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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Period 1,Warming-up,&,Listening,Period 1 Warming-up,Do you need friends? Why?, to help me/,calm me down,when I was,upset, to,share,my worries and secrets in my inner world, to share my happiness and sorrows, to,be concerned about,my feelings,I need friends:,Do you need friends? Why? I ne,adj.,平静的,镇静的,E.g. The high wind passed and the sea was,calm again.,vi.,平静,镇静,E.g. The situation calmed down slowly.,vt.,使,平静,使,镇静,E.g. At last we calmed him down.,calm,adj. 平静的,镇静的calm,upset (upset, upset, upsetting),vt.,使心烦,使不安,E.g. Dont upset yourself.,adj.,心烦意乱的,心情不舒适的,E.g. She was upset at not being invited.,upset (upset, upset, upsettin,share,Vt.,分享,分担,share sth. with sb.,E.g. She always shares happiness and,worries with me.,shareVt. 分享,分担 share sth. wi,be concerned about / for,关心,挂念,E.g. Every teacher is concerned about,his students study., If you dont go home on time, your parents will be concerned about your safety.,be concerned about / for 关心,挂念,True friends let,everyone come along,True friends leteveryone come,True friends help you,up when your down,True friends help youup when y,And true friends never let you do something,youll regret when you wake up the next morning!,And true friends never let you,Good friend,honest,funny,friendly,helpful,easy-going,careful,brave,patient,The qualities of a good friend,Good friend honestfunnyfriendl,Making a survey,Results,Grade I,4-7,points,You are always thinking about yourself. You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-concerned and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.,Making a surveyResultsGrade I,Making a survey,Results,Grade II,8-12,points,You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. You are a good friend, but Youd better try to strike a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities,Making a surveyResultsGrade I,Making a survey,Results,Grade III,13-18,points,Wow! How faithful and generous you are! Congratulations! You are always ready to help your friends. Whenever they have any difficulty, youll try your best to help them. You are an excellent friend.,Making a surveyResultsGrade I,TEXT,Dear Lisa,There is nothing wrong with you and this boy being friends and studying together. And no matter what other students say, it is possible for a boy and a girl to be just good friends. Ending your friendship with this boy would be a stupid thing to do. Not only would you lose a good friend, but you would also lose someone who is helping you with your studies.,TEXT,Teenagers like to gossip, and they often see something that doesnt exist. Perhaps they cant understand your friendship with this boy. But thats no reason to throw it away. You should feel sorry for those students who have never enjoyed such a friendship. My advice is to ignore your gossiping classmates. That way you will show them that you are more grown up than they are.,Yours,Wang Fei,Teenagers like to goss,Miss Wang says that there is nothing _ in Lisa making friends with a boy and that it is _ for a boy and a girl to be just good fiends.,Miss Wang says that teenagers like to _ and that perhaps they cant understand Lisas friendship with the boy.,Miss Wang says that Lisas ending the friendship with the boy would be a _ thing to do.,Miss Wang says that there is no _ for Lisa to throw away her friendship with the boy.,Miss Wang asks Lisa to _ her gossiping classmates and show them that she is more _ up.,wrong,possible,gossip,stupid,reason,ignore,grown,Miss Wang says that there is n,Read the text and find out the answer to the following question,.,What was upsetting Lisa?,He was misunderstood by others to have fallen in love with a boy.,Read the text and find out the,Group discussion,Do you agree with Miss Wang?,What do you think of the friendship,between boys and girls?,Group discussionDo you agree w,Period 2,Reading,Period 2,Anne,Born on June 12,1929, Anne Frank was a German-Jewish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust,(大屠杀),.,AnneBorn on June 12,1929, Anne,Background,This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps(,集中营,), mostly in Poland. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis.,Background This is a true st,Period 3,Language points,Period 3,(1). to suffer an unpleasant experience,经历,(,不快的事,),e.g.,Iraq has,gone through,too many wars in the past ten years.,(2). to look at sth carefully ,especially in order to find sth,仔细检查,e.g.,I,went through,all my pockets but I couldnt find my wallet.,1. just cant understand what you are,go,ing,through,?,(1). to suffer an unpleasant e,2. I dont want to,set down,a series of,facts in a diary,as,most people do, but I ,(1) set down = write down,e.g.,I,set down,everything that happened then.,(2) series n.,连续,系列 单复数同形,a series of + n(,复数),e.g.,There has been,a series of,car accidents at the crossing.,a series of,good stamps,2. I dont want to set dow,6.,as,正如,照,的方式,(1) Do,as,I say.,(2) David,as,you know, is a teacher.,(3),As,I said in my last letter, Im taking the exam in July.,6.as 正如, 照的方式(1) Do as I sa,3. Ive,grown so crazy about,everything,be/ get/ grow crazy about sb./sth.,着迷,狂热,e.g. (1) The boy,is crazy about,skiing.,(2) The teenagers,are crazy about,popular singers.,3. Ive grown so crazy about e,be crazy to do sth,e.g. (1) You are crazy to do such a thing.,(2),You are crazy to buy a car at such a high price.,= Its crazy of you to buy a car at such a high price.,be crazy to do sthe.g. (1) Y,I,stayed awake,on,purpose,in order to,have a good look at the moon.,(1) stay (link v.) + adj/ n,e.g. He stayed single all his life.,e.g. They,stayed friends,for years.,他们的友谊维持了多年。,I stayed awake on purpose in,(2),purpose:,目的,意图,cover ones true,purpose,掩盖真实意图,on purpose,故意地,e.g.,He broke the window,on purpose,.,(3),in order to = to: with the purpose or intention of doing sth,目的在于,e.g.,She arrived early,in order to,get a good seat.,(2) purpose: 目的,意图, I didnt,dare,open a window.,dare,既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作行为动词。,(1),情态动词: 敢于,竟敢,多用于否定、疑问句中。,e.g.,I,dare,not ask him the second question.,Darent,you read what it says?,(2),行为动词:胆敢,敢于,dare to do sth.,e.g. He,dared to do,that and something even worse., I didnt dare open a window, I,happened to be,upstairs one evening when the window was open.,happen vi. take place,发生,(1) What time did the accident,happen,?,(2) No one know who had fired the gun, it all,happened,so quickly., I happened to be upstairs o,= to be or as if by chance,sb. happen to do sth. (,似乎,),碰巧,e.g. I,happened to,see her on my way,to work.,It happens/ happened+ that clause,e.g. It,happened that,they went out when I called.,= to be or as if by chancesb., the thundering clouds,held me entirely in their power,;,it was the first time,in a year and a half that,(1) hold/ have sb in ones power,控制住,/,摆布某人,(2) It is /was +,序数词,+ time + that +,主语,+,完成时态,e.g. It,is,the second time that Tom,has been to,Beijing.,It,was,the first time that I,had come to,mountain Tai., the thundering clouds held,Period,4,Grammar,直接引语和间接引语,Direct and Indirect Speech,Period 4 Grammar直接引语和间接引语Dire,(1)John said,”I like reading novels.”,(2)John said that he liked reading novels.,直接引语,:,直接引述别人的话,.,间接引语,:,用自己的话转述别人的话,.,它构成宾语从句,.,(1)John said,”I like reading n,Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech (1),转述他人的陈述,陈述句, She,asked,me,what,I,was,doing.,1) He said , “Im going to Beijing.”, He said,that,he,was,going to Beijing.,2) He asked, “Are you a teacher?”, He asked me,if /whether,I,was,a teacher.,3) She said , “What are you doing?”,2.,转述他人的疑问,一般疑问句,3.,转述他人的问题,特殊疑问句,Grammar: Direct and Indirect,直接引语变成间接引语,句子结构的变化,He said, “I have been to the Great Wall,. ”,He said,to us,that he had been to the Great Wall,.,He said, “Ill give you an examination next Monday. ”,He,told us,that he would give us an examination the next Monday.,陈述句,用连词,that,引导,,that,在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的,said,也可用,told,来代替,注意,可以说,said that, said to sb. that, told sb. that,,不可直接说,told that,直接引语变成间接引语,句子结构的变化 陈述句,陈述句解题步骤,:,“I dont like computers,”,Sarah said to her friends,.,Sarah said to her friends,that,I dont like,computers.,said,didnt,she,Sarah said to her friends,that,she didnt like,computers.,Sarah,陈述句解题步骤:“I dont like computer,一般疑问句,He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”,He,asked,(me),whether,/,if,I had any difficulty with my pronunciation.,He said, “You are interested in English, arent you?”,He asked whether I was interested in English.,间接引语用连词,whether,或,if,引导,原主句中谓语动词,said,要改为,asked(me/him/us,等,),,语序是陈述句的语序,一般疑问句 He said, “Do you have an,一般疑问句解题步骤,:,Is it easy to improve the condition of the soil?,(,They asked him,),They,asked,him,if,It is easy to improve the condition of the soil.,it,is,easy to improve the condition of the soil.,asked,is,was,They asked him,if,it was easy to improve the condition of the soil.,一般疑问句解题步骤:They asked himifIt i,特殊疑问句,He said to me,,“,Whats your name?”,He asked me what my name was.,He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”,He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,主句的谓语动词用,ask(sb. ),来表达,语序改为陈述句语序,特殊疑问句 He said to me,“Whats yo,3.,特殊疑问句解题步骤:,When do you harvest the wheat ?,(,They asked him,),They asked him,When,you harvest the wheat,you,harvest,the wheat.,he,harvested,They asked him when,he harvested,the wheat.,3.特殊疑问句解题步骤:They asked himWhen,选择疑问句,He asked, “Do you speak English or French?”,He asked me whether I spoke English or French.,用,whether,or,表达,而不用,if,or,,也不用,either,or,选择疑问句 He asked, “Do you speak,在直接引语变为间接引语时需要注意的变化,1.,注意时态的变化,2.,注意人称变化,3.,注意语序的变化,4.,其他,在直接引语变为间接引语时需要注意的变化1. 注意时态的变化2,人教版高中英语必修一第一单元ppt课件,The geography teacher told us that the sun,rises,in the east and,sets,in the west.,谓语动词时态变化需要注意:,直接引语表述的是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变,The geography teacher said, “The sun,rises,in the east and,sets,in the west.”,The geography teacher told us,直接引语,间接引语,指示,代词,时 间 状 语,地点状语,方向性动词,this,that,these,those,now,then,today,that day,this week,that week,yesterday,the day before,last week,the week before,four days ago,four days before,the day before yesterday,two days before,tomorrow,the next day,next month,the next month,here,there,come,go,bring,take,直接引语 间接引语指示代词 时 间 状 语 地点状语 方,人教版高中英语必修一第一单元ppt课件,Exercises:,1. He said , “I m afraid I cant finish this work.”,2.He said , “I havent heard from him since May.”,3.Tom said “I will see you next week.”,He said that he,was afraid,he,couldnt,finish that work,.,He said that he,hadnt heard,from him since May.,Tom said that he,would,see me,the,next week.,Exercises:1. He said , “I m af,4. “Why are you late again?” The teacher said to me.,5. “I dont like swimming,” said Sarah.,6. His friends asked him if he would go to Dalian.,7. “Have you been to Paris?” My classmate asked me.,The teacher asked me,why I was,late again,.,Sarah said she,didnt,like swimming,.,His friends asked him, “,Will,you go to Dalian?”,My classmate asked me,if I had,been to Paris.,4. “Why are you late again?” T,Period 5,Speaking & Writing,Period 5,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难见真情。,Friends are like wine;the older ,the better.,友谊象美酒,越陈越醇厚,.,A friend is a second self.,朋友是另一个我,.,Between friends all is common.,朋友之间不分彼此,.,The best mirror is an old friend.,老朋友是最好的镜子,.,True friendship lasts forever.,真正的友谊地久天长。,A friend in need is a friend i,Friendship cannot stand always on one side.,来而不往非礼也,.,False friends are worse than open enemies.,明枪易躲,暗箭难防。,没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的,.,Friendship - one soul in two bodies.,友谊是两人一条心,.,A friend without faults will never be found.,Without a friend, the world is a wilderness.,没有朋友,世界成了荒野。,Better be alone than in bad company.,交损友不如无友。,Friendship cannot stand always,Friendship is love with understanding,.,友谊是爱加上谅解。,Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.,和朋友走在黑暗中要好过一个人独自在光明中行走。,A life without a friend is a life without a sun.,人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。,A faithful friend is hard to find.,知音难觅。,A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.,海内存知己,天涯若比邻,.,Friendship is love with unders,3. Read the letter to the editor from Xiaodong,:,Dear editor,Im glad to tell you that I have been admitted into No.1 High School, which I am longing for.,Im crazy about,everything in the new school.,However, my father says, “Students in high school are too busy to care about others.”,Facing,the new classmates and new teachers, I really dont know what to do.,Besides,Im not good at,communicating with,people. I wonder if I can,get along well with,my new classmates. Im really,upset,.,Dear editor, can you tell me how to make friends?,And,what is friendship,exactly,? I would be grateful if you would give me some advice.,Best wishes,Xiaodong,3. Read the letter to the edit,1,) What problem does Xiaodong have? Do you agree with what his father says?,Discuss in groups of four. Collect your advice to Xiaodong and your attitude.,Useful expressions,In my opinion, you should,My advice is,I think/ believe,Im afraid that,I advise you to,I dont think,Dont worry,I agree/ I dont agree.,I think so./ I dont think so.,1) What problem does Xiaodong,Writing task,A letter to Xiaodong,Structure,The topic sentence,( your point of view ),Body ( your reasons ),conclusion,Writing taskA letter to Xiaodo,I thinkI believe,I suggestIn my opinion,SecondlyAnd thenBesides,In addition,ButHowever,On the other hand,In shortIn a word,ThereforeSo,I thinkI believeSecondlyAnd,Period 6,Word Study,Period 6,point_,cheat_,reason_,share_,feeling_,German_,series_,nature_,purpose_,power_,word card,useful nouns,点;要点;尖端;分数,欺骗;骗子,理由;原因;理智,份;分额;股分,感觉;感受;感想;感情,德国人;德语,连续;系列,自然;自然界,目的;意图,能力;力量;权力,trust_,list_,teenager_,advice_,questionnaire_,quiz_,situation_,editor_,habit_,useful nouns,信任;所依靠的人;委托,清单;名单;一览表,(,13-19,岁的),少年,少女,忠告;建议,调查表;问卷,测验;提问,情形;境遇;位置,编辑,习惯;习性;举止,point_word carduseful no,add_,point_,ignore_,concern_,loose_,cheat_,word card,useful verbs,vt.,增加;添加;补充说,vi.,加;加起来;增添,vt. &vi.,指向;瞄准,vt.,不理睬;忽视,vt.,涉及;关系到,vt.,解;弄松,vi.,变松;松开,vt. &vi.,欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊,share_,dare_,trust_,suffer_,communicate_,useful verbs,vt. &vi.,分享;均分;分担,aux.,敢;胆敢,vt. &vi.,信任;信赖,vt. &vi.,遭受;经历;忍受,vt.,传达信息等,vi.,交际;沟通,add_word carduseful verb,add up_,calm down_,have got to_,be concern about_,walk the dog_,go through_,hide away_,set down_,Expressions card,useful expressions,加起来,平静下来,不得不;必须,关心;挂念,遛狗,经历;经受,a series of_,on purpose_,in order to_,face to face_,according to_,get along with_,fall in love_,join in_,一连串的;一系列;一套,故意,为了,面对面地,按照;根据,所说,与,相处;进展,useful expressions,躲藏;隐藏,放下;记下;登记,相爱;爱上,参加;加入,add up_Expressions cardu,Word study,dare,dare,既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作行为动词。,(1),情态动词: 敢于,竟敢,多用于否定、疑问句中,常与,hardly, never, no one, nobody,连用,后面跟动词原形。过去式为,dared,,否定式为,dare not.,(2),行为动词:胆敢,敢于,dare to do sth.,注意: 肯定句中,不定式一般加,to.,e.g. He dared not go near the dog.,在用,do,或,does,构成的否定句或疑问句中,,to,常常省略。,e.g. I dont dare (to) go back to look.,e.g. He dared to do that and something even worse.,Word studydaredare 既可以用作情态动词,也,Word study,series,e.g. There has been,a series of,car accidents at the crossing.,indoors / outdoors,adv.,e.g. go /stay,indoors,go through/suffer,e.g. Iraq,has gone through,too many wars in the past ten years.,Word studyseriese.g. There ha,Answer keys for Exercise 2:,They,hid,there for almost two years and never,dared,go out.,We tried to,calm him down, but he kept shouting.,3. Dont,laugh at,him. Sometimes you are not able to do as well as he (does).,4. In the early 20th century, China,went through,too many wars.,The children,have been indoors,all day. Let them,play outdoors,for a while.,Answer keys for Exercise 2:,Answer keys for Exercise 2:,6. Please use the word to make a sentence,according to,the situation given.,This series of,readers,is,very interesting.,The man,saved,the girl,from,the river and her mother was very,grateful,.,Mr. Jones lives,alone,and often feels,lonely,.,10. We,communicate with,each other by Internet/ through the Internet.,Answer keys for Exercise 2:,Thank you for your attention !,Thank you for your attention !,


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