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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,新概念英语2第18课,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,新概念英语2第18课,*,Lesson 18 He often does this,!,新概念英语2第18课,Lesson 18 He often does this!,1,Lets play a guessing game.(animal),1.They like eating bamboos,the colors of them are black and white.,panda,新概念英语2第18课,Lets play a guessing game.(,2,2.They are the symbols of Australia,and they usually put their babies in the front pockets.,kangaroo,新概念英语2第18课,2.They are the symbols of Aust,3,Lets have a match:,Describe the animals in English,let the members of the other group guess what they are.,Group A:goldfish,dog,turtle,snake,spider,sheep,Group B:parrot,cat,mouse,pig,hamster,cow,新概念英语2第18课,Lets have a match:新概念英语2第18课,4,Among these animals,which of them can be kept as pets?,新概念英语2第18课,Among these animals,which of,5,Debate,Do you like having pets?,新概念英语2第18课,6,Yes,No,Debate,1.lovely and beautiful;,2.go out for a walk with them;,3.help people look after the house;,4.make family enjoyable;,5.help person feel less lonely;,1.dirty,2.waste time and money,3.carry some,disease,新概念英语2第18课,Debate1.lovely and beautiful;,7,Did you raise any pets?,Do you like dogs as your pet?,新概念英语2第18课,Did you raise any pets?新概念英语2第,8,When we talk about a dog,what words will you think of?,clever,friendly,interesting,loyal,obedient,.,dirty,新概念英语2第18课,When we talk about a dog,clev,9,New words and expressions:,pub,pb,n.,小酒店,酒吧,landlord,lndl:d,n.,店主,房东,地主,bill,bil,n.,账单,新概念英语2第18课,New words and e,10,pub pb n.,小酒店,酒吧,Eg:,我们去酒吧喝一杯吧!,Lets go to the pub for a drink,!,inn,客栈,小旅馆,motel,汽车旅馆,新概念英语2第18课,pub pb n.小酒店,酒吧新概念英语2第18课,11,landlord lndl:d n.,店主,地主,房东,landlady n.,女房东,Eg:,我要当地主!,I want to become a landlord,!,新概念英语2第18课,landlord lndl:d n.店主,地主,12,bill bil,1.(,大写)比尔,(,人名),2.un.,账单,pay the bill,付账,pay bill,工资单,Bill please,!买单,Eg:,比尔会替我买单的。,Bill will pay the bill for me.,.,海报,广告牌,show bill=poster,海报,kite bill,空头票据,Eg:,他答应带她去香港度周末的许诺不过是空头支票。,His promise to take her to Hong Kong for the weekend was just kite bill.,新概念英语2第18课,bill bil 新概念英语2第18课,13,Today well listen to a story about a woman who couldnt find her handbag.,True or false,?,1.The writer had lunch at a village pub.,2.She couldnt find her bag after her meal.,3.She could pay the bill.,4.The landlord soon found it for her.,5.The dog had taken it into the park.,新概念英语2第18课,Today well listen to a story,14,listen to the tape again and answer the question:,What happened to the writers bag?,新概念英语2第18课,listen to the tape again and a,15,Answers,At first,,,the writer left it on a chair beside the door.,Then,,,it was taken into the garden by a dog.,Finally,the landlord found it and gave it back to the writer.,包包历险记,新概念英语2第18课,Answers包包历险,16,Lesson18 He often does this!,After I had had lunch at a village pub,I looked for my bag.I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there!As I was looking for it,the landlord came in.,Did you have a good meal?he asked.,Yes,thank you,I answered,but I cant pay the bill.I havent got my bag.,The landlord smiled and immediately went out.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.,Im very sorry,he said.My dog had taken in into the garden.He often does this!,新概念英语2第18课,Lesson18 He often does t,17,He often does this.he/she,都可用来指,pets.,此外,she,还可以指,nation,mountain,river,tower.,新概念英语2第18课,He often does this.he/she都可用,18,After I had had lunch at a village pub,I looked for my bag.,1.after,引导时间状语从句,注意时态,had had,过去完成时,,looked for,一般过去时。,Eg:,昨天我向经理汇报完之后又去仓库检查了一次,.,After I had reported to the manager yesterday,I went to the warehouse to check again.,2.look for,寻找(强调找的过程),find,找到,(,强调寻找的结果,),Eg:,我在寻找一个快速致富的方法。,Im looking for a way to get rich quickly.,Eg:,嘿,你在找茬吧。,Hey,,,youre looking for trouble.,Eg:,你能找到这个问题的答案吗?,Can you find the answer to this question?,新概念英语2第18课,After I had had lunch at a vil,19,I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there!,1.leave,a.,离开,出发,leave sp,离开某地,leave for sp,出发去某地,Eg:,他要离开重庆。,He will leave Chongqing.,他要出发去重庆。,He will leave for Chongqing.,b.,把(人、物)留下、丢下、遗留等。,Eg:Have you left anything in the car?,2.beside:prep.,在,旁边,Eg:,他的汽车正停在那辆卡车的旁边。,His car is parking beside the truck.,besides:prep.,除,之外,(,还包括,)(,区别见,special difficulties),新概念英语2第18课,I had left it on a chair besid,20,As I was looking for it,the landlord came in.,as=while,当,的时候,Eg:,昨晚当我睡着的时候,一个小偷进来了。,As I was sleeping last night,a thief came in.,新概念英语2第18课,As I was looking for it,the l,21,Did you have a good meal?he asked.,Yes,thank you,I answered,but I cant pay the,bill.I havent got my bag.,have a meal,吃饭,(,此处用,good,修饰,meal,),2.pay the bill,付账,3.I,havent got,my bag.=I didnt have my bag.,新概念英语2第18课,Did you have a good meal?h,22,The landlord smiled and immediately went out.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.,Im very sorry,he said.My dog had taken in into the garden.He often does this!,1.immediately,立刻,马上,同义词:,at once,,,instantly,,,right away,,,straight away,2.in a few minutes,几分钟后,类似的说法:,in a few days,in a few weeks,in a few months,in a few years,3.give back,归还,to,表示方向,新概念英语2第18课,The landlord smiled and im,23,Read aloud and think,If you are the writer,what will you say to the landlord?,新概念英语2第18课,Read aloud and thinkIf you are,24,Key structure have,的用法,1.have,可作为助动词用于现在完成时,have/has+done,和过去完成时,had+done.,2.have,在某些词组中的用法相当于,eat/drink/enjoy/take,等。,Eg:have dinner,have a good time,have a cup of tea,have a bath,新概念英语2第18课,Key structure have的用法 1.hav,25,3.have,可译为“拥有”,=have got.,但,have got,常用于一般现在时,其他时态中用,have.,在英式英语中,,have,用法与,be,相同,即可以不用助动词,do/does/did,进行否定和疑问。,Eg:He has a pen.He hasnt a pen.Has he a pen?Yes,he has.No,he hasnt.,在美式英语中,,have,和,do/does/did,一起构成否定和疑问。,Eg:He has a pen.He doesnt have a pen.Does he have a pen?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.,新概念英语2第18课,3.have可译为“拥有”=have got.但have g,26,Special difficulties(1):give,1.He returned with my bag and gave it back to me.,归还,2.Give in your exercise books to me.,上交,3.He cant continue fighting.He will soon give in.,放弃,投降,让步(后不接宾语),4.I gave away my collection of stamps to the little boy.,赠送,5.I have given up smoking.,放弃,+,(,doing,),sth,6.Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy.,交出,让出,投降,新概念英语2第18课,Special difficulties(1):give新,27,Special difficulties(2):,beside:,介词,在,旁,在,附近,Eg:We live beside the library.,besides:,介词,1.,除,之外,(,还包括,),Eg:There are a lot of people at the party besides me.,2.,而且,此外,Eg:Im quite busy today.Besides,Ive got a bad cold.,新概念英语2第18课,Special difficulties(2):新概念英语,28,a village pub,look for,beside the door,came in,have a good meal,pay the bill,immediately,in a few minutes,returned,had taken,Retell the story according to the words below.,新概念英语2第18课,a village pubRetell the story,29,


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