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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/5,#,2020,中考,英语话题七复习,Problems and,suggestions,读写复习课,2020中考英语话题七复习Problems and sugg,1,Problems &,Suggestions,8B,Unit 1 Whats the matter?,8B,Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,8B,Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?,8B,Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,9,Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Problems & Suggestions,2,Learning Goals,:,1. Knowledge Objects:,Well review some useful expressions,2. Skill Objects,:,Well be able to improve our listening, speaking and writing skills.,3. Moral Objects,:,We will be able to help others solve problems.,Learning Goals:,3,新目标英语中考英语复习problims阅读写作复习课件,4,新目标英语中考英语复习problims阅读写作复习课件,5,High school Entrance Examination is coming.,Are you nervous?,Do you have any problems in your life or study?,Do you feel tired?,What are your problems?,High school Entrance Examinati,6,Task 1 :,Lets talk:,Pairwork,A: Do you have any problems?,Whats the matter/wrong (with)?,Whats your trouble?,What happened to.?,Do you have a problem?,.,I .,I get/ have/have got.,I have a problem of .,I have trouble doing .,I am worried about.,.,be ill/,fat,/,upset/,stressed out,feel tired,/,nervous,argue with parents,too shy to speak in public,dont have enough sleep,get low marks,B: Yes, I.,Task 1 : Lets talk:PairworkA,7,be laughed at,cant get along with friends,feel,n,ervous and tired,often argue with parents,get fat,cant get good grades,Talk about the problems,be laughed atcant get along w,8,Survey of Problems,family and friends,learning,other problems,What problems do middle school students have?,health,Survey of Problemsfamily and f,9,problems,learning,health,other problems,family and friends,illness,be fat,head,ache,flu,fever,.,too nervous before exams,getting low marks,.,too shy to speak in public,be tired/stressed out,be laughed at,argue with parents,.,.,.,problemslearninghealthother pr,10,Can you give me some suggestions ?,Can you give me some suggestio,11,problems,suggestions,Every student has different problems. It is that_.,Groupwork,Task 2,:,How to give,?,Advice,problemssuggestionsEvery st,12,Work in groups to:,1. Discuss,your replies on the problem you choose.,2. Write,them,down,on the paper.,3. Choose,one to show the reply.,Attention:,1. Everyone should at least give one suggestion.,2. You can use phrases to show your ideas.,Brainstorm suggestions,Work in groups to: Brainstorm,13,You should do/You shouldn,t do,You can do./You could do,Why not do .? / Why don,t you do.?,What / How about doing.?,You,d better do /,not,do .,You are supposed to do.,Its a good way/idea to do,If I were you, I would,do,If you, you will,Its best for you (not) to,背会句型最重要,listen to music,talk to your friends,go for a walk,take some exercise,go to see a doctor,drink more water,take some medicine,lie down and have a rest,eat healthy food,say sorry to him,take more exercise,Expressions of giving suggestions,You should do/You shouldnt,14,Task 3:,pre-,writing,Davids Problem,Dear Tom,My name is,David,. I am a Grade 9 student,.,I am,nervous and tired,recently,.,As we know, o,ver the past,two months, the,N,ovel,Corona V,irus,(,新型冠状病毒,),has made its way around China. It has a strong impact(影响) on,my,life and study.,I am worried about being infected with the virus .,The High School Entrance Examination is coming but,I cant concentrate on my study. Whats more, Im putting on my weight.,Thats terrible!,What should I do,? Can you,offer,me some suggestions? They would be most valuable. Thanks a lot.,Yours,David,Task 3: pre-writing,15,Dear David,I am sorry to hear that you are under a lot of stress,because of,the,N,ovel,Corona V,irus,. Its not wise of you to worry about the,V,irus,too much. I hope the following suggestions can help you.,Firstly,The virus is not terrible,as long as,we take effective measures. You should stay at home and dont go out if not necessary.,In addition,do wear masks while you are in the open air. Most importantly, you ought to have a positive attitude to the campaign with the disease.,So, dont be nervous and just keep calm as usual.,Secondly, why not listen to some soft music when you feel tired? Music can help you feel relaxed and help you reduce stress.,Only in a good mood can you learn well.,Finally, its necessary for you to take more exercise. Exercise is as important as study. It can not only help you relax but aslo keep healthy.,Whats more,d,ont,eat too much junk food.,Youd better,eat some fruit and vegetables,. Its good for you to keep weight.,I hope my advice can help you. Please write to me again if you need any more help.,Yours,Dr. Know,greeting,showing sympathy,the first piece of advice,the second piece of advice,positive,(正面的),closing/ending,signature,the third piece of advice,How to make a good reply ?,Dear David,greetingshowing sym,16,条件,转折,因果关系,but ; however , yet ,and ;not only.but also;,both and.,;,Besides/Whats more.,If ; unless; though,as long as,;,because;so,because of; for,First of all /Firstly /At first SecondlyNextThen Finally/At last./In the end,表顺序,目的,目的,so that ; in order to,More linking words,并列,条件转折 因果关系but ; however , yet ,17,Task 4:,Get the ideas,Dear Dr know,Im in trouble now. I always argue with my parents. They make me study and study. Whats worse, they scold me when I talk on the phone or use the computer. They dont allow me to go out with my friends. What can I do?,Anna,What is Annas trouble?,Task 4: Get the ideasDear Dr k,18,表达理解,提出希望,I hope,I can give you some,I understand you,罗列提纲,提出建议和看法,动手写作吧!,You should/ shouldnt,Youd better,Its a good idea to,I (dont) think,In my opinion,表达理解提出希望I hopeI can give you,19,Task 5:,Write a letter to Anna,10minutes ( 80 words),1. make sure:,5 parts,( greeting, showing sympathy, advice, positive closing and signature),different,structures to give advice,2.,Choose 2 problems,to give your advice,3.,Linking words,4.,spelling; grammar; handwriting,Task 5: Write a letter to Ann,20,greeting,positive closing,signature,Sympathy &,comfort,Suggestions,Good handwriting,No mistakes. / Fewer mistakes.,Check and Evaluate,greetingSympathy &Good handwri,21,Article Sharing,Whose article do you think is,the best,in your group? Why?,Good handwriting.,Good ideas.,Good sentences.,No mistakes. / Fewer mistakes. ,Article Sharing Whose article,22,Sum up:,How to write a passage to give advice?,greeting,showing sympathy,my advice(1 and 2),positive closing,signature,Sum up: How to write a passage,23,B,y,e-,b,y,e,!,T,h,a,n,k,s,!,!,Bye-bye!Thanks!,24,1.,每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常用的用法及词义。,2.,对于一些比较模糊、晦涩的例子,不必钻牛角尖,中考考察的都是用法及意义十分鲜明、确定的例子,。,3,.,对于课文中的一些特殊的,用法要,牢记例句,做到一出现就能明确辨认,。,3.,中东,地跨三洲,联系五海,沟通两洋,自古以来是东西方交通枢纽,战略位置极为重要。,4.,北面,是土耳其,越过土耳其进入了独联体外高加索的国家,西边是叙利亚和约旦,,稍微过去,一点就到了,巴勒斯坦,和以色列,。,5.,阿拉伯人,发现印度数字的优点,于是就在帝国内推广应用。以后,阿拉伯人通过西班牙人把这种印度数字传入欧洲,并传播到世界各地,这就是我们所使用的阿拉伯数字。,6.,在,神秘外星文明的指引下,主人公发现了关于宇宙生命的巨大秘密。业内人士认为,该片为盲人开启了科幻之门,打破了传统电影必须依赖视觉效果的限制,让盲人也能感受到科幻的魅力所在,。,7.,写景,抒情诗中常见的情感有对自然美景、田园风光的喜爱和留恋,对祖国大好河山的赞美和热爱,漂泊在外的羁旅之苦和思乡之情,对闲适隐逸生活的向往和追求,依依惜别之情,爱国忧国之思。等等。,8.,我们,要善于通过题目整体把握诗歌内容,并通过对诗中意象及其特征的分析,知人论世,以及诗中表达诗人情感倾向的语句来深入理解诗歌内容,领会诗人情感,把握诗歌,主题,9.,诗,的最后两句使用拟人的手法,把作者对朋友的同情和思念寄托给明月,希望自己能追随友人到贬谪的偏远之地,慰藉朋友的孤独,表达了对友人牵挂之情。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,1.每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常,25,


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