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,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,Module 6,Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World,Module 6,Introduction,Introduction,When we mention unexplained mysteries, what do you think of?,When we mention unexplained my,UFO,UFO,Big Footprint,The Bigfoot,Big Footprint,The Monster of Lake Tianchi,The Monster of Lake Tianchi,tortoise,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,tortoise外研 高中英语必修4Module6 Intr,snake,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,snake外研 高中英语必修4Module6 Introdu,Do you know any other mysteries in this world?,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,Do you know any other mysterie,monster,Learn the new words,hairy,tail,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,monsterLearn the new wordshair,footprint,claw,dinosaur,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,footprintclawdinosaur外研 高中英语必修,1. Look at the pictures and match them with the descriptions.,a. The Bigfoot,c. The Loch Ness Monster,b. The Yeti,d. The Grey Man,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,1. Look at the pictures and ma,The Yeti,_ is a monster,that lives high up in the,Himalayas. Its about two,meters tall and has powerful,arms and legs. It often gets,angry and will attack anyone,who goes close to it. Local,people and people traveling,in the mountains have many,stories to tell about it.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,The Yeti _ is a monste,_ got its,name because of its large,footprints. It lives in the,mountainous forests of,northwest America and,probably looks like a very,large monkey-tall and hairy,with big arms and legs.,Native Americans believe it is a spirit and has no physical form.,The Bigfoot,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,_ got its The Big,The Grey Man,_ is a frightening creature that,lives in Scotland. Climbers say they have seen it on the mountains. It is tall and,has a grey face and long claws instead of hands.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,The Grey Man_ i,One of the most famous,monsters in the world is,the _.,It lives in a deep lake,(a loch) in the north of,Scotland and it is very,old. It has a small head and a long tail and some people believe it is a dinosaur.,Loch Ness Monster,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,One of the most famous Loch Ne,attack, claw, creature, dinosaur, footprint, hairy, monster, spirit, tail,an animal, especially if you dont know what kind of animal it is.,2. an unknown animal that is big and frightening.,creature,monster,2. Match the words with the definitions.,3. With a lot of hair,hairy,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,attack, claw, creature, dinosa,4. The mark left on the ground by a foot,5. a part that sticks out at the back of an,animals body,6. a large animal that lived thousands of years ago,footprint,tail,dinosaur,7. something that continues to exist after death,8. the sharp nails that some animals and birds have on their feet,9. to use violence against someone,spirit,claws,attack,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,4. The mark left on the ground,3. Discussion Do you know any other mysteries in this world?,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,3. Discussion Do you know any,Reading and Vocabulary,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,Reading and Vocabulary外研 高中英语必,1. As we know, there are some unexplained mysteries in the natural world such as the Yeti, the Bigfoot, the Grey Man and the Loch Ness Monster. Have you ever heard of or read about any other monster? Tell us something you know.,1. Discuss the following questions.,Warming-up,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,1. As we know, there are some,Lying at the top of the volcanic cone of the main peak, Tianchi Lake is the most famous scenic spot in the Changbaishan Mountain Area in the north of Jilin Province.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,Lying at the top of the volcan,In the shape of the lotus leaf, the lake is a natural result of volcanic eruption. With an altitude of 2,189 meters, it is the boundary lake between China and North Korea and also the cradle of Manchu, Korean and Han nationalities.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,In the shape of the lotus leaf,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修4Module6 Introduction,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修4Module6 Introduction,2. Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.,Para 1,the latest sighting of the Tianchi monster,Para 2,another recent sighting of Tianchi Monster,Para,3,a third sighting of the Tianchi monster,Para,4,more information about the Tianchi monster,Para 5,information about Lake Tianchi,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,2. Read the passage quickly an,3. Read the passage and answer the following questions.,1. According to the text, what did the,monster look like?,Black in color; jumped like a seal; its,head looked like a horse.,2. How many people saw it?,About 200.,3. Who else saw the animal?,A group of soldiers.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,3. Read the passage and answer,4. What were they doing?,They were walking along the side of the lake.,5. What did it look like?,It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10cm horns.,6.What did Li Xiaohe see?,A round black creature moving quickly,through the water. After 300 or 400 meters it dived into the water.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,4. What were they doing?外研 高中英,7.Why could they see the animal clearly?,The weather was fine and the lake was calm.,8. How long was the history of reports of,monsters in Lake Tianchi?,Since the beginning of the last century.,9. What do many people think?,The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,7.Why could they see the anima,10. What do the scientists think?,The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.,11. How big is the Lake Tianchi?,It covers an area of about 10 km2 .,12. How high is it?,Its 2189 m high.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,10. What do the scientists thi,SIGHTING,WITNESS,DESCRIPTION,Sighting One,Sighting Two,Sighting There,Xue Junlin,a group of soldiers,Li Xiao he,Its head looked like a horse.,greenish-black,,,round head with 10cm horns,a round black creature,Note-taking,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,SIGHTINGWITNESSDESCRIPTIONSigh,Homework,Find more information about the monsters or other mysteries of the nature world.,Finish off the exercise related to vocabulary and reading in the Workbook.,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,HomeworkFind more information,Goodbye!,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,Goodbye!外研 高中英语必修4Module6 Intr,1.,日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于现代年轻人对古代中国文化了解甚少,并不知道哪些元素来自中国。,2.,本着保证校车安全的原则,公安机关将会同教育行政等部门对校车驾驶人进行逐一审查,坚决清退不符合安全规定的校车驾驶人。,3.,山寨文化是一种平民文化、草根文化,自然有其存在的意义和价值,但山寨产品的泛滥则是中国知识产权意识不足的揭露与讽刺。,4.,神舟,7,号宇宙飞船载着三位航天英雄胜利返回地球,这艘宇宙飞船是我们国家自行研制的,每一个中国人不能不为之骄傲。,5.,这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。,6.,杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑。,7,、为防止东南亚地区发生的禽流感传入我国,国家质检总局和农业部今天联合发出通知,自即日暂行禁止进口来自疫区的禽类及其产品。,8.,这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。,9.,杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,外研 高中英语必修,4Module6 Introduction PPT,课件,1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于,


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