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2020/11/18,#,Continuation writing,读后续写,-Learn to be consistent,By Liu Liming,Taishun Middle School,Continuation writing读后续写-Learn,1,A story,when,where,who,what,how,why,Reading,for,Writing,A storywhenwherewhowhathowwhyR,2,认真学习七五普法的心得体会与财政票据管理年终总结范文合集,财政票据管理年终总结,不平凡的xxxx年过去了,一年来,在所领导的亲切关怀和同事们的大力帮助下,我时时刻刻坚持高标准,事事处处严格要求自己,刻苦学习,扎实工作,脚踏实地,兢兢业业,力求做到业务素质和道德素质双提高,顺利地完成了所领导交给的各项工作任务,为xxxx年度画上了一个圆满的句号。,回顾20xx年的工作、学习、生活,我主要做到了:,一、坚定信念,站得稳脚跟。我坚定共产主义的崇高理想和国特色社会主义道路信念,坚持正确的政治方向,始终做到立场坚定、头脑清醒、是非分明,在政治上、思想上、行动上与局党委、所党支部保持高度一致,做一个政治上靠得住、思想上过得硬的共党员。日常生活,我能正确对待名、权、利,能摆正自己的位置,始终把个人价值同党和人民的事业,联系在一起,牢记自己的身份是共党员、国家干部、人民的公仆,第一职责是为党和人民努力工作,奉献力量。因而,做任何事情,行得正,站得稳。,二、刻苦学习,担得起重任。财政所是镇党委、镇政府的后勤部,责任大、担子重,经常是群众看高一格,领导厚爱一分。因此,要胜任本职工作,就必须刻苦学习,增强本,an old man,a little boy,sell magazines,Reading,for,Writing,认真学习七五普法的心得体会与财政票据管理年终总结范文合集an,3,. a house that people rarely visited,The house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came out,The boys parents told him to stay away from the house, and . neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.,the old man said impatiently,The old man just stared . without a word.,The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said .,hard to get on with,unfriendly,Personalities of the old man,. a house that people rarely,4,The boy knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man.,Dust found the boy,lingering(,拖延的,),on and hesitating what to do.,The little boy was very afraid . got up the courage and said .,The little boy was sad that . He was also sad for the old man .,frightened,hesitating,brave,sympathetic,Tip 1:,By describing what a character does in detail instead of telling the readers directly, you can show his personalities or feelings vividly.,Personalities of the little boy,The boy knocked on the door an,5,The old man answered,“,Yes, I have many collections in my house. They are,my family,here and they are,all I have,.,”,Tip 2:,By describing what a character says, you can picture his personalities or feelings vividly.,lonely,Reading,for,Writing,The old man answered “Yes, I h,6,What would the boy do,next according to the last two sentences in the text?,give the dog figurine to the old man,Tip 3: The development of the story can be inferred,from the given information,.,Inferring,the development,What would the boy do next acc,7,Para. 1,The little boy headed back down to the old mans house.,Para. 2,From that day on something changed inside the old man.,What?,Place:,at the old mans house,Inferring,from,the given sentences,Discussion:,Para. 1Para. 2What?Place: at t,8,Para. 1,The little boy headed back down to the old mans house.,Q2:,How,would the old man,react to,the boys visit and offer?,Q1:,What,would the little boy,say,and,do,?,explained why he came again,asked why the boy came again,felt surprised and moved,accepted the dog figurine,gave the dog figurine,Inferring,the development,Para. 1Q2: How would the old m,9,Para. 2,From that day on something changed inside the old man.,Q1:,What changed,inside the old man?,Q2:,What,else,would,the boy,do,for the old man?,Q3:,How,would the old man,feel,in the end,?,Inferring,the development,Para. 2Q1: What changed inside,10,Requirements,for Writing,第二节:读后续写(满分,25,分),阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。,注意:,所续写短文的词数应为,150,左右;,应使用,5,个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;,续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;,续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。,Requirements for Writing第二节:读后,11,Choose the underlined key words,magazines,neighbors,the door,the old man,the little boy,quota,dog figurines,collections,lonely soul,real live dog,Tip 5: Choose the key words covering,the most important information, such as the main character(s) and the main object(s),.,Requirements,for Writing,Choose the underlined key word,12,Assessment Criteria,for,Writing,Items,(条目),Levels,(档次),Cohesion,(与所给短文和段落开头衔接融合程度),Use of underlined words,(下划线词汇使用情况),Rich Content,(内容的丰富性),Accuracy of language,(语法结构和词汇使用的准确性),Variety of language,(语法结构和词汇使用的丰富性),Coherence,(上下文以及语句间的连贯性),reasonable, logical,Assessment Criteria for Writin,13,Beautiful sentences,you may need,Standing for a moment, the little boy made up his mind to knock on the door.,The old mans face lit up. The boys gift was a great comfort to him.,“I said no magazine!” yelled the old man with his arms crossed.,All of a sudden, the old mans heart seemed to be enveloped by a loving power.,5. Tears sprang to his eyes.,spring,(,sprang,,,sprung,)涌出;生长,Beautiful sentences you may ne,14,Beautiful sentences,you may need,6.,He began to sob, for he always felt lonely in the community. After a while, he took out his handkerchief to wipe his eyes.,sob (sobbed; sobbed),呜咽;啜泣,7.,“,.,”,the boy said in a hopeful voice, a huge smile spreading on his face.,8. Tears were sliding down his cheeks. He pulled,the boy close and,mumble,d “Thank you.”,含糊的说,9. On that unforgettable morning, they.together.,Never will the boy forget the experience with the old,man,(倒装句),Beautiful sentences you may ne,15,Para. 1:,The boy headed back down to the old mans house.,He knocked on,the door,again and this time,the old man,came right to the door. “Boy, I thought I told you no,magazines,!” The old man stared at him angrily. “I know that, sir. I just wanted to bring you a gift.”,The little boy,handed him the,dog figurine,. Looking at the boy, the old man was too surprised to say anything and simply smiled in tears, as no one had ever shown him so much kindness.,Appreciating,a possible version,Para. 1:Appreciating a possibl,16,Para. 2:,From that day on something changed inside the old man.,He started coming out of the house and talking to,his neighbors,. Soon, he and the boy became friends. The boy visited the old man frequently and brought his,real live dog,to his house once in a while. He even invited the old man to join his family for Christmas dinner. With the boys company, the old man was no longer,a lonely soul,.,Appreciating,a possible version,Para. 2: Appreciating a possib,17,Thank,you !,Thank you !,18,


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