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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,短文改错,Error Correction,中考英语专题复习,短文改错 Error Correction中考英语专题复习,Andersen,(安徒生),Andersen(安徒生),Hints(,提示,):,1,Hints(提示):1,Hints(,提示,):,1,correction,step I,Read the story to get a general idea.,(,阅读全文,掌握大意,),Hints(提示):1correction step I,correction step II:,Correct the story sentence by sentence.,(,分句阅读,找出错误,),1.The story happened in winter.,2.When many people were getting together in them houses, a poor little girl was still walking in the streets without shoe.,3.There were a little matches in her hand.,4.“Matches,matches!” the little girl cried in low voice.,5.No one heard of her when they are passing by.,6.She didnt sell any matches and no one give her a coin.,7.The wind was blowing strong and the snow was falling down on her long hair.,8.She felt cold but hungry.,9.She could neither find food to eat nor find a house to live in .,10.In the morning of the next day,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,correction step II:1.The story,shoes,2.When many people were getting together in them houses, a poor little girl was still walking in the streets without shoe.,their,名词,1.The story happened in winter.,解题技巧,代词,名词,形容词性物主代词,单复数,shoes2.When many people were g,解题技巧,3.There were a little matches in her hand.,few,名词,代词,名词,不定代词,单复数,形容词性物主代词,解题技巧3.There were a little matc,4.“Matches,matches!” the little girl cried in low voice.,a,解题技巧,名词,名词,冠词,a,单复数,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,4.“Matches,matches!” the littl,名词,解题技巧,5.No one heard of her when they are passing by.,介词,were,名词,冠词,a,单复数,动词,时态,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,固定搭配,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,名词解题技巧5.No one heard of her wh,名词,解题技巧,6.She didnt sell any matches and no one give her a coin.,gave,动词,名词,冠词,a,单复数,时态,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,介词,固定搭配,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,名词解题技巧6.She didnt sell any ma,名词,解题技巧,7.The wind was blowing strong and the snow was falling down on her long hair.,strongly,形容词,&,副词,动词,名词,冠词,a,单复数,副词的用法,时态,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,介词,固定搭配,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,名词解题技巧7.The wind was blowing s,名词,解题技巧,8.She felt cold but hungry.,and,连词,形容词,&,副词,动词,固定搭配,名词,冠词,a,单复数,副词的用法,并列,时态,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,介词,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,名词解题技巧8.She felt cold but hung,On,10.In the morning of the next day,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,名词,解题技巧,9.She could neither find food to eat nor find a house to live in .,连词,形容词,&,副词,动词,时间介词,时态,名词,单复数,副词的用法,并列,固定搭配,代词,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,介词,冠词,a,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,On10.In the morning of the nex,解题技巧,代词,The story happened in winter.When many people were getting together in them houses, a poor little girl was still walking in the streets without shoe.There were a little matches in her hand. “Matches,matches!” the little girl cried in low voice.No one heard of her when they are passing by.She didnt sell any matches and no one give her a coin.The wind was blowing strong and the snow was falling down on her long hair.She felt cold but hungry.She could neither find food to eat nor find a house to live . In the morning of the next day,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,介词,动词,形容词,&,副词,连词,名词,their,shoes,few,a,were,give,strongly,and,On,correction step III,Check the answers.,(检查核对),冠词,时间介词,时态,a,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,单复数,副词的用法,并列连词,固定搭配,gave,a,冠词,介词,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,解题技巧代词 The story happened i,代词,介词,形容词,&,副词,连词,名词,冠词,时间介词,a,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,单复数,副词的用法,并列连词,固定搭配,自主归纳,人称代词,反身代词,指示代词,疑问代词,名词所有格,an,the,零冠词,地点、方位、方式,固定搭配,语态,动词,时态,从属连词,(时间,原因,条件,结果,让步,目的,比较),比较级,最高级,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,代词介词形容词&副词连词名词冠词时间介词a不定代词形容词性物,10,4,?,知己知彼 百战不殆,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,104?知己知彼 百战不殆中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解p,考察内容,为了和高中内容接轨,,2018,年遵义中考直接采用高中题型的短文改错题。在短文中共有,处语法错误,每,中最多有,。其中,个为多一词,,个为少一词,要求考生添加或删除的词通常,是,,,,,;剩余,个词为修改词汇。,短,文,改,错,具体做法,增加:,10,句,两处,1,1,8,删减:,修改:,在缺词处加一个漏字符号,,并在其下面写出增加的词。,把多余的词用,划掉。,在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。,自主归纳,介词,冠词,连词,“Matches,matches!” the little girl cried in low voice.,a,No one heard of her when they are passing by.,There were a little matches in her hand.,few,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,考察内容 为了和高中内容接轨,2018年遵义中考直接采,2,Hints(,提示,):,-,Snow White,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,2Hints(提示):- Snow White中考英语专,技巧点拨,代词,介词,动词,形容词,&,副词,连词,名词,Work in your group to correct the mistakes and find the reasons,There was a princess named Snow White.,She was the pretty girl in the world. But, she had a stepmother who wanted to kill her. Lucky, a kind hunter told her to left here. So she ran to the seven little men house and they lived together like a family. When the queen knew that Snow White was still alive, she dressed up as old woman and gave her a bad apple.Snow White ate it and dead. So the little men put her in a glass box and ask for help. Later, a handsome prince came to here and woke Snow White up by giving herself a kiss. After that, they lived a happy life forever.,冠词,prettiest,However,L,uc,k,i,ly,leave,固定搭配,mens,an,died,词性变化,asked,时态,her,原级,比较级,最高级,并列连词,从属连词,名词单复数,名词所有格,物主代词,不定代词,人称代词,反身代词,指示代词,疑问代词,a,an,the,零冠词,地点,方位,方式,时间,地点副词前不用介词,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,技巧点拨代词介词动词形容词&副词连词名词Work in yo,代词,介词,形容词,&,副词,连词,名词,冠词,时间介词,a,不定代词,形容词性物主代词,单复数,副词的用法,并列连词,固定搭配,人称代词,反身代词,指示代词,疑问代词,名词所有格,an,the,零冠词,地点、方位、方式,固定搭配,语态,动词,时态,从属连词,(时间,原因,条件,结果,让步,目的,比较),比较级,最高级,Summary,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,代词介词形容词&副词连词名词冠词时间介词a不定代词形容词性物,3,Hints(,提示,):,He is an emperor,He loves new clothes very much,-,The Emperors New Clothes,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,3Hints(提示):He is an emperorHe,Work in groups and make your own error correction,创作一篇自己的短文改错,Once upon a time, there was an emperor. He loved buying and looking at clothes. One day, two brothers came to the city. They told the emperor that they could make beautiful clothes for him, but he must give them silk and gold. The brothers were bad people. They kept all the silk and gold for themselves. They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only clever people could see them. When the emperor put on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear. But he didnt want people to think he was stupid, so he said the clothes were beautiful. Then he walked around the city in his new clothes until one boy shouted,“The emperor isnt wearing any clothes!”,能力提升,添加或删除的词通常是:,介词,冠词,连词,修改的词为:,名词,动词,形容词,副词,代词,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,Work in groups and make your o,Homework:,Continue your story of the,Emperors New Clothes and share,it with your friends,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,Homework:中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解ppt课件,What makes him so successful?,Andersen,If all of us can work as hard as Anderson,,,then I think our dreams will come true in the end.,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,What makes him so successful?A,1.,巧用名言,亮出论点。作者引用贴切的名言,巧妙地提出中心论点,言简意赅,简明易懂,便于读者把握主旨。,2.,古今对举,例证典型。为了让论点得以有力的凸显,文章采用古今中外的名人名言与事例作为论据,纵横捭阖,让人心服口服,不容置疑。,3.,句式多变,感情充沛。行文中,作者多处使用了设问句、反问句和感叹句,分别起到了不同的表达作用,字里行间洋溢着作者的立场、观点与情感,增强了语言的表现力与论证色彩和力度。,4,娜塔莎失望和狂喜都有所准备的焦急的面色,忽然明朗起来,露出了快乐、感激、小孩般的笑容。,5,对于自己的专业精通又专注几乎就是自己对生命最好的馈赠,因为不仅它能让自己得到更多机会,而且能为这世界创造更多价值,这或许就是生命意义所在。,6,小说中的娜塔莎是托尔斯泰笔下的一个经典形象,她出身于贵族家庭,是一个充满浪漫与幻想且多愁善感的女性。,7.,推行自主招生改革,扩大学校的招生自主权,有助于高校根据自己的办学定位、育人要求,选拔适合本校培养目标的学生。,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,中考英语专题复习短文改错复习讲解,ppt,课件,1.巧用名言,亮出论点。作者引用贴切的名言,巧妙地提出中心论,


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