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moves and sounds,and the good time,which,their fans are having,.,8.and thanks to everyone,who,entered the competition,.,4.The one who took photos at,4,1.Hes the boy _ won the photo competition last year.,2.The photo _ we like best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min.,3.A group of photos _ show Beijing and Cambridge in England has won the prize.,4.The one _ took photos at the school dance?,who,which,which,who,go,Ready?,1.Hes the boy _ won the,5,5.The person _ won the prize for the subject Nature is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.,6.It is a beautiful girl _ is wearing a blouse and skirt,and _ is protecting her books against the showers.,7.He Zhong manages to show how this great new band moves and sounds,and the good time _ their fans are having.,8.and thanks to everyone _ entered the competition.,who,who,who,which,who,5.The person _ won the,6,which和who引导,which和who引导,7,引导的定语从句,看下面的几个例句:,It successfully shows the rich culture,which makes Beijing so famous,.,它成功地展示了,北京闻名遐迩的,悠,久文化。,The photo,which we liked best,was,taken by Zhao Min.,我们最喜欢的,照片是赵敏拍的,。,which,引导的定语从句看下面的几个例句:which,8,A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in England has won the prize.,Attributive clause,引导词在从句中,作主语,先行词是,物,A group of photos which sho,9,The photo,which,we liked best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min.,Attributive clause,先行词是,物,引导词在从句中,作宾语,The photo which we liked be,10,由此,我们可以看出:,which,引导的定语从句修饰的是,无生,命的东西,。,which,在从句中的成分是,可以作,主语,,也可以作,宾语,。,由此,我们可以看出:,11,Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year!,下面我们再看一个句子:,Attributive clause,先行词是,人,引导词在从句中,作主语,引导的定语从句,who,Hes the boy who won the ph,12,由此,我们可以看出:,如果,先行词是人,,那么定语从句的引,导词就可以是,who,。,例如:,Do you know Mr Zhang,who(m)they like very much,?,注意:,当,who,在从句中,作宾语,时,在现代语法规则简化为大多数情况下都可用,who,了。,由此,我们可以看出:例如:注意:当who在从句中作宾语,13,定语从句中引导词的省略,不管定语从句,修饰,的是,人,还是,物,,如果,引导词在从句中作宾语,,通常就,可以省略,。例如:,Is that the car,(that/which),you bought,last month?,那是你上个月买的车吗?,A friend is a person,(who/whom),you know very well and like,.,朋友是你十分了解并且喜欢的人。,作宾语,作宾语,定语从句中引导词的省略不管定语从句修饰的是人还是物,如果引导,14,若引导词在从句中,作主语,时就,不能省略,,否则会造成结构混乱。,Id love to have parents,who,understands me,.,我希望父母理解我。,He can make lessons,that,are usually boring,interesting.,他通常能把枯燥乏味的课讲得生动有趣。,作主语,作主语,注意:,在定语从句中作宾语的引导词在,口语中,往往,被省略,,但在,正式文体中,常常,被保留,。,若引导词在从句中作主语时就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱。I,15,在先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情,况下,that,和,which,都可以通用,但,在下,列情况下,一般,用,that,而不用,which,。,that与which的区别,I am sure she has,something,that,you can borrow,.,1.先行词为,all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much,等不定代词时,。,在先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情that与which的区别I,16,Ive read,all,the books,that,are not mine,.,2.,先行词被,all,little,much,every,no,等修饰时,。,3.,先行词被,序数词或最高级,修饰时,。,This is,the first,book,that,he has read,.,Ive read all the books that a,17,This is,the very,book,that,belongs to him,.,4.,先行词被,the only,the very,the same,the last,修饰时,。,5.,先行词为,人和物的组合,。,They talked for an hour of,things and persons,that,they remembered in the school,.,This is the very book that bel,18,Which,of the books,that,you borrowed from the library,is the most interesting?,6.,若,主句中有疑问代词,who,或者,which,为了避免重复,关系代词不要再用,who,which,,而用,that,。,Which of the books that you bo,19,1,P92,Complete the poster for the photo competition.Use,that,which,or,who,.There may be more than one answer.,Photo competition,Send us your photos and win a new camera!,We need photos _ show daily life at school.,Your photos should record interesting things _ happen at school,inside the classroom or outside.,The photos _ you take should be active,beautiful and true.,which/that,which/that,which/that,1P92Complete the poster for th,20,Photo competition,Send us your photos and win a new camera!,The photos _ you send should include some words about them.,The size of the photos _ you take should be 9cm,13cm.,Students _ enter the competition should be between 10 and 16 years old.,The last date _ you should send your photos on is 30th November.,The lucky person _ wins the competition will receive a new camera.,Get your camera and start taking your photos now!,which/that,which/that,who/that,which,who/that,Photo competitionSend us your,21,Learning to,Read the tip and fill in the blanks.,Length,Distance,Weight,inch in,foot ft,yard yd,millimetre mm,centimetre cm,metre m,yard yd,mile mi,metre m,kilometre km,pound lb,kilogram kg,Learning toRead the tip and fi,22,2,P92,Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.,1.I like the writer who _,_,2.I would like to visit a place that _,_,3.I go to a school which _,_,wrote the,Harry Potter,books.,has lots of sunny beaches.,only accepts students who are good at English.,possible answers:,2P92Complete the sentences so,23,4.My favourite band is the one that _,_,5.I have never seen a doctor who _,_,6.I want to take a photo which _,_,7.Our teacher is the man who _,_,we saw at the concert last week.,wears shorts in the operating theatre.,shows my pet cat playing in a cardboard box.,is wearing a purple shirt.,4.My favourite band is the on,24,3,P93,Work in pairs.Talk about the two photos.,I like the photo,which,I dont like the photo,which,The photo,which,is,Then talk about the people in the photos.,The girl,who,Now ask questions about the photos and write down your answers.,Which photo?,The one,3P93Work in pairs.Talk about,25,4,P93,Work in pairs.Look around the class and describe someone or something to your partner.Can your partner guess who or what you are describing?,She is a girl who has glasses and long hair.,It is something that you use to paint pictures.,4P93Work in pairs.Look around,26,Jerry:,Hi,how are you?I havent seen you for a,long time Wow,is that a new camera,(1)_?,Tina:,Yes.I dropped my old one,and it was too,expensive to repair.So I bought a new one.,This one is much better.Its so much lighter,and easier to use than the old one.Ive,learnt how to work it already,(2),_ Ive only had it for a couple,of days.And I dont have to worry about,getting prints of all the photos I can store,(3)_ photos on my computer!,by the way even though far from thousands of tryout,by the way,even though,thousands of,5,P93,Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.,Jerry:Hi,how are you?I have,27,Jerry:,Wow,thats great!Im thinking of,getting a camera too.Do you mind,if I(4)_ it _?,Tina:,Of course not.Lets go to the lake.,Its not(5)_ here.The,lake would make a really good,photo.,try out,far from,by the way even though far from thousands of tryout,Jerry:Wow,thats great!Im,28,When,What happened,In 1827,In the early 1830s,After 1840,In the 1880s,By the end of the nineteenth century,Nipce invented a camera and the first successful photograph was produced.,A new kind of camera was invented.,People could take pictures of moving things.,People could buy film in small boxes.,Photography became a kind of art.,6,P94,Read the passage and complete the table.,When What happenedIn 1827In th,29,1.The first successful photo was produced in _.,2.Because it took a long time to take a photo,people in early photos did not _.,3.The first photographers needed to know how to _ and _ them.,4.Kodak introduced a camera that could be used by everyone in _.,5.Kodaks camera was _ and _ than any of the earlier cameras.,6.Cameras with computer technology were introduced in _.,1827,smile,take photos develop,1888,smaller,lighter,the 1990s,7,P94,Listen and complete the sentences.,1.The first successful photo,30,REVIEW,修饰的词,句中做的成分,which,无生命,主语,宾语,who,人,主语,宾语(who/whom),which,who,引导的定语从句。,引导词在句中,作宾语,时通常,可以省略,,,作主语时不能省略,。,REVIEW修饰的词句中做的成分which无生命主语,宾语w,31,I.选用适当的引导词填空(who,which,that)。,注:word 文档,点击此处链接,1.He is the only person _ knows the secret.,2.We went to the farm _ was not far away from our school last month.,3.The person _ is talking to Mr.Li is Jims father.,4.Do you know anyone _ knows about the history of the Ming Tombs.,5.It is the important thing _ should be finished soon.,that,which/that,who/that,who/that,Quiz,that,I.选用适当的引导词填空(who,which,that)。,32,1.I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.,A.what B.who C.that D.which,2.Look!That is the woman _ I met yesterday.,Oh?Shes my aunt.,A.what B.who C.where D.when,.单项选择。,1.I still remember the colleg,33,3.Most students like the teachers _ understand them well.,A.which B.who C.where D.when,4.Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman astronaut _ has ever traveled in space.,A.whom B.which C.who D.whose,5.Success will belong to those _never say“impossible”.,A.whom B.what C.who D.which,3.Most students like the teac,34,6.There will be a flower show in the park,we visited last week.,A.whoB.whenC.whatD.which,7.,We all like the story about the teacher _ happened in our school last week.,A.which B.who,C.whom D.what,8.,I hate people _ talk much but do little.,A.who B.which,C.whose D.whom,6.There will be a flower show,35,III.根据汉语提示,用定语从句完成下列句子。,1.I respect people _,(诚实的).,2.There are a few guests _,_(我想向你介绍的).,3.Ted likes the bike _,_(他妈妈送他作生日礼物的)very much.,4.Do you know the boy _ _(在池中游泳的)?,5.Hangzhou is a city _,_(以西湖而闻名的).,which/that is famous for the West Lake,who/that are honest,who/that/whom I want to introduce to you,which/that his mother,gave him as a birthday present,who/that is swimming,in the pool,III.根据汉语提示,用定语从句完成下列句子。,36,Homework,1.Finish the exercises in,Learning English,.,2.Preview the new words and expressions in Module 12.,Homework1.Finish the exercise,37,


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