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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5,Unit 5,Unit 5,Do you want to,watch a game show?,Unit 5,Section A 1,1a-2d,Section A 1,Whats your favorite programme?,Do you like watching TV?,Warming up,Whats your favorite programme,I love outdoors reality shows.,What do you think of outdoors reality shows?,I love outdoors reality shows.,What do you think of game shows?,I like game shows.,What do you think of game show,I dont,mind,them.,What do you think of soccer games?,v,.,介意;对,(,某事,),烦恼,I dont mind them.What do you,I dont like talk shows.,What do you think of talk shows?,I cant,stand,them.,v,.,忍受;站立,I dont like talk shows.What,I dont like talent shows.,I cant stand them.,What do you think of talent shows?,I dont like talent shows.I c,What do/does sb.think of.?,与,How do/does sb.like.?,同义,用来,询问对某事物或某人的观点或看法,,意为“某人认为,怎么样?”;,回答时可用,love,like,not mind,not like,not stand,等来表达对某事物或某人的好恶程度。,Language points,love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand,What do/does sb.think of.,e.g.,What do you think of,soap operas,?,=How do you like soap operas?,I,dont mind,them.,肥皂剧,e.g.What do you think of soa,根据括号内的要求完成题,。,1)What does Linda think of your new friend?(,改为同义句,),_ Linda _ your new friend?,2)Dale,doesnt mind,soap operas.(,对划线部分提问,),_ Dale _ soap operas?,How does like,What does think of,根据括号内的要求完成题。How does,New words,sitcom,n,.,情景喜剧,news,n.,新闻节目,;,新闻,New wordssitcomnews,soap opera,肥皂剧,soap opera,Game,Guess!What does your partner,want to watch?,GameGuess!What does your part,Match the TV shows with the pictures a-g.,1a,1.talk show _ 2.soap opera _,3.sports show _ 4.sitcom _,5.game show _ 6.talent show _,7.news _,d,e,b,c,a,g,f,Match the TV shows with the pi,_ talent show _ talk show,_ soccer game _ news,Listening,Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them.,1b,1,2,3,4,_ talent show _ talk show,1.What does Mark plan to do later?,2.What does Jack think of talk shows?,3.Does Jack like the news?,4.What does Jack think of talent shows?,5.Does Mark want to watch the soccer,game at 5:00?How about Jack?,Listen again and answer the questions.,Remember the questions first.,1.What does Mark plan to do l,1.What does Mark plan to do later?,2.What does Jack think of talk shows?,3.Does Jack like the news?,Listen again and answer the questions.,He plans to watch TV.,He doesnt mind them,but sometimes they can be a bit boring.,Yes,he does.,1.What does Mark plan to do l,4.What does Jack think of talent shows?,5.Does Mark want to watch the soccer,game at 5:00?How about Jack?,He usually cant stand them,but the new one is quite funny.,Yes,he does.So does Jack.,4.What does Jack think of tal,What do you want to watch?,What do you think of talk shows?,1c,Theyre OK.I dont mind them.,Then lets watch a talk show.,Practice the conversation.Then make your own conversations.,love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand,What do you want to watch?What,What do you want to watch?,What do you think of sports shows?,Oh,I cant stand them.,Well,what about talent shows?,OK.I love watching them.,Pair work,What do you want to watch?What,2a,1.Where are they?What are they doing?,2.What are they probably talking about?,Look at the picture and answer the questions.,They are at home.They are watching TV.,They are probably talking about TV shows.,2a1.Where are they?What are,Listening,Listen to Lin Hui and Sallys conversation.Number the TV shows 1-5 in the order you hear them.,_ sitcoms _ news,_ game shows _ talk shows,_ soap operas,2,1,5,3,4,ListeningListen to Lin Hui and,1.Sally likes to watch _,_.,2.Lin Hui thinks she can learn _ _ from sitcoms.,3.Sally thinks _ are more,educational,than sitcoms.,4.Sally loves _.She plans to watch,Days of Our Past,_.,the news or,some,game shows,soap operas,Listen again.Complete the sentences.,tonight,great,jokes,2b,talk shows,adj,.,教育的;有教育意义的,1.Sally likes to watch _,1.What does Lin Hui think of sitcoms?,2.Does Sally like sitcoms?Why?,3.What kind of TV shows does Sally like?,4.What does Sally think of game shows?,5.What does Sally think of soap operas?,6.What does Sally plan to watch tonight?,Listen once more then answer the questions.,1.What does Lin Hui think of,1.What does Lin Hui think of sitcoms?,2.Does Sally like sitcoms?Why?,3.What kind of TV shows does Sally like?,She thinks watching sitcoms is a great way to relax and she can learn some great jokes,too.,No,she doesnt.Because she cant learn from them.,Sally likes the news or talk shows.,1.What does Lin Hui think of,4.What does Sally think of game shows?,5.What does Sally think of soap operas?,6.What does Sally plan to watch tonight?,She cant learn much from soap operas,but she love watching them.,She plans to watch,Days of Our Past,.,She thinks it educational.She can try to guess the answers to the questions.,4.What does Sally think of ga,Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a.Use information that is true for you.,Do you plan to watch the news tonight?,Yes.I like watching the news.I watch it every night.,2c,Why?,Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.,Ask and answer questions about,Do you want to watch game shows?,Yes.I like watching game shows.I watch them three times a week.,Why?,Because I,Pairwork,Do you want to watch game show,Grace,Sarah,Graces classmates,2d,Listen to the conversation and match the persons with their favourite shows.,soap operas,game shows and sports shows,news and talk shows,Grace 2dListen to the conversa,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1.What are Grace and Sarah talking about?,2.What does Grace think of game shows and sports shows?,They are talking about TV shows.,She cant stand them.,Read the conversation and answ,4.What does Grace think of soap operas?What does Sarah think of them?,5.What are Sarahs favorite TV shows?Why does Grace think of them?,Sarahs favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows.Grace thinks they are boring.,Grace loves soap operas.Sarah doesnt mind soap operas.,4.What does Grace think of so,What did you do in class today,?,We had a discussion about TV shows.,Role-play the conversation.,What did you do in class today,1.,Sally thinks game shows are more,educational,than sitcoms.,educational,adj,.,教育的;有教育意义的,education(,教育,)+al,educational,;,多音节形容词,其比较级及最高级形式在其前加,more,,,most,构成。,Language points,1.Sally thinks game shows are,e.g.I think this movie is the,_.,我认为这部电影最有教育意义。,most educational,2.,She,plans,to watch Days of Our Past tonight.,plan,n.,打算,;,计划,常与介词,for,连用,make plans for.,为,做计划,e.g.I think this movie is the,e.g.Whats your trip,plan,?,你们的旅行计划是什么?,plan,v.,打算,;,计划,plan to do sth.,计划,/,打算做某事,e.g.We _ for,Mary.,我们打算为玛丽举办一个,生日聚会。,plan to have,a birthday party,e.g.Whats your trip plan?pla,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,。,1),我们必须为这次运动会做计划。,We must _ this sports meeting.,2),你打算去农场吗?,Do you _ to the farm?,make plans for,plan to go,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。make plans forpla,3.,Because I,hope,to,find out,whats,going on around the world.,hope,n.,希望,e.g.Dont lose your,hope,!,不要灰心!,3.Because I hope to find out,hope to do sth.,希望做某事,(,能实现的理想,),hope+that,从句,,其中,that,可以省略,e.g.They,hope to take,the plane to Beijing,next year.,他们希望明年乘飞机去北京。,I,hope(that),youll have a good time at,the party.,我希望你们能有一个愉快的聚会。,hope,v.,希望,hope to do sth.希望做某事(能实现的理想,find out,查明,;,弄清,(,指通过调查、研,究等方式查明事情的真相,),find,找到;发现,强调动作的结果。,e.g.Did they _ the old man lived?,他们查明那位老人住在哪里了吗?,Mr.Li _ in the library.,李老师在图书馆里找到了他丢失的钥匙。,find out,where,found,his lost keys,find out 查明;弄清(指通过调查、研e.g.,4.,We had a,discussion,about TV shows.,discussion,n,.,讨论,;,商量,动词,_,(,讨论,)+ion,discussion,e.g.Lets,discuss,who is the best performer.,让我们讨论一下谁是最好的表演者。,Did you have a,discussion,about the food and drinks?,他们讨论过食物和饮料的事了吗?,discuss,4.We had a discussion about T,5.,Oh,I cant,stand,them.,翻译:,_,stand,v,.,忍受,;,站立,e.g.Look!Who is,standing,under the,tree?,看,谁在树下站着?,哦,我不能忍受他们。,5.Oh,I cant stand them.哦,我不,stand,“忍受”,,后面可跟代词、名词,(,短语,),或动词,-ing,形式,作此意讲时,,常用于疑问句或否定句中,。,e.g.How can you,stand,him?,你怎么能忍受得了他?,My father,cant stand,action movies.,我爸爸受不了动作电影。,stand “忍受”,后面可跟代词、名词(短语)或动词-i,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。,1),你的小妹妹会站了吗?,Can your little sister _?,2),他们不能忍受在酷热下踢足球。,They _ soccer in the hot weather.,stand,cant stand playing,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。standcant stand,6.I like to follow the story and see what,happens,next.,happen,v,.,发生,;,出现,不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语,常用,“,事情,/,事物,+happen+,(状语),”,句式。,e.g.The story,happened,in 1997.,故事发生在,1997,年。,6.I like to follow the story,7.,Well,they,may,not be very exciting,but you can,expect,to learn a lot from them.,may,model v.,也许,;,可以,;,可能,“,may+,动词原形”一起构成句子的谓语。,e.g.You _ by bike or take the,subway.,你们可以骑自行车去或乘地铁去。,may go,7.Well,they may not be very,expect,v,.,预料,;,期待,expect to do sth.,期盼做某事,expect sb.to do sth.,期望某人做某事,e.g.Jack _ his grandparents this weekend.,杰克期望周末去看望他的祖父母。,Do you _ with you?,你希望我陪着你吗?,expects to visit,expect me to stay,expect v.预料;期待e.g.Jack _,根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所,缺单词。,1.Do you think Alice can win the competition?,Yes,I h_so.She really sings well.,2.I cant s_ the book.It is too boring.,hope,Exercises,stand,根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所hopeExercise,3.What does Mike p_to do this,weekend?,To visit his aunt.,4.Wheres your mother?,She m_be at Lucys home,but,Im not sure.,5.Everyone e_ to see Bill at the party but he didnt come.,plan,may,expected,3.What does Mike p_to,根据句意,选择恰当的单词或短语填空,,有的需要变换形式。,news,in class,educational,find out,discussion,happen,soap opera,1.A funny thing _ in the office yesterday.,2.All of us like this book because its very _.,happened,educational,根据句意,选择恰当的单词或短语填空,happenededu,news,in class,educational,find out,discussion,happen,soap opera,3.Jim,you should listen to your teacher carefully _.,4.Kate doesnt like _.She thinks theyre boring.,5.I like watching the _.I can learn a lot about the world from it.,in class,soap operas,news,news,in class,educational,f,news,in class,educational,find out,discussion,happen,soap opera,6.After having a(n)_,we decided to go to Dalian on vacation.,7.Can you help me _ where Ms.Hand comes from?,discussion,(to)find out,news,in class,educational,f,用下列句型或词组来造句:,What do you think of?,I like/I dont like/dont mind/cant stand,I think its/theyre,1.plan to do 2.hope to do,3.find out 4.cant stand,5.sth.happen 6.expect to do,用下列句型或词组来造句:,人教版八年级英语上册Unit5-Section-A-11a-2d课件,


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