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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,根底英语语音,Essentials of English Phonetics,Contents,I. Introduction,II. Vowels and Consonants,III. Syllables,IV. Sentences,I. Introduction,I.I Significance of Learning Phonetics,I.II The Organs of Speech,I.III Methods of Learning Phonetics,I.I Significance of Learning Phonetics,Its important for communication.,外国留学生秀中文 洋人洋腔不洋调,留学生汉语大赛.flv,CCTV摆擂台 中国大学生洋腔洋调说英文,英语演讲比赛CCTVVTS_01_1.VOB,Its important for language learning.,I.II The Organs of Speech,1、上唇 2、下唇 3、上齿,4、下齿 5、齿龈 6、硬腭,7、软腭 8、小舌 9、舌尖,10、舌面 11、舌根 12、鼻腔,13、口腔 14、咽头 15、会厌,16、食道 17、气管 18、声带,19、喉头,人类无论是说话还是呼吸,无论是发乐音还是噪音,气流都要通过声带。 说话时,声门闭合,从肺中呼出的气流冲击声带;呼吸时,声门大开,让气流畅通。,声带活动示意图,1、杓状软骨,2、声带,3、声门,呼吸及发噪音时,发乐音时,I.III Methods of Learning Phonetics,1. 学习英语语音时,发音器官的位置和发音方法一定要准确,要通过镜子观察舌、唇、齿、等发音器官精确的动作过程,才能学会标准的语音。初学时,每一个音素必须夸张、到位,这样才可能拼读出英语的标准音 。,2 .多多训练听觉,有利于正确地发音。,3. 注意区别和我国普通话或方言中相似的音。,II. Vowels and Consonants,Front Vowels,i: i e ,Central Vowels and Back Vowels, ,: , a: , ,: u u:,Diphthongs,ei ai ,u au ,i i, ,: u,:,Consonants,p b t d k g,m n ,f v s z , ,l , r h,t d ts dz dr tr,w j,Unit 1,答复以下问题:,1 什么叫前元音?前元音发音的特点是什么?英语中有几个前元音?,2 如何发i:和 i?它们的区别是什么?,3 如何发e 和?它们的区别是什么?,4 什么叫双元音?什么叫合口双元音?它们的特点是什么?,5 英语辅音中有几个鼻音?它们的区别是什么?,6 英语辅音中有几个爆破音?它们的特点是什么?,Front Vowels,i: i e ,特点:前舌在活动,i:,i,e,bi:t,ti:n,li:d,pi:k,bit,tin,lid,pik,bet,ten,ted,pek,bt,tn,ld,pk,Diphthongs,ei ai合口双元音,特点:口腔从开到合,ei,deit,teip,meik,peid,teil,peil,meil,feil,neim,keim,rein,plein,e-ei,let,bed,men,fel,leit,beid,mein,teil,Consonants,p b m,t d n l , - ai,dd,lk,mn,gld,daid,laik,main,pail,k g h,n -,sin,win,r,n,br,nd,si,wi,r,brk,朗读练习:,Where are you going to be at three?,Where are you going to be?,Meet me in the evening.,Meet me in the street.,Meet me in Fleet Street.,Meet me at three.,Whats the matter?,You look sad.,Daddy lost his bag.,Your Dad lost his bag?,Yes, the black bag.,He lost it at the bank.,Thats too bad!, Have you got a pen in your bag,Or a pain in your back?,Ive got a pen in my bag,And hes got a pain in his back., Do you want pepper or paper?,Pepper or paper, paper or pepper,Which is cheaper?,I want pepper not paper,if pepper is cheaper then paper.,It is raining, raining, raining all around.,It is falling, falling, falling on the ground.,It is raining, raining, raining night and day.,Where can the little ones go and play?,Unit 2,答复以下问题:,1、什么叫做后元音?后元音发音的特点是什么?在英语语音中有哪几个后元音?,2、如何正确的发出元音 ?它和元音:有什么区别?,3、如何正确的发出元音u ?它和元音u: 有什么区别?,4、发元音 时要注意什么?它和a: 的不同点在什么地方?,5、什么叫做摩擦音?在英语辅音中你学过的摩擦音有哪几个?,6、如何正确的发出 和?它们和f,v的发音部位有何不同?,Back Vowels,特点:后舌在活动,a: , ,i ,:,u u:,摩擦音:气流通过发音器官时发生摩擦而生的音。,s z , f v r h,s z , ,s z,piks,lks,zest,neimz,lmps,si:ts,zik,freiz,s,p,end,s,t,nds,s,k,il,pl,gz,bedz,lgz,- ,ik,nk,ai,ri:,is,n,bri:,m,f v唇齿音 舌面齿槽音,f v,s,ft,f,nd,fu:d,ful,f,ist,vain,v,li,vein,sta:v,waivz, ,a:k,t,w,f,n,eim,me,vin,presti:,ilu:n,ple,破擦音:t d tr dr,t d,tu:z,tild,t,ps,t,:lk,pri:t,rnt,du:s,dilt,d,bz,deimz,brid,reind,tr - dr,trim,tres,trein,tr,k,trail,tri:,dri:m,dres,draid,dr,k,draid,drein,朗读练习:,Are you ready?,Are you ready to go?,Not quite.,Just a minute, dont rush me!,Hurry up, hurry up!,I cant find my glasses.,Hurry up, hurry up!,Were late.,I cant find my gloves.,Toms birthday was last Thursday.,Was it? I thought it was the sixth day of May.,Toms sisters house is worth sixty thousand dollars.,Is it? I thought it was worth thirty thousand pounds.,He works like a dog.,He looks real tough.,He eats like a pig.,He cant get enough.,He smokes like a chimney.,He sleeps like a log.,He drinks like a fish,He cries like a baby,.,Unit 3,答复以下问题:,1、什么叫做中元音?,2、英语中有几个双元音?它们的特点是什么?,3、什么叫半元音?英语中那些是半元音?,4、辅音音素w和元音因素u有什么异同?,5、辅音音素j和元音因素i有什么异同?,Central Vowels特点:舌平放口中,舌中部略略隆起。, ,:, ,:,m,st,h,d,me,d,h,l,di,s,stein,l,:n,k,:l,w,:s,b,:d,m,:m,Diphthongs,合口双元音: ,u au,u au,n,ut,h,up,s,ul,gr,u,str,uv,nau,haus,kraud,braun,traut,集中双元音:,i, , u,i,u,fi,s,mi,li,wi,ri,di,li,hi,ri,sti,ri,f,z,m,li,w,ri,d,ri,h,ri,st,ri,tu,kju,m,tju,indju,pju,u,半元音:发音部位和元音相似,但没有长度,只能向元音过渡,起辅音作用。,w:气流不受发音器官阻碍,向元音一样。 w近似于 u,但气流通过唇角时有一些摩擦,属于摩擦音,j:前舌抬高,近似于i的发音位置,气流通过时,舌面和硬颚稍有摩擦,也属于摩擦音。,w,v,j,went,wein,waiz,w,:lts,w,li,vent,vein,vaiz,v,:lts,v,li,ja:d,ji:ld,fju:l,bij,nd,j,朗读练习:,Where is it? Where is it?,I cant find it!,She cant find it!,Its got to be here.,It has to be here.,It must be here.,Its gone! Its gone!,Take it easy.,Take it easy.,Where did you put it?,Where did you put it?,I cant remember.,Try to remember.,I cant remember.,Oh, here it is. here it is!,Thank heavens! I found it.,Laura is a very pretty lady.,She drives a lorry.,She delivers rice form door to door every day.,She says to: Mr. Fries,“Mr. Fries, here is your lice bag!,Classification of Vowels,英语元音因素分成单元音和双元音两大类。,单元音: 1、按发音时舌的活动范围分:,2、按长度分:,3、按唇形分:,双元音:1、合口双元音,2、集中双元音,单元音舌位图,双元音舌位图,Classification of Consonants,1按发音方法分 :,1 爆破音 p b t d k g,2 鼻音 m n ,3 摩擦音 f v s z h r,4 破擦音 t d ts dz dr tr,5 半元音 w j,6 旁流音 l,2按声带震动与否分为:,1 清音:,2 浊音:,3按发音的位置分:,双唇音,唇齿音,舌齿音,III. Syllables,Unit 1,答复以下问题:,1、什么叫音节?除了元音外,在英语中有那些辅音可以构成音节?,2、什么叫做单词重音?,3、英语的音节可以分成几类?,4、什么叫开音节?元音字母在开音节中如何读?,5、什么叫闭音节?元音字母在闭音节中如何读?,6、试举例说明-r音节和-re音节。,音节是读音的根本单位。元音是音节的主体。,一个元音可以自成音节,也可以和一个或几个辅音因素构成音节。,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节,但,m n l 是响音,可以和辅音因素结合,构成音节。,开音节 闭音节 -r音节 -re音节,元音字母组合音节,1开音节:有三种开音节,一种叫绝对开音节,即在元音字母后没有辅音字母,如:we,no。第二种叫相对开音节,即在元音字母后有一个辅音字母r除外,还有一个不发音的字母e,如:name,like。第三种是一个元音字母后有一个不发音的e。如:die,keep。2闭音节:元音字母后有辅音字母(r除外)构成的音节。如map 地图,bed 床。3-r音节:元音字母与辅音字母-r结合构成的音节。如:car 汽车,park 公园。4-re 音节:元音字母与 -re 结合构成的音节。如:care 照料,here 这里。5元音字母组合音节:由元音字母和元音字母组合。如:wait 等候,tea 茶。,元音字母在开音节中的读音:,元音字母在开音节中的读音:,a ,e ,i ,o,u -,例外情况:,元音字母 a,在开音节中,Late leit,name,在闭音节中,Bad bd,lamp,have hv,a 的前面是辅音w 时读 ,如:want, wash, quality,a 的后面是ss, st, sp, sk, th, f, n时在英国发音中读 a::class, fast, bath, staff, dance,元音字母 e,在开音节中,he hi:,theme,在闭音节中,Bed bed,well,give giv,live liv,词尾是-nd和-ld 时可读 ai如:kind, mild, child,元音字母 u,在开音节中,use ju:z,cute,在闭音节中读, 或u,sun s,n,full ful,u 在辅音字母l, r, j 后面时读 u: 如:,Blue, rule, true, June, ,但是:busy bizi,重读-r音节和-re 音节的读法,-r音节:,元音字母与辅音字母-r结合构成ar, or, ir, er 音节。在重读音节中,ar读作a:; or读作,:; ir, er, ur 都读作,:,ar a:,or ,:,ir ,:,er ,:,ur ,:,Park,Large,star,Horse,Short,north,Girl,First,shirt,Verb,Term,serve,Burn,Nurse,Hurt,fur,但是:,War,Warm,ward,但是:,Word,World,work,但是:,Very,Clerk,-re 音节:,元音字母与 -re 结合构成,are, ere, ire, ore, ure 音节。,在重读音节中,are读作,; ere读作i, 有时读作,;ire读作ai,; ore读作,:; ure读作ju, 有时可以读作u,。,are ,ore ,:,erei, ,ire ai,ure ju:, u:,Care,Dare,stare,More,Sore,store,Mere,Here,There,但是:,were w,:,Fire,Tire,hire,Pure,Cure,sure,但是:,are a:,元音字母组合在重读音节中的读法,a +其它字母,al ,:,au,augh ,:,aw ,:,ai,ay ei,air,are ,Ball,Wall,walk,Cause,Fault,taught,Law,Saw,awful,Wait,Faith,play,Hair,Pair,Dare,share,元音字母组合在重读音节中的读法,e +其它字母,ea i:,e,ee i:,ei,iei:,eu ju:,eer,eari,Meat,Peace,Bread,lead,Meet,Three,Steel,need,Field,Piece,Ceiling,receive,Neutral,feudal,Hear,Deer,Bear,但是:,heart,拼音拼写、拼读练习:,kt tp f fre krt wit hz nt bin fruzn : kukt, nd pleis tp in s:s fild wi wt, z un in fst ilstrein.,Cut the top off a fresh carrot which has not been frozen or cooked, and place the top in a saucer filled with water, as shown in the illustration,.,If you place the saucer with the carrot top on a window sill or similar place where the carrot top can “see the sunlight, delicate leaves on slender stalks will start to appear from the top of the carrot.,Keep the saucer full of water, and the green foliage will last for some weeks or even months.,ITEMS NEEDED: fresh unfrozen uncooked carrot; knife; saucer; water.,Tongue Twisters:,i: sels si:-elz n si: :., elz i: sels a si:- elz.,if i: sels si:- elz n si: :,n aim u i: sels si:- : elz.,She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.,The shells she sells are sea-shells.,If she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore,Then Im sure she sells sea-shore shells.,IV. Sentences,Stress of sentences,英语:重音节拍语言stress-timed language),汉语:音节节拍语言syllable-timed language),陈桦等人的研究:,Stress of sentences,词在句子中的重读:,名词、动词、形容词和副词。,冠词、连词、介词、人称代词等一般不重读。,There is nothing we can do now.,/r iz ni wi kn du: nau./,每个重读音节时长大致相等,之间的弱读音节要读得快一点。,降调:,Mother has gone to town.,I shall call you tomorrow morning,升调:,Have you been ,staying here,long?,Sentences:,1. Thirty-three thin fish thought that they were fat.,2. Theyve eleven very heavy berry baking in an oven.,3. She was welcomed with really lovely real red roses.,4. The early bird catches the worm.,听音写话:,元音、辅音练习口语速成A.mp3,课后参考:,:/英语动画语法/英语音标/音标目录8.swf,:/=%D3%A2%D3%EF%D2%F4%B1%EA&pos=2&s=2,?英语发音全解? 黎小说,黎元媛主编 世界图书出版公司,?标准英语发音? 王悦 主编,大连理工大学出版社,?现代英语标准发音?张凤桐主编 四川大学出版社,英语语音学第三版 孟宪忠 编著,出 版 社: 华东师范大学出版社,The End,Thank you!,


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