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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,外语教学与研究出版社,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Unit 5 Service,英语教程,2,Unit 5 Service,4,Warming-up,1,2,3,5,6,Listening,Reading,Speaking,Writing,Fun Time,Warming-up,Do you have a credit card?,Warming-up,Are you obsessed with SMS?,Listening,A. You will hear five short conversations twice. For each,question, choose the best from the choices marked A,B or C.,1. Where does the conversation take place?,A. B. C.,2. When will the train arrive?,A. B. C.,Listening,3. How much would a ten-minute call cost?,A. 30. B. 27. C. 21.,4. Which hotel will the man choose?,A. B. C.,5. Which is right?,A. Leaving for Newcastle.,B. Flight DA042.,C. Time of taking off 8:15.,Listening,B. You will hear a conversation. It will be read twice.,Listen carefully and choose the right answer to,complete each question.,1. What does John Bradley need?,single room.,A bathroom.,A single room with a bath.,2. How should John Bradley fill in the room number?,A. As he likes.,B. As the receptionist arranges.,C. The receptionist will fill in for him.,Listening,3. Which item is not included in the form?,A. Name.,B. Age.,C. Signature,4. Which item did Mr. Bradley forget to fill in?,A. Date of departure.,B. Address.,C. Nationality.,5. What should Mr. Bradley show when he signs for meals and drinks?,A. Booking information.,B. Key.,C. Key card.,Listening,C. You will hear five sentences which will be read,three times. Listen, repeat and write down,what you hear.,_,_,_,_,_,I want to open a savings account.,Can I reserve a suite for two adults and three children?,Would you like anything to drink with that?,What can I get for your dinner, sir?,Id like to make a reservation for one passenger on April 20th to Tokyo.,Listening,D. Listen to the passage twice and supply the,missing words.,Credit cards (信用卡) are small, rectangular (长方形的) plastic cards. _ give these cards to their customers. When the customer buys something at a store, he _ his card at the store. This authorizes (授权) the store to _ the bank for the customers purchase (购置). The bank _ all the charges (费用) for each customer. Then _ a month the bank requires the customer to _ all the charges for that month. The bank doesnt force the customer to pay the _ amount (数量). It allows the customer to pay for the charges in several payments over a period of time. However, the bank requires the customer to pay _ on the unpaid (未付的) part of the charges.,In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot,_ at one time. People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time. They also do not need to _ a lot of money.,Banks,shows,charge,collects,once,pay,full,internet,afford,carry,Listening,Tapescript,A.,1.,M:,What can I do for you, madam?,F:,I want a pound of sugar, please. I dont think I need,anything else today.,2.,F:,Excuse me, Im here to meet a guest. He is,supposed to arrive by the six forty train from,London. Could you tell me the time of its arrival?,M:,Yes, it is due to arrive at 9:15 pm, madam.,F:,Thank you, sir.,Listening,3.,M:,Operator, Id like to make a call to Athens, Greece. How much will,a ten- minute call cost?,F:,9 for the first three minutes, and,3 for each additional minute.,M:,I see, thank you.,4.,M:,Excuse me.,F:,Yes, can I help you?,M:,Im looking for a hotel.,F:,Cheap or expensive?,M:,Cheap one.,F:,Please try this hotelits only got two stars which means it shouldnt,be too expensive.,5.,F:,Your attention please. Passengers on Flight DA052 to Newcastle,are requested to proceed to the Departure Lounge. We regret,that owing to the weather conditions the flight has been delayed,but it is now due to take off at eight fifty. We regret any inconvenience,caused to passengers. Thank you.,M:,Lets hurry.,Listening,B.,Receptionist:,Good morning, sir. Can I help you?,Guest:,Good morning! I have a reservation for a single room,with a bath here.,Receptionist:,May I have your name, sir, please?,Guest:,Bradley, John Bradley.,Receptionist:,Just a moment, sir, I look through our list. Yes,,,we do have a reservation for you, Mr. Bradley. Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you?,Guest:,Yes. Can I borrow your pen for a minute, please?,Receptionist:,Sure. Here you are.,Guest:,What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER?,Receptionist:,You can just skip that. Ill put in the room number for you later on.,Guest:,(,After he has completed the form,) Here you are. I think Ive filled in everything correctly.,Listening,Receptionist:,Let me see . name, address, nationality, passport number, signature,and date of departure. Oh, here, sir. You forgot to put in the date of,your departure. Here let me fill it in for you. You are leaving on?,Guest:,October 24.,Receptionist:,Now everythings in order. And here is your key,,,Mr. Bradley. Your,room number is 1420. It is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is,90.,Here is your key card with all the information on your booking. Please,make sure that you have it with you all the time. You need to show it,when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the,bars. You also need to show it when you collect your key from the,Information Desk.,Guest:,OK. Ill take good care of it.,Receptionist:,And now if you are ready,,,Mr. Bradley, Ill call the bellboy and hell,take you to your room.,Guest:,Yes, Im ready. Thank you.,Receptionist:,I hope you enjoy your stay with us.,Reading,Banking Services,Banks offer many different services.,The most common banking service is the checking account. People deposit, or put their money in the bank, and then they can write checks to buy things. A check is a piece of paper which tells the bank to pay the seller. The bank must pay the seller from the customers account. The customer usually pays the bank a service charge for a checking account, which is sometimes five or eight dollars a month. There is not always a monthly fee, but then customers pay 10 or 20 cents for each check that they write.,Chinese,Another banking service is the savings account. People can deposit some of their money which they do not need right now in a savings account. They will leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need itnext month or next year. Because the money will stay in the bank, the bank can use the money. It will pay interest, or money that the bank gives to the customer, on the savings account. For example , imagine that a customer puts $3,000 in a savings account on January 1. If the bank pays 5.5% interest, the customer will have about $3,045 in March. In other words, the bank has paid $45 in interest for three months.,Loans are another important banking service. A bank can give money to businesses and to individual people. The bank may loan money to a business to buy more machines or tools. It may loan money to someone to buy a car or to buy a house. Some people borrow money from the bank to build swimming pools or to repair their houses. The bank always charges interest on loans. The borrower must repay the loan plus the interest. The interest on loans is always higher than the interest on savings accounts.,Chinese,Banks in the United States usually have safe deposit boxes. These boxes are in,the vault at the bank. The vault is a room that has a very heavy door with a very,safe lock on it. Because it is very difficult to get into the vault, a safe deposit box is,a good place to keep important things. Customers can rent the boxes from the bank,for a small fee each year. They can keep their important papers, such as their birth,certificate, marriage certificate, or passport, in their safe deposit boxes. Some people,keep gold, silver, or valuable gems such as diamonds or emeralds there.,Another important banking service is the automatic teller machine. Many banks,have machines outside the bank so that the customers can get their money any time,they want it, day or night. Customers can deposit or withdraw and get cash any,timeif they have money in their accounts.,Chinese,银行效劳,银行能提供许多不同种类的效劳。,最普通的银行业务是支票账户。人们把钱存入银行,之后就可以通过签支票来购物。支票是一种让银行付款给销售者的凭据。银行必须从顾客的账户中拨款给销售者。通常,使用支票账户的客户须付给银行效劳费。效劳费为每月5 或8 美元。效劳费并非总是按月付给,也可以按每张所签支票付10 或20 美分。,译 文,译 文,另一项银行业务是储蓄账户。人们可以把目前不用的一局部钱存入其储蓄账户中。客户把钱存在银行,在下个月或第二年需要时取出来。由于这些钱存在银行,因此银行可以使用这些钱。银行将会给客户的储蓄账户支付利息。例如,假设一位客户于1 月1 日存入其储蓄账户3,000 美元。如果银行支付5.5% 的利息,那么到3 月份,顾客的储蓄额为3,045美元。换句话说,三个月银行支付了45 美元的利息。,贷款是另一项重要的银行业务。银行可以贷款给企业和个人。企业可以贷款购置更多的机器或工具。它也可以贷款给某人去购置车或房子。有些人从银行贷款来建游泳池或修理房屋。银行对贷款总是要收利息的。贷款者必须归还所贷的款及利息。贷款利息总是高于储蓄利息。,美国的银行通常都有保险箱,这些保险箱放在银行的贵重物品储藏室中。贵重物品储藏室有一道非常厚重的门,门上装有极其平安的锁。由于银行的贵重物品储藏室难以进入,因此保险箱是一个存放重要物品的好地方。客户每年可以以非常低廉的费用向银行租用这些保险箱。许多人把重要的文件例如出生证明、结婚证或护照存放在保险箱中。有些人把金、银和值钱的珠宝,如钻石或祖母绿存放在保险箱中。,银行效劳的另一项重要业务是自动提款机。许多银行都在银行外面设有自动提款机,这样无论白天还是晚上,客户可以在任何时间提取存款。客户可在任意时间存款、取款或取现金如果账户上有钱。,译 文,1. banking,银行业务,2. The customer usually pays the bank a service charge,for a checking account, which is sometimes five or,eight dollars a month.,通常,使用支票账户的顾客须付给银行效劳费。效劳费有时为一,个月5至8美元。,banking service 银行效劳业务 banking day 银行营业日,banking hours 银行营业时间 banking center 金融中心,Which is sometimes five or eight dollars a month,为非限制性定语从,句,修饰,a service charge,。,3. safe deposit boxes,保险箱,用户可以租用,存放贵重物品。,4. birth certificate,出生证,5. marriage certificate,结婚证,6. automatic teller machine,自动提款机,通常安装在银行,外面的墙壁里,一天,24,小时都可以使用。又称,self service,machine,。,我国目前使用的自动提款机通常在上面有ATM automatic teller,machine 的缩写的标志。,offer v.,1) to ask someone if they would like to have something, or to hold something,out to them so that they can take it,offer sb. sth.,e.g.,Can I offer you something to drink?,They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.,offer sth. to sb.,e.g.,Maureen lit a cigarette and offered one to Lucy.,The drama school offers places to students who can show talent.,2) to say that you are willing to do something,offer to do sth.,e.g.,My dad has offered to pick us up.,The newspaper offered to apologize for the article.,3) to provide something that people need or want,e.g.,The course offers the opportunity to specialize in the final year.,A number of groups offer their services free of charge.,The Center offers a wide range of sports facilities.,account n.,1) an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay,more in or take money out,e.g.,My salary is paid into my bank account.,Ive opened an account with Barclays Bank.,My husband and I have a joint account (=one that is shared between two,people).,bank account, checking account, current account, deposit account, profit,and loss account, savings account,2) a customer having a business or credit relationship with a firm,e.g.,The salespeople are visiting their accounts.,The company has lost several of its most important account.,Accountant,is a person whose job is to keep or check financial account.,e.g.,The chief accountant prepares the companys annual accounts.,My accountant advised me to become self-employed.,deposit,1) n. money placed in a bank for safe keeping or to earn interest,e.g.,Bank deposits are at an alltime high.,Deposit account is a bank account which pays interest but on which notice,has to be given to withdraw money.,Safe deposit box is a small box that you can rent, in which you can keep,jewelry or documents in a banks safe.,2) v. to put money or something valuable in a bank or other place where it will,be safe,e.g.,You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.,We have deposited the deeds of the house with the bank.,savings n.,money saved,e.g.,Savings account is a bank account where you can put money in regularly,and which pays interest, often at a higher rate than a deposit account.,He put all his savings into a deposit account.,charge,1) n. price, the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services,e.g.,Theres a 50-pence booking charge for each ticket.,Guided tours are provided at no charge.,Your order will be sent free of charge (=at no cost).,2) v. to ask somebody for a particular amount of money for something you are,selling,e.g.,The hotel charges $125 a night.,The restaurant charged us 40 for the wine.,Please charge it to my account.,withdraw v.,to take money out of a bank account,withdraw sth. from sth.,e.g.,Id like to withdraw 500 from my current account.,I need to withdraw some money from my checking account.,interest n.,1) U the extra money that you must pay back when you borrow money,e.g.,The interest on the loan is 16% per year.,How much are the monthly interest payments?,2) U money paid to you by a bank or financial institution when you keep money,in an account there,e.g.,The more you save, the more interest youll earn.,All your accounts remain separate, but the amount of interest you earn,is based on the familys total.,As the dividends are paid they can be reinvested, and hence interest can,be earned.,Loan,1) n. an amount of money that you borrow from a bank,e.g.,Itll be years before weve paid off the loan.,Ill get a bank loan if necessary.,An interest-free loan fund is available for students who find themselves,in unforeseen financial difficulty.,2) vt. to lend somebody something especially money,e.g.,Can you loan me $50?,The family loaned their collection of paintings for the exhibition.,individual adj.,1) only before noun considered separately from other people or things in the,same group,e.g.,Each individual leaf on the tree is different.,the needs of the individual customer,2) only before noun belonging to or intended for one person rather than a,group,e.g.,Children get more individual attention in small classes.,You can have the bathroom designed to suit your individual needs.,rent v.,to regularly pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone,else, or to use something that belongs to someone else,e.g.,Most students rent rooms in their second year.,Id rather have my own house than rent.,She rents out two rooms to students.,right now,immediately now, or immediately,e.g.,Do you need me right now?,We need to deal with this problem right now.,in other words,used when you are expressing an idea or opinion again in a different and,usually simpler way,e.g.,The tax only affects people on incomes of over $200,000in other words,the very rich.,So he is a fraud, a common thief in other words.,cost, costs, price, charge, fee, fare,Use,cost,to talk about paying for services and activities, rather than,objects.,e.g.,The total cost of the trip was under $500.,worked out the cost of the repairs.,2) Your,costs,are the amount of money you have to spend in order to run a,business or to do a particular activity.,e.g.,The shop wasnt making enough money to cover its costs.,3) Use,price,to mean the amount of money that you must pay for something in a place such as a shop or restaurant.,e.g.,We are cutting all our prices (NOT costs) by 50% for one day only!,We were shocked by the price of a cup of coffee in London.,4) A,charge,is the amount you have to pay to have a particular service or use something.,e.g.,For a small charge we will also make your hotel reservations.,5) A,fee,is the amount you have to pay to enter or join something.,e.g.,The gallery charges no entrance fee.,The fee for membership is 25 per year.,It is also the amount you have to pay for a professional service.,e.g.,The lawyer explained her fees.,6) A,fare,is the amount you have to pay to travel somewhere by bus, train,plane, etc.,e.g.,I need some money for my bus fare.,His parents paid his fare to Sydney.,I. According to the text, are the following sentences,Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information,to decide, choose “Doesnt say.,1. Depositors usually pay the bank some money for a checking account.,A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.,2. The bank cant use the money people deposit in the bank.,A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.,3. The bank sometimes charges interest on loans.,A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say,4. Banks in the United Kingdom usually have safe deposit,boxes.,A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.,5. All banks have automatic teller machines outside the bank so that the customers can get their money any time they want it, day or night.,A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.,II. Choose the best ending from the box below to,complete each of the sentences.,A. keep their treasures and important papers,B. the savings account,C. electronic machines,D. deposit money,E. the checking account,F. control the money,G loans,H. buy things,The most common banking service is _.,2. The bank pays interest on _.,3. The bank always charges interest on _.,4. A safe deposit box is a good place for people to _.,5. Banks try to make using money easier with _.,E,B,G,A,C,1. I pay him 4% _.,2. The China Construction Bank _ money,to people to buy houses.,3. This restaurant _ people delicious food,and excellent service.,4. The hotel _ $80 for a single room a night.,5. Most people _ their money in the bank.,III. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given,below. Change the form where necessary.,cash offer deposit withdraw interest,loan rent charge in other words account,interest,loans,offers,charges,deposit,6. Before we bought the new house. We had to,_ a flat.,7. Last week, he _ some money form the,bank to buy a computer.,8. I opened an _ at my bank in your name.,9. Ive no _ on me; can I pay you tomorrow?,10. I soon found that the work I was doing had already,been done by someone else, _ , I,was wasting my time.,cash,withdraw,account,rent,in other words,IV. Match each word in Column A with a similar meaning,in Column B.,A,B,Offer,2. deposit,3. check,4. withdraw,5. interest,a. an organization such as a company, shop, or factory that produces or sells goods or provides a service,b. official document to be carried by a traveler abroad,c. to say that you are willing to do something,d. to regularly pay money to use a house or room etc that belongs to someone else,e. to put money or something valuable in a bank or,other place where it will be safe,c,e,h,j,i,A,B,6. loan,7. business,8. rent,9. passport,10. cash,f. money in the form of coins or notes rather than,checks, credit cards,g. an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc or to lend someone something, especially money,h. a written order directing a bank to pay money,money paid for the use of money,j. to take money out of a bank account,g,a,d,b,f,V. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in the brackets.,1. Can I (offering) _


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