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*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,超声对乳腺恶性肿瘤的诊断,超声对乳腺恶性肿瘤的诊断,1,(优选)超声对乳腺恶性肿瘤的诊断,(优选)超声对乳腺恶性肿瘤的诊断,2,Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Breast Malignant Tumors,乳腺恶性肿瘤的超声诊断,昆明医学院附属昆华医院超声科,尹欣,Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Breast,3,Breast cancer is the first leading cause of death for women all over the world.,In the United States more than 8% women will suffer this disease during their life time.,Breast cancer is the first lea,4,Sonographically, the breast is divided into three layers between the skin and the chest wall.,在声像图中,从皮肤至胸壁可将乳腺组织可分为,3,层。,These layers include :,Subcutaneous layer,皮下组织层,Mammary layer,腺体层,Retromammary layer,乳腺后层,Anatomy of the Breast,乳腺的解剖,Sonographically, the breas,5,Subcutaneous layer,Mammary layer,Retromammary layer,Subcutaneous layer Retromammary layer,composed of,Fat and Connective tissue,Subcutaneous layer Subcutane,6,Parenchymal Patterns,The appearance of the glandular elements of the breast vary remarkably from woman to woman and vary within the same woman,depending on her,stage in life.,女性乳腺的图像在个体间有很,大的差异性,即使是同一人在,不同阶段乳腺的图像也不同,Parenchymal Patterns,7,Young Female,Fibrous elements predominate and reflects a dense echogenic of tissue,青春期女性乳腺纤维组织较多因而腺体回声细密,Young Female Fibrous elements,8,昆明医学院附属昆华医院超声科 尹欣,Uniform echogenicity 回声均匀,Microcalcifications 微钙化点,Check these four quadrant in a clockwise direction and then scan nipple(乳头) and oxter(腋下),Eggshell Calcification,How to Scan,Subcutaneous layer,The growth of malignant tumors are often infiltrate surrounding structures and resulting the aspect ratio is 1 恶性肿瘤的生长常常浸润正常结构而导致前后径增大,故纵横比常1。,Breast cancer with Irregular border边界不规则的乳腺癌,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,Small, hyperechoic spots without acoustic shadowing,Lower Inner Quadrant (LIQ),Young Female,Fibrous elements predominate and reflects a dense echogenic of tissue,stage in life.,Benign Calcification,Taller than wide 纵/横比1,女性乳腺的图像在个体间有很,Pregnant Female,The breast proliferate remarkably in both density and volume,妊娠期女性乳腺显著增生,昆明医学院附属昆华医院超声科 尹欣Pregnant Fe,9,Elder Female,The breast tissue becomes progressively replaced with fat,老年期乳腺逐渐脂肪化,Elder FemaleThe breast tissue,10,How to Scan,T,he breast is divided into four quadrant:,Upper Outer Qua,d,ran,t,(UOQ),Upper Inner Qua,d,ran,t,(UIQ),Lower Outer Qua,d,ran,t,(LOQ),Lower Inner Qua,d,ran,t,(LIQ),Check these four quadrant in a clockwise direction,and then scan,nipple(,乳头,) and oxter,(腋下),How to Scan The breast is di,11,Sonographic Characteristics of,Breast Malignant Tumors,乳腺恶性肿块的超声表现,Sonographic Characteristics o,12,Cancer,Crab,螃蟹,癌症,巨蟹座,Cancer癌症巨蟹座,13,Cancer,Irregular, spiculated, or angulated border,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,Crab,螃蟹,Cancroid,蟹足状的,CancerCrab螃蟹Cancroid 蟹足状的,14,Cancer,Breast cancer with,Irregular,border,边界不规则的乳腺癌,CancerBreast cancer with Irreg,15,女性乳腺的图像在个体间有很,Smooth, sharp border 边界光滑,清楚,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,The appearance of the glandular elements of the breast vary remarkably from woman to woman and vary within the same woman,Taller than wide,Wider than tall 纵横比 1 恶性肿瘤的生长常常浸润正常结构而导致前后径增大,故纵横比常1。,细小,高回声的光点,不伴后方声影,不同阶段乳腺的图像也不同,Breast Cancer,Microcalcifications,微钙化点,Small, hyperechoic spots without acoustic shadowing,细小,高回声的光点,不伴后方声影,女性乳腺的图像在个体间有很Breast CancerMicr,16,Benign Calcification,Eggshell Calcification,蛋壳样钙化,Benign CalcificationEggshell C,17,Company Logo,Characteristics of Malignant Calcifications,1.Concentrated in one area, usually in the tumor.,2.Microcalcifications, 1mm.,3.Over 5 microcalcifications in 1 cm,1.,集中于一处,多位于肿块内。,2.,细小钙化,,1,乳腺超声诊断,CancerTaller than wide 纵/横比,19,Parallel wider than tall long axis parallel to skin,NOT parallel taller than,wide long axis,perpendicular to skin,Parallel wider than tall l,20,Taller than wide,The growth of malignant tumors are often infiltrate surrounding structures and resulting the aspect ratio is 1,恶性肿瘤的生长常常浸润正常结构而导致前后径增大,故纵横比常,1,。,Taller than wideThe growth of,21,Cancer,Abundant in blood flow signals,血流信号丰富,CancerAbundant in blood flow,22,Benign tumor with rich blood flow signals,管中窥豹只一斑,叶落难断已秋天。,是峰是岭横侧看,超脱物外也非仙!,Benign tumor with r,23,Subcutaneous layer Retromammary layer,Benign Calcification,乳腺的解剖,Benign Calcification,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,细小,高回声的光点,不伴后方声影,Mammary layer,Irregular, spiculated, or angulated border,Taller than wide,stage in life.,Elder Female,Upper Inner Quadrant (UIQ),Sonographically, the breast is divided into three layers between the skin and the chest wall.,青春期女性乳腺纤维组织较多因而腺体回声细密,女性乳腺的图像在个体间有很,Upper Outer Quadrant(UOQ),Irregular, spiculated, or angulated border,Mammary layer,Irregular, spiculated, or angulated border,Small, hyperechoic spots without acoustic shadowing,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,Sonographically, the breast is divided into three layers between the skin and the chest wall.,The growth of malignant tumors are often infiltrate surrounding structures and resulting the aspect ratio is 1 恶性肿瘤的生长常常浸润正常结构而导致前后径增大,故纵横比常1。,Retromammary layer,Fibrous elements predominate and reflects a dense echogenic of tissue,不同阶段乳腺的图像也不同,Breast Cancer,Concentrated in one area, usually in the tumor.,The breast tissue becomes progressively replaced with fat,不规则,毛刺状,或成角的边界,Benign Calcification,Taller than wide 纵/横比1,Company Logo,Uniform echogenicity 回声均匀,乳腺的解剖,Taller than wide 纵/横比1,Elder Female,Taller than wide,Characteristics,of Benign Tumors,Oval or round,圆形或卵圆形,Smooth, sharp border,边界光滑,清楚,Uniform echogenicity,回声均匀,Wider than tall,纵横比,1,Fibroadenoma,纤维腺瘤,Subcutaneous layer Retroma,24,


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