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Lazy goat decided to go for a walk to the park though,it,was two miles away.,it,作代词,It was Sunday. It was a s,3,Unluckily he found he got lost and walked into a strange house. There was a baby in the house.,It,was crying. Suddenly he realized that,it,was big big wolfs house. He quickly get away from,it,before big big wolf came back.,it,作代词,Unluckily he found he got lost,4,It,was Sunday.,It,was a sunny day.,It,was two miles away.,It,was crying.,It,was big big wolfs house.,He quickly get away from,it,.,summary1,:,it,作代词,指时间,指天气,指距离,未知性别的婴儿或孩子或身份不明的人,代替前文提到过的事物,以避免重复,:,指示代词,:,指代,this,或,that,It was Sunday.,5,it指“同一个”,one泛指“同一类,不同一个”;。,that用来代替前面特指的名词,相当于the+名词单数,有时候可与the one互换。,them, ones, those,是他们对应的复数形式,要点,1,:区分,it, them,that, those,one, ones,总结,I had a good,book, but I lost,it,yesterday,so I,ll buy,a new,one,in Xing Hua Book Store,tomorrow.,The books in Xing Hua Book Store is of high quality than,those,/,the ones,in other book stores.,it指“同一个”要点1:区分 it, them, that,6,高考再现,(10,广东,),He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water is awful.,Why did you pretended to like_?”,(13,四川),The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than _ on the small ones.,(11,福建),We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose _ based on your own interests.,(,14,广东),Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said _ was a wonderful holiday destination.,it,that,one,it,高考再现itthatoneit,7,It is / has been 3 years since I visited your company.,【,句式,1】,it is /has been + 段时间 + since -自从-多久了,It was 3 hours before he realized the truth.,【,句式2,】,It was + 段时间 + before -过了多久-才-,It will be 3 months before they complete the bridge.,【,句式3,】,It will be +段时间 + before -要过多久-才-,要点,2,:,it,指时间的几个重要句式,It is / has been 3 years sinc,8,It was 10 oclock,when,the big fire broke out .,【,句式4,】,it was + 点时间 + when -某事发生于-某一时刻-,It is the second time I have heard of this .,【,句式,5】,It /this is,/was,the +序数词+ time + 现在完成时态,/,过去完成时-(表示某人第几次做某事),要点,2,:,it,指时间的几个重要句式,要点2: it指时间的几个重要句式,9,对比训练,1. It will be years _ we meet again.,2. It is ten years _ I came to this town.,3. It is ten years ago _ I came to this town.,4. It is the third time _ I _ (visit) to this town.,5. It was 2 am. _Tangshan earthquake took place.,A. when,B. that,C. before,D. since,C,D,B,卓越 舜耕,B,A,have visit,对比训练 1. It will be years _,10,Quit drinking?,Tough!,Complete the “it” sentences,give up drinking, hard, it is, for them,It,is hard for them,to give up drinking,.,It,is tough for them _.,to quit drinking,Quit drinking? Complete the “,11,See!,A big hen ploughing!,It,is a surprise _.,(,看到如此大的一只母鸡,是一件很惊讶的事情,),to see so big a hen,It,is a wonder _.,to see a big hen ploughing,See! It is a surprise _,12,It is no goodno use crying over spilt milk,It was Sun Yang who/that won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace.,_,It was in the 200-meter freestylerace that Sun Yang won the first prize.,Why did you pretended to like_?”,Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothes,It was_that,take it easy.,I find it a good habit that we make a summary in time.,because he was blamed by Mr.,It/That all depends.,It was Sun Yang that won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace.,Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.,that D.,要点2: it指时间的几个重要句式,Ihate_whenpeopletalkwiththeirmouthsfull.,It is(was)+被强调部分+ that (who)+其余部分.,where C.,It,is,no goodno use,_,(cry over spilt milk).,Oh! My milk is spilt(,溢出,).,crying over spilt milk,It is+ _ +,doing sth,.,no useno good,It is no goodno use crying ov,13,It,is said that _ (popular than).,PK,It,is interesting/an interest that _.,Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothes,Xiao Shenyang is more popular than Zhao,It is said that _,14,It seems that,he will be back in a few days.,seems; back in a few days,It seems that he will be back,15,It,takes him a long time,to lose weight,.,减肥好难,花老长时间咯!,It takes him a long time to lo,16,summary2,:,it,作形式主语,It is hard for them to give up drinking.,It is a wonder to see a big hen ploughing.,Its kind of you to help me with the problem.,It + be + n./ adj./(for/of sb. ) to do sth.,句型:,It is no goodno use crying over spilt milk,句型:,It +be +(no) good/ use /useless / senseless+ v-ing,summary2:it作形式主语It is hard for,17,summary2,:,it,作形式主语,It is interesting/an interest that Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothes.,It is said that Xiao Shenyang is more popular than Zhao.,句型:,It +be +n./ adj. v-ed +that,从句,It happens (seems,,,looks,,,appears ) that.,It seems that he will be back in a few days.,句型:,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,It takes him a long time to lose weight.,句型:,summary2:it作形式主语 It is interes,18,高考再现,(09,年广东,) Jane was walking round the department stores. She remembered how difficult _ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.,(10,全国,)The doctor thought _ would be good for you to have a holiday.,(,07,山东),_ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind,it,it,it,高考再现 (09年广东) Jane was walking,19,模仿造句,1.,学习英语很有意思。,It is interesting to study English.,2.,整天玩网络游戏是不好的。,It is no good playing computer games all day.,3.,据说他已经通过了考试。,It is said that he has passed the exam.,4.,我觉得养成课堂上做笔记的习惯会很有用。,I feel that it would be beneficial to form the habit of taking note in class.,模仿造句 1.学习英语很有意思。,20,She find,it,hard to make herself understood.,it,作形式宾语,she, hard, understand,She find it hard to make herse,21,summary3,:,it,作形式宾语,She find,it,hard to make herself understood.,it,常用在动词,find,,,think,,,make,,,feel expect,,consider等动词后做形式宾语,I think,it,important,to make a summary in time,.,I find,it,a good habit,that we make a summary in time,.,He felt,it,no use,learning English without speaking it.,句型:,动词,+,宾语,+,宾语补足语,(n. / adj.) for sb.+ to do/doing/that,summary3:it作形式宾语She find it ha,22,高考改编,No matter where he is, he makes _a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.,Why dont you bring _ to his attention that youre too ill to work on?,The two girls are so alike that strangers find _difficult to tell one from the other.,it,it,it,高考改编No matter where he is, he,23,1.,(求助信)我觉得要提高英语成绩很难。,I find it difficult to improve my English.,2.,(建议信)我认为每天读英语很重要。,I think it important to read English every day.,3.,(投诉信) 这样的态度让人难以接受。,I feel it unbearable to accept such an attitude.,写作句型:,1.(求助信)我觉得要提高英语成绩很难。写作句型:,24,It was Sun Yang that won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace. .,Who won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace?,It was Sun Yang that won the f,25,It was for her funny expressions that Fu Yuanhei is so popular.,There was a Chinese girl who was very popular in the 2016 Olympic Games. Who is she? Why is she so popular?,It was for her funny expressio,26,It was,Sun Yang,that,won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace.,It was,for her funny expressions,that,Fu Yuanhei is so popular.,summary4,:强调句中的,it,It is(was)+,被强调部分,+,that (who)+,其余部分,.,句型:,1.强调句可强调,_,、,_,、,_,等。,(,不可强调谓语),2.引导词,_,、,_,3.,be,动词,:_,、,_,主语,宾语,状语,that,who,is,was,注意:,It was Sun Yang that won the f,27,Sun Yang won the first prize in the 200-meter freestyle race.,It was,Sun Yang,who/that,won the first prize in the 200-meter freestylerace.,It was,the first prize,that,Sun Yang won in the 200-meter freestylerace.,按要求改写强调句,It was,in the 200-meter freestylerace,that,Sun Yang won the first prize.,强调,主语,强调,宾语,强调,地点状语,It is(was)+,被强调部分,+,that (who)+,其余部分,.,Sun Yang won the first prize i,28,1. It was _ the old worker came that we _ the experiment.,A. until; didnt begin B. not until; began,C. until began D. not until; didnt begin,2. It is I _ singing in the garden.,A. who are B. who is,C. that am D. that is,3. Is it in the factory _ this type of cars are produced?,which B. where C. that D. /,4. Is it the factory_ this type of cars are produced ?,A. which B. where C. that D. /,即学即练:语法填空,1. It was _ the old worker,29,1.I didnt understand the mothers love until I saw the film,After shock,.,It was_that,_,not until I saw the film,After shock,2. Mr .Lazy cried,because he was blamed by Mr.Slow,in class .,It was_,that _,because he was blamed by Mr.Slow in class,Mr. Lazy cried.,I understood the mothers love .,句子改写,1.I didnt understand the moth,30,Summary5:,用在固定结构中的,it,take it easy.,take it for granted,believe it or not,make it,forget it,worth it,It/That all depends.,when it comes to,got it =understand,It,的 用 法,take it easy.,take it for granted,believe it or not,make it,forget it,worth it,It/That all depends.,when it comes to,got it =understand,别紧张,认为,理所应当,信不信由你,成功;完成某事,忘了吧; 没关系,有好处,值得做,要看实际情况而定,当谈到,理解,明白,Summary5: 用在固定结构中的ittake it e,31,口诀,代词,it,本意它,既可指这又指那,;,时间天气均可指,谈到距离也用它,;,形主形宾均可做,强调句型跟,that,。,口诀,32,1. It was Tom and Mike who was praised at the meeting,2. That is important to be careful while crossing the street.,3. Where was it you met him yesterday?,4. It was October 1st, 1949 that Peoples Republic of China was founded.,5. We found this impossible for us to finish our work in time.,6. She made clear that she would leave office soon.,7. It was the friendly people impressed me most.,8. It was Shanghai that she met her husband for the first time.,Practice make perfect,:,单句改错,_,_,_,were,It,that,on,it,it,that/who,in,_,_,where,when,1. It was Tom and Mike who wa,33,9. I think wonderful to see Chinese athletes get so many gold medals.,10. It said that Shrek is ugly outside but warm-hearted inside.,11. It is surprised that China produces one third of worlds cigarettes.,it,is,_,surprising,Practice make perfect,:,单句改错,9. I think wonderful to see Ch,34,It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.,It was only after he had read the papers _ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.,That was really a splendid evening. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.,Susanmade_cleartomethatshewishedtomakeanewlifefor,Idappreciate_ifyoucouldletmeknowinadvancewhetherornotyouwillcome.,Whydontyoubring_tohisattentionthatyouretooilltoworkon?,Practice make perfect,:语法填空,that,that,it,it,since,it,It was with the help of the lo,35,7.Ilike_intheautumnwhentheweatherisclearandbright.,8.Ihate_whenpeopletalkwiththeirmouthsfull.,9.TheForeignMinistersaid that is ourhopethatthetwosideswillworktowardspeace.,10._isafactthatEnglishisbeingacceptedasaninternationallanguage.,11.TheParkersboughtanewhousebut_willneedalotofworkbeforetheycanmovein.,12. We feel _ our duty to make our country a better place.,it,it,It,it,it,Practice make perfect,:语法填空,7.Ilike_intheautumn,36,13.Wasitonalonelyisland_hewassavedonemonthaftertheboatwentdown?,14.Itisprettywellunderstood_controlstheflowofcarbondioxideinandouttheatmospheretoday.,15.Helpingothersisahabit,_youcanlearnevenatanearlyage.,16.ThecostofrentingahouseincentralXianishigherthan_inanyotherareaofthecity.,17.Ilikethishousewithabeautifulgardeninfront,butIdonthaveenoughmoneytobuy_.,it,that,which,that,it,Practice make perfect,:语法填空,13.Wasitonalonelyisland_,37,It,s,never too late to learn.,It,never rains but it pours.,It,takes three generations to make,a gentleman.,It,is easy to open a shop but,hard to keep it always open.,十年树木,百年树人。,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。,创业容易守业难。,活到老,学到老。,Translate the proverbs(,谚语,),十年树木,百年树人。 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。活到老,学,38,


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