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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,川派园林的类型及特征研究,A Study on Types and Characters of Sichuan Style Garden,川派园林的类型及特征研究,2,内容提要,Outline,1.,川派园林的历史变迁,History of Sichuan garden,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of,Sichuan Style Garden,3.,川派园林的现代延续,Sichuan style garden goes on with the modernization,4.,结语,Conclusions,2 内容提要,3,川派园林的历史变迁,History of Sichuan garden,商周时期,Shang and Zhou Dynasties,部族苑囿,tribal gardens.,成都羊子山土台,以观天象、祭祀和观苑囿之用,He built soil platform for observing astronomy,sacrifice and gardening 3.After the Kaiming-shi came to Sichuan,King Du Yu built Wudan,开明氏入蜀之后,为爱妃营建武旦山墓园。,After the Kaiming-shi came to Sichuan,King Du Yu built Wudan,图,1,羊子山土台复原图,Fig.1,Restoring model of earthen platform on Yangzi Mountain,图,2,武担山遗址全景,Fig.2 Full view of the ruins of Wudan Mountain,3川派园林的历史变迁商周时期Shang and Zhou D,4,川派园林的历史变迁,History of Sichuan garden,秦汉三国,Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty,道教产生和佛教传入,寺观园林产生。,The emergence of Taoism and the import of Buddhism,changed Shu people,temple gardenwas born.,古蜀仙道精神对此后川派园林起到了哲学上的奠基作用,,,铸就了川派园林的气质。,The appearance and development of the ancient Shu immortalization spirit played a cornerstone role of Sichuan garden in philosophy afterwards and cast Sichuan style garden temperament.,图,3,四川出土的佛塔画像砖,Fig.3 The pagoda portrait brick unearthed in Sichuan,4川派园林的历史变迁秦汉三国Qin Dynasty and,5,川派园林的历史变迁,History of Sichuan garden,隋唐至两宋,the periods of Sui tang to two song Dynasties,川派园林发展的盛期。,Sichuan garden experienced a development stage of the prosperous period.,唐“天下才人皆入蜀”、两宋“人文之盛,莫盛于蜀”。,The An Shi rebellion occurred in Tang Dynasty led a prosperity that“global elite talents have come to Sichuan”.It was also called in Two Song Dynasties that“no place is more flourishing humanities than Sichuan”,政客、文人、画家、僧人均参与到各类园林建设活动中,使这个时期四川的园林类型丰富。,Politicians,writers,painters,monks were all involved in the various types of landscape construction activities,which enriched the garden types the periods in Sichuan.,5川派园林的历史变迁 隋唐至两宋the periods,6,川派园林的历史变迁,History of Sichuan garden,明清时期,The Ming and Qing Dynasty,明末清初,战乱毁坏了大量的川派园林。,The late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty,the war destroyed a lot of Sichuan gardens.,清中期,经济复苏后开始了重建。,After the Mid-Qing Dynasty,Sichuan gardens were rebuilt with the economic recovery.,辛亥革命后,一些历史园林改扩建为公共园林,如望江楼公园、杜甫草堂、武侯祠等。,After the Revolution of 1911,some historic gardens got the opportunities to be extended to be public gardens,such as Wangjiang Tower Park,Du Fu Thatched Cottage,Wuhou Temple and so on.,改革开放后,新的川派园林也在陆续修建,传统的园林风格延续下来,New Sichuan style gardens have also been built in succession since the time of the reform and opening up policy,in which the traditional garden style is inherited.,6川派园林的历史变迁明清时期The Ming and Qi,7,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,川派园林,Sichuan Style Garden,名人纪念园林,Celebrity memorial garden,先贤祠庙类,Ancestral sage temple garden,文化名人类,Cultural celebrity memorial garden,寺观园林,Temple Garden,山林型,Mountain Temple Garden,平原型,Plain Temple Garden,城市宅园,City-type Private Garden,私家宅园,Private Garden,城郊林盘,Suburb Linpan Private Garden,图,4,川派园林主要类型,Fig.4,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,72.川派园林主要类型与特征川派园林名人纪念园林先贤祠庙类,8,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,1,)名人纪念园林,先贤祠庙类,Celebrity memorial garden,Ancestral sage temple garden,川人自古崇尚先贤,有为贤人立祠以纪念的传统。,Sichuan people since ancient times have advocated ancestral sages and they have had a tradition of building temples for sages.,早先在玉垒山麓,今二王庙处,有祭祀望帝的崇德祠。,For example,Chongde temple was previously built to memorialize Wang emperor at the foothills of Yulei Mountain,now the location of Erwang Temple.,图,5,二王庙,Fig.5 Erwang temple,82.川派园林主要类型与特征(1)名人纪念园林 先贤,9,图,6,7,武侯祠,Fig.6,7 Wuhou Temple,具有代表性的祠庙是于东晋,(,公元,303,334,年,),始建在成都“少城”内的武侯祠。,A representative sage temple is Wuhou Temple,built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty(303-334 ac.)that was originally located in Shaocheng of Chengdu.,9图67 武侯祠具有代表性的祠庙是于东晋(公元3033,10,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,1,)名人纪念园林,文化名人类,Celebrity memorial garden,Cultural celebrity memorial garden,文化类名人纪念园林大致有三种类型:,Cultural celebrity memorial gardens can be classed into three types.,一是依托名人故居发展起来的纪念园林,如杜甫草堂、眉山三苏祠等。,The first one is the garden developed relying on the former residences of celebrities,such as Du Fu Thatched Cottage,San Su Temple.,图,8,杜甫草堂,Fig.8 Du Fu Thatched Cottage,图,9,三苏祠,Fig.9 San Su Temple,102.川派园林主要类型与特征(1)名人纪念园林 文,11,二是在原有官署园林或驿站园林基础上演变而来的纪念园林,往往为自由式布局,多为以水为中心,水中设岛、环水设景的布局方式如桂湖、东湖、房湖和罨画池。,The second is the memorial garden evolved from the previous official Garden and the post Garden with a free arrangement,such as Gui Lake,East Lake,Fang Lake and Yanhuachi.,图,10,罨画池,Fig.10 Yanhuachi,图,11,罨画池平面图,Fig.11 The plan of Yanhuachi,11二是在原有官署园林或驿站园林基础上演变而来的纪念园林,往,12,图,13,桂湖,Fig.13 Guihu,图,12,桂湖平面图,Fig.12 The plan of Guihu,12图13 桂湖图12 桂湖平面图,13,图,15,东湖,Fig.15 Donghu,图,14,东湖平面图,Fig.14 The plan of Donghu,13图15 东湖图14 东湖平面图,14,三是在名人墓塚周边逐渐发展起来的纪念园林,如望江楼、蒋琬墓园等。,The last one is the memorial garden based on the celebrity tombs,such as Wangjianglou garden and Jiangwan tomb garden.,图,16,望江楼,Fig.16 Wangjianglou garden,14三是在名人墓塚周边逐渐发展起来的纪念园林,如望江楼、蒋琬,15,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,1,)名人纪念园林,文化名人类,Celebrity memorial garden,Cultural celebrity memorial garden,川派名人纪念园林主要特点:,Sichuan celebrity memorial gardens characteristics,第一,文化底蕴深厚。,First,they have a deep historical and cultural background.,第二,空间布局主要围绕纪念主题展开,层次上较为简单。,Second,they are mainly around the memorial theme in space layout and relatively simple in space level.,第三,注重园林植物。,Third,garden plants are paid more attention to Celebrities often have their favorite plants that are always compared to their personalities.,152.川派园林主要类型与特征(1)名人纪念园林 文,16,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,2,)寺观园林,山林型,Temple Garden,Mountain Temple Garden,四川山林型寺观园林的选址一般注重大环境的选择,In sitting of Sichuan mountain temple gardens,the focus is usually placed on the pursuit of large environment.,在布局上,山林型寺观也尽量以轴线组织空间。但受地形所限,很多时候不得不做出顺应地形的改变,如青城山古常道观和建福宫山门。,In the layout of mountain temple,the spaces are organized as far as possible by axis.However,because of the terrain constraints,some changes have to be made to conform to the topography,such as the gates of Guchang Temple and Jianfugong.,162.川派园林主要类型与特征(2)寺观园林山林型四川,17,图,18,青城山古常道观,Fig.18 Guchang Temple,图,17,古常道观平面图,Fig.17 The plan of Guchang Temple,17图18 青城山古常道观图17 古常道观平面图,18,图,20,青城山建福宫,Fig.20,Jianfugong,Temple,图,19,建福宫平面图,Fig.19 The plan of,Jianfugong,Temple,18图20 青城山建福宫图19 建福宫平面图,19,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,2,)寺观园林,平原型,Temple Garden,Plain Temple Garden,平原型川派寺观园林主体建筑沿轴线纵向层层递进,并以院落对称组织园林空间。,Plain temple garden in Sichuan has a dignified shape in which the main buildings are planned longitudinally layer by layer along the axis and the garden spaces are symmetrically arranged with courtyards.,四川的平原型寺观常常会额外地营造一个山林小环境。,But there are often additional small environments with mountains and trees in Sichuan plain temple gardens,functioned as a semi enclosed space with tall arbors to block the noise outside the temples,rather than to do so by the walls and buildings enclosed.,192.川派园林主要类型与特征(2)寺观园林平原型平原,20,图,21,文殊院平面图,Fig.21 The plan of Wenshu Temple,图,22,宝光寺平面图,Fig.22 The plan of Baoguang Temple,20图21 文殊院平面图图22 宝光寺平面图,21,四川的寺观园林不太注重庄重性的营造,在园林布局、活动安排、建筑细部等方面都表现出随意的特点。除了宗教活动空间外,斋茶、斋饭、棋牌等休闲活动空间也是寺观园林中的主要组成部分。,In spite of religious spaces,the temple garden doesnt concern more about building a solemn atmosphere,but rather,shows a random nature in terms of garden layout,participation activities,and architectural details.,图,23,大慈寺茶园,Fig.23 The tea garden of Daci Temple,图,24,宝光寺茶园,Fig.24 The tea garden of Baoguang Temple,21四川的寺观园林不太注重庄重性的营造,在园林布局、活动安排,22,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,3,)私家宅园,城市宅园,Private Garden,City-type Private Garden,五代时期,成都浣花溪一带就分布了众多的私人园林,著名的有蜀中名园花林坊、运司西园、东园等。,There were many famous Sichuan private gardens around the Huanhuaxi area in Chengdu during the period of Five Dynasties,such as well-known Hualinfang garden,west garden,east garden.,远离城市的私家园林保留较多,相对完整,有的已经被列入国家重点文物保护单位,如宜宾夕佳山古民居。,More private gardens remained relatively complete are far away from the city,XiJiashan dwellings garden of Yibin city,for example,listed in the national key cultural relic protection units list.,222.川派园林主要类型与特征(3)私家宅园城市宅园五,23,图,25,夕佳山古民居外部环境,Fig.25,The external environment of XiJiashan dwellings,图,26,夕佳山古民居内部园林,Fig.26,The internal garden of XiJiashan dwellings,23图25 夕佳山古民居外部环境图26 夕佳山古民居内部园,24,2.,川派园林主要类型与特征,Main Types and Characteristics of Sichuan Style Garden,(,3,)私家宅园,城郊林盘,Private Garden,Suburb Linpan Private Garden,林盘包括农家院落和周边河流及外围耕地等自然环境所组成。,A Linpan is composed of the farm courtyard and the surrounding,rivers,farm land and other natural environment that forms a rural production and resident unit with multi-functions involving in agriculture,life and landscape.,图,27,林盘外围环境,Fig.27,The external environment of Linpan,图,28,林盘院落,Fig.28 The courtyard of Linpan,242.川派园林主要类型与特征(3)私家宅园城郊林盘林,25,四川的私家宅园比较注重实用性和观赏性的结合,它不会有江南园林那样构思巧妙的叠山理水,也不及江南私园温婉精巧,更接近普通人的生活。,On the whole,unlike gentle the Jiangnan gardens refined with the conception from pile up hills and dredge waterways,Sichuan private gardens pay more attention to the combination of utility and ornamental which are likely to close to the life of ordinary people.,图,29,成都普通宅院,Fig.29 An ordinary courtyard in Chengdu,25四川的私家宅园比较注重实用性和观赏性的结合,它不会有江南,26,3.,川派园林的现代延续,Sichuan style garden goes on with the modernization,易园,Yi Garden,图,30,31,易园,Fig.30,31,Yi Garden,263.川派园林的现代延续易园 图303,27,3.,川派园林的现代延续,Sichuan style garden goes on with the modernization,都江堰清溪园,Qingxi,Garden,图,32,33,都江堰清溪园,Fig.32,33 Qingxi,Garden,273.川派园林的现代延续都江堰清溪园 图,28,4.,结语,Conclusions,川派园林有以下共同特点:,(1),在规划上,缺少大规模的山水营建,善于借助自然山水,因形就势。,In planning,Sichuan style garden lacks the landscape construction with large-scale,but otherwise,is good at adopting measures suiting local conditions of natural mountains and waters.,(2),在用地条件上,川派园林用地比较自由。,In the use of land conditions,Sichuan garden generally is free.,(3),在空间营造上,川派园林园林空间层次较为简单,并非一味追求江南园林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的意境。,In the construction of space,the construction of space in Sichuan garden with a simple spatial level does not blindly pursue an artistic conception of“although people do,Wan since opening day”,which does otherwise in Jiangnan garden.,(4),在材料运用上,善于使用竹子等乡土植物营造空间。,In the use of garden materials,Sichuan garden is good at use of native plants,such as the bamboos,to build the garden space.,(5),在使用对象上,川派园林一般都是面向普通大众,讲究实用性与观赏性的结合。,In the use of the object,Sichuan garden is generally for the public so as to pursue a combination of utility and ornamental.,284.结语Conclusions川派园林有以下共同特点:,29,The End,Thanks!,29The End,Thanks!,


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