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Doctor is a well paid job.,badly paid dangerous exciting intellectual manual satisfying stressful well paid,Now describe the following job,外研版高中英语必修五ppt课件:Module+2+Introduction+vocabulary+and+reading,Discuss what sort of job you would (not) like to do and why.,Example:,I want to be a _, because it _,_.,OR,: I dont want to be a _, because it_.,Discuss what sort of job you w,1. Try to match the words in the box with their meanings as quickly as possible:,Vocabulary and reading,accountant barber biochemist businessman cook electrician miner policeman secretary volunteer,1. Try to match the words in t,1. We ask this person to put electricity in homes. _,2. This person works underground. _,3. He or she prepares meals in a restaurant. _,4. This scientist studies the chemistry of living things. _.,electrician,miner,cook,biochemist,1. We ask this person to put e,5. You go to the person to get your hair cut. _,6. This person works in an office. _,7. This person knows a lot about money. _,barber,secretary,accountant,5. You go to the person to get,8. He or she works in business. _,9. This person must do many things including directing the traffic. _,10. This person has offered to do a job and may not be paid for doing it. _,businessman,policeman,volunteer,8. He or she works in business,1. According to the title of the text, what do you think the text is about?,A. The history of the traffic signal.,B. A man working as a human,traffic signal for some reason.,C. The traffic signal in the old times.,Look at the picture and answer the questions.,1. According to the title of t,2. In the picture of the text, there is a man holding something in hand. What is the job of the man?,3. Have you seen a human traffic signal before?,2. In the picture of the text,Paragraph 1:_,Paragraph 2:_,Paragraph 3:_,Read the passage quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs.,The road,The man,The reasons why he does it,Paragraph 1:_Paragrap,外研版高中英语必修五ppt课件:Module+2+Introduction+vocabulary+and+reading,3. Now listen to the tape twice and then answer the questions.,What is Timotes job?,He is a volunteer who directs the traffic,.,2) Where does he work?,At the bend of a dangerous road in the mountains.,3. Now listen to the tape twic,3) Why is the road so dangerous?,Because the road is in bad conditions and the drivers dont respect the rules.,4) What does Timoteo get for driving the traffic?,He gets no money at all.,3) Why is the road so dangerou,5) What made him start the job?,The experience he had helping people in a bus crash.,6) Why does he continue to do the job?,He felt it his mission to help others in life.,5) What made him start the job,Read the text carefully and choose the correct answers.,1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Passage 1?,Read the text carefully and ch,A. La Paz, which is the capital of Bolivia, is the highest capital in Africa.,B. Its not easy for people to live at high altitude.,C. The high mountains make communications difficult.,D. The Roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent in La Paz.,A. La Paz, which is the capita,2. Which is TRUE about the particularly dangerous road according to passage1?,A. There is one vehicle falling from the,road every three weeks.,B. Most of the drivers on the road respects the rules.,C. The road going south from the capital is particularly dangerous.,D. It runs north from the capital, La Paz.,2. Which is TRUE about the par,3. Why has the death toll fallen according to passage 2?,A. Timoteo works as a traffic signal to direct the traffic for free.,B. More drivers start obeying the rules,when seeing Timoteo working as a,traffic signal.,C. They have made some changes to the,bend to make it less dangerous.,D. Timoteos effort finally affected the drivers on the road.,3. Why has the death toll fall,4. Why does Timoteo do the job?,A. He feels it his duty to help to those who are facing difficulties.,B. He has no other skill and is not qualified to do anything else.,C. He is fond of being a human traffic signal.,D. He has to do this job as the local government requires him to.,4. Why does Timoteo do the job,5. We can infer from the last passage that_.,A. Timoteo has formed the habit of changing jobs frequently.,B. Timoteo once narrowly escaped from dying when driving a lorry loaded with bananas.,C. Timoteo dislikes being asked to pull people out of the bus in deep night.,D. He was encouraged by the drivers and as a result he started to take up the mission.,5. We can infer from the last,1. A nearly vertical fall,2. A form of transport, especially one with,an engine and four wheels.,3. To still be alive, after being in an,accident.,4. The total number of dead,Find the words or phrases in the passage which mean:,sheer drop,vehicle,survive,death toll,1. A nearly vertical fallFind,5,.,A part of the road which is not straight.,6. To be used to something that you dont see its true value and dont show thanks,7. To make someone think hard.,8. A reason for living.,bend,take for granted,have an effect on,mission in life,5. A part of the road which is,Interview,As a reporter, you just had read a report about Timoteo. So you want to have a face-to-face interview with him.,Characters:,Reporter,Timoteo,Villager A,Villager B,Tips:,Something about the road,Something about the man,The reason why he does it,Local villagers opinions.,InterviewCharacters:Tips:,1. Life is hard_.(,在海拔高的地方,),2.,多路的状况都不好,事故频繁发生。,_,_,at high altitude,Many roads are,in bad condition,and accidents are frequent.,revision,the second period,Revise the text and complete the following sentences.,1. Life is hard_,condition,1),现状,状况,(,用单数形式或用作不可数名词,),The old tower is now still in a good,condition,.,古塔的状况还不错。,The ship is not in a,condition,(= in no,condition,) to make a long voyage.,这艘船不适宜进行远航。,condition,2),健康状况,健康,He is in excellent,condition,for a man of his age.,就他的年龄而言,他的身体很棒。,3),条件,n.,One of the,conditions,of the job is that you should be able to drive.,做这项工作的条件之一是你得会开车。,2) 健康状况,健康,4),环境,情况,(,常用复数形式,),under the present,conditions,在目前的情况下,Firemen have to operate in difficult,conditions,.,消防员得在艰难的条件下工作。,5) on condition that. (=only if, provided that. ),只要,.,You can go out on,condition,that you wear an overcoat.,你得穿上外衣才能外出。,4) 环境, 情况 (常用复数形式),3. One road_ (,特别,尤其,), which goes north from La Paz,_.,(被认为是世界上最危险的路),in,particular,is,considered,the most,dangerous road in the world,3. One road_ (特别,尤其),particular,1),个别的,个人的,This is his,particular,problems.,这是他个人的问题。,2),特殊的,特别的,非一般的,This is a matter of,particular,importance.,这个问题非同小可。,particular2) 特殊的, 特别的, 非一般的,The teacher showed,particular,concern for the disabled child.,老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。,The teacher showed particular,3) (,过于,),讲究的,;,苛求的,挑剔的,(+about/over) (+wh-),She is,particular about what,she eats.,她过分讲究吃。,4) in particular (= especially),特别地,;,尤其,She stressed that point,in particular,.,她特别强调了那一点。,3) (过于)讲究的;苛求的,挑剔的(+about/over,5. Every morning he climbs up to the bend _,_.(,手里拿着一个大的圆牌,),Thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen.,with,a large circular board in his hand,4.,多亏了一个人,死亡人数降了下来。,5. Every morning he climbs up,with,引导的复合宾语结构:,with +,宾语分词,/,动词不定式,/,形容词,/,副词,/,介词短语等,1.,With all this work to do,(,有许多工作要做,), I dont have time to go out.,2.,With three people away ill,(,有,3,个人生病没来,), well have to done the shop.,3. He looked at her,with a hurt expression,(,带着受伤害的表情,),with引导的复合宾语结构:with + 宾语分词/动词,4. He likes to sleep,with the window,open,.(,开着窗户,),5.,With Jim away,(,吉姆不在,), he had no one to talk with.,6.,With the rain falling,hard,(,下着大雨,), they had to stay indoors.,7. He had to walk to school,with the bike broken,.(,自行车坏了,),4. He likes to sleep with the,6.,有时司机给他一点小费,这样他有足以生活的钱。,Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on.,7. But often they just pass by,_,_.(,把人体标志看作理所当然的事情,),the human traffic signed for granted,taking,6. 有时司机给他一点小费,这样他有足以生活的钱。Somet,take sb. (sth.) for granted,认为是必然情况,视为当然,认为没问题,Dont,take his help for granted,.,不要认为他就应改帮助你。,I,took it for granted,that you would stay with us.,我想当然地认为你会跟我们在一起呢。,take sb. (sth.) for granted,8.,做卡车司机的某一天,他跟死神打了个照面。,One day while he was working as a lorry driver, he had a close encounter with death.,load of bananas,9. He was driving a lorry_.(,装满了香蕉的,),8. 做卡车司机的某一天,他跟死神打了个照面。One day,11. So every morning,week in, week out, (,一周又一周,),from dawn to dusk,(,从拂晓到黄昏,), he,takes up,his place,(,站好自己的位置,) on the bend and directs the traffic.,10. This last experience_,_. (,留下了深刻的印象,),effect on him,had a profound,11. So every morning, week in,1),开始从事,When did he,take up,football?,他是什么时候开始踢足球的,?,2),开始学习,(,某课程,),What is your brother,taking up,in,college?,你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?,1) 开始从事 2) 开始学习(某课程),3),占用,(,时间或空间,),The work,took up,all his time.,那工作花费了他所有的时间。,The large desk,takes up,most of the office.,这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。,4),向,提出,讨论,Thats an issue we ought to,take up,at the next meeting.,这个问题我们下次会议再讨论。,3) 占用(时间或空间)The large desk tak,5),继续,(,讲述,),The teacher,took up,his lesson where he stopped yesterday.,老师接着昨天的课程讲。,5) 继续(讲述),


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