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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2014年人教新目标英语七下unit-3how-do-you-get-to-school阅读课,2014年人教新目标英语七下unit-3how-do-yo,In the city, its easy to go somewhere.we can .,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,.,In the city, its easy to go,2,人教新目标英语七下unit-3how-do-you-get-to-school阅读课ppt课课件,3,人教新目标英语七下unit-3how-do-you-get-to-school阅读课ppt课课件,4,take a boat,take a boat,5,The river,runs,too quickly for boats.,液体的流动,The river runs too quickly for,6,cross the bridge,n.,桥,There is no bridge.,cross the bridgen. 桥There is n,7,ropeway,First,they walk.Then,They,go on a ropeway,to cross the river to the market.,How do they get to the market?,n.,索道,ropewayFirst,they walk.Then,Th,8,Is this,7-year-old,boy,of taking a ropeway?,adj.,害怕;畏惧,No,he isnt.,afraid,Is this 7-year-old boy,9,What is their ?,n.,梦想;睡梦,v.,做梦,dream,Their dream is to walk to school.,What is their ?n.,10,Can their dream come,true,?,实现;成为现实,adj.,真的;,符合事实的,Yes, it can.,Can their dream come true?实现;成,11,Words review,cross,river,many,village,between,betweenand,bridge,boat,ropeway,v.,横过;越过,n.,河;江,adj.&pron.,许多,n.,村庄;村镇,prep.,介于,之间,在,和,之间,n.,桥,n.,小船,n.,索道,Words reviewcrossv. 横过;越过,12,Words review,year,afraid,like,villager,leave,dream,true,come true,n.,年;岁,adj.,害怕;畏惧,prep.,像;怎么样,n.,村民,v.,离开,n.,梦想;睡梦,v.,做梦,adj.,真的;符合事实的,实现;成为现实,Words review yearn. 年;岁,13,2a,Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about.,Its about how the students cross a river to get to school.,Crossing the River to School,2aLook at the picture and titl,14,Fast reading.,快速阅读,1.,How,do the students in the village go to school?,They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.,Fast reading.快速阅读1. How do the,15,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,16,Read paragraph 1 to answer the question.,阅读第一段回答问题。,2.,Why,do they go to school by ropeway?,There is no bridge, and the river runs too quickly for boats.,Careful reading,仔细阅读,There is no bridge, and the ri,17,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,18,Read paragraph 2 to answer the question.,阅读第二段回答问题。,3.,Does,the boy like his school? Why?,Careful reading,仔细阅读,Yes, he does. He love,s,to play with,his,classmates. He love,s,his,teacher.,Careful reading仔细阅读Yes, he doe,19,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,20,Careful reading,仔细阅读,Their dream is to have a bridge.,Read paragraph 3 to answer the question.,4.,What,is the villagers dream?,5.,Do,you think their dream can come true?,6.,Can,we help them?,7.,What,can we do for them?,Yes, I do.Maybe the government can build a bridge for them.,Yes,we can.,We can give our pocket money(,零花钱,)to them.,Careful reading仔细阅读Their dream,21,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,22,2c,Read the passage again. Complete the sentences with words from the passage.,1. For the students in the village, it is _ to get to school.,2. They have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village.,difficult,big,2cRead the passage again. Comp,23,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,24,3. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _.,4. It is not to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _.,5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come _?,quickly,afraid,true,3. They cannot go by boat beca,25,读文章,回答问题,读文章,回答问题,26,Their dream can come true if people all around the world,help,them.,Their dream can come true if p,27,课时重点回顾,Review,cross the river to school,many students, be (not) afraid,easy/difficult to get to school, between and , come true,The river runs too quickly for boats.,go on a ropeway to cross the river to school, love to play with my classmates,many of the students, like a father,It is their dream to have a bridge.,课时重点回顾Reviewcross the river to,28,ways of getting to school,many students,students in one small village,one 11-year-old boy,many of the students and villagers,easy,difficult,cross the river,love school,never leave the village,their dream,a very big river,no bridge,no boats,go on a ropeway,ways of getting to schoolmany,29,Homework,1.Do the other exercises in this part.,2.Summarize the passage .,3.Try to use,the words and phrases,to write a story about Wa wa.,Homework1.Do the other exercis,30,Thank you,Thank you,31,庄周买水,刘征,庄周买水刘征,庄子简介,庄子名周,战国时期宋国人,大体与孟轲同时或稍后。他继承并发展了老子的思想,是道家学派的重要代表人物,与老子并称“老庄”。,庄子简介 庄子名周,战国时期宋国人,大体与孟轲同时或稍,庄子书影,庄子简介,庄子一书,汉代著录为五十二篇,现存三十三篇。其中内篇七篇,通常认为是庄子本人所著;外篇十五篇,杂篇十一篇,有庄周门人及后来道家的作品。,庄子书影庄子简介 庄子一书,汉代著录为五十,庄周买水,海神若(一元一吨),河伯女秘书(十元一吨),吴主任(五十元一吨),提货单,文章结构,庄周买水 海神若(一元一吨)河伯女秘书(十元一吨) 吴主,庄周为什么要“弃文从商”?,为什么庄周无法直接从海神若那里提水呢?请在课文中找出答案。,从办事员到长发披肩的女秘书,再到吴主任,他们对庄周的态度有无变化,为什么?,吴主任为什么敢那么大胆的说出其中的利害关系?是谁给了他这样的胆?,文章结尾深刻犀利,并套用了,典故,,有什么深刻的含义?,思考,讨论:,庄周为什么要“弃文从商”?思考,讨论:,“涸辙之鲋”的典故,庄周家贫,故往贷粟于监河侯。监河侯曰:“诺。我将得邑金,将贷子三百金,可乎?”,庄周忿然作色曰:“周昨来,有中道而呼者,周顾视,车辙中有鲋鱼焉。周问之曰:鲋鱼来,子何为者邪?对曰:我,东海之波臣也。君岂有斗升之水活我哉?周曰:诺。我且南游吴、越之王,激西江之水而迎子,可乎?鲋鱼忿然作色曰:吾失吾常与,我无所处。吾得斗升之水然活耳。君乃言此,曾不如早索我于枯鱼之肆!”,“涸辙之鲋”的典故 庄周家贫,故往贷粟于监河侯。监河侯,2语言描写具有形象性,既写出了人物的语言,还写出了人物的神态,具有很好的艺术张力。,本文的语言特点,1具有时代特征和生活气息。,2语言描写具有形象性,既写出了人物的语言,还写出了人物的神,1匠心独运的艺术构思,2曲中见奇,尺水兴波,3人物形象生动,本文艺术特点,1匠心独运的艺术构思本文艺术特点,中央电教馆资源中心制作,2004.2,中央电教馆资源中心制作2004.2,


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