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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,94年7月小兒科X-Ray Conference (07/25),報告者: 兒科 丁瑋信/放射科 施君鏻醫師,94年7月小兒科X-Ray Conference (07/2,1,Case 1,廖x博,6 Y/O Male,CC: abdominal pain since 2 days ago (maily RLQ and lower abdomen),PH: Suspect Appendicitis under antibiotics treatment 94/03/1094/03/15,PE revealed tenderness over RLQ with muscle guarding and rebounding pain. Therefore, plain abdomen and abdominal CT was arranged,Case 1,2,07/07 Plain abdomen,07/07 Plain abdomen,3,07/09 Abd. CT,07/09 Abd. CT,4,07/09 Abd. CT Pus accumulation,07/09 Abd. CT Pus accumulatio,5,Case 2,王x云,9 Y/O female,CC: coca cola-colored urine was noted today,PH:,She was found pale looking and occasional cough with blood-tinged sputum (hemoptysis) since 6 months ago.,Survey at other hospital showed normocytic anemia.,Urinalysis: RBC: Numerous/HPF WBC: 65/HPF,Case 2,6,Case 2,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,D/D: microscopic polyangiitis,HSP,Autoimmune survey:,C3: 129 MG/DL; C4: 30 MG/DL; (WNL),Antinuclear Factor: 160+, Anti-ds DNA: negative,IGA: 198 MG/DL; (WNL),Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,Cytoplasmic ANCA: negative,CXR and Chest CT was arrnaged.,Case 2,7,07/15Pelvic MRI,Renal biopsy was arranged: RPGN with crescent formation, IgA deposition.,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,報告者: 兒科 丁瑋信/放射科 施君鏻醫師,Survey at other hospital showed normocytic anemia.,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,CC: coca cola-colored urine was noted today,07/09 Abd.,07/07 CXRPulmonary hemorrhage,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,07/15Pelvic MRI,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,PH: cystic fibrosis diagnosed on 2004-12,07/15Pelvic MRI,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,07/07 CXRPulmonary hemorrhage,07/15Pelvic MRI07/07 CXRPul,8,07/09 Chest CTPulmonary homorrhage,07/09 Chest CTPulmonary homor,9,07/09 Chest CT,07/09 Chest CT,10,07/09 Chest CT,07/09 Chest CT,11,Case 2,Renal biopsy was arranged: RPGN with crescent formation, IgA deposition. Consistent with HSP.,Final diagnosis:,Henoch-Schonlein purpura,Case 2,12,Case 3,陳x任,15 Y/O male,PH: cystic fibrosis diagnosed on 2004-12,CC: Dry cough noted since 12 y/o and became productive since 13 y/o, acute exacerbation twice in recent 1/2 years,CXR and Chest CT was arrnaged.,Case 3,13,07/06 CXR,07/06 CXR,14,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis,15,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis,16,07/20 Chest CT,07/20 Chest CT,17,Case 4,邱x華,11 Y/O female,CC:,Intermittent abdominal pain over RLQ and infraumbilical area at interval of 1 month since 6 months ago,Abdominal echo:,1. a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,2. solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,Pelvic MRI was arranged for her,Case 4,18,報告者: 兒科 丁瑋信/放射科 施君鏻醫師,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,IGA: 198 MG/DL; (WNL),CC: Dry cough noted since 12 y/o and became productive since 13 y/o, acute exacerbation twice in recent 1/2 years,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,邱x華 11 Y/O female,07/15Pelvic MRI,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,報告者: 兒科 丁瑋信/放射科 施君鏻醫師,C3: 129 MG/DL; C4: 30 MG/DL; (WNL),07/15Pelvic MRI,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,07/09 Chest CT,Abdominal echo:,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,CC: Dry cough noted since 12 y/o and became productive since 13 y/o, acute exacerbation twice in recent 1/2 years,07/15Pelvic MRI,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,07/15Pelvic MRI,報告者: 兒科 丁瑋信/放射科 施君鏻醫師07/15Pel,19,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,20,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,21,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,22,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,23,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,07/15Pelvic MRI,Therefore, plain abdomen and abdominal CT was arranged,廖x博 6 Y/O Male,D/D: microscopic polyangiitis, HSP,王x云 9 Y/O female,PH: cystic fibrosis diagnosed on 2004-12,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,CT Pus accumulation,Autoimmune survey:,Abdominal echo:,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,廖x博 6 Y/O Male,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,廖x博 6 Y/O Male,07/15Pelvic MRI,邱x華 11 Y/O female,Autoimmune survey:,solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,D/D: microscopic polyangiitis, HSP,邱x華 11 Y/O female,Autoimmune survey:,07/15Pelvic MRI,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,Cytoplasmic ANCA: negative,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,She was found pale looking and occasional cough with blood-tinged sputum (hemoptysis) since 6 months ago.,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,CXR and Chest CT was arrnaged.,CC: abdominal pain since 2 days ago (maily RLQ and lower abdomen),CXR and Chest CT was arrnaged.,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/07 CXRPulmonary hemorrhage,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,07/09 Chest CT,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,solitary hypertrphic Lt kidney with Rt kidney agenesis,07/15Pelvic MRI,PH: Suspect Appendicitis under antibiotics treatment 94/03/1094/03/15,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,07/09 Abd.,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,Antinuclear Factor: 160+, Anti-ds DNA: negative,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis picture,廖x博 6 Y/O Male,CC: Intermittent abdominal pain over RLQ and infraumbilical area at interval of 1 month since 6 months ago,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,PH: cystic fibrosis diagnosed on 2004-12,07/20 Chest CT,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,CC: Dry cough noted since 12 y/o and became productive since 13 y/o, acute exacerbation twice in recent 1/2 years,C3: 129 MG/DL; C4: 30 MG/DL; (WNL),Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,Final diagnosis: Henoch-Schonlein purpura,C3: 129 MG/DL; C4: 30 MG/DL; (WNL),Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,D/D: microscopic polyangiitis, HSP,Renal biopsy was arranged: RPGN with crescent formation, IgA deposition.,07/09 Abd.,07/15Pelvic MRI,07/15Pelvic MRI,Perinuclear ANCA: Positive,07/09 Chest CTPulmonary homorrhage,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,07/15Pelvic MRI,CC: Dry cough noted since 12 y/o and became productive since 13 y/o, acute exacerbation twice in recent 1/2 years,07/15Pelvic MRI,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,CXR and Chest CT was arrnaged.,a multilocular cystic mass (12*11*10cm) in pelvis,CC: coca cola-colored urine was noted today,Pulmonary renal syndrome was suspected,Renal biopsy was arranged: RPGN with crescent formation, IgA deposition.,07/15Pelvic MRI,Case 4,Laparotomy was arranged on 94/07,Final diagnosis: Duplication of uterus and Vagina, right side obstruction and hydrometrocolpous,07/20 Chest CTBronchiectasis,24,


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