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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大学英语四级听力,短对话局部,短对话提问方式,一:场景:,What does this conversation probably take place?,二:考察语气,态度倾向-男/女主的心思你不要猜,what does the woman imply?,What does the man mean?,三:概括性问题:,Q:What do we learn from the conversation?,往往what do we learn from the conversation,破题技巧:对应的正确答案是 一个,整体性的概括性,的答案 而不是对一件,具体的事情,表达的答案,W:It was very much like the weather here in,Beijing.So you neednt take a lot of clothes,if you dont plan to stay there long.,Q:What do we learn from the conversation?,2021.12真题,E.g:W:Airport,please.Im running a little late,so just take the fastest way even if its not the most direct.,M:Sure,but theres a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.2021-12-13题,Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?,A)She wants to take the most direct way.,B)She may be late for the football game.,C)She is worried about missing her flight.,D)She is currently caught in a traffic jam.,C 答案比较有概括性。,短对话 做题技巧,一:同义替换的多半是正确选项,例:M:Youre on the right track.I just think 表示建议 轻微的语气转折 you need to narrow the topic down.,W:Yeah,youre right.I always start by choosing too broad a topic when Im doing your research paper.,Q:What do we learn from the conversation?,E.g:17.,A)The woman is going to make her topic,more focused.,B)The man and the woman are working on a joint project.,C)One should choose a broad topic for a research paper.,D)It tool a lot of time to get the man on the right track.,解析make her topic,more focused.是narrow the topic down的同义替换,为正确选项。,二:提到的原文一般不选,是陷阱。,W:Airport,please.Im running a little late,so just take the fastest way even if its,not the most direct.,M:Sure,but theres a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.,Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?,A)She wants to take,the most direct way.,B)She may be late for the football game.,C)She is worried about missing her flight.,D)She is currently caught in a traffic jam.,短对话“语气:,弦外之音“言外之意题型,妙语连珠观点态度题型,虚虚实实虚拟语气题型,咬文嚼字理解归纳题型,怪声怪气语气态度题型,1.弦外之音“言外之意题型,特点:,对话中的答复人并不从正面答复以下问题,似乎答非所问。,陈述答复型,疑问答复型,1.弦外之音“言外之意题型,1陈述答复型,例:M:I need to find a dentist;you said you know Dr.Smith well,do you recommend her?,W:Well,I had to see her a few times,but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.,Q:What does the woman imply?,A)Dr.Smiths waiting room isnt tidy.,B)Dr.Smith enjoys reading magazines.,C)Dr.Smith has left a good impression on her.,D)Dr.Smith may not be a good choice.,1.弦外之音“言外之意题型,2)疑问答复型,表示建议:Why not.?,Why dont you.?,Wouldnt.?How about.?,表示反对:,Should.he/she/we/they.be doing.?,表示责怪:Shouldnt.?,1.弦外之音“言外之意题型,2)疑问答复型,例:W:I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.,M:Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay?Anyhow,they are over 70 now,their present house is not too bad.,Q:What does the man imply?,A)The Edwards are quite well-off.,B)The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.,C)Itll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.,D)Its too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.,言外之意:用划线问句这个结构表示说话人的反对情绪。,“言外之意类型常见对话结构,一:“形肯定 “意否认的句型,二:“形否认 “意肯定的句型,一:“形肯定 “意否认的句型,1、Id like toI d love to,but,The students English club is having a party on Saturday nightCan you come?I would like to,but I work at a restaurant on weekends1990年1月,形肯定意否认的句型,2、使用虚拟语气,If the traffic wasnt so bad,I could have been home by 6:00 What a pity!John was here to see you1990年1月,又如:Do you like physics?Well,I wish it were interesting.,形肯定意否认的句型,3、由形容词last构成的特殊句型。意思是“是最不可能的。,Would you like to go mountain climbing with us?Thats the last thing in the world I want to do,I heard Tom was the man who robbed MrSmiths house But I think he is the last one to do such a thing,形肯定意否认的句型,4、anything but句型。根本意思“除以外的任何事物或“根本不。,如:Everyone is helping out with dinner Could you make the soup?Anything but that,形肯定意否认的句型,5,、由一些特殊短语构成的句型。举两个短语为例:,Youre not much of a rock and roll fan,are you?Its,far from,being my favorite kind of music,thats for sure,Can you possibly lend me 10 until pay-day?Its,out of the question,二:“形否认 “意肯定的句型,1、Why dont youWhy not?,John,I dont know what to get for your fatherHe has just about everything,doesnt he?,Do you have any suggestions?Why dont you get him a pocket calculator?,形否认意肯定的句型,2、Do you mind?问句的答复用No,of course not或者Not at all,如:Do you mind if I borrow your note?No,of course notThey are on my desk,形否认意肯定的句型,3、,notuntil句型。,如:When can the doctor see me?He wont be free until tomorrow,形否认意肯定的句型,4、,notmorebetter构成的特殊句型。,如:I think its high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now,I cant agree with you more,You see countless innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year,How is your business,Bob?,Sales have never been better,形否认意肯定的句型,5、,Without a doubt;Don,t mention it;,如:,Do you think we have to review the chapter of Industrial Revolution?Without a doubt,it will be on the exam,Do you think you could have this skirt ready by Thursday morning?,Don,t mention it,You can come and fetch it,形否认意肯定的句型,6、由一些除not和never之外的否认词如hardly,seldom,scarcely,rarely等构成的句型。,如:What a surprise!Tim has improved his English so much after a holiday abroad I can hardly hear an accent,练习:下面表示肯定还是否认?,I cant agree more.,Ive never been to a better one.,Why not?,He is the last man that I think hard-working.,Well,I should have stayed at home.,It is at the tip of my tongue,2.妙语连珠观点态度题型,解题技巧:,一:注意转折点的关键语气词,二:熟悉“先肯定,再否认的短对话固定模式,一:语气词:,例:W:I am worried about Jenny going to college.College students are so wild nowadays.,M:,Actually,only a few are like that.,Most students are too busy studying to have time to cause trouble.,Q:What does the man imply?,A)He doesnt want Jenny to get into trouble.,B)He doesnt agree with the womans remark,.,C)He thinks Jennys workload too heavy at college.,D)He believes most college students are running wild.,分析:从男性说话中的,actually,一词可以听出他并不同意女性刚刚说的内容,他有自己的想法,类似的词语还有,in fact,,这也提醒我们,抓住短对话中的小词去揣摩说话人的态度也是非常关键的。,二:“先肯定,再否认的短对话固定模式,例:W:Airport,please.Im running a little late,so just take the fastest way even if its not the most direct.,M:Sure,后面是题眼 but theres a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.,Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?,后半局部否认常见转折模式:,but 转折,如:Id like to,but we have visitors from Finland.,Neither do I.But I think we should get it over with.,2.however,though,yet等其他转折,如:The speech is good,though it could be better.,解题技巧:,1.转折之后为听音重点,如果听到but,however等表示转折的词语,应该重点留意后面的内容,答案往往就在其中,2.抓住说话人的语气,说话人往往是“先肯定某件事,然后通过转折表达出真实的意图或实际的情况,听音时应根据说话人的语气进行判断,Example,He is pleased with his exciting new job.,He finds the huge workload unbearable.,He finds his office much too big for him,He is not so excited about his new position.,Script:,W:I heard about your promotion,you must be thrilled.,M:,Not really,the new office is huge,but,the,workload has doubled,.,Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation?,例:,W:May I make a recommendation,sir?Our sea food with this special sauce is very good.,M:,Thank you.But,I dont eat shellfish,Im allergic to it.,W:Where does this conversation most probably take place?,M:I dont think I want to live in the dormitory next year.I need more privacy.,W:,I know what you mean but,check out the cost of renting an apartment first,I wont be surprised if you change your mind.,Q:What does the woman imply?,特殊情况:小肯定加上顺承意思,M:Youre on the right track.I just think you need to narrow the topic down.,W:,Yeah,youre right.I always start,by choosing too broad a topic when Im doing your research paper.,3.虚虚实实虚拟语气题型,这属于一种隐性考法,用虚拟语气表达一种抱怨、懊悔等情绪,主要表达虚拟语气的关键词有:if,if only,I only wish.,couldnt have done something.without.等。,例:,M:I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job.,W:Yes,certainly,but,if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier,.,Q:What does the woman imply?,A)The man is not suitable for the position.,B)The job has been given to someone else.,C)She had received only one application letter.,D)The application arrived a week earlier than expected.,如:,If I were you,I would not do that.,We would have bought that desk if we,had enough money that day.,解题技巧:,熟悉引出条件的常见词或短语,听音时要留意条件句的引导词,从而抓住后面条件句条件句的关键内容。听力中常见的引出条件的词或短语包括:,unless,provided/providing(that),given(that),suppose/supposing(that),as long as,in case(that),in the event that,without,otherwise,but for,等,2.区分真实条件句和虚拟条件句,对于真实条件句,只需理解其字面意思即可;而,对于虚拟条件句,那么需理解其中隐含的真实情况,判断是真实条件句还是虚拟条件句主要是根据谓,语动词的形式。,3.搞清虚拟条件所指时间,如果是虚拟条件句,一定要搞清楚它所表示的假,设究竟是针对“现在、“过去还是“未来,的情况,这样才能准确推出其中隐含的事实情况,4.反着选答案,对于虚拟条件句,有一个重要的思路:反着选答,案,因为虚拟语气表达的是与事实相反的情况,,题目的答案往往就是虚拟条件句中所隐含的事实,情况。,5.注意隐含的虚拟条件句,otherwise,without,but for等,引出的短语,经,常隐含某个虚拟条件,其意义相当于if虚拟条件,句,听音时要留意,例题:202112-12题,12.A)He was looking forward to seeing the giraffes.,B)He enjoyed watching the animal performance.,C)He got home too late to see the TV special.,D)He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.,12.Script,W:I really enjoyed the TV Special about giraffes.长颈鹿giraffe的复数last night.Did you get home intime to see it?,M:Oh,yes.But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.,虚拟语气,4.咬文嚼字理解归纳题型,这类题型难度颇高,关键在于后者说话当中的,生词,及,细节,较多。,4.咬文嚼字理解归纳题型,例,:,M:Excuse me,Madam?,Is the air-conditioning on?This room is getting as hot as a furnace.,W:Sorry,sir,a new,epidemic(流行病),called SARS is threatening us right now.,As a,preventative measure(预防措施),we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners.,Q:What does the woman mean?,A)The temperature is not as high as the man claims.,B)The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.,C)She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.,D)She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.,5.怪声怪气语气态度题型,主要特征是:,一:后者即答复者说话内容较短,考生需从说话人语气中把握其含义。,二:使用反问句。,一:,例:,W:Shouldnt someone go pick up the clothes from the laundry?They were ready three hours ago.,M:Dont look at me,Mom.,Q:What does the boy mean?,A)Hes unwilling to fetch the laundry.,B)He has already picked up the laundry.,C)He will go before the laundry is closed.,D)He thinks his mother should get the clothes back.,分析:从男的说话语气看出他不愿意去。,二:反问句特点:反问句一般要采取 重读、放慢语速、突出语调等措施对反问局部进行强调,在听觉上极易被考生捕获。,技巧:所听到内容的反意即答案,Example,A The Edwards are quite well-off.,B The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.,C Itll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.,D Its too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.,Script:,W:I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.,M:,Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay?,Anyhow,不管怎样 they are over 70 now,their present house is not too bad.,Q:What does the man imply?,反问句式,常见含义:,表示异议,如:,Do you think it is necessary?,Does it matter?,表示责怪或批评,如:,Shouldnt you be studying in the room now?,How could you keep going on line so long?,3.表示委婉拒绝,如:Dont you think it is a little far?,Do you think I will go to this home again?,表示建议,如:,Why not go to the zoo together with us?,Why dont you choose that green one?,表示惊讶,如,;Wouldnt you get bored with it,?,routine year after year?,Is that all you want to say?,表示肯定,如,;Isnt it nice just to get away from all the noise?,Isnt it right for her to accept that job?,其他短对话模式:请求或建议,请求或建议句式:,常用句式:,1.had better do,2.How about/What about doing?,3.Why not do?/Why dont?,should/shouldnt do,take a vacation.,5.,might as well do,你还是做的好,如:You might as well simply skip the class and,apologize to the professor later.,6.,Cant/Dont/Shouldnt/?,如:Cant you drop one course and pick it up,next semester?,解题技巧:,熟悉表达请求或建议的句式,只有熟悉掌握表达请求或建议的常用句式,才能在听音时快速准确的抓住关键信息点,。,2.留意对话中的动词,这类句式表达的内容一般都是建议或请求某人做,某事,因此句式中的动词往往是答案所在或是能,够揭示出关键的信息。,Example,A See a doctor.,B Stay in bed for a few days.,C Get treatment in a better hospital.,D Make a phone call to the doctor.,Script:,W:Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her.Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday.,M:,Shed better have it,examined,by a doctor,anyway.And Ill call her about it this evening.,Q:What does the man think Carol should do?,3.用了should 等词一般代表对主人公的某种看法满意、不满意不满意占多数。,例题2021.6,M:Shawns been trying for months to find a job.But I wonder how he could get a job when he looks like that.,W:Oh,that poor guy!He really should shave himself every other day at least and put on something clean.,Q:What do we learn about Shawn?,11.,He is careless about his appearance.,He is ashamed of his present condition.,He changes jobs frequently.,He shaves every other day.,推测句式;,常见句式:,肯定推测,must do/must have done意为“一定,前者表示对现在或将来事实的肯定推测,表示对过去事实的肯定推测。,如:There was no light in his room last night.,He must be home now.,2.否认推测,cant do/cant have done 意为“不可能,前者表示对现在或将来事实的否认推测,后者表示对过去事实的否认推测。,如:There was no light in his room last night.,He cant have been home last night.,Example,A The old lady sitting next to the couple likes toys very much.,B An old lady took the couples suitcase for her own.,C The couples suitcase was stolen in the,restaurant.,D The man forgot to put the toys in their suitcase.,W;What are these things in our suitcase?There arent any toys at all.Where have you put them?,M:Oh,no.This is not our suitcase.,The old lady must have taken ours by mistake.,She was sitting next to us at the restaurant.,Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?,


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