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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语写作技能总结,英语写作技能总结,一、基础写作,2,一、基础写作 2,1 分类,从文体上:,记叙文,议论文,说明文,应用文,(书信、通知、个人简历、求职信、申请书),一定要注意判断,时态及人称,注意文章的结构,3,1 分类从文体上:3,英语写作技能总结课件,英语写作技能总结课件, 据调查,许多中学生有自己的博客。,According to a survey, many middle school students have their own blogs., 现在,越来越多的人用信用卡付帐。,Nowadays, more and more people prefer to pay by credit cards.,6, 据调查,许多中学生有自己的博客。6,2)表示原因, There are three reasons for this., The reasons for this are as follows., This is because.,7,2)表示原因 7,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化,理由有三个。,Great changes have taken place in our life and there are three reasons for this.,/,There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life,.,.,8,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化,理由有三个。 8,3) 表示好处/ 坏处, It does us a lot of good / harm., It benefits us quite a lot., It is beneficial / harmful to us., It is of great benefit to us.,广泛阅读对我们有许多好处。,Reading extensively is of great benefit to us.,They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.,9,3) 表示好处/ 坏处 广泛阅读对我们有许多好处。 Read,4) 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能, It is important / necessary / difficult / convenient / possible)for sb.to do sth., We think it necessary to do sth., It plays an important role in our life.,10,4) 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 10,5) 表示措施, We should take some effective measures to solve the problem., We should try our best to overcome the difficulties., Effective measures should be taken to.,11,5) 表示措施 11,6) 表示变化, 五年来,人们的饮食发生了很大的变化。,Great changes have taken place in peoples diet in the past five years., 电脑给教育带来了许多变化。,The computer has brought about many changes in education.,12,6) 表示变化 12,7) 表示事实、现状, 我们不能忽视世界人口在不断增长这个事实。,We can not ignore the fact that the worlds population keeps increasing., 不能否认, 电脑给我们的生活带来了很多的便利。,There is no denying the fact that the computer has brought us a lot of convenience.,13,7) 表示事实、现状 13,8) 表示比较, 与自行车相比,汽车有几个好处。,Compared with bicycles, cars have several advantages,., 人们喜欢用信用卡而不是用现金付款。,People prefer to pay by credit cards rather than pay in cash,.,14,8) 表示比较14,9) 表示看法, As far as Im concerned,., In my opinion,., From my point of view,., As for myself, ., People have / take different attitudes towards sth., People have different opinions on this problem.,15,9) 表示看法15,对于失败,人们有不同的态度。,People have different attitudes towards failure.,Some believe that,failure leads to success. Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor. However,others,are easily discouraged,by failures and put themselves into the category of losers.,16,对于失败,人们有不同的态度。 People have dif,10) 表示结论, 总之,我们应该尽可能多读书。,In short, it is necessary for us to read as many books as possible., 综上所述,我们可以得出结论,考试是必要的。,From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that,examination is necessary.,17,10) 表示结论17,11) 套语, Its well known to us that ., As is known to all, , As a proverb says, “Where there is a will,there is a way. ”, It is time we,took,action to solve the problem.,18,11) 套语 18,二、读写任务,19,二、读写任务19,Summary,简洁明了 主题突出 不能抄袭原文中的句子,可采用“,总分,”的形式,即,主题句+解释支撑,不要写与主题无关的内容,20,Summary简洁明了 主题突出 不能抄袭原文中的句子20,如何概括主旨大意,1.寻找关键词。,“以约120词谈谈你理想大学生活”,college/university life,确定主题句,标题,论点,总结段(记叙文、说明文的第一段或最后一段),自己组合概括,21,如何概括主旨大意1.寻找关键词。21,如何概括主旨大意,3. 重构主题句,替换主要词汇,important -,be of importance,正话反说,Every one is important. -,No one is not important.,简单句-从句,从句间的相互转换,What the author said is true.,All that the author explained is correct.,22,如何概括主旨大意3. 重构主题句22,如何概括主旨大意,4. 议论文-简要转述阅读材料的观点,使用,第三人称或无人称,5.记叙文/故事-what, who, how, when ,where, why(,启示,视情况而定),6. 说明性/描述性-使用概括性的文字说明,23,如何概括主旨大意4. 议论文-简要转述阅读材料的观点,使,文体,主题句,支撑句,议论文,文章论点(一句),文章论据(两三句),记叙文,故事的主要内容(一句),故事大意/启示,说明文,说明的对象/观点/现象,解释/分述,24,文体主题句支撑句议论文文章论点(一句)文章论据(两三句)记叙,记叙文 (夹叙夹议),写概括时常用的句型:(可省略),1),The writer tells us,his brothers experience of leaving home for college for the first time.,2),The story is about,the writers brother who left home for college for the first time.,3),The author tells us that,25,记叙文 (夹叙夹议)写概括时常用的句型:(可省略)25,写好过渡句:, I had,a similar experience,of leaving home, too.,Once, This story,reminds me of,my first leaving home., I have a,similar,experience,to,the writers,.,Once,26,写好过渡句:26,点题或发表看法:, Through this journey,I have learned,to depend on myself and realized how much my parents love me.,In my opinion, leaving home for a while, we will have a chance to broaden our horizon and experience an independent life. It seems difficult at first, but we will benefit a lot from it.,27,点题或发表看法:27,议论文、说明文,写概括时常用的句型:,According to the passage / a survey,British youngsters take footballers or pop stars rather than great scientists and writers as their idols and most of them ignore their parents.,The writer states that,it is quite necessary for teens to take exercise for an hour each day. And he suggests to us some ways to take enough exercise in order to stay healthy.,28,议论文、说明文写概括时常用的句型:28,写好过渡句:, 作者说的很有道理。,What the writer says is reasonable., 我同意作者的观点。,I am totally in favour of the writer.,/,I agree with the writer., 我不同意作者的观点。,I disagree with /dont agree with the writer,.,29,写好过渡句:29, 正如上述,课外活动对我们很有好处,所以我总是安排时间参加课外活动。,As has been mentioned above,extracurricular activities are beneficial to us, so I always try to make time for some activities., 事实上,人们对于学生能不能上网有不同的看法。,Actually, people have different views / opinions on whether students can use the Internet.,30, 正如上述,课外活动对我们很有好处,所以我总是安排时间参加,发表看法(人们的不同看法和自己的看法):, Actually, people have different views / opinions,on whether,students can use the Internet.,Some are in favor of the idea,.,Firstly,. Secondly,. Thirdly,.,While others have a negative attitude,.,From their point of view,.,31,发表看法(人们的不同看法和自己的看法):31, As far as I am concerned ,I hold the view that,students can use the Internet. The reasons are as follows.,Personally, I support the idea that students should use the Internet. To begin with, Besides,. Finally,.,32, As far as I am concerned , I,总结,重申自己的观点;或就某现象提出建议或措施:,Therefore, it is easy to draw the conclusion that students will benefit a lot from using the Internet.,To sum up,/,In a word,/,In short,/,In conclusion, I hold the view that students should not be kept away from the Internet.,33,总结,重申自己的观点;或就某现象提出建议或措施:33,Therefore,we should arrange our time properly and learn to the keep the balance between our studies and activities. With the right balance, both can improve.,To improve the situation, some measures should be taken.,34, Therefore, we should arrange,35,35,36,36,


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