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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语教学课件,英语教学课件,1,Section B,Period Two,Unit 5,Do you have a soccer ball?,Section BUnit 5,2,same,love,with,sport,them,only,like,easy,after,class,classmate,adj.,相同的,v./n.,爱;喜爱,prep.,和在一起;带有;使用,n.,体育运动,pron.,(they的宾格)他(她,它)们,adv.,只;仅,v.,喜欢;喜爱,adj.,容易的;不费力的,prep.,在以后,n.,班级;(一节)课,n.,同班同学,Words review,sameadj.相同的Words review,3,Do you like sports?,Whats your favourite sport?,Can you list some popular sports?,Lead-in 1,Do you like sports?Lead-in 1,4,Now enjoy a piece of video about ball sports and write their names down.,football,basketball,volleyball,bowling,baseball,table tennis,tennis,snooker,Now enjoy a piece of video abo,5,Do you know who they are?,Do you like watching the Olympics?,How many Olympics champions(奥运冠军)do you know?,Lead-in 2,Do you know who they are?Do yo,6,They trained very hard for the gold medal.,Now lets enjoy a piece of video to see how top basketball players train for the Olympics.,They trained very hard for the,7,Objectives,To learn to use present tense,to,have,1.I/We/They/You(dont)have.,2.She/He/It(doesnt)has,3.-Do you/they have.?,-Yes,I do./No,I dont.,-Does she/he/it has.?,-Yes,she/he/it does.,No,she/he/it doesnt.,To learn to use conjunction,but,ObjectivesTo learn to use pres,8,basketball,soccer,ball,volleyball,tennis,ball,tennis,bat,ping-pong,bat,ping-pong,ball,baseball,baseball,bat,Guessing game,basketballsoccer ballvolleybal,9,Make conversations according to the pictures.,I have a baseball.,I,dont,have a soccer.,but,I have a baseball,but,I,dont,have a soccer.,Make conversations according t,10,We have a ping-pong ball,but,we,dont,have a tennis.,He has a basketball,but,he,doesnt,have a volleyball.,We have a ping-pong ball,but,11,Ed Smiths sports collections!,Please look at the picture carefully and then answer the questions.,Ed Smiths sports collections!,12,1.Ed has a great map collection.,2.He has 5 volleyballs and 8 tennis,bats.,3.He has no ping-pong balls.,4.He likes playing sports.,5.He only watches sports on TV.,F,T,T,F,T,True or False,1.Ed has a great map collecti,13,Things I have things I dont have,_ _,_ _,_ _,2a,Find the sports words in the unit.Write them in the correct column.,Things I have things I d,14,2b,Read the survey results in a school magazine and answer the question:,1.Who has a soccer ball?,2.Does Frank Brown have a soccer ball?,3.How many soccer balls does Gina,Smith have?,4.Does Gina Smith have 7 basketballs?,5.Does Wang Wei have 3 ping-pong balls?,6.Does Wang Wei have 5 ping-pong bats?,1.Alan has a soccer ball.,2.No,he doesnt.,3.She has two soccer balls.,4.No,she doesnt.Gina Smith has 4,basketballs.,5.Yes,he does.,6.No,he doesnt.Wang Wei has 2,ping-pong bats.,2bRead the survey results in a,15,I play ping-pong with my,classmates after class.,2.I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.,3.My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.,4.I only watch sports on TV.,5.Soccer is not easy for me.,6.My brother and I are in the same school.,2c,Who do you think says these sentences?Check()F for Frank,G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.,I play ping-pong with my 2cWho,16,3a,Write more questions about sports equipment.,1.Do you have a soccer ball?,()Yes,I do.()No,I dont.,2._,()Yes,I do.()No,I dont.,3._,()Yes,I do.()No,I dont.,4._,()Yes,I do.()No,I dont.,Sports Survey,3b,Exchange books with a partner.Answer his or her questions in 3a.,3aWrite more questions about s,17,Look at the information in 3a.Write about yourself and your partner with but.,3c,Look at the information in,18,单选,1,.,I _ TV at night,(在晚上),A,.,look at B,.,see C,.,watch D,.,Look,2.-Lets play tennis.,-No,its _.,A,.,boring B,.,interesting C,.,fun D,.,good,3.The question is not easy.Its very _.,A,.,difficult B,.,difficulty,C,.,relating D,.,not difficult,C,A,A,单选1.I _ TV at night(在晚,19,4.Lets _ and _ football on the,playground.,A.to go,to play B.go,play,C.to go,play D.go,to play,5.-_ they have any sports collections?,-Yes,they _.,A,.,Are,are B,.,Do,do,C,.,Can,do D,.,Do,can,B,B,4.Lets _ and _ footbal,20,Fill in the blanks with have,has,dont,doesnt.,1.I _ a book and he _ a pen.,2.They _ a color TV.They _ have,a puter.,3.She _ a sister.He _ a brother.,4.I _ have puter.Tom _ one.,have,has,have,dont,has,has,dont,has,Fill in the blanks with have,21,5.Does he _ a puter?,No,he _.,6.-Do you _ a backpack?,-Yes,I _.,7.-Does she _ a ruler.,-Yes,she _.,have,do,have,does,have,doesnt,5.Does he _ a puter?ha,22,根据句意和提示填空。,1.-Lets _(踢足球).,-That sounds _(很有趣).,2.-Lets play basketball.,-I _(没有)a basketball.,-Lets play ping-pong.,-_(那太好了).,3.-_ you _(你有)a baseball bat?,-No,I dont.,-Lets _(看电视).,-That sounds _(没意思).,play,soccer,ball,interesting,dont,have,That sounds good,Do,boring,watch,TV,have,根据句意和提示填空。play soccer ballinte,23,Translate and write them down.,1.我们一起打网球吧。,2.他有三个足球和五个排球,但是他,不做运动。,Lets play tennis.,He,has,3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.But he,doesnt play,sports.,Translate and write them down.,24,sentence patterns,课时重点回顾,Review,1.I,dont,have,a,baseball,but,I have a,soccer ball,.,2.Tom,has,a,baseball,but,he,doesnt have,a,baseball bat,.,sentence patterns课时重点回顾Review1,25,Homework,1.Do the exercise(Test yourself)in page 5-6 of No.11 Learning English.,2.Write about sports things and other things you have.,Homework1.Do the exercise(Te,26,Sample writing,Anna has a sports collection.She has two ping-pong bats,three tennis rackets,and one basketball.She likes playing them very much!,Sample writing,27,Preview,Preview the new words and expressions.,Preview Unit 6.,PreviewPreview the new words a,28,


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