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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,临战总动员,英语高考冲刺的五大增分点,陕西省西安中学 代庆云,临战总动员 陕西省西安中学 代庆云,1,同学,A,: 阅读理解一定是高一高二量的积累,高三会轻松很多。书面表达在高三一年内紧跟老师提升空间很大,注意书写。高三复习语法一定要抓紧课堂。,单词太重要!,同学,B,:针对高考题型,练方法很有用,尤其是作文。可以总结做题思路,例如阅读,Best title,等。限时训练和成绩的刺激使得模考很有用。,同学,C,:对于高三的英语复习,准备一个积累本十分必要,尤其是高三下半学期每日的积累对于英语学习十分有帮助。积累的内容包括重难点的笔记、纠错,以及每套试卷中的陌生单词,。,同学A: 阅读理解一定是高一高二量的积累,高三会轻松很多。书,2,一、词汇巩固要跟上,一、词汇巩固要跟上,3,If theres one thing Ive realized in my three years of visiting Cantata, its that_-just being there-that means more than anything to many of the residents.,presence B. appearance,C. companion D. protection,学生不熟悉,companion, company, accompany,的区别,同时对于,present,意为“到场”的词性变化没有掌握。,If theres one thing Ive real,4,语法填空,.,A local boy is detained by the police _ a theft, and one of his friends might _(private) say to himself, “I wouldnt want to be in his shoes now,.”,(,由于,thief, theft,不分,误填,as,,正确答案是,for),语法填空(由于thief, theft不分,误填as,正确答,5,On the day I made my,66,(decide), I suddenly felt as if I had seen myself clearly. So I took the challenge and,69,(fly) to Cambodia.,On the day I made my 66,6,短文改错, If you need to know anything else, do not hesitate to contact with me.,短文改错,7,英语重点知识课时分层作业及串讲课件,8,英语重点知识课时分层作业及串讲课件,9,Be talented in, be experienced in,be excellent in, be active in,be absorbed in, be strong in ,be weak in, be employed in, be engaged in,be devoted to, be opposed to, be opposite to,b,e friendly to, be married to, be rude to,be capable of, be aware of, be convinced of,be sure of, be fond of, be ashamed of,必背短语,Be talented in, be exper,10,be patient with, be popular with, be filled with,b,e excited about, be particular about,be serious about, be upset about,be worried about, be careful about,b,e concerned about, be anxious about,i,n charge of, in control of, in favor of,in support of, in respect of, in need of,i,n celebration of, in spite of,必背短语,be patient with, be popular,11,Sports and game,build up,our bodies.,Stick to,your principles.,Ive,entered for,the contest.,He owed his success to his hard work.,Things,worked out,well.,Thousands of people will benefit from the policy.,He seemed to take great pride in his work.,Live up t,o your parents expectations.,必背短语,Sports and game build up our b,12,The driver,pulled up,at the traffic lights.,The man,referred to,in the talk is my friend.,Go over your paper before you hand it in.,He has,picked up,some bad habits in the club.,He doesnt,go in for,team games.,We ended up the dinner,with,fruit and coffee.,My dream has come true.,How did the accident come about?,He,was caught in,the rain.,必背短语,The driver pulled up at the tr,13,At midnight, at dusk, at present, at breakfast,At a loss, at war, at peace, at Christmas,At the mercy of, at the cost of, at the price of,At the end of , at the beginning of,On the basis of, on behalf of, on account of,On the decrease, on the increase, on the way,On the go, on some occasions,必背短语,At midnight, at dusk, at prese,14,She,took advantage of,the lunch hour to finish her homework.,The teacher,took up,the lesson where he,left off,yesterday.,My hometown has,taken on,a new look.,I am sorry but he is not in. Can I,take a message,?,Nothing could,take the place of,the family he has lost.,I have,entered for,the high jump.,必背短语,She took advantage of the lunc,15,The teachers have to,turn in,the reports at the end of the school year.,Who is to,see to,the organization of the next meeting.,Ive got plenty of things to,see to,.,He has,set a good example to,us.,All our food supply has,run out,.,I,approve of,your trying to earn some money.,必背短语,The teachers have to turn in t,16,Do these paintings,appeal to,you?,The police,appealed to,the crowd not,to,panic.,I objected to being treated like this.,The old temple,dates fr,om the 14,th,century.,The film,was set in,California.,Children should,show respect for,their teachers.,She,insisted on doing,it on her own.,必背短语,Do these paintings appeal to y,17,In response to, in appreciation of, according to,Watch out for sb, look out for sb,keep an eye on, keep a watch on,With ones help, in some way, arise from/out of,On ones way to doing sth, in this way, in the way,Apply oneself to doing sth, apply for, apply to,Apply to sb for sth, have much in common with,In common with sb(like sb), charge sb for sth,Bargain with sb about/over sth, free of charge,Charge sb with doing sth, take charge of,必背短语,In response to, in appreciatio,18,Every four years, every fourth year,Every other day, every two days, every few days,Stand by, might as well do sth , in return for,Admit doing sth, take the place of, in search of,In place of, sb be highly thought of, survive sth,compete in the writing contest against 20 other top students,Under debate, explode with laughter,Not less than= at least,Not more than =at most,必背短语,Every four years, every fourth,19,Make efforts to do sth, add to my anxiety,make an impression on sb, in ignorance of,Calm down, go through my pocket money,Go against nature, go through many hardships,Set out to do sth, be concerned about safety,Get tired of, be tired out, be worn out,Settle down to sth/doing sth, be grateful to sb,suffer from many unpleasant things,Join sb in doing sth, pack my clothes up,Have trouble (in) doing sth, agree to your plan,必背短语,Make efforts to do sth,20,I am m,ore than happy to help you,The moon came up.,Keep me informed if anything comes up.,Flowers are coming out.,Base our success on good health,At the base of, take command of, take control of,At present, for the present,Make the best/most of, make little/full use of,Have a good command of English,Command sb to do sth, at ones request,必背短语,I am more than happy to help y,21,Request sb to do sth, Sb be requested to do sth,There is no such thing as a free lunch.,Widen ones eyes, make us less narrow-minded,Prefer to do sth, have a preference for sth,Persuade sb of sth, persuade sb to do sth,Sb be scheduled to do sth,give up on sb,give in to sb,on schedule, as scheduled,Be determined to do sth, be fond of sth,make up ones mind to do, change their minds,Keep in mind that you can turn to me for help.,必背短语,Request sb to do sth, Sb be,22,as usual, in ones view, put up a tent, put sb up,put off, put down the rebellion, put up with sb/sth,feel like doing, ruin ones hope, lie in ruins,do an injury to sb, trap sb into doing sth,be buried in, bury oneself in, be absorbed in,at an end, cause damage to, judging by/from,be attacked with a disease, be equal to,take the trouble to do sth, ask for trouble,turn sb down, escape doing sth,escape from a place, reward sb with sth for sth,必背短语,as usual, in ones view, put u,23,announce/explain to sb sth, suggest doing sth,ask permission, turn forty, go off/bad,win/gain the first prize, sb be required to do sth,be dressed in red, dress the baby,Cure sb of bad habits, break the law/the rule,Call for great patience, call on sb to do sth,Come across sb, come to oneself,come to an end, care for the sick, care for fruits,必背短语,announce/explain to sb sth, su,24,They covered 12 miles yesterday.,How many pages have you covered?,The city covered ten square miles.,His talk covered the subject.,The best reporters were sent to cover the Olympic Games.,It rained for three days,on end,.,Do away with slavery, sb be welcome to do sth,fix a time for sth, fix supper, fix the problem,fall behind others. Look back on your childhood,必背短语,They covered 12 miles yesterda,25,s,how respect for sb, in some respects,observe the law, observe Christmas Day,inspire sb to do sth, behave oneself,d,eliver a speech, carry on (with) sth,Memories crowded in on me. in the shade,struggle to ones feet, have a hunger/desire for ,be equipped with, rid the world of hunger,build up your vocabulary, regret doing/having done,必背短语,show respect for sb, in some r,26,Keep the air,free from/of,chemicals ,be badly off for sth, entertain sb to sth,fail to do sth, succeed in doing sth,cut in,on,our conversation, convince sb,of,sth,feel cut off from the outside world,convince sb to do sth,in,a low voice,in a mess,burst into laughter, by means of,in a rude manner,The smell in the kitchen is,inviting.,Sb be caught doing sth, associate A with B,必背短语,Keep the air free from/of chem,27,major in, in defence of, function/serve as, ease/relieve sb,of,sth, sb be faced with sth, make faces, turn ones back,to,sb/sth,in advance,come close to doing sth,It,s no wonder that In the minority,Make an admission, preserve sb from,必背短语,major in, in defence of, funct,28,Take,the,place of sb, in terms of,dress (sb)up as,r,eward sb with sth, award sb sth, look on.as,Stick to , object to, break ones word, on,a,diet,forgive sb (for) sth, remind sb to do sth, lie in,get away with sth,at,a discount, lie in bed,h,ave sb doing sth, be in debt,to,sb,Pay off ones debts, be limited to, cut in (on sb/sth), spy on sb,for,the purpose of ,i,n,the hope that,必背短语,Take the place of sb, in terms,29,g,o after,fame and wealth, by mistake, by design, by accident, find fault with sb, spot sb,doing,sth,Account for, on account of, seek help/advice,Be contrary,to, plenty of, masses of, bring about,quantities of,in,a rude manner, at one time,in time to do sth/in time for sth, cheer(sb)up,Cheer on sb, block out,pull up,at the traffic lights,go aboard the ship/plane/train, board the plane,Have a gift/taste/an eye,for,必背短语,go after fame and wealth, by m,30,Contain oneself, appreciate doing sth,Be employed,in,doing sth,in,cash, at a loss,briefly speaking, attach A to B, in relief,In possession of, in control/charge of, search for,On the basis of, on a regular basis,Survive the accident, in search,of, search A for B,in ones search,for,relieve,the heavy traffic,by heart, be sentenced,to,5 years in prison,必背短语,Contain oneself, appreciate do,31,Put the date forward by one week, in conclusion,Attend(to)sb, attend school, join sb in sth,cure sb of sth, a cure for a disease,challenge sb to sth, challenge sb to do sth,take up a challenge, be absorbed in,Sb be to blame for sth, link A to/with B,Blame sth on sb, instruct sb to do sth,Be cautious not to do sth, consist of,Be made up of ,be composed of,必背短语,Put the date forward by one we,32,In conflict with,to their credit, give sb credit for,On credit, at ones convenience, tolerate doing for ones convenience,leave off doing sth, delight in sth,Be delighted to do sth,be consistent with,Be consistent in,impress sb with sth, impress sth on sb,take up the invitation, previous to, at full speed,b,e lacking in, be rich/abundant in, adjust(oneself)to,at the sight of, switch to,必背短语,In conflict with, to their cre,33,Be greedy for knowledge, swallow ones words,assist sb to do sth,assist sb in doing sth,Concentrate (ones mind ) on sth, be buried in,Put ones heart into sth, depend on sb for sth,Warn sb of sth,rob sb of sth, convince sb of sth,In that case, accuse sb of sth,d,emand,of,sb to do sth,approve,of,ones doing sth,必背短语,Be greedy for knowledge, swall,34,f,all ill, do an injury to sb, vary in the size,In the first place, at hand, put ones hands on sth,a,pply to sb for sth, apply A to B,There is no doubt that,必背短语,fall ill, do an injury to sb,35,Abandon, abnormal, abstract, academic, account, acid, adorable,agenda,alarm, alongside, alternative, amateur, angle, ankle, ban, barely,bat, bay, beard, bend, biscuit, bitter, bleed, blank, blog,blouse, calligraphy, camel, canal, candidate, capacity,capsule, carve, cease,celebrity, certificate, database,decent, decline, delete,demonstrate, desperate, destination,detect,device, diagram, dignity, dimension,熟悉考纲词汇,Abandon, abnormal, abstract, a,36,discipline, discrimination, dismiss, display,distinct, distribution, disturb, dive,drill, drought, drug,duration, dynamic,eagle, elegant,element,emerge, emphasis, encounter,crucial, cuisine, cute, current, complex,component,concrete, Confucius, Confucianism,consistent,circuit, charity, enhance,estate,estimate, evaluate, exceptional, exist, exit, expand, expansion, expense, explode, expose, exposure, extend, extension, extent,(to some extent),external,extinction,熟悉考纲词汇,discipline, discrimination, di,37,domain, draft,dramatic, distinguish, definition, deserve, complicated,comprehensive, conflict, constitution, consume, consultation,constant,context,contract, butcher, branch, brilliant, budget, cast,bond, botanical,bounce, behalf,bonus, arise, antique, appetite, applaud, assess,assumption, bakery, automatic, awesome, accurate, advocate, abuse,熟悉考纲词汇,domain, draft, dramatic, disti,38,Comic, commercial,collapse, client, buffet, castle, campus, boast, bound,boundary, bless, battery, astonish, authority,autonomous,arch, approve,anticipate, ambitious, comment, clarify,comprise, contemporary,core,corporate, crash, criticize, damp, delicate, deny,dominate, domestic, dizzy, diverse, ecology,essential, era,equator,episode, entitle, enormous, explore,fabric, feature, fence, fetch,fiber, fiction, fist, flash,flexible, foggy, fold,format,formula,熟悉考纲词汇,Comic, commercial, collapse, c,39,facilitate,finance, foundation, freedom, friction, frontier, frost, gallery, garlic, gender, geometry, giraffe, grab, grand, grape, gravity, greedy, grocery, guarantee, guidance, guilty,habitat, harmonious, hence, herb, hesitate,highlight, humble, hydrogen, hurricane,identical, idiom,illustrate, impact, incredible, indicate, infection, influential,initial, innocent,initiative,innovation, inquire,insight, inspection, jungle, jaw, joint, justify,熟悉考纲词汇,facilitate, finance, foundatio,40,my,initial,reaction, An,initial,payment is 20 dollars.,The death toll was,initially,reported at around 20, but was later revised 30.,Kentucky Fried Chicken was often known by its,initials,KFC.,How can you,justify,taking proper measures?,熟悉考纲词汇,my initial reaction, An initia,41,instant, insurance,integrate,integrity,(honesty; unity),intense,(extreme; heated; showing strong feelings) interaction,internal/external, interpret, investigate, investment, involve, issue,item, kettle,kit, lamp, landscape, lantern,launch, league,leak, leather, maintain, marathon,massive, mature, maximum,mechanic, medal,medium,memorial, merely, metal, mild, neat, needle, negative,negotiate, nephew,nevertheless, navy, niece,noble, normal, nowhere, nuclear, nut,novel,熟悉考纲词汇,instant, insurance, integrate,42,legal, leisure, liberty, license, liquid,literally, litter, military, millimeter, mineral,missile, mission, mist,mode, monitor,motion,loan, logical, loose, lunar, luxury, motivate,mount, mud, multiple, muscle, odd, onion, oppose, option, orbit, organ, outcome, outline, output, overall,panel, parcel, passion, passive, patent, peak, pepper,perceive, pattern, racial, radiation, radium, random, quote, rank,rating, pudding, psychology, protest, protein,熟悉考纲词汇,legal, leisure, liberty, licen,43,accountant, consultant, surgeon, pedestrian,civilian, porter, chef, premier, salesman, spokesman, stewardess, crew, widow,burglar, criminal, butcher, the masses, taxpayer, jaw, belly, heel,lame, soul, spiritual, conscience,virtue,corrupt, appetite, bean curd, brunch, cabbage,cater, cocoa, ham, turkey,mustard, popcorn, recipe,saucer, sharpener, slice, spoonful, yummy, tobacco,scar,stout,prescription, capsule, herb,ward, smog,stain,evolution,熟悉考纲词汇,accountant, consultant, surgeo,44,s,ession, curriculum, algebra,arithmetic, composition, broken English, arrow,oval,semi,circle,vertical, wisdom, acquisition, supreme,vague, transparent, precise,vacant, portable,minus,foster,bent, recreation, circus, choir, symphony, tune,wind, rewind, clap, bat, march,Skip this part, wrestle,channel, thriller, literary, zoom, allocate, postpone, prohibit,熟悉考纲词汇,session, curriculum, algebra,45,irrigation, spade, paddle, hook,interval, dull,allowance, deposit, wage, cheque,surplus, sheet, thread, zip, zipper, pin, razor, shavor, thermos,suite, drawer,alley,brewery,skyscraper, corporation, warehouse, storage,socket, plug, monument, equality, cosy, punctual,Resemble, correspond,consensus, reservation,Rent, marriage, salute, wag,explicit, via, withdraw, communist,bureau,cratic, liberation,Suspension, enlarge,confidential,熟悉考纲词汇,irrigation, spade, paddle, hoo,46,词汇句型高级,书写规范,词汇句型高级,书写规范,47,词汇句型高级,书写规范,词汇句型高级,书写规范,48,词汇句型高级,书写规范,词汇句型高级,书写规范,49,二、语法专项分别练,二、语法专项分别练,50,专题复习,形容词和副词,该课件是在使用了,xxxx,教辅资料,344-350,页的基础上编写的,专题复习形容词和副词该课件是在使用了xxxx教辅资料344,51,第一步:你能讲出下列句子中形容词和副词,的用法吗?,第一步:你能讲出下列句子中形容词和副词,52,1.We have produced,as many tractors as,we did last year.,2.I dont make,as much money as,you do.,3.I love music,as much as,you do.,4.She doesnt dress,so/as strangely as,the other girls.,5.You look,much younger,than I do.,1.We have produced as many tra,53,6. I look,less young,than you do.,7. I feel,a great deal better,today.,8. He works,even harder,than before.,9. The Yellow River is,the second longest,river in China.,10. Of all the students, Jacks English is,almost /by far the best,.,6. I look less young than you,54,11. He works,(the)hardest,in his class.,12. This is,a most interesting,book.,13. This is,the most interesting,book.,14.,The harder,he works,the happier,he feels.,15. We were,greatly shocked,by the news about Tom. (why not very?),16. I was,much amused,by Jacks attitude.,11. He works (the)hardest in h,55,第二部分 形容词变副词,第二部分 形容词变副词,56,形容词变副词,一般情况下直接加,ly, fluently, officially, importantly,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的变,y,为,i,再加,ly,:,easily, angrily, luckily,但是,shyly,例外,以,e,结尾的直接加,ly,: fortunately, entirely, extremely,但是,truly,例外,以,le,结尾的变,e,为,y,:,simply, gently, comfortably, possibly,但是,wholly,例外,以,sic,结尾的加,ally,: basically, classically, musically,形容词变副词一般情况下直接加ly, fluently, of,57,第三部分 :巩固练习 (一)汉译英,最近的这些日子,all these last few days,一条浅蓝色丝裙,a light blue silk skirt,最前最后两段,the first,/,last two paragraphs,第三部分 :巩固练习 (一)汉译英,58,另外三本英语书,another three English books,一些美丽的小红花,some beautiful little red flowers,一件旧的棕色羊毛地毯,an old brown woolen carpet,另外三本英语书,59,一条昂贵的紫色棉裙,an expensive purple cotton dress,第一座美丽的中国小白木桥,the first beautiful little white Chinese,wood bridge,一条昂贵的紫色棉裙,60,他回到了家,安然无恙。,He returned home,safe and sound,.,山羊翻了个身,死了。,The goat rolled over,dead,.,他站在那里,充满了恐惧。,He is standing there,full of fear,.,他回到了家,安然无恙。,61,他喝得酩酊大醉。,Hes,dead/blind,drunk(=very drunk).,他完全没有睡意。,Hes,wide,awake.,雨雪下得很大。,Its raining/snowing,heavily,他喝得酩酊大醉。,62,他睡得很沉。,Hes,sound,/,fast,asleep,他吃力地移动喘着粗气酒喝得多,烟抽得多。,Hes moving,/,breathing,/,drinking,/,smoking,heavily,.,他睡得很沉。,63,交通拥挤他的胡子浓密,The traffic/His moustache is,heavy,.,中国的人口比美国的多。,The population of China is,larger,than,that of America.,交通拥挤他的胡子浓密,64,这本书的价格高低。,(,这本书贵便宜。,),The price of the book is high/low.,(=The book is expensive/cheap.),他们非常相像,They are very much,alike,.,这本书的价格高低。,65,他们很害怕晚上单独出去。,They are much afraid to go out,alone,at night,他们很害怕晚上单独出去。,66,如果你努力学习,你的英语会变得越来越好。,If you study harder, your English will,become better and better.,我喜欢这两本字典中较大的那本。,I like the bigger one of the two dictionaries.,如果你努力学习,你的英语会变得越来越好。,67,这张桌子比那张长一英尺。,(,两种表达方法,),This table is longer than that one,by,one foot.,This table is one foot longer than that one.,这张桌子比那张长一英尺。,68,她越想越沮丧,(depressed),。,The more she thought about it, the more,depressed she became.,与其说他是我的老师,还不如说他是,我的朋友。,He is more my friend than my teacher.,她越想越沮丧(depressed)。,69,格林先生病了好几天了,我想知道他,是否好点了。,Mr. Green has been ill for a few days.,I wonder whether he is any better.,格林先生病了好几天了,我想知道他,70,She is the cleverest student in my class.,She is cleverer than _ _ _,


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