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Unit4 Where is my car?,PartA Lets learn&Lets do,小学英语三年级,人教,PEP,版,red,A,apple,Hi,B,C,Hello,Unit4 Where is my car?小学英语三年级人,1,Lead in,Lead in,Present-Lets learn,Listen and read,例句:,The bird is on the house.,小鸟在房子上面。,on,在,上,在,上,on,o,n,Present-Lets learn Listen and,in,在,里,Present-Lets learn,Listen and read,例句:,Its in the house.,它在房子里。,在,里,in,i,n,in在里Present-Lets learn List,under,在,下面,Present-Lets learn,Listen and read,例句:,The bird is under the house.,小鸟在房子下面。,在,下面,under,un,d,er,under在下面Present-Lets learn,Present-Lets learn,Listen and read,例句:,Its a desk.,它是一张书桌。,desk,书桌,书桌,desk,d,e,s,k,Present-Lets learn Listen and,Present-Lets learn,Listen and read,例句:,This,is a chair,.,这是一把椅子。,chair,椅子,椅子,chair,ch,air,Present-Lets learn Listen and,Present-Lets learn,Read and act,on,in,under,Where is the ruler?,Its under the chair.,chair,desk,Present-Lets learn Read and a,Language points,1.Words:,on,in,under,chair,desk,2.Phrases:,under the chair,3.Sentences:,(1)Where is the ruler?,(2)Its under the chair.,Language points 1.Words:on,Present-Lets learn,Translate,Where is the ruler?,尺子在哪里?,Its under the chair.,它在椅子下面。,Present-Lets learn Translate,Present-Lets learn,Skill,Where is the bird?,Its _ the house.,in,on,under,on,Present-Lets learn Skill Whe,Present-Lets learn,Skill,Where is the bird?,Its _ the house.,in,on,under,in,Present-Lets learn Skill Whe,Present-Lets learn,Skill,Where is the bird?,Its _ the house.,in,on,under,under,Present-Lets learn Skill Whe,Present-Lets learn,Skill,Where is the bag?,Its _ the desk.,in,on,under,on,Present-Lets learn Skill Whe,Present-Lets learn,Skill,Where is the ruler?,Its _ the chair.,in,on,under,under,Present-Lets learn Skill Whe,Present-Lets do,Play a game,Put your foot under your chair.,Put your hand on your chair.,Put your arm in your desk.,Put your hand under your desk.,Present-Lets doPlay a gamePut,Present-Lets do,Translate,Put your foot under your chair.,把你的脚放在你的椅子下面。,Put your hand on your chair.,把你的手放在你的椅子上。,Put your arm in your desk.,把你的手臂放在你的书桌里。,Put your hand under your desk.,把你的手放在你的书桌下面。,Present-Lets doTranslate Put,Practice,看图片,判断句子的正,(T),误,(F),。,(,)1.The cat is under the chair.,(,)2.The bag is under the desk.,(,)3.The book is in the desk.,(,)4.The pencil box is on the desk.,T,F,F,T,Practice 看图片,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。TFF,Summary,1.Words:,on,in,under,chair,desk,2.Phrases:,under the chair,3.Sentences:,(1)Where is the ruler?,(2)Its under the chair.,Summary 1.Words:on,in,und,Goodbye!,小学英语三年级,人教,PEP,版,red,A,apple,Hi,B,C,Hello,Goodbye!小学英语三年级人教PEP版redAapple,20,


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