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view of the state of the economy?,subscribe to 意思是“同意、赞成”。例如:,6,另外,subscribe to,也可指“订购、定期订阅(报纸、杂志等)”。,又如:,我订阅中国日报已经有好几年了。,I have subscribed to China Daily for many years.,另外subscribe to 也可指“订购、定期订阅(报纸、,7,body and soul“整个身心”、“全心全意”,,它可作宾语,也可作状语。(等同于heart and soul)例如:,1)作为一个高三的学生,我必须全身心投入学习。,(作宾语),2)他全心全意地为祖国而战斗。,(作状语),As a student in Grade Three,I must put my,body and soul,into my study.,He fought body and soul for his country.,body and soul“整个身心”、“全心全意”,它可,8,promote,vt.,提升;擢升(常与to连用),我们的老师已被提升为校长了。,那个年轻的陆军军官已被提升为上尉。,Our teacher has been,promoted,to headmaster.,The young army officer was,promoted,(to the rank of)captain.,promote vt.提升;擢升(常与to连用)我们的,9,promote还有其他意思,例如:“积极筹划”,谁在筹划这次拳击赛?Who is,promoting,this boxing match?,“宣传,推销(商品)”,如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?Do you have any idea how to,promote,the sales of this product?,“支持;促进;鼓励”,老师应该鼓励学生的学习热诚。Teachers should,promote,students love of learning.,promote还有其他意思,例如:“积极筹划”谁在,10,scold,vt.,vi.叱责;漫骂;责备(暗示恼怒或坏脾气)例如:,我摔了盘子时,我妈妈责备我了。,My mother,scolded,me when I dropped the plates.他因懒惰而受斥责。He was,scolded,for being lazy.,scold vt.,vi.叱责;漫骂;责备(暗示恼怒或,11,scold 指“,由于错误或不满而暴躁地、恼怒地表示气愤,予以斥责,其理由可能是充分的,但往往是不充分的,”。Blame 强调“,对某种可以解释的失误或不良行为的谴责或惩罚,”。如:,他爸爸斥责他回来得太晚。,His father,scolded,him for staying out late.,他们把失败归咎于乔治。,They,blamed,the failure,on,George.=They,blamed,George,for,the failure.,scold 指“由于错误或不满而暴躁地、恼怒地表示气愤,予,12,addictive,adj.上瘾的,addict oneself to,沉溺于,醉心于,be addicted to,沉溺于,醉心于,ones addiction to golf,嗜好高尔夫球,addictive adj.上瘾的 addict,13,Relevant phrases:,in case,(adv./conj.)以防、可能、倘若,in case of,(prep.)如果、万一,in any case,无论如何、不管怎样,in this/that case,若是这样/那样的话,in no case,决不,在任何情况下都不,as is often the case,这是常有的事,in the case of,就来说,关于,in some cases,在某些情况下,有时候,Relevant phrases:in case(a,14,forgetful adj.健忘的,我的老叔父已经有点健忘了。,My old uncle has become rather,forgetful,.,be forgetful of ones sleep and meals,废寝忘食,forget to do,忘记去做,forget doing,忘记做过,forget having done,忘记做过,forget to have done,忘记做过,forgetful adj.健忘的我的老叔父已经有点,15,in prison,坐牢,被监禁,in,the,prison,在狱中,go to prison 去坐牢 go to,the,prison 到监狱中去 be taken to prison 被关入监狱 break prison 越狱,从狱中逃走 cast throw sb into prison下狱,投进监牢,in prison 坐牢,被监禁 in the pr,16,in possession of 拥有(主动意义)in,the,possession of 某物为某人拥有(被动意义)out of question 没有问题out of,the,question 不可能on earth 到底,究竟on,the,earth 在地球上leave school 毕业leave,the,school离开学校,拓展(有无“the”意义不同):,in possession of 拥有(主动意义)in,17,in charge of 掌管,负责in,the,charge of 由掌管,负责in case of 万一,如果in,the,case of 就而论take place 发生take,the,place 代替in front of(范围以外的)前面in,the,front of(范围以内的)前面by day 在白天by,the,day按天计算,拓展(有无“the”意义不同):,in charge of 掌管,负责in the c,18,by hand 手工的(catch sb)by,the,hand 抓住某人的手in future 从今以后in,the,future 在将来at table 吃饭,用餐at,the,table 在餐桌旁in course of 在过程中in,the,course of 在期间内three of us 我们中的三人,the,three of us我们三人(共有三人),拓展(有无“the”意义不同):,by hand 手工的(catch sb)by the,19,additional adj.附加的,另加的,an additional tax 附加税,additional outlay 额外开支,in addition 加上,又,另外,in addition to+n.加上,除.外,又,have an addition(to the family)生孩子,添人口,with the addition of 外加,additional adj.附加的,另加的 a,20,in the first place adv.首先,Relevant phrases:,firstfirstlyin the first instancefirst of allabove allfor one thingto begin withto start with,in the first place adv.首先Rel,21,well-being,adj.康乐,安宁,福利,well-known,众所周知的,有名的,清楚明白的,well-acted,表演得很好的,装得很象的,well-advised,深思熟虑的,明智的,well-appointed,设备完善的,well-balanced,均衡的;匀称的,well-behaved,行为端正的,有礼貌的,well-done,煮得熟透的,干得出色的,well,-,dressed,穿着讲究的,well,-,informed,消息灵通的;见识广博的,well,-,built,结实的,身材均匀的,well,-,chosen,精选的,恰当的,well-being adj.康乐,安宁,福利,22,训练,单项选择,训练单项选择,23,1.I am traveling in France to spend the festival._,A.Congratulation!B.Have fun!,C.See you later!D.Take care!,2.Tom likes sitting close to TV,so his parents try to _ him _ the bad habit.,A.treat;of B.treat;with,C.cure;of D.cure;with,3.Look at the news!There must be someone who _ the news.,A.leaked B.leaks,C.leaking D.had leaked,B,C,A,1.I am traveling in France t,24,4.The fans adore him so much that they _ excitement when they see him.,A.scream with B.scream of,C.scream about D.scream out,5.What _ of the babies die of disease every year?asked Zhang Mins father in a hurry.,A.percent B.percents,C.percentage D.percentages,6.He is too pessimistic!I cant _ his pessimistic view of the state of the economy.,A.subscribe to B.subscribe with,C.disagree to D.disagree with,A,C,A,ACA,25,7.The roads into London were so _ traffic that even the fire engines couldnt get through.,A.choked up by B.choked up with,C.choked back by D.choked back with,8.It is reported that nowadays more and more children _ playing computer games.,A.are addicted to B.are addicted with,C.addiction to D.addiction with,9.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interest.,A.anyone B.whomever,C.whoever D.no matter who,10.Does it matter much _ the sales manager wont attend the meeting tomorrow?,A.if B.what C.when D.that,B,A,C,D,7.The roads into London were,26,Words&Expressions,Unit 3 Module 10,Project,Words&ExpressionsUnit 3 Modu,27,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,28,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,29,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,30,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,31,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,32,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,33,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,34,Apply 短语应用,Apply 短语应用,35,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,36,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,37,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,38,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,39,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,40,阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药课件整理,41,分词作状语,分词作状语,42,Ajani and his sister,lost their father to,Aids two years ago,loseto,因为而失去,如果再不采取行动,将会有越来越多的孩子的父母亲死于艾滋病。,If no more action is taken,more and,more children will lose parents to Aids.,We were losing customers to cheaper rivals.,lose to sb,输给某人,Ajani and his sister lost the,43,Doctor David Ho has devoted his body and soul to,bring,up-to-date technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem.,bring sth.to ones attention,bring ones attention to sth.,使某事引起某人注意,attract/catch/get/draw/call ones attention to.,pay attention to sth,focus/fix ones attention on sth,It came to my attention that,stand to/at attention,Attention,please!,=May I have your attention,please?,Doctor David Ho has devoted h,44,.and because their mother,had access to,prescription Aids medications,(1)have access to,Everyone can have free access to the library.,have access to a phone/a computer,(2)Does the hotel have wheelchair access?,(3)All the rooms have,access to the Internet/Internet access,.,(4)Everyone should enjoy the right of access to education.,所有的人都可以免费使用这个图书馆。,.and because their mother ha,45,Their story was so sad that I had to,choke back,sobs.(P37),choke vt,哽咽,咽住,卡住,那四岁的孩子吞下一枚硬币,窒息而死。,The four-year-old,choked to death,after swallowing a coin.,choke sth.back,忍住,抑制,choke back his tears,=hold/keep back his tears,John has had an accident,she said,chok,ing,back the tears.,忍住他的眼泪,Their story was so sad that I,46,If everyone in the world spent just a penny on it,we could,make a,really big,difference,!(Page 37),make a difference to.,有影响,很重要,What you have done now will make a difference to your future.,It makes no difference(to sb.)+wh-clause,Cf.make sense,From where I stand,(according to what I know or feel),it makes sense not to invest a lot of money.,If everyone in the world spent,47,用所给词或词组的适当形式填空,in need apart from be involved in at risk have access to set up provide-for subscribe to regardless of choke back,1.She has always _ the view that children should be given responsibility from an early age.,2.Thousands of people donated money and food to those _.,3._ going swimming occasionally,I dont get much exercise.,subscribed to,in need,Apart from,用所给词或词组的适当形式填空subscribed t,48,4.A billion people in the world will not _ clean drinking water if water pollution is not forbidden.,5.They want to _ their own import-export business.,6.Women are more _ from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.,in need apart from be involved in at risk have access to set up provide-for subscribe to regardless of choke back,have access to,set up,at risk,4.A billion people in the wor,49,7.The clinic will _ basic health care _ people in the community.,8.More than 30 software firms _ the important project.,9.He _ tears as he described what had happened to himself.,10.He only did what he liked _ how the others felt.,in need apart from be involved in at risk have access to set up provide-for subscribe to regardless of choke back,provide-for,are involved in,choked back,regardless of,in need apart from be involv,50,6,、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。,斯宾诺莎,7,、自知之明是最难得的知识。,西班牙,8,、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。,塞内加,9,、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。,赫尔普斯,10,、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。,笛卡儿,Thank you,拯畏怖汾关炉烹霉躲渠早膘岸缅兰辆坐蔬光膊列板哮瞥疹傻俘源拯割宜跟三叉神经痛,-,治疗三叉神经痛,-,治疗,6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。斯宾诺,51,


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