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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit3 A day out,Task,第一页,共35页。,“Magic Guess1”!,第二页,共35页。,the White House,white,3 floors,has a big garden and many trees,第三页,共35页。,the Eiffel Tower,but only,3 floors,France,tower,very tall,第四页,共35页。,stones,look like a dragon,China,One of seven wonders(奇观(qgun),the Great Wall,第五页,共35页。,the Sydney Opera House,art center,look like white shells,theaters and halls,第六页,共35页。,“Magic Guess2”!,第七页,共35页。,The Palace Museum,No.1,第八页,共35页。,Beihai Park,No.2,第九页,共35页。,visit the garden and row boats,第十页,共35页。,Tiananmen square,No.3,第十一页,共35页。,see,the biggest city square,in the world,第十二页,共35页。,Wangfujing Street,No.4,第十三页,共35页。,The World Park,Linda,第十四页,共35页。,Tiananmen Square,The Palace Museum,Beihai Park,Wangfujing Street,第十五页,共35页。,Sunshine,U,nderground,S,tation,1,2,3,4,Sunshine Town,How to get to each place?,take the underground/bus to ,= go to by underground/bus,walk to= go toon foot,第十六页,共35页。,Read and answer,What,to do at each place?,第十七页,共35页。,Sunshine Underground Station,Beihai Park,Tiananmen Square,Wangfujing Street,The Palace Museum,Meet everyone,See the biggest square,Go shopping,Visit the garden and row boats,Visit the museum,第十八页,共35页。,Time,Place,Activity,7:30 a.m.,Sunshine underground Station,Meet everyone,by underground,8:00 a.m. -,9:00 a.m.,Tiananmen Square,See the biggest square in the world,on foot,9:30 a.m.-,12:30 p.m.,The Palace Museum,Visit the museum,on foot,1:30 p.m.-,4:30 p.m.,Beihai Park,Visit the garden and row boats,by bus,4:45 p.m.-,6:30 p.m.,Wangfujing Street,Go shopping,by underground,Sunshine Town,第十九页,共35页。,Kitty and Daniel want all their classmates to go for a day out with Linda. So they write an invitation letter.,Complete the letter,第二十页,共35页。,11 October,Dear classmates,Linda will go back to the USA soon. We are planning a day out on Saturday, 16 October.,An invitation letter,第二十一页,共35页。,Here is our plan.,We will meet at,_,a.m. at Sunshine,_,. It will take about _to get to_,the biggest city square in the world,. Then we will,go to the Palace Museum,_.,After that, we will have lunch. Next, we will walk to _.We will be there for about _hours. We can _ there.,7:30,An invitation letter,Underground Station,one hour,Tiananmen Square,on foot,Beihai Park,three,visit the garden and row boats,walk to the Palace Museum,第二十二页,共35页。,We will leave the park at 4:30 p.m. and go shopping in _. At 6:30p.m., we will,take the underground,and,go back to,_.,The cost is about,¥,50 per student.,It will be a great day.,We hope you can join us,.,Best wishes,Kitty Daniel,An invitation letter,Wangfujing Street,Sunshine Town,第二十三页,共35页。,11 October,Dear classmates,Linda will go back to the USA soon. We are planning a day out on Saturday, 16 October.,We will leave the park at 4:30 p.m. and go shopping in _. At 6:30p.m., we will take the underground and go back to _.,The cost is about,¥,50 per student.,It will be a great day. We hope you can join us.,Kitty Daniel,Date,Name of receiver:,Purpose of,this letter,Plan,Closing:,Signature(s),Instructions,(说明),Best wishes,Here is our plan.,We will meet at,_,a.m. at Sunshine,_,. It will take about_ to get to_, the biggest city square in the world. Then we will go to the Palace Museum _.,After that, we will have lunch. Next, we will walk to _ .We will be there for about _ hours.,We can _ there.,7:30,Underground Station,one hour,Tiananmen Square,on foot,Beihai Park,three,visit the garden,Wangfujing Street,Sunshine Town,第二十四页,共35页。,Discussion,How to plan a day out?,第二十五页,共35页。,1.,Where,to visit?,2.,How,to go there?,3.,When,to get to each place?,4.,What,to do at each place?,5.the cost,第二十六页,共35页。,Useful expressions,We are,planning a day out,on ,This is the plan for the day.,We will meet at ,We will,take the underground/bus to,It will take about minutes/ hour(s).,We will,walk to,We will see/visit ,We will,go back to, by underground/bus.,The cost is about per student.,We hope you can join us,.,第二十七页,共35页。,Writing your plan,Time,Place,Activity,8.00 a.m,.,8.30 a.m.,the Palace Museum,school gate,Meet everyone,Take the bus to,the Palace Museum,See the things the old people,used in the past,See some old pictures,Take the underground,to the World Park,第二十八页,共35页。,Time,Place,Activity,5.00 p.m.,12.00,the,World Park,Have lunch,See the models of,places of interest,Watch the song and,dance shows,the bus,station,Go back to our,school by bus,第二十九页,共35页。,Writing,Date:,_,Name of receiver:,_,Purpose of the letter,:,_ will go back to _soon.,We are planning a day out for her.,We want to invite you to go to _ _on _,_.,第三十页,共35页。,Plan:,This is the plan for the day:,We will meet at _ at,_. We will then take the _ to_.,It will take about _ minutes. We will,_ and _ there.,Next, we will _to _,We will be there for_ and we can,_there.,After lunch, we will _.,第三十一页,共35页。,Cost:,The cost is about _.,Instructions:,It will be a great day. I hope that _.,Closing:,Best wishes,Signature(s):,_,第三十二页,共35页。,Homework,Make a plan for your own trip.,write an invitation letter to your classmates.,第三十三页,共35页。,Thank you!,第三十四页,共35页。,内容(nirng)总结,Unit3 A day out。8:00 a.m. -。6:30 p.m.。Name of receiver:。1.Where to visit。We will see/visit。5.00 p.m.。Closing: Best wishes,。Thank you,第三十五页,共35页。,


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