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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Seek-help letter,-,求助信,Seek-help letter-求助信,写作步骤:,Step ,:写信的目的,Step ,:说明困难,请对方帮忙,Step ,:表达期盼之情,写作步骤:Step :写信的目的,Key words:,difficulty/trouble,confused/ confusing,upset,anxious/ anxiety,confidence,bother,Key words:difficulty/trouble,Key expressions:,do sb. a favor,have trouble/ difficulty/problems with sth/in doing sth.,turn to for help,be faced with,lose heart,fit in well with,feel accustomed to,Key expressions:do sb. a favor,Key sentences:,I am a middle school student and I am writing to tell you my problem,which has troubled me,for a long time.,Im writing to you to ask whether you could do me a favor.,Im sorry to bother you, but I have some difficulties here and badly need your help.,Key sentences:I am a middle sc,I have some difficulty in doing which bothers me a lot. Therefore, I have no choice but to turn to you for help.,I am writing to you in the hope,that you will be so kind as to do me a favor,.,I have some difficulty in doin,I long to learn English well, but I dont know how, which makes me upset.,I cant concentrate on my lessons these days, and I failed in the last exam, which worries me a lot.,I often feel left out in this school, and I dont know how it has come about.,Facing/ faced with so many difficulties, I have to turn to you for help.,I long to learn English well,Im eager to get your timely help. / Im eager for your timely help.,I will be very grateful if you could help me/I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor and .,Id appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration/account.,I would be grateful if you really give me a hand.,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,Im eager to get your timely h,模板:,Dear ,My name is . Im writing to ask whether you could do me a favor.,I have much difficulty/ trouble in. Besides, Im very upset that. Whats more, I dont know. Would you like to be so kind as to so that ? In the meantime/ At the same time, I beg you to so that .,Id appreciate it if you could lend me a hand. Im looking forward to your early reply.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,模板:Dear ,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信ppt课件高,Sample,:,Dear Peter,How is everything going? I have been in America for two months, but,faced with a lot of difficulties in life and study,,,Im writing to ask whether you could do me a favor.,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,Sample:Dear Peter,高中英语书面表达专题:求,To begin with, I cant adapt to the western diet,which has left me homesick and lonely,.,To make matters worse, I still find it difficult to follow the native speakers though I,have been exposed to,English for ten years. Besides, I am afraid to answer questions in class for lack of confidence. I wonder how to deal with the problems.,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,To begin with, I cant a,I would appreciate it if you could be so kind as to give me some useful tips. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly, Li Hua,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,I would appreciate it if,Writing,:,假设你是李华,将代表学校参加下月举办的英语演讲比赛,尽管你已做了充分的准备,但是仍然感觉面对评委和观众会紧张,没有自信。请你就此用英语给某英文杂志社的编辑,Mr. smith,写一封求助信。,注意:,1.,词数,100,字左右;,2.,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,Writing: 假设你是李华,将代表学校参加,Dear, Mr. Smith,Im Li Hua, a Senior 2 student. These days a problem,has been bothering me,a lot, so Im writing to ask you for some advice.,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,Dear, Mr. Smith,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,Two weeks ago, my English teacher recommended me to take part in an English speech,contest on behalf of,my school, which is to be held next month. In her view, Im fluent in English. She figures that,Im equal to,it. As a result,encouraged by her, I have,made full preparations for,it and have spared more time to practice. However, I still have no confidence in myself. The thought,that I will be nervous and stressful faced with the judges and the large audience,has been upsetting me. What should I do? Would you like to,give me some advice on how to overcome nervousness,?,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,Two weeks ago, my Eng,I would appreciate it if you could lend me a hand to get over nervousness. Looking forward to your early reply.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,I would appreciate it if,1.,巧用名言,亮出论点。作者引用贴切的名言,巧妙地提出中心论点,言简意赅,简明易懂,便于读者把握主旨。,2.,古今对举,例证典型。为了让论点得以有力的凸显,文章采用古今中外的名人名言与事例作为论据,纵横捭阖,让人心服口服,不容置疑。,3.,句式多变,感情充沛。行文中,作者多处使用了设问句、反问句和感叹句,分别起到了不同的表达作用,字里行间洋溢着作者的立场、观点与情感,增强了语言的表现力与论证色彩和力度。,4,娜塔莎失望和狂喜都有所准备的焦急的面色,忽然明朗起来,露出了快乐、感激、小孩般的笑容。,5,对于自己的专业精通又专注几乎就是自己对生命最好的馈赠,因为不仅它能让自己得到更多机会,而且能为这世界创造更多价值,这或许就是生命意义所在。,6,小说中的娜塔莎是托尔斯泰笔下的一个经典形象,她出身于贵族家庭,是一个充满浪漫与幻想且多愁善感的女性。,7.,推行自主招生改革,扩大学校的招生自主权,有助于高校根据自己的办学定位、育人要求,选拔适合本校培养目标的学生。,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,高中英语书面表达专题:求助信,ppt,课件,1.巧用名言,亮出论点。作者引用贴切的名言,巧妙地提出中心论,


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