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SSI appears to be lower after,minimally invasive spinal,(MIS) surgeries,A review of 1,338 MIS surgeries from multiple institutions revealed an infection rate of 0.74% in fusion/fixations and 0.22% overall,a review by Parker et al compared postoperative infection after open and minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions. 362 MIS and 1,333 open surgeries,,,infection rate of 4% in open spinal fusions versus 0.6% after MIS (p=0.005),6,The incidence of SSI appears t,2,、,Risk factors for infection,Medical comorbidities,:,anemia, diabetesmellitus, coronary artery disease, diagnosis of coagulopathy, neoplasm,obesity,higher American Society of Anesthesiologist score,malnutrition,7,2、Risk factors for infection M,8,8,diabetes, obesity,has been found to be a risk factor for SSI,skin fold thickness and L4 spinous process-skinthickness are spine-specific SSI risk factors independent of body mass index,the distribution of adipose tissue and the depth of adipose tissue overlying the operative field increased the risk of SSI,9,diabetes, obesity has been fou,the,particular diagnosis,is an infection risk factor,patients undergoing surgery for degenerative disease have a lower infection rate compared to,deformity,(1.4% vs. 4.2%),Patients undergoing surgery for,trauma,have a higher risk for infection compared to spinal fusion (9.4% vs. 3.7%),the risk of infection is correlated with,the severityof the trauma,10,the particular diagnosis is an,case order,may contribute to the rate of SSI after spine surgery,lumbar decompression performed later in the day (third case) led to three times higher incidence of SSI compared with those performed as the days first case,contamination of the operating room, cross-contamination between health care providers during the course of the day, use of flash sterilization, and mid-day shift changes.,11,case order may contribute to t,seasonal effect,on the rate of postoperativeeffect,SSI incidence peaks in the summer and fall with statistically significant drops in infection rate in the spring and winter,12,seasonal effect on the rate of,complex procedures,may present a higher risk of perioperative complications,more extensive tissue dissection,increased blood loss,longer operative time,13,complex procedures may present,3,、,Diagnosis,Increased wound drainage,approximately 10 to 14 days,the most common early sign of wound infection,present in 67% of patients with SSI,increased pain,fever,wound erythema,There are no universally accepted clinical diagnostic criteria for SSI.,14,3、Diagnosis Increased wound dr,laboratory markers,C-reactive protein (CRP),the most sensitive and is elevated in more than 98% of cases,CRP rises and falls reliably in noninfected patients during the postoperative period with a peak occurring at approximately postoperative Day 3,(,operative duration, region, surgery type, preoperative CRP level, number of levels,),a second peak or failure of CRP level to normalize was a relatively accurate predictor of postoperative infection,15,laboratory markers C-reactive,16,16,laboratory markers,Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),a later peak than CRP, typically occurring aroundpostoperative Day 4,Absolute neutrophil count (ANC),no significant difference between the normal and infected groups up to 4 days postoperatively,a significant rise in the periods 4 to 7 and 8 to 11 days postoperatively in the infected patients,17,laboratory markers Erythrocyte,laboratory markers,Serum amyloid-A (SAA),SAA is a superior marker for infection compared with CRP because of the more dramatic change in value and earlier return to base line with similar kinetics,Procalcitonin (PCT),PCT and CRP showed statistically significantcorrelations with the development of SSI,PCT is superior to CRP in early prediction of SSI,18,laboratory markers Serum amylo,laboratory markers,Interleukin-6(IL-6),well studied in joint replacement surgery,Leukocyte esterase,a recently reported marker in periprosthetic knee joint infection,80.6% sensitivity and 100% specificity in diagnosing joint infection,In particular, few laboratory markers have been validated as a gold standard in association with culture-positive SSI.,19,laboratory markers Interleukin,4,、,Intraoperative measures,intraoperative measures,to reduce infections,skin preparation,intraoperative behaviors,wound irrigation,topical antibiotic application,wound closure,postoperative drain use,20,4、Intraoperative measures intr,a significant level of,wound contamination,occurs intraoperatively,23% of patients had positive intraoperative cultures. Of those that cultured positive,11.5% developed an early SSI,Implants exposed to the operating room environment,significantly reduced when the implants were covered during the case,the level of contamination increases directly with the amount of time it is open,in the operating field.,21,a significant level of wound c,skin preparation,a significant decrease in SSI rate with the use of chlorhexidine versus iodine skin prep,?,Intraoperative techniques and behaviors,the operative gown,sterile instrument draping,use of intraoperative fluoroscopy,operative scrub cleanliness,22,skin preparation 22,23,23,wound irrigation,The only irrigation,agent to have been demonstrated to reduce SSI rate is,povidone-iodine(PVP-I),Soaked with dilute PVP-I for 3 minutes,(,5% 0.35%,),Copiously irrigated with normal saline before bone decortication,24,wound irrigation 24,significant decrease in SSI after local administration of vancomycin powder,25,significant decrease in SSI af,Postoperative protocols,an increased mean,number of days of closed suction wound drainage,in patients with infection versus patients without infection,use of,2-octyl-cyanoacrylate,for skin closure may decrease the rate of infection,26,Postoperative protocols 26,5,、,Treatment,Treatment of SSI relies on,early identification,early diagnosis,early evacuation of gross purulent material,27,5、Treatment Treatment of SSI r,Treatment options,irrigation and debridement,intravenous antibiotics,primary closure,closed vacuum system,hardware retention,plastic surgery reconstruction(rotational flaps),28,Treatment options 28,Postoperative Infection Treatment Score for the Spine,7 14 low risk,2133 high risk,29,Postoperative Infection Treatm,6,、,Conclusions,Postoperative spinal SSIs can be devastating complications for both the patient and the surgeon,Diagnosis of a SSI after surgery on the spine is still very much a clinical diagnosis,30,6、Conclusions Postoperative sp,a multifaceted approach to prevention is the key to managing infection risk,the importance of,strict sterile conduct,during the operation is reemphasized,efforts should be made to,minimize time,spent in the operating suite(preoperative,and intraoperative),applying,local vancomycin,to the surgical,regular,use of antibiosis,in high risk patients,31,a multifaceted approach to pre,


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