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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/12/14,#,Euthanasia,Euthanasia,1,Euthanasia,Origin: from,Greek: ; good death: , eu; well or good , thanatos; death,Definition,:,refers,to the practice of intentionally,ending a,life in order to relieve pain,and,suffering.,Euthanasia,2,The definition of Euthanasia,in each,country,British: defines,euthanasia as a deliberate,intervention,undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering,.,Netherlands: euthanasia,is understood as termination of life by a doctor at the request of a patient,.,The definition of Euthanasia,3,1906 American Ohio,1906,American,California,1993,Netherlands,2002 Belgium,2008,American Washington State,And Japan,、,Switzerland,、,the north area of Australia,.etc,the bill of,euthanasia passed in,1906 American Ohiothe bill of,4,Is that mean our country should pass the bill of enthanasia,Is that mean our country shoul,5,Do you,know about,euthanasia,Do you know about euthanasia,6,Whether to support euthanasia,Whether to support euthanasia,7,You think the following circumstances can be euthanasia,You think the following circum,8,Your opinion of euthanasia,Your opinion of euthanasia,9,The expectation of the future development of euthanasia,The expectation of the future,10,Do you think our country should be legalized euthanasia,Do you think our country shoul,11,If you have a terminal illness, you will choose to try to extend your lives, or choose euthanasia,If you have a terminal illness,12,If you are a doctor, your patient,will,ask you to help him with,euthanasia.,Will,you help,?,If you are a doctor, your pat,13,Euthanasia debate,Euthanasia debate,14,1. It,frees up hospital beds and resources,2.It,ends the patient life because he/she is already terminally ill,3.It,relieves suffering,4.Right,to choose,5.Relatives,spared the agony of watching their loved ones deteriorate beyond recognition,6.It reduces,the spread of diseases,7.It,removes the economic burden from relatives,All the Yes points,1. It frees up hospital beds a,15,1.It,is not moral to end the patients life because he has the right to live longer,2.It,is murder,3.Sanctity,of life,4.Making,the decision for yourself, or others?,5.Voluntary,Euthanasia gives doctors too much power,All the No points,1.It is not moral to end the p,16,Thanks for your watching,Thanks for your watching,17,


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