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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit,2,What Time Is It?,Part B Lets talk,NO. 6,Unit 2What Time Is It?Part B L,1,Beijing,14:00,Read and write,New York,10:00,Sydney,4,:00,London,:00,6,What time is it?,Its time for English class,.,Beijing,Different zones Different time,不同时区 不同时间,Beijing Read and writeNew York,2,What time is it?,Look and say quickly,(看图快说),Its 7:00 a.m.,Its time for,breakfast,What time is it? Look and say,3,Its 9:00 a.m.,Its time for,数学,math class,Its 9:00 a.m.Its time for数学m,4,Its 12:00,Its time for,lunch,Its 12:00 Its time forlun,5,Its time for,Its 2:00 p.m.,music class,Its time forIts 2:00 p.m.,6,Timetable(时间表),7:00 a.m.,12:00,2:00 p.m.,9:00 a.m.,数学,Timetable(时间表)7:00 a.m.12:002:,7,look and answer,:,Whose timetable is this?,(,谁的时间表?),2. What time is it in the pictures?,8:00,look and answer:Whose timetabl,8,Look and answer,:,Mikes.,2. What time is it?,6:30,7:30,8:00,8:00,1.Whose timetable is this?,(,谁的时间表?),Its,Look and answer:Mikes.2. Wha,9,Listen, choose and fill in blanks.,Its 6:30, Its time to ( ),A. get up B. read a book,2.Its 7:30, Its time to ( ),A. play football B. go to school,3.Its 8:00, Its time for _.,Listen, choose and fill in bla,10,Listen, choose and fill in blanks.,Listen, choose and fill in bla,11,Listen, choose and fill in blanks.,Its 6:30, Its time to ( ),A. get up B. read a book,A,Hurry up !,Listen, choose and fill in bla,12,2.Its 7:30, Its time to ( ),A. play football B. go to school,B,Hurry up !,2.Its 7:30, Its time to (,13,Its time,for,_.,English class,Its time,to,get up .,Its time,to,go to school .,3. Its 8:00.,Learning tip:,Its time to,后面跟表示动作的词或短语,Its time for,后面跟事物名称的词或短语,Its time for _,14,Its,Its time,to,.,read a book,8:00 a.m,play,football,3:00p.m,go home,5:00 p.m,Lets say,Its read a book8:00 a.mplay,15,Its .,Its time,for,.,6:00 p.m,dinner,9:00 p.m,bed,Lets say,Its . 6:00 p.mdinner9:00 p.,16,What time is it?,Play a game,Rules(规则),Please say “What time is it?” as you pass the box. When you,hear “Stop”, the kid who gets the box should say “Its .It,time to/for.Then repeat.(传递盒子时,一直说What time is it?。听到“Stop”,停下,持有盒子的同学回答,“Its .Its time to /for.重复以上步骤),What time is it?Play a gameRul,17,Listen and imitate.(,听音仿读,。),Tips: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(,注意你的语音语调。,),Listen and imitate.(听音仿读。),18,Read in roles.(角色朗读。),Tips(朗读要求):,1.有感情的朗读对话。,2.,注意语音,、,语调正确,。,Read in roles.(角色朗读。)Tips(朗读要求,19,Mikes timetable,Think back and match,.(,回想一下,再连线。,),6:30,7:30,8:00,Its time for English class.,Its time to get up.,Its time to go to school.,Mikes timetabl,20,Tick tock, tick tock,.,Its time to get up.,Tick tock, tick tock.,Its time to go to school.,Tick tock, tick tock .,Its time for English class.,Lets chant,Tick tock, tick tock.Lets ch,21,Listen and tick,(听音,在对应栏画对号),get up,breakfast,go to school,Chinese class,6:30,7:00,7:30,8:00,.,Listen and tick(听音,在对应栏画对号)get,22,My Saturday timetable (,我的作息时间表,),Time,(时间,Activity,(活动),6:30 a.m.,get up,7:00 a.m.,breakfast,8:00 a.m.,11:30 a.m.,4:30 p.m.,dinner,10:00 p.m.,go hiking,郊游,read a book,have lunch,5:00 p.m.,go to bed,Its 6:30. Its time,to get up. / ,My Saturday timetable (我的作息时间表,23,Make a weekend timetable,(,小组讨论制定周末时间活动表),Time,(时间,Activity,(活动),Its 6:30. Its time,to get up. / ,Get up,Play football,Read a book,Watch TV,Water the flowers,Sing and dance,Breakfast lunch dinner,Bed art class Music class,Make a weekend timetable(小组讨论,24,summary,We have learnt,:,And we have learnt how to make timetable,.,summaryWe have learnt :,25,Time is gold, money cant buy time.,(一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,.,),Being on time is a good morality .,(,守时是一种美德,),Time is gold, money cant buy,26,1.Listen and repeat,.(,听音跟读,。),2.Try to find more time proverbs and share them with your friends,.(查找更多时间谚语,,然后跟,朋友分享。),PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit2WhatTimeIsItppt课件,27,Bye-bye !,Bye-bye !,28,


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