods by Party A, together with fees, commissions and interest thereon without limitation for any period of time. The faithful performance of the agreement(s) include, but are not limited to, the following:,For a valuable consi,为了一项有价值的约因并且为了促使乙方与甲方继续保持业务关系,保证人于此不可撤消地、无条件地保证忠实履行协议(包括但不限于甲方购买货物的协议),及协议所规定的费用、佣金与利息,没有任何时期限制。对协议的忠实履行包括但不限于以下事项:,约因 对价,consideration,为了一项有价值的约因并且为了促使乙方与甲,


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