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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,#,1,Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,猪支原体肺炎,(Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine,MPS),Enzootic Pneumonia (EP),1Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae猪支原体,2,M. hyo Disease,猪,支原体肺炎,First isolated from pig lungs in 1965,1965,年首次在猪肺脏中分离,One of the most common and economically important diseases,最普遍和经济意义重大的疾病之一,A complex interaction between M. hyo and other bacterial and viral infections, and poor management and ventilation.,主要损失是支原体和其它细菌病毒的混合感染、饲养管理不善、通风不良等综合因素所致。,2M. hyo Disease猪支原体肺炎First iso,3,M. hyo Disease,One of the primary pathogens causing Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC),引起,PRDC,的原发病原之一,Affects as many as 99% of U.S. herds,99,的美国猪群都有感染,World-wide significance,世界范围内养猪生产中流行,3M. hyo DiseaseOne of the prim,4,M. hyo disease,Economic effects are extremely variable between herds.,不同猪群的经济影响差异较大,Dependent on cost of inputs, price of pigs, other diseases, etc.,取决于投入的成本、猪价、其它疾病的情况等。,A MOVING TARGET.,4M. hyo diseaseEconomic effect,5,M. hyo Disease,Reduced average daily gain (ADG),降低日增重,Reduced feed efficiency (FE),降低饲料报酬,Increased medication costs,增加药物成本,Increased cull or light-weight pigs,增加淘汰或低体重的猪,Etc.,5M. hyo DiseaseReduced average,6,6,7,M. hyo Economic Losses,M. hyo decreased growth rate 12.7% and decreased feed efficiency by 13.8% (Pointon, et al,1985),肺炎支原体可降低生长率,12.7%,和饲料报酬,13.8%,7M. hyo Economic LossesM. hyo,8,M. hyo disease,Transmission between pigs: aerosol and direct contact,猪之间传播途径:空气和直接接触,Transmission between farms: movement of infected pigs,猪场之间传播方式:感染猪的移动,Aerosol between farms: Britain 3.2 km,猪场之间传播距离:,3.2,公里,8M. hyo diseaseTransmission be,9,M. hyo Disease,Clinical signs include:,临床,症状,chronic cough (often dry or nonproductive),慢性咳嗽(通常是干咳),high morbidity and low mortality,高发病率和低死亡率,uneven groups of pigs,猪群内生长不整齐,9M. hyo DiseaseClinical signs,10,M. hyo disease,Peak prevalence in Finisher because of:,在,育肥期多发的原因:,Long incubation period,:,潜伏期长,Slow spread,传播,缓慢,Increased animal density,养殖,密度加大,Presence of other organisms,其他,致病菌的出现,10M. hyo diseasePeak prevalenc,11,M. hyo Pathogenesis,M. hyo colonizes cilia of trachea and bronchi.paralyzing then tangling, splitting and breaking cilia.reducing normal function of mucociliary apparatus.,支原体定植在气管和支气管纤毛上,导致纤毛缠绕折断、脱落,从而降低了粘液纤毛的正常功能。,11M. hyo PathogenesisM. hyo co,Only attaches to tracheobronchial cilia,A mucosal pathogen,Only attaches to tracheobronch,13,13,14,14,hyo vaccine,The first “one-dose” product has had a problem with syringability and local reactions due to the Water-in-oil adjuvant used.,Less pain疼痛少,Theoretical immunology tells us that with an inactivated vaccine, two doses are necessary to achieve peak immunity.,Optimize density and proper ventilation,There are also interactions with several viruses including Swine Influenza Virus, Pseudorabies (PRV), PRRS,PCVII,Two-doses一针免疫还是二针免疫,A MOVING TARGET.,Immediate response免疫反应迅速,an effective M.,Vaccination免疫,Two-dose一针还是二针,Significantly lower than nonvaccinated, P,Respisure Pfizer O/W,Lecithin卵磷脂,Laboratory vs.,15,M. hyo Pathogenesis,There is also evidence of impaired Alveolar macrophage function (Caruso and Ross, 1990),破坏,肺泡巨嗜细胞的功能,hyo vaccine15M. hyo Pathogenes,16,16,17,M. hyo Disease,Secondary bacterial infections:,继发,细菌感染,Pasteurella multocida,多杀性,巴氏杆菌,Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae,胸膜肺炎,放线杆菌,Streptococcus suis,链球菌,Haemophilus parasuis,副,嗜血杆菌,Generally seen as respiratory distress or “thumping”,17M. hyo DiseaseSecondary bact,18,M.hyo Disease,There are also interactions with several viruses including Swine Influenza Virus, Pseudorabies (PRV), PRRS,,PCVII,还和几种病毒相互作用,其中包括猪流感病毒、伪狂犬病毒、蓝耳病病毒、圆环病毒,II,型,18M.hyo DiseaseThere are also,19,19,20,20,21,Mycoplasma hyopneumonia: Control and Prevention,猪支原体肺炎的控制与防治,21Mycoplasma hyopneumonia: Con,22,M. hyo Control and Prevention,Medication,药物,Management,管理,Vaccination,免疫,22M. hyo Control and Preventio,23,M. hyo Medication,Antibiotics have shown mixed results in field conditions and are used mostly to control secondary infections.,田间条件下,抗生素的效果表现不一,主要用于控制继发感染。,23M. hyo MedicationAntibiotics,24,M. hyo Medication,Lincomycin: results inconsistent,林可霉素,Tiamulin: results inconsistent,支原净,Quinolones: show some promise,喹喏酮类,Florfenicol: shows some promise,纽弗罗,Aivlosin: results are good,爱乐新,24M. hyo MedicationLincomycin:,hyo Medication,Western Blot Analysis免疫印记分析,Stimulates strong cell-mediated immunity,Check other mycoplasma vaccines against the advantages of M+Pac:,7% and decreased feed efficiency by 13.,hyo vaccine,hyo since we want long-lasting immunity.,Products B and C preserve 8 proteins,Sow Vaccination?母猪免疫?,hyo situation:,At least as effective as W/O与油包水效果相同,Laboratory vs.,Management factors are important,M+PAC 安百克拥有全世界最多的猪支原体抗原,Kirk Clark work on loss of antibody titers in 3rd Parity sows,25,M. hyo Medication,One problem with any medication program is that once the medication is removedthe disease can begin to cause problems again.,一旦停药,疾病复发,hyo Medication25M. hyo Medicat,26,M. hyo Prevention and Control,Management factors are important,管理十分重要,All-in/all-out production is probably the single most important management technique,全进全出是最好的管理方式,No more than 3 weeks spread in age,年龄差距不要超过,3,周,Medicated Early Weaning (MEW) has been shown to help control the MPS disease,早期药物断奶有一定帮助,26M. hyo Prevention and Contro,27,M. hyo Prevention and Control,Management factors (continued),Segregated Early Weaning (SEW) has shown merit,早期隔离断奶也有一定好处,Vaccination,免疫,Optimize density and proper ventilation,合理化密度,保持良好通风,27M. hyo Prevention and Contro,28,M. hyo Prevention and Control,Key to an effective program to control PRDC,(Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex) is,an effective,M. hyo,vaccine,控制,PRDC,有效措施的关键是使用有效的支原体疫苗,28M. hyo Prevention and Contro,29,M. hyo Vaccines,Because the exact antigenic epitopes responsible for immunity are not well understood, whole-cell vaccines are best.,因为还不清楚决定免疫力的具体抗原决定部位,所以全细胞疫苗是最好的。,29M. hyo VaccinesBecause the e,30,Western Blot Analysis,免疫印记分析,M+Pac preserves 15 proteins,安百克保留了,15,种抗原蛋白,Product A preserves 11 proteins,A,产品保留了,11,种抗原蛋白,Products B and C preserve 8 proteins,B,和,C,产品保留了,8,种抗原蛋白,30Western Blot Analysis免疫印记分析,31,M+PAC,安百克,拥,有全世界最多的,猪支原体,抗原,Pfizer,Intervet,Fort Dodge,M+PAC,31M+PAC 安百克拥有全世界最多的猪支原体抗原 Pfiz,32,M. hyo Vaccines,Also, because long-lasting immunity is important, it is our belief that an effective M. hyo vaccine should have an improved oil adjuvant.,此外,长久免疫力是重要的,良好的油佐剂是支原体疫苗必须的。,32M. hyo VaccinesAlso, because,33,Vaccine Adjuvants,疫苗佐剂,33Vaccine Adjuvants疫苗佐剂,34,Vaccine Adjuvants,疫苗佐剂,Aluminum Hydroxide (AH),氢氧,化铝,Water-in-oil (W/O),油包水,Oil-in-water (O/W),水,包油,34Vaccine Adjuvants疫苗佐剂,Aluminum Hydroxide plus Oil-in water,hyo Economic Losses,Pasteurella multocida多杀性巴氏杆菌,Oil-in-water (O/W)水包油,World-wide significance,Higher cell-mediated immunity,Decreased Sow to Pig Shedding?,Revaccinate with a single 1 ml dose annually.,Excellent syringeability,chronic cough (often dry or nonproductive),Streptococcus suis链球菌,Increased cull or light-weight pigs,Mild to no reactions温和无刺激,hyo Vaccine Adjuvants,Antigen inside is released gradually as oil droplets break down over time.,35,Aluminum Hydroxide,氢氧化铝,Low viscosity,粘度,低,Mild to no reactions,温和,无刺激,Immediate response,免疫,反应迅速,Short-lived immunity,免疫,期短,Aluminum Hydroxide plus Oil-in,36,Water-in-Oil (W/O),油包水,More oil = more viscosity,粘度,高,More irritation,刺激,大,More pain,疼痛,More stress,应激,大,36Water-in-Oil (W/O)油包水More oi,37,Oil-in-Water (O/W),水包油,More modern,最,新型,At least as effective as W/O,与,油包水效果相同,Less oil = lower viscosity,低,粘度,Less irritation,刺激,小,Less pain,疼痛,少,Less stress (pigs and people),应激,小,37Oil-in-Water (O/W)水包油More mo,38,M. hyo Vaccine Adjuvants,M+PAC SPAH O/W+AH,Respisure Pfizer,O/W,Lecithin,卵磷脂,Respifend Fort Dodge AH,Ingelvac MH Nobl/BI W/O,Porcilis Intervet AH,Hyoresp Merial AH,38 M. hyo Vaccine AdjuvantsM+,39,Introducing new M+Pac,39Introducing new M+Pac,40,Check other mycoplasma vaccines against the advantages of M+Pac:,Reduced lung lesions,Less coughing,Higher antibody titers,Higher cell-mediated immunity,Exclusive Emunade adjuvant,1 ml administration,40Check other mycoplasma vacci,41,Emunade, a revolutionary new dual-action adjuvant,革命性的双相佐剂,The key to M+Pacs superior performance,安百克优良性能的关键,Faster acting, longer lasting,速效、长效,Excellent syringeability,良好的通针性,41Emunade, a revolutionary new,42,Emunade,Aluminum Hydroxide,plus,Oil-in water,氢氧化铝水包油,Fast acting,速效,Long lasting,长效,Stimulates strong cell-mediated immunity,刺激坚强的细胞介导免疫力,42Emunade, Aluminum Hydroxide,43,Oil globules in Emunade contain antigen both inside droplet and on droplet surface. Surface antigen prompts rapid immune response.,43Oil globules in Emunade cont,44,44,45,Antigen inside is released gradually as oil droplets break down over time. This gradual release allows Emunade to deliver prolonged immunity.,45Antigen inside is released g,Sow Vaccination?母猪免疫?,Segregated Early Weaning (SEW) has shown merit,肺炎支原体爆发阶段和免疫时机,Less coughing,Less irritation刺激小,Sow Vaccination?母猪免疫?,Management factors (continued),Affects as many as 99% of U.,Short-lived immunity免疫期短,reducing normal function of mucociliary apparatus.,取决于投入的成本、猪价、其它疾病的情况等。,Increased medication costs,A complex interaction between M.,hyo Prevention and Control,World-wide significance,46,Sow Vaccination?母猪免疫?46,47,Vaccination Schedules,免疫程序,Timing (Later is better?),时机,One-dose vs. Two-dose,一针,还是二针,Sow Vaccination,母猪,免疫,47Vaccination Schedules免疫程序Ti,48,Vaccination Timing,免疫时机,Later is Better.Why?,越晚越好,Maternal Antibody Interference,母源抗体干扰,Protection needs to last for entire finishing period,保护力需要持续整个育肥期,48Vaccination Timing免疫时机Later,49,Lung Scores After Vaccination of Maternal Antibody Pigs At 4 And 6 Weeks of Age,5.9,5.8,18.8,0,0,5,10,15,20,% of lung lesions,4 weeks,6 weeks,Nonvacc,Non-Chall,*,Significantly lower than nonvaccinated, P,3rd Parity sows,经产,3,次的母猪抗体滴度下降。,Decreased Sow to Pig Shedding?,能减少母猪对仔猪的散毒吗?,54Sow Vaccination?母猪免疫?Co,55,Sow Vaccination,母猪免疫,If sow herd is vaccinated, especially pre-farrowing, then it is even more important to vaccinate pigs later.,如果母猪免疫,尤其在产前免疫,仔猪则免疫更嘉推迟。,55Sow Vaccination母猪免疫If sow h,56,M+Pac,安百克,Convenient dosage schedule,方便的剂量,1 ml dose at 7-to-10 days of age or older.,首免,1,毫升,7,10,日龄以上,Revaccinate with 1 ml dose 2 weeks after initial vaccination.,在首免,2,周后,二免,1,毫升,Revaccinate with a single 1 ml dose annually.,每年加强免疫,1,毫升,56M+Pac安百克Convenient dosage sc,57,M+PAC,TM,Vaccination program(con,t),安百克免疫程序,Vaccination schedule also can be done according to farm,s M. hyo situation:,免疫程序也需根据猪场的肺炎支原体发生状况来决定。,stage of M. hyo outbreaks and time for vaccination:,肺炎支原体爆发阶段和免疫时机,nursery/grower,pre-fattener,post-fattener,保育期,/,育成期 育肥前期 育肥后期,1wk & 3wk 3wk & 6wk 6wk & 9wk,57M+PACTM Vaccination program,58,M+PAC,TM,Check your Mycoplasma vaccine against these advantages:,Higher antibody titers,Reduced lung lesion,Less coughing,Higher cell-mediated immunity,Exclusive,Emunade,adjuvant,1ml SQ/IM administration,58M+PACTMCheck your Mycoplasma,59,M+PAC,TM,安百克,Raising the standard in Mycoplasma Vaccines,提高了支原体疫苗的标准,59M+PACTM 安百克Raising the stand,60,M. hyo disease,Economic effects are extremely variable between herds.,不同猪群的经济影响差异较大,Dependent on cost of inputs, price of pigs, other diseases, etc.,取决于投入的成本、猪价、其它疾病的情况等。,A MOVING TARGET.,60M. hyo diseaseEconomic effec,61,M. hyo Disease,Reduced average daily gain (ADG),降低日增重,Reduced feed efficiency (FE),降低饲料报酬,Increased medication costs,增加药物成本,Increased cull or light-weight pigs,增加淘汰或低体重的猪,Etc.,61M. hyo DiseaseReduced averag,Only attaches to tracheobronchial cilia,A mucosal pathogen,Only attaches to tracheobronch,63,M+PAC,安百克,拥,有全世界最多的,猪支原体,抗原,Pfizer,Intervet,Fort Dodge,M+PAC,63M+PAC 安百克拥有全世界最多的猪支原体抗原 Pfiz,64,64,Reduced lung lesion,World-wide significance,M+PACTM Vaccination program(cont)安百克免疫程序,A mucosal pathogen,Controversial,1965年首次在猪肺脏中分离,M+Pac preserves 15 proteins,hyo Disease,Immediate response免疫反应迅速,Optimize density and proper ventilation,Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae猪支原体肺炎,One-dose vs.,One-dose vs.,hyo Economic Losses,M+PAC SPAH O/W+AH,65,Antigen inside is released gradually as oil droplets break down over time. This gradual release allows Emunade to deliver prolonged immunity.,Reduced lung lesion65Antigen i,66,M+PAC,TM,Check your Mycoplasma vaccine against these advantages:,Higher antibody titers,Reduced lung lesion,Less coughing,Higher cell-mediated immunity,Exclusive,Emunade,adjuvant,1ml SQ/IM administration,66M+PACTMCheck your Mycoplasma,67,M+PAC,TM,安百克,Raising the standard in Mycoplasma Vaccines,提高了支原体疫苗的标准,67M+PACTM 安百克Raising the stand,


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