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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,-,*,Grammar and usage,Non-restrictive attributive clauses,非限制性定语从句,-,Finish the attributive clauses below:,1.Thelesson_ we studied yesterdaywashardtounderstand.,2.Youcantakeanybook_ interests youbest.,that,which/that,Practice,-,3.Peopleliketoliveinaplace_ theres fresh air and little noise.,4.Thegirl_ you saw at the meeting isawell-known swimmer.,5.Heistheveryworker_ picture we sawinthenewspaperyesterday.,6.Hewasveryhappyontheday_ he enteredtheuniversity.,where,whom/that,whose,on which,when/,-,7.Ineverreallyunderstandthereason _hemadesuchaserious mistake.,8.Dontreadsuchbooks_youcannot,understand.,9.Isthatthestudent_ youlent your dictionary?,towhom,why,as,-,10.Isthisthenewnovel_you,havetalkedsomuch?,11.Thelittlehero,_hasgivenhislife,for his country,willalways liveinthe heart of thepeople.,who,about,which,-,Whats the difference between No.10 and No.11?,No.10 is a restrictive clause while No.11 with a comma is a non-restrictive clause.,Question:,-,1.,定语从句,(attributive clauses),通常由关系代词或关系副词引出。常见的关系代词有,:which(,指物,),that(,既可指人又可指物,),who(,指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,),whom(,指人,在定语从句中作宾语,),whose(,指人或物,作定语,),等。关系副词有,:when(,指时间,),where(,指地点,),why(,指原因,),等。,Explanation,-,2.,定语从句分为限制性定语从句,(restrictive),和非限制性定语从句,(non-restrictive),两种。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,与先行词之间一般不加逗号;非限制性定语从句与主句之间通常用逗号分开。,-,Try to find the attributive clauses in the Reading section on page 42-43 and tell their functions.,restrictive attributive clauses:,1.They contain a harmful chemical,that caused my liver to fail.,Practice,-,2.We shouldnt be ashamed of the way,we look,should we?,3.This is really a touching storya stranger,who donated part of his liver to a girl he doesnt even know!,-,1.,Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less,which are quite popular among young women here,.,2.,My mother,whom you met last year,keeps telling me not to take them because they are dangerous.,non-restrictive attributive clauses:,-,3.Then the doctor found someone in your country,whose name is Li Dong,was an exact match for me.,4.Its the same in Chinamany people,some of whom are not overweight at all,are always going on diet or taking weight-loss pills,which are often dangerous,.,-,Differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.,Discussion,Look at the following examples and tell the differences between the sentences.,-,1.His father,who works in Beijing,came back yesterday.,2.Shanghai,which is in East China,is developing quickly.,Example 1,-,Conclusion 1,当先行词是地名、人名、世界上独一无二的事物或家庭唯一成员时,通常只用非限制性定语从句修饰。,-,1.I have a sister,who/that works in a hospital.,我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。,2.I have a sister,who works in a hospital,.,我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。,Example 2,不只一位姐姐,只有一位姐姐,-,3,.,The magazines here,which/that,have nice pictures in them,were written by him.,里面有漂亮图画的那些杂志是他写的。,4.The magazines here,which have nice pictures in them,were written by him.,所有的杂志都是他写的,里面都有漂亮的图画。,杂志有两类,杂志只有一类,-,Conclusion 2,1.,限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,是先行词不可缺少的部分,如果去掉它,主句意思往往不明确。,2.,非限制性定语从句是对先行词的补充或说明,去掉它也不会影响主句的意思。,-,This is the house,(which/that)we bought last month,.,这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。,2.The house,which we bought last month,is very nice.,这房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。,Example 3,限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句,-,3.He seems not to have grasped what I meant,which greatly upsets me,.,他似乎没领会我的意思,这使我心烦。,非限制性定语从句,-,Conclusion 3,1.,限制性定语从句可以由关系代词,关系副词来引导,关系代词作宾语时可以省略。,2.,非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词,又可修饰整个主句,不可用,that,引导且关系代词不可以省略。,-,1.The famous basketball star,_ comes from America,will visit our school soon.,2.In those days,she used to go to Mr black,with _ she had a wonderful time.,3.I bought a car yesterday,_ cost me a lot.,which,whom,who,Practice,-,4.Xian,_I visited last year,is a nice old city.,5.He will come to see me next July,_ he wont be so busy.,6.The school,_ I once studied,was built thirty years ago.,which,where,when,-,7.John said hed been working in the office for an hour,_ was true.,8._ we all know,he is good at English.,As,which,-,非限制性定语从句考点归纳:,as,和,which,引导非限制性定语从句,代替整个主句。,1.,As,everyone knows,China is a country,with a long history.,众所周知,中国是一个,历史,悠久的国家。,Example:,-,2.She is a teacher,as,is clear from her manner.,她是个教师,这一点从她的举止可以清楚地看出。,3.He missed the show,which,was really a great pity.,他错过了演出,这真是很大的遗憾。,-,4.He invited me to dinner,which,made me very happy.,他请我吃饭,这使我很高兴。,-,Conclusion,1.as,和,which,在引导非限制性定语从句时,as,和,which,可代替整个主句,相当于,and this,或,and that,。这两个关系代词都可指代主句所表达的整个意思,且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。,-,2.as,和,which,引导非限制性定语从句的不,同之处在于:,(1)as,引导的定语从句可置于句首,而,which,引导的定语从句不可放在句首。,(2)as,代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词,;,若从句中的谓语为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用,which,。另外,as,引导非限制性从句,常带有“正如”的意思。,-,Practice,Alice received an invitation from her boss,_ came as a surprise.,2.The weather turned out to be very good,_ was more than we could expect.,3.,_ is expected,the England team won the football match.,As,which,which,-,4.It rained hard yesterday,_ prevented me from going to the park.,5._ we can see,the smoke came from the little dustbin.,which,As,-,II.all/some/of+whom/which,引导非限制性定语从句,Example:,He has told us many,stories,all of which,are about the famous Long Match.,2.The,students,of Class 1,some of whom,came from Japan,went camping yesterday.,-,Conclusion,在非限制性定语从句中,一些表达数量或定位的数词或代词如,all/some/one/both/neither/none/any/either/any,等可与,of,构成介词词组修饰限制先行词,此时先行词在其后的定语从句中作介词的宾语,关系代词不可用,that,。如先行词指人则用,whom,,如先行词指物则用,which,引导从句。,-,1.Many students in this school,some of which are not overweight,are going on diets.,2.There are 54 students in my class and ten of whom come from US.,whom,Correction:,them,-,3.Half a million pairs of shoes are produced by the workers here every year,80%of whom are sold abroad.,4.I have many friends in this town,some of which are businessman.,5.I am doing different types of exercises,all of them are quite helpful to my health.,which,which,或,all,前加,and,whom,-,Practice time,-,Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,_,of course,made the others envy him.,A.who B.that C.what D.which,-,2.The English play,_ my students acted at the New Years party,was a great success.A.for which B.at which C.in which D.on which,-,3.There were dirty marks on her trousers _ she had wiped her hands.A.where B.which C.when D.that,4.Great changes have taken place in that school.It is no longer what it was 20 years ago,_ it was so poorly equipped.,A.when B.which C.what D.that,-,5.The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,_is often the case in other countries.A.it B.that C.as D.so,-,6.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_was very reasonable.A.which price B.the price of which C.its price D.the price of whose,-,7.Mr.Smith will move into his new house next Sunday,_ it will be completely finished.A.by the time B.on that time C.on which D.by which time,8.Have you seen the film“Titanic”,_ leading actor is world-famous?,A.its B.its C.whose D.which,-,9.Is there a department store around,_ I can get a birthday present for,my daughter?Yes,just across the street.A.here B which C.where D.it,10.Jiuzhaigou Valley is a most famous,place of interest,_ I will never,forget in my life.A.it B.that C.one D.what,-,1.This is one of the most interesting films _ shown last week.,This is the very one of the most interesting films _ shown last week.,A.which was B.that was,C.which were D.that were,B,D,Comparison,-,2.He has two sons,_ are college students.,He has two sons,and _ are college,students.A.both of which B.both of whom,C.both of them D.both of it,C,B,-,3.He still lives in the room _ window faces to the east.,He still lives in the room,the window _ faces to the east.,He still lives in the room _ is in the north of the city.,He still lives in the room _ there is a beautiful table.A.which B.whose C.where D.of which,C,A,D,B,-,4._ we all know,China is rich in,natural resources.,_ is well-known that China is rich in natural resources.,_ is well-known,China is rich in natural resources.,A.Which B.As C.It D.That,B,C,B,-,5.Is this museum _ he visited last month?,The teacher tells us that _ cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A.that B.the one C.which D.the one who,B,D,-,1.Go over the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.,2.Finish the exercises of Part A and B on p48-49 in your textbook.,3.Finish Part C1 on P96 in your workbook.,Homework,-,Question tags,-,Do you often say“I love you”to your parents?How do you say that?,-,Sometimes you may ask them:,You love me,dont you?,-,1.What are question tags?,Question tags are short questions that come at the end of statements.,Discussion,-,2.Look at the following examples and tell,in what different situations,the question tags are used.,Example 1:,Its a lovely day,isnt,it?,Situation 1:,to start a conversation,Example 2:,Neither of you has heard the news,have,you?,Situation 2:,to request information in a more polite way.,-,Example,3:,Pass the knife on the table to me,will,you?,Situation 3:,to soften an order or a request for someone to do something.,-,Situation 4:,1.to ask for agreement,using,a falling tone,.,(The speaker is,sure,about what is said.),2.to ask for confirmation,using,a rising tone,.,(The speaker is,not sure,about what is said.),Example 4:,1.,Youre a high school student,arent you?,2.Youre a high school student,arent you?,-,Try to find the question tags in the Reading section on page 42-43 and tell the situations and tones.,Practice:,-,1.Looking good is important to women,isnt it?,I was lucky,wasnt I?,We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look,should we?,Examples,-,All the question tags above are used,to ask for agreement,by the writer and they should be read in,a falling tone,.,Conclusion:,-,Discussion,Pair work,1.What are the two kinds of question tags?,Positive question tags and negative question tags.,2.How are question tags formed?,Usually a negative question tag is used at the end of a positive statement;a positive question tag is used at the end of a negative statement.,-,Formation of question tags:,Neither,of you,will,have coffee,will you?,No one,has,found my CD,have they?,Nobody,understood,his speech,did they?,His sister,seldom,argues,with people,does she?,Example 1,-,When the main clause uses negative words like,neither,none,nobody,nothing,few,little,never,hardly or seldom,it is followed by a positive question tag.,Conclusion 1,-,e.g.There are a group of little children in the museum,_,?,arent there,What does the word“little”mean here?,“Small or young”,rather than,“almost no”.,Attention,Question,-,Im late,arent,I,?,Peter often helps the old man,doesnt,he,?,Everyone has advised you not to go on a diet,havent,they,?,We use a personal pronoun like,I,we,you,he,she,it,or,they,in a question tag.,Example 2,Conclusion 2,-,Example 3,Conclusion 3,You like traveling,dont,you?,You cant speak Italian,can,you?,There is something wrong,isnt,there?,We use an,auxiliary verb,model verb,or,be,in a question tag.,-,Example 4,Conclusion 4,Post a letter for me,will you,?,Lets have a break,shall we,?,Let us go home now,will you,?,After an imperative clause,we use,will you,.After Lets,we use,shall we,.,-,Example 5,I think everyone will be interested in these books,wont they,?,I guess they havent heard about the plan,have they,?,I dont suppose Tom went back home yesterday,did he,?,-,Conclusion 5,When the main clause of the sentence,begins with,I think/suppose/guess/,believe/imagine,and is followed by,an object clause introduced by,that,the,question tags are formed according to,the object clause.,-,1.I told him that you had finished the work,_?,2.You think he comes from Japan,_?,3.He doesnt guess you are right,_?,4.We dont imagine that he has lied to us,_?,do we,does he,dont you,didnt I,Practice,-,Example 6,Conclusion 6,He,s,a very good teacher,isnt,he?,You,d,watch the football match rather than go to the party,wouldnt,you?,Remember,s,=,is,or,has,and,d,=,had,or,would,-,Tips about using question tags:,Take note of:,the kind of verb(auxiliary/modal verb/other verbs)the tense of the verb/verb agreement,-,1.Why does she always ask you for help?There is no one else she can turn to,_?A.is there B.is it C.can she D.does she,2.There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,_?A.wasnt there B.was there C.didnt it D.did it,Practice,-,3.There is no light in the dormitory.They must have gone to the lecture,_?A.didnt they B.dont they C.mustnt they D.havent they,4.Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal,_?A.isnt it B.is it C.isnt he D.is he,-,Language points,-,1.consider,Now he is,considering,taking some pills,which he thinks will make him become,stronger.(Page 49,line 7),释义:,a.think about,考虑,思考,b.be of the opinion,regard as,认为,以为,c.take into account,顾虑,体谅,-,consider,(doing),sth,consider sb as/to be,consider it+adj./n+for sb.to do,consider,的常见用法,consider sb that clause/wh-clause,-,我们已经考虑了今天下午去科技馆。,We have _ _this afternoon.,2.,我认为你不该为之受责备。,I consider _ _.,considered going to the science museum,that you are not to blame,for it,完成下列句子的英文翻译:,-,3.,他们认为你很热心。,They consider _ _.,4.,我们认为这件事不重要。,We consider,_ _.,this matter(as)unimportant,you to be warm-hearted,-,5.,这个科学家被认为发明了一种新型电话。,This scientist_ _.,6.,我们认为他这样做是自私的。,We consider _.,is considered to have invented a new type of telephone,it selfish for him to do so,-,affect,effect,effort,offer,result,impression,hold out,put forward,trying hard,have an influence on,2.affect/effect/effort/offer,-,1.All the people there were _ to tears.,2.Kate was much _ by the sad news.,3.The book had a great _on his future.,affected,affected,effect,affect/effect/effort/offer,Practice,-,4.He used to _ me black bread for lunch.,5.Jim will make more _ to learn English well.,offer,efforts,-,3.recognize/realize,释义:,know,identify again;,认识,认出,be willing to accept.as in the past;,承认,认可,be prepared to admit;,自认,知道,acknowledge;,公认,赏识,常见用法,:,recognize sb/sth.,recognizeas/to be,recognize that,recognize,-,释义,:,be fully conscious of,understand,完全认识,了解,convert into a fact,使,(,计划、希望等,),实现,exchangefor money,变卖,(,财产、股票等,),obtain as a price or profit,卖得,、,获得,常见用法,:,realize sb./sth.,realize that,realize,-,recognize/realize,1.Has he _ his mistake yet?,2.Dogs _ people by their smell.,4.I dont think you fully _ the importance of his talk.,5.She looked at the letter and _ my handwriting.,recognize,realized,Practice,realize,recognized,-,Fill in the blanks,using the correct forms of the following words.,lift,achievement,risk,post,put on,fall out,1.He _ his hat and went outside.,2._ your head up and pay attention.,3.Jim went back home after he had _ his goal.,achieved,Lift,put on,-,4.Do you mind _ a letter to me?,5.Dont _ going on thin ice!,6.Her hair has _ after taking this kind of medicine.,fallen out,risk,posting,-,I have a good friend,(,1,),_ is really thin.Twice a week he goes to the gym,(,2,),_ he exercises and lifts weights.But the fact is hes still quite thin,(,3,),_ makes him unhappy.Now he is thinking,who,where,which,Complete the following passages with,who,whose,which,where,or when,-,about taking some pills,(,4,),_ he thinks will make him become stronger.Does anyone know if its safe to take these pills?,There are some pills to make you look strong.However,they have side effects,(,5,)_ will do harm to your health.After taking this kind of pill for some,which,which,-,time,your friends hair might fall out or he might have health problems,some of(,6,)_ may even do harm to his liver or heart.Many sportsmen,(,7,)_ achievements were great,died very young because they took these kinds of pills.I dont think your friend should,which,whose,-,take the risk.Tell your friend not to take the pills because he may have health problems in the future,(,8,)_ it is too late.,when,-,1.Go over the question tags.,2.Finish Part A and B on P51 in your textbook as well as Part C2 on P96 in your workbook.,3.Preview Task.,Homework,-,Thank you,-,


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