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Ramnoldiv Grassi, 9ossone E距m啪,A, Tsai TT, Froehlich JB, Cooper y, Montgomery D, Meinhard G, Myrmel T, Unchurch GR, Sundt TIn, Isselbacher EM International Registry of Acute Aortic,4 Author intormation,Abstract,BACKGROUND: In patients with acute type B artic dissection, presence Df recurrent or retractory pain and/or refractory hypertension,medical therapy is sometimes used as an indication far imvasle treatment The International Registy of Acute Aortic dissection,IRAD) was used to invest gate the impact of refractory pain andr or refractory rypertension on the outcomes of acute type B aortC,dissection,METHODS AND RESULTS: Three hundred sity-five patients affected by uncomplicated acute type B aortic dissection, enrolled in RAD,tom 2019 to 200, were categorized according to nsk prot le into 2 groups Patients worth recurrent and or refractory pain or retractory,ypertension (group l n=69 and patents without clinical complicat ons at presentation (group ll n=296) were compared. High-risk,Iatients mth classic complications were Excluded from this analysis. The overall in-hospital mortality Mras 6.5% and n as increased in,group I compared with group ll(17. 49 versus 4.0% P=0.000S). The in-hospital mortality after medical management wras signif cantly,icreased in group I compared with group l356% versus 1 6% P=.0003)Mortality rates after surgical 20 versus 28% P=0.74),ement(S.7% versus 9. 1%5 P=0. 50)did not differ significanty between graup l and group I, respectively. A,ulb variable logistic regression model confirmed that recurrent andor refractory pain or refractory hypertension was a predictor of ink,hospital mortal ity odds ratio, 3.31: 95% confidence interval, 1.04 to 10.45, P=0.041,CONCLUSIONS: Recurrent pain and r,particularly when managed medically. These observations suggest that aortic intervention, such as via an endovascular approach,may be indicated in this intermediate-risk group,Circulation2019se281221312839.,9,jac,201日.01.064,Presenting Systolic Blood Pressure and outcomes in Patients With Acute Aortic Dissection.,Bossone E1 Gorla R, LaBounty Thd 3 Suzuki, Gilon D5, strauss c5 Ballotta A Patel HJB, Evangelista A9. Ehrlich Mp10. Hutchison 511, Kllne-Rogers,三ak,t Author intormation,Abstract,BACKGROUND: Presenting systolic blood pressure (SBP)is a powerful predictor of mortality in mamy cardiovascular settings, including,OBJECTIVES: This stucty evaluated the association of presenting SEP with in-hosptal outcomes. specifically alk-cause mortality. in,METHODS: T he study included 6, 23B consecutive patients (4, 167 woth bype A and 2. 07 1 wnth type B AAD) enrolled in the International,RegIsty of Acute aorti,ton. Patients were stabled in 4 groups according to presenting sBP: SBP 150, 5BP 101 to 150, SBP,se0 mm Hd,RESULIS: The relationship beteen presenting SBP and in-hospital mortality displayed a J-curve association, unth signif canty higt,mortality rates in patients with vel,BP 26.3% for sBP 180 mm Hg in type A AAD, 13.3%5 for sBP 200 mm Hg in type B AAD,0.005 and p=0.018, respective)as well as in those suit SBP $100 mm Hg (29.9%o in type A, 22.4 in type B, p=0.035 and,p=0.015, respectivelyl. This relationship was mainly from increased rates of in-hospital camplications (acute renal failurE, coma, and,mesenteric ischemiaanfarction in patients wth sBP 15D mm Hg: stroke, coma, cardiac tamponade, myocardial ischemia/nfarction,and acute renal failure in patients with SBP s80 mm Hg). Notably presenting SEP sBU mm Hg mas independently associated with in-,ospital mortality in both tpe A p=0. 001)and type B AAD(p=0.003),CONCLUSIONS: Presenting SEP showed a clear J-curve relationship with in-hospital mortality in patients with AAD. Although this,ssociabonwas related to increased rates of comor bid conditions at the edges of the curve, SaP sad mrm Hg was an independet,elate oT in-nospltal mortalit,jac,201日.01.064,10,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,11,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,12,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,13,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,14,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,15,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,16,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,17,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,18,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,19,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,20,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,21,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,22,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,23,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,24,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,25,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,26,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,27,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,28,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,29,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,30,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,31,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,32,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,33,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,34,主动脉夹层手术的麻醉ppt课件,35,


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