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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,北师大版高中英语教材必修,4,Unit12 Culture Corner Australia,Aborigines- the Native Australia,北师大版高中英语教材必修4Unit12 Culture Co,1,Unit12 Culture Shock,Culture Corner,Unit 12 Culture shock,Culture Corner,AustraliaAborigines-the Native Australians,Unit12 Culture ShockCulture Co,2,Objectives,By the end of the lesson, you will be able to,know the origin, the way of life, the culture and the present situation of Aborigines.,understand and respect the different cultures and the different races.,discuss the Australia.,Objectives,3,Lead-in,Look at the map of Australia and find out Canberra, New South Wales , Southern Australia and Northern Australia.,Lead-inLook at the map of Aust,4,General situation,Area:,7,686,850 sq km,Population:,18,600,000,Capital:,Canberra,Official language,:,English,Currency:,Australian dollar,General situationArea:,5,National emblem,(国徽),National flag,National emblem(国徽)National,6,Most of them come from England,18%come from the other countries of Europe,6% come from Asia,About 2% are the native Australians,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,6% come from AsiaAbout 2% are,7,Pre-reading,Match the words from the text with the definitions (a-e).,1 particular,2 tribe,3 spirit,4 gallery,5 legend,a) a living thing without a physical body,b) certain,c) a place where works of art are shown,d) an old well-kown story,e) a group of people of the same race led by a chief,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,Pre-reading1 particulara) a li,8,While-reading -Rearrange,1. Aborigines situation of recent years.,2. Aborigines are indigenous(,土著的),occupants.,3. Aborigines way of life.,4. White people ended the traditional Aboriginal way of life.,5. Aboriginal culture including legends, songs, dances, language and rock paintings.,1,2,3,4,5,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,While-reading -Rearrange1. Abo,9,While-reading,Read the text again and answer the questions.,1. Where did Aborigines originally come from?,2. What was kind of Aboriginal way of life?,3. As for Aboriginal language, what can we learn from the text?,4. How did the arrival of white people affect the traditional Aboriginal way of life?,5. What changes have happened to Aborigineslife recently?,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,While-reading1. Where did Abor,10,1. Where did Aborigines originally come from?,Indonesia,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,1. Where did Aborigines origin,11,2. What was kind of Aboriginal way of life?,nomad,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,2. What was kind of Aborigina,12,3. As for Aboriginal language, what can we learn from the text?,There was no written Aboriginal language,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,3. As for Aboriginal language,13,4. How did the arrival of white people affect the traditional Aboriginal way of life?,The arrival of white people gradually brought an end to the traditional Aboriginal way of life. The “new” Australians began to build and settle on Aborigine tribal lands.,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,4. How did the arrival of whit,14,5. What changes have happened to Aborigineslife recently?,The result has been an increase in health and educational services, greater recognition of Aboriginal land rights and a growing appreciation of Aboriginal culture.,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,5. What changes have happened,15,Voice your opinion,For centuries, Aborigines were living in poor conditions, the death rate is high and they were always consider as brutal,(野蛮的),and uncultivated(,无教养的),people.However, in recent years, white Australians have become more sensitive to the Aborigines situation.,What do you think of this phenomenon?,Whats your attitude towards the immigrant workers and their kids?,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,Voice your opinionFor centurie,16,1.Try to say something about Australia in English .,2 .Do the exercises in the exercisebook.,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,1.Try to say something about,17,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修4unit 12Culture Corner,18,1.,日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于现代年轻人对古代中国文化了解甚少,并不知道哪些元素来自中国。,2.,本着保证校车安全的原则,公安机关将会同教育行政等部门对校车驾驶人进行逐一审查,坚决清退不符合安全规定的校车驾驶人。,3.,山寨文化是一种平民文化、草根文化,自然有其存在的意义和价值,但山寨产品的泛滥则是中国知识产权意识不足的揭露与讽刺。,4.,神舟,7,号宇宙飞船载着三位航天英雄胜利返回地球,这艘宇宙飞船是我们国家自行研制的,每一个中国人不能不为之骄傲。,5.,这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。,6.,杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑。,7,、为防止东南亚地区发生的禽流感传入我国,国家质检总局和农业部今天联合发出通知,自即日暂行禁止进口来自疫区的禽类及其产品。,8.,这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。,9.,杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,北师大英语必修,4unit 12Culture Corner PPT,课件,1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于,19,


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