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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,小学英语总复习,小学英语总复习,1,一,.,名词与量词,一 不可数名词:,液体,:,tea,、,coffee,、,juice,、,Coke,、,milk,、,water,、,soup,气体,:,air,、,gas,部分为液体类,气体类的物质,(没有复数形式),一.名词与量词一 不可数名词:,2,肉类,:,chicken,(表“鸡肉”时为不可数, 表“小鸡”时为可数),fish,(表“鱼肉”时为不可数, 表“鱼”时为可数),pork,、,beef,、,meat,肉类:,3,总称,:,food,、,fruit,其它,:,rain,、,wind,、,snow,、,light,、,grass,、,money,、,paper,、,pizza,、,pasta,、,salad,、,bread,、,toast,、,porridge,、,rice,、,chocolate,、,ice-cream,、,broccoli,总称: food 、 fruit,4,二 名词复数形式:,1. +s,2. o,(有生命),以,x, s,,,sh, ch,结尾,+es,3.,辅音加,y,结尾,改,y,为,i,es,4.,以,fe,或,f,结尾,改,fe,或,f,为,v,es,二 名词复数形式:1. +s,5,5.,单复数同形:,fish,、,sheep,、,deer,、,people,、,Chinese,、,Japanese,、,family(,作为“家人”,),5. 单复数同形:fish 、sheep 、deer、peo,6,6.,特殊:,man men,firemanfiremen,policeman-policemen,woman women,goose geese,tooth teeth,ox- oxen,child children,mouse-mice,6. 特殊:,7,三名词的所有格,1, 一般情况,在名词的末尾加 ,s,(,the boys bag,),2, 以,s,结尾的复数名词末尾加 ,( the boys books ),三名词的所有格,8,表示几个人共同拥有的东西,只在最后一个名字后加 ,s,,,如:,Tom and Bens bedroom,4.,分别拥有的东西就在每个名字后各自加 ,s,,,如:,Toms bedroom and Bens bedroom,表示几个人共同拥有的东西,只在最后一个名字后加 s , 4,9,5.,没有生命的东西的所有格,用 “,of +,名词”来表示。,如:,the cover of the book,注:姓氏的复数形式前面加,the,表示“,一家人”,如:,the Whites,姓或名字后加所有格有时可以表示地点。,如:,Lets eat at Jimmys,(我们去,Jimmy,餐厅吃饭吧),Im going to Miss Lins . (,我准备去林老师家,),广州版小学英语总复习课件,10,四 量词,1. a plate of (,一盘,),2. a piece of (,一片,/,张,),3. a pair of (,一对,/,双,),4. a cup of (,一茶杯,),5. a glass of (,一玻璃杯,),6. a bottle of (,一瓶,),7. a bowl of (,一碗,),8. a bag of (,一袋,),9. a box of (,一箱,),四 量词 1. a plate of,11,注:,量词的后面,+,不可数名词(单数),/,可数名词(复数),,如:,a bag of rice,apples,当量词数量超过“一”时,量词也要跟着用复数形式。如 :,two glasses of,,,some bottles of,注: 量词的后面 + 不可数名词(单数) / 可数名词,12,二,.,形容词与副词,(一)单音节及部分双音节单词的形容词及副词比较级与最高级变化规律:,1.,直接,er / est,2.,以,e,结尾,r/st,3.,重读闭音节单词(通常以辅元辅结尾)双写末尾字母,er / est,(如:,wetter , hotter ,fatter,),4.,辅音加,y,结尾,改,y,为,i,er / est,5.,特殊(不规则),二 .形容词与副词(一)单音节及部分双音节单词的形容词及副词,13,(二)双音节(部分)与多音节单词形容词、副,词比较级与最高级变化规律:,比较级,:,more,原形,最高级 :,most,原形,(三)修饰比较级的词:,much,a little,a lot +,比较级,(二)双音节(部分)与多音节单词形容词、副 词比较级与最高,14,(四)表示 “越来越”,bigger and bigger,、,happier and happier,、,more and more,、,less and lees,、,more and more slowly,、,more and more beautiful,、,more and more boring,(五)不规则的形容词词、副词比较级与最高级:,well,better,best,good,better,best,many,more,most,bad,worse,worst,far,farther,farthest,little,less,least,(四)表示 “越来越”,15,(六)部分双音节形容词、副词的比较级与最高级:, slowlymore slowlymost slowly, crowdedmore crowdedmost crowded, famous more famousmost famous, quicklymore quickly most quickly, patientmore patient most patient, excitedmore excitedmost excited, boringmore boring most boring,(六)部分双音节形容词、副词的比较级与最高级:,16,(七)其他,1.,形容词修饰名词,常放在名词前。(,a beautiful girl,),2.,副词修饰动词,常放在动词后面。(,run fast,),3.,两者之间用比较级,三者或三者以上通常用最高级。,如:,Who can run faster, Ben or Tom,?,Who can run fastest, Ben, Tom, or Yongxian?,广州版小学英语总复习课件,17,4.,比较级的句子通常有标志词 “,than”,。,5.,最高级的句子通常有标志词“,the”,(形容词最高级才有,副词没有);,表范围限制的介词“,in,、,on,、,of ”,,,如:,She is the prettiest of the three.,Elephants are the biggest animals on land.,He runs most slowly in his class. (,副词的最高级前面没有“,the”),4.比较级的句子通常有标志词 “than”。,18,三,.,介词与连词,(一) 介词,1,表时间:,at,:在几点,on,:在某一天,in,: 在某个月、季节、学期、年,fromto,:从,到,.,for,: 做事情做了多长时间,持续多久,during,: 在,期间,三.介词与连词(一) 介词,19,2.,表方位:,in(,里面,),,,on(,上面,), beside(,旁边,), under(,下面,), behind(,后面,), in front of(,前面,), near(,附近,), between(,两者之间,), opposite(,对面,), against(,靠着,),3.,表地点:,at :,在, (,后面加小的地点,),(,at school , at the library),in :,在, (,后面加大的地点,),(,in China, in Guangzhou),广州版小学英语总复习课件,20,4.,介词短语,1.leave for,离开,到,2. start for,出发到,3. look for,寻找,4. agree with,同意,5. catch up with,赶上,6. help sb. With,帮某人某事,7. help yourself to,随便吃,8. get to,到达,索取,4. 介词短语1.leave for 离开到,21,9.in the morning /afternoon / evening,在上午,/,下午,/,晚上,10. at noon / night,在中午,/,夜晚,11. close to / next to,靠近,12. on the left / right,在左边,/,右边,13. from the left / right,从左边,/,右边,14. ask for ,15. wait for,等待,16. on the farm,在农场上,9.in the morning /afternoon /,22,二) 连词,and,:和 (并列关系),or,: 或者(选择关系),when:,当, then,:然后,before:,在,之前,after,:在,之后,because,: 因为,so,: 所以,if,: 假如,but,: 但是(转折关系),二) 连词,23,四代词、冠词与数词,人称,代,词,我,你,他,她,它,我们,它,/,她,/,他,们,主格,I,you,he,she,it,we,they,宾格,me,you,him,her,it,us,them,物主,代,词,我的,你的,他的,她的,它的,我们的,它,/,他,/,她,们的,形容词性,my,your,his,her,its,our,their,名词性,mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,theirs,(一) 代词,四代词、冠词与数词(一) 代词,24,1.,人称代词,主格:一般在句子中做主语,放在动词前面( 疑问句则放在动词后面),如:,She and I are good friends .,Is she a clever girl,?,宾格: 一般在句子中做宾语, 放在动词或介词后面。,如:,Give me a book.,I am waiting for him.,1.人称代词,25,2.,物主代词,形容词性物主代词:修饰名词,放在名词前面。,如:,my book , their teacher,名词性物主代词: 后面不能加名词,可单独使用,常放在句子末尾或动词前面。,如:,Your book is better than mine.,My book is interesting.,Hers is boring. (hers,在这里意思为,her book),2.物主代词,26,(,二,),冠词,1.,不定冠词,a,、,an,1),表示一类人或事物,不具体指哪一个。如:,She is a teacher.,2),表示数量“一。如:,I have a cat and two rabbits.,(二) 冠词,27,3,)用在固定搭配里。,如:,a lot of , a little , have a cold, take a rest,元音发音开头的单词用“,an”,,辅音发音开头的单词用“,a”,。( 一般情况以,a, e , i, o, u,结尾的单 词用“,an”,),如:,an egg, an English teacher , an apple,3)用在固定搭配里。,28,2, 定冠词,the,1,) 特指某个具体的人或事物。,如:,The book on the table is mine.,2,) 已经提过的人或事物。,如:,I have a cat. The cat is lovely.,2 定冠词 the,29,3,) 用在序数词、形容词最高级的前面。,I live on the third floor .,Guangzhou is the best city.,4,) 用在世界独一无二的事物前。,the sun, the moon, the earth,5,) 用在乐器前。,play the guitar , play the piano,3) 用在序数词、形容词最高级的前面。,30,三)数词,1.,基数词 : 表数量 (,one,,,two,,,three ,),2.,序数词: 表顺序 (,first, second, third.,),一、二、三 特殊记,,first,,,second,,,third.,八 去,t,, 九去,e,,,ve,要用,f,替。,见,y,改为,i,和,e,,词尾加上,th,。,若是遇见几十几,只变各位就可以。,( first , second, third, eighth, ninth , fifth, twentieth forty-first ),三)数词,31,五动词,(,一,),be,动词,be,动词口诀:,在一般现在时中:,I,用,am, you,用,are, is,连着,he, she, it.,单数名词用,is,复数名词全用,are.,变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。,变否定,更容易,,be,后,not,莫忘记。,疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。,在过去时中:,I,用,was, you,用,were, was,连着,he, she, it.,单数名词用,was,复数名词全用,were.,五动词(一)be 动词 在过去时中:,32,(,二,)行为动词,1.,行为动词主要表示主语的动作和状态。,如:,stand, come, die, go, run, sit, put, borrow, buy,2,行为动词可分为及物动词(,vt.,) 和不及物动词(,vi.,)。,3,及物动词指的是后面能跟宾语的动词。,4,不及物动词指的后面不能跟宾语的动词。,(二)行为动词,33,(,三,)情态动词:,can, could, may, must, need, will, would, should, +,动原,cant , couldnt, mustnt, neednt, wont, shouldnt +,动原,1.,情态动词表示说话人的语气与情态。,2.,情态动词没有人称和数的变化。 如:,I / She / He / They can run.,(三)情态动词:,34,3,注意:用,must,来提问,肯定回答用,must,, 否定的回答多用,neednt.,如:,Must I borrow books with a library card? Yes, you must.,Must I borrow books with an ID card? No. you neednt.,3注意:用must 来提问,肯定回答用must, 否定的回,35,六一般过去时,1,一般过去时的定义:表示过去发生的事情和动作。,2,动词由原形变为过去式的规律(即动词过去式):,1,),ed,( 如:,watched,),2,)以,e,结尾,d,(如,liked,),3,)重读闭音节单词(通常以辅元辅结尾)双写末尾字母,ed,(如:,stopped,),六一般过去时1一般过去时的定义:表示过去发生的事情和动作,36,4,)辅音加,y,结尾的单词改,y,为,i,ed,(如:,studied,),5,)不规则(及特殊形式):(见 六年级下册,P90,),am- was is-was are- were do-did feel-felt get-got go- went have-had say-said see-saw read- read come- came eat- ate fly-flew blow-blew,4)辅音加y结尾的单词改y为ied (如:s,37,3,一般过去时常用的时间状语:,just now (,刚才,),yesterday,(昨天),yesterday morning / afternoon / evening,(昨天早上,/,下午,/,晚上),last month./ week / year,(上个月,/,上个星期,/,去年),this morning / afternoon / evening (,今天上午,/,下午,/,晚上,),ago (,之前,),in 2000,(在,2000,年),before / before,(以前,/,以前),3一般过去时常用的时间状语:,38,4.,一般过去时的句型:,肯定句:,(,动词用过去式,),She was at home yesterday evening.,We were busy just now.,He did his homework last night.,They played football yesterday.,4. 一般过去时的句型:,39,否定句:(行为动词的否定:,didnt+,动原 ;,be,动词的否定:,wasnt,,,werent,),She wasnt at home yesterday evening.,We werent busy just now.,He didnt do his home work last night.,They didnt play football yesterday.,否定句:(行为动词的否定:didnt+动原 ;be 动词的,40,疑问句:(行为动词的疑问句:,did +,动原;,be,动词的疑问:,Was/ Were ,),Was she at home yesterday evening?,Were you busy just now?,Did he do his homework last night?,Did they play football yesterday?,Where did he go yesterday?,How did you go to school this morning?,疑问句:(行为动词的疑问句:did +动原; be 动词的,41,七 一般将来时,(,一,),一般将来时的定义,:,表示将要做,打算做,准备做的事,.,(,二,),一般将来时的结构:,1. be going to +,动词原形,(is / are / am going to +,动词原形,),七 一般将来时(一)一般将来时的定义: 表示将要做,打算做,42,1),肯定句,I am going to go to school tomorrow.,He is going to play football this afternoon.,They are going to see the white tiger next Sunday.,We are going to surf the Net this evening.,Sally is going to swim this afternoon.,1) 肯定句,43,2,)否定句,isnt / arent / am not / going to +,动词原形,如:,She isnt going to swim tomorrow.,They arent going to swim next weekend.,2)否定句 isnt / arent / am not,44,3),特殊疑问句,What are you going to do?,How are you going to get there?,What time is your train going to leave for Hong Kong?,3) 特殊疑问句,45,4),一般疑问句,Is she going to go to school tomorrow? Yes,,,she is . / No, she isnt.,Are you going to play football tomorrow? Yes, I am. / No, I am not,Am I going to get to school by bus tomorrow? Yes, you are. / No, you arent.,4) 一般疑问句,46,2. will +,动词原形,1).,肯定句:,I will go to school tomorrow.,He will play football this afternoon.,She will do some reading.,They will see the white tiger next Sunday.,2. will +动词原形,47,2,),.,否定句,: wont +,动词原形,I wont leave you alone.,He wont go to swim in the sea.,She wont run in the playground.,2). 否定句: wont +动词原形I wont l,48,3),一般疑问句,Will you go to school tomorrow? Yes, I will. / No, I wont.,Will she surf the Net tomorrow? Yes, she will / No, she wont.,3)一般疑问句,49,4),特殊疑问句,When will you get there?,Who will go with you?,What will you do on holiday?,4) 特殊疑问句,50,三,).,一般将来时常用时间状语:,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,this (next) morning /Sunday/ week,三). 一般将来时常用时间状语:,51,八一般现在时,1,一般现在时的定义:表示经常性、习惯性的动作或现在的状态特征。,2,一般现在时基本句型结构:,be,动词;行为动词,否定形式:,am/is/are +not;,此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加,dont,如主语为第三人称单数,则用,doesnt,,同时还原行为动词。 ,一般疑问句:把,be,动词放于句首;用助动词,do,提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用,does,,同时,还原行为动词,八一般现在时1一般现在时的定义:表示经常性、习惯性的动作,52,3,一般现在时常见标志词:,never, sometimes, often, usually, always, seldom,,,every,3一般现在时常见标志词:,53,4.,当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的动词变化的规律,: ,1),一般情况加,s,,,如:,visit visits tell tells work works wave waves ,2),以,s, x, sh, ch,,,o,结尾的动词,加,es,,,如:,wash washes watch watches catch catches teach-teaches fix,fixes guess-guesses go-goes do-does,4.当主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的动词变化的规律:,54,3),以辅音字母加,y,结尾的动词,改,y,为,i,加,es,,,如:,fly flies study studies ,4),特殊情况,have has,3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i加es,,55,5,)当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的特殊疑问: ,What time does he get up? He gets up at six. ,Where does she live? She lives in Renmin Road. ,How does he go to work,?,He goes to work by bus.,Who hands in the homework? Jiamin.,Whose friend practices the piano? Janes friend. ,Which school does he study at,?,He studies at No. 2 School.,5)当主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的特殊疑问: ,56,6),当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的肯定句,否定句和一般疑问句的变化,例如:,I eat dinner at six. ,He eats dinner at six too. ,I dont eat dinner at six. ,He doesnt eat dinner at six either. ,Do you eat dinner at six? ,Does he eat dinner at six?,6)当主语是第三人称单数时, 一般现在时的肯定句,否定句和一,57,九,.,现在进行时,1,定义:表示动作正在进行。,2,现在进行时常用标志词:,now , listen , look, see,九.现在进行时1定义:表示动作正在进行。,58,3.,动词,ing,形式(即现在分词)构成规律:,1,)一般情况加,ing,,,如:,red-reading, play-playing,2,)去,e,加,ing,,,如:,write-writing, have-having, take-taking , make-making,3. 动词ing形式(即现在分词)构成规律:,59,3,)重读闭音节单词(辅音元音辅音结尾),双写末尾字母加,ing,如:,sitting , putting, getting, beginning, running, swimming, shopping, skipping, stopping,4,)以,ie,结尾,将,ie,改为,y,再加,ing,, 如:,die-dying, lie-lying, tie-tying,4.,现在进行时的结构:,be doing,(即:,is / are / am,动词,ing,),3)重读闭音节单词(辅音元音辅音结尾),双写末尾字母加,60,5.,基本句型:,1,)肯定句:,I am singing now.,She is singing now. .,They are singing now.,2,)否定句:,I am not singing now.,She isnt singing now.,They arent singing now.,5. 基本句型:,61,3),一般疑问句,Are you singing?,Is she singing?,Are they singing?,4,)特殊疑问句,What are you doing?,What are they doing?,What is she doing,?,How are you going there?,What book are you reading?,3) 一般疑问句,62,6, 部分缩写形式:,is not = isnt are not= arent,I am = Im you are = youre,he is = hes she is = shes,it is = its,7,am,和,is,在句子末尾时不能缩写,即不能出现“,Yes, Im. Yes, its. ”,之类的回答。,6 部分缩写形式:,63,十,. There be,句型与祈使句,(一),There be,句型,1.,定义:,There be,句型表示“某地有某人或某物”,2.,肯定句:,现在有:,There is / are +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,过去有:,There was / were +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,将来有:,There is /are going to be +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,或,There will be +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,十. There be句型与祈使句 2.肯定句:,64,如:,There is a book on the desk. (,书桌上有一本书。,),There are seven days in a week. (,一个星期有七天。,),There was a cake on the table just now,( 刚才桌子上有一个蛋糕。),There is going to be a match tomorrow. (,明天将会有一场比赛。,),There will be a football match tomorrow. (,明天将会有一场足球比赛。,),如: There is a book on the desk,65,3.,否定句,现在没有:,There isnt/ arent +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,过去没有:,There wasnt / werent +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,将来没有:,There isnt /arent going to be +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,或,There wont be +,事物,/,人物 地点,/,时间,3.否定句,66,如:,There isnt a book on the desk. (,书桌上没有书。,),There wasnt a cake on the table just now.,( 刚才桌子上没有蛋糕。),There isnt going to be a match tomorrow. (,明天将不会有比赛。,),There wont be a football match tomorrow. (,明天不会有足球比赛。,),如: There isnt a book on the,67,4,There be,句型中的,be,动词的形式由最靠近,be,动词的第一个名词决定,也就是“就近原则”。,如:,There is a book and two pens on the table.,( 因为最靠近,be,动词的名词是单数“,book”,,“所以,be,动词要用单数形式的“,is”,),广州版小学英语总复习课件,68,There is some water in the glass.,There are some books on the table.,There is a book and some pens on the table.,There is a teacher in the classroom.,There are some teachers in the school.,There is some water in the gla,69,(,二) 祈使句,1.,定义:祈使句用来表达请求、命令、劝告、建议或鼓励。,2.,句型:,肯定句: 用动词原形,如:,Stand up. Give me a book.,否定句:,Dont +,动词原形,如:,Dont pick flowers in the park.,(二) 祈使句,70,1.,英语日期的写法与读法,写法,读法,September 1 st,September the first,1st September the first of September,注:在英语中,年份总是放在日期的最后面。如 “,2009,年,6,月,1,日”可以译为“,June 1,,,2009”,或“,1 June,,,2009”,话,题,1.英语日期的写法与读法话 题,71,2.,时间倒读法,15,分钟:,(a)quarter,;,30,分钟:,half,;,30,分钟及,30,分钟以内用 :,past (,过,),;,30,分钟以后用:,to (,差,分钟到,点,),;,读的顺序: 先分钟,后小时,例如:,half past seven (,七点半,),a quarter to ten (,九点四十五,),ten past two (,两点过十分,),2.时间倒读法,72,3.,国旗、国家、国籍、语言与首都,What national flag is it?,Its the national flag of, 国家,.,Its the,国籍,+ national flag.,Whats the capital of,国家,?,Its,The capital of is,3.国旗、国家、国籍、语言与首都,73,Country,(国家),Capital,(首都),Nationality,(国籍),Language(,语言,),Russia,Moscow,Russian,Russian,China,Beijing,Chinese,Chinese,Canada,Ottawa,Canadian,French. /,English,Italy,Rome,Italian,Italian,France,Paris,French,French,Britain,London,British,English,America,Washington,D.C.,American,English,Japan,Tokyo,Japanese,Japanese,Australia,Canberra,Australian,English,New Zealand,Wellington,New Zealander,English,English,74,4.,固定搭配,1,),feel +,形容词,2,),have a cold / fever/ toothache/ headache / stomachache / pain,(感冒,/,发烧,/,牙疼,/,头疼,/,胃疼,/,疼 ),4.固定搭配,75,3,)太多,too many +,可数名词 (如:,too many sweets,),too much +,不可数名词,(,如:,too much water ),4,) 很多,plenty of,lots of +,可数名词,/,不可数名词,a lot of,3)太多 too many +可数名词 (如:too,76,5,),Youd better, 动词原形 (最好做某事),(,如 :,Youd better stay here . ),6,),eat a lot / walk a lot (,吃很多,/,走很多,),7) like / love / enjoy / hate / practice / be good at + doing,8) do some reading / shopping /cleaning,9 ) go shopping / swimming / fishing / boating / sightseeing / climbing,5) Youd better 动词原形 (最好做某事,77,5.,谈论天气,1,),Weather Report,(预报明天),Welcome to the weather report.,Today is May 26th. Its Monday.,It will be cloudy and hot tomorrow.,The temperature will be between 29 and 33 / from 29 to 33.,Dont forget to take your umbrella.,Its going to rain in the afternoon.,Have a good day! Bye-bye.,Have a good day! Bye-bye.,78,What,s the weather like,?,(天气如何?),What,s the weather like in +,地点?,What,s the weather like in +,地点时间?,What will the weather be like tomorrow?,It,s sunny / windy/ rainy/ cloudy/ snowy / foggy.,It,s hot / cold / warm / cool.,It,s wet / dry.,It,s sunny, hot and dry.,It will be sunny.,It,s going to be rainy.,2,)问天气,Whats the weather like?Its,79,3),温度:,hot- - warm- cool- cold,30 -25 -20 -15 ,4),温度的读法:,-5 minus five degrees centigrade,It,s . .,5),问温度,What,s the temperature ?,(气温多少度?),What,s the temperature today/ now?,What,s the temperature in +,地点?,Whats the temperature in +,地点时间?,3) 温度: hot- - warm- co,80,6.,频度副词(按频率少到多排列):,never / seldom / sometimes / often / usually / always,从不 很少 有时 经常 通常 总是,6.频度副词(按频率少到多排列):,81,7.,种植(,Planting,),1). How to plant a tree? (,种树的步骤,),First, dig a hole.,And then, put the tree into the hole.,After that, fill the hole with earth.,At last, water the tree.,7.种植(Planting),82,2,). How to grow flowers?(,种树的步骤,),a. Put some seeds into the pot.,b. Put some earth on the seeds.,c. Water the seeds.,广州版小学英语总复习课件,83,3,),.,植物生长的过程:,a. Shoots come out. / Shoots appear.,b. There are more and more leaves.,c. Flowers appear.,d. It,s time to pick up the fruits.,3). 植物生长的过程:,84,8.,问路与,指,路,Excuse me, could / can you tell you the way to the Tianhe Park, please?,Turn right out of the hotel. Go straight. Take the first left. The park is on the right,问路:,Excuse me , could / can you tell you the way to the?,Excuse me , could / can you tell me how to get to the ?,8. 问路与指路,85,指路:,Turn right here .,(,在这里右转。,),Turn right out of the hotel.,(出了酒店右转。),Go straight. / Go straight ahead.,(直走,/,向前直走。),Turn right / left.,(,转右,/,转左。,),Take the first left / right.,(第一个路口左转,/,右转。),Its on the left. / Its on your left.,(它就在左边,/,它就在你的左边。),注:,Take the second right. = Second right.,指路:,86,9.,买东西 (,Shopping,),-,Good morning,!,Can I help you? / What can I do for you?,-Id like to buy a pen.,-,What about this one?,-It,s OK. I,ll take it.,-,Here you are. Anything else?,- No, that,s all. How much is it?,-,Two yuan, please.,- Here,s the money.,-,Thank you.,ye bye.,9. 买东西 (Shopping),87,多少钱?:,How much is the +,单数名词,?,How much are the +,复数名词?,How much does the +,单数名词,+cost,?,How much do the +,复数名词,+cost,?,你需要多少?:,How many do you want?,多少钱?:,88,10.,关于职业,问职业:,What does he / she do ? He/ She is a,Whats his / her job? He/ She is a ,10. 关于职业,89,11. also , too, either,also :,用在肯定句里 ,表示“也”,放在句中。,too,: 用在肯定句里,表示“也”,放在句末。,either:,用在否定句里,表示“也” ,放在句末。,11. also , too, either,90,12. It,s time to do sth. = It,s time for sth. (,到时间做某事,),例如:,It,s time to go to school. = Its time for school.,It,s time for sb. to do sth. (,到时间某人做某事,),例如:,It,s time for you to go home now. (,你们到时间回家了。,),12. Its time to do sth. = It,91,13.,看医生,1),医生用语:,a. Whats the matter? / What,s wrong? Whats the matter with you? / What,s wrong with you?,b. Let me give you a checkup.,c. Take the medicine three times a day.,d. You should drink plenty of water.,e. You shouldnt go to bed late.,f. You,d better stay in bed.,g. Don,t eat too much chocolate.,13. 看医生,92,2),病人用语 :,a. I feel ill / bad.,b. I have a cold / headache / stomachache / toothache/ fever.,c. I dont feel well. Sometimes I feel hot, and sometimes I feel cold.,2) 病人用语 :,93,3,),Should ? Yes .should. / No. shouldnt.,如:,Should he get up early? Yes, he should. / No, he shouldnt.,3) Should ? Yes .should. /,94,14.,希望与祝愿,I hope I can (,可能实现的愿望,),I wish I could,(不能实现或难以实现的愿望),I hope can ,I wish could,She hopescan,She wishescould,广州版小学英语总复习课件,95,例如:,I hope I can be a writer. I hope I can be taller. I h


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