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The history of Chinese banking system,1,Team members,沈苛莉,杨旭,劳燕琼,The history of Chine,The history of Chinese banking system,The modern Chinese banking system,2,The history of Chinese banking,The beginningof Chinese banking industry,The rise ofChinaBanking Industry,Bureaucrat capitalsystem,(,官僚资本体系),Rebuild state-owned financialsystem,(重建国有金融体系),3,The beginningof Chinese banki,be up to ones neck eyes in debt,(债台高筑),In Chinese history,borrowing behavior appeared early.During the Warring States Period(,战国时期,),there were many cases about borrowing.,4,be up to ones neck eyes in,CabinetFang,(柜坊),Jiao zi shop,(交子铺),old-style Chinese private bank,(钱庄),Exchange shop(,票号,),5,CabinetFang(柜坊)Jiao zi shop(,currency exchange(,货币兑换,),Bullion trading business(,生金银买卖,),6,currency exchange(货币兑换)Bullion,Jiao zi,(,交子,),7,Jiao zi7,Exchange Shop(票号),Industrial and commercial exchange,Deposit and loan business(,存放款业务,),Rishengchang is thefirstbankin,China,meaning sunriseover,prosperity.Now it is converted into,a museum,8,Exchange Shop(票号)Industrial a,Foreign banks in Chinaisthe earliestChinesemodernbank.At the end of Qing Dynasty,there were still 52 foreign banks.,Deutsche Asiatische Bank,(,德国德华银行,),Citibank,(,美国花旗银行,),HSBC(Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation),(,英国汇丰银行,),9,Foreign banks in Chinaisthe,In 1897,the Imperial Bank ofChina(,中国通,商银行,)was built,it was the first Chinese,Private business bank.And it was also the,first joint-stock system bank(,股份制银行,).,The establishmentof the Imperial Bank of,China started a new era in Chinese banking,industry.,10,In 1897,the Imperial Bank of,Four big families(,四大家族,),Jiang Song Kong Cheng,The central bank,The Bank of China,Bank of Communications,The farmers Bank,central trust of China,Bureauofpostal remittance,四行两局,11,Four big families(四大家族)Th,Three specialized,banks,(,三大专业性银行,),The Bank of China,China Construction Bank,Agricultural Bank of China,12,The Bank of China China Constr,中国银行,招商银行,交通银行,中国工商银行,中国农业银行,中国民生银行,中国光大银行,国家开发银行,中国建设银行,中国人民银行,CCB(China Constuction Bank),ABC(Agricultural Bank of China)CMB(China Merchants Bank),CEB(Chian Everbright Bank)CDB,(,China Development Bank,),ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)BOC,(,Bank of China)CMBC,(,China Minsheng Banking,),BCM(Bank of Communications),PBC,(,Peoples Bank of China),13,中国银行CCB(China Constuction Bank,The peoples bank of China,China Banking Regulatory Commission,(,中国银行业监督管理委员会,),Non-commercial bank,Commercial Bank,Other financial institutions,Self-discipline organization,(自律组织),Chinese Banking System,14,The peoples bank of ChinaChin,Chinesebanking system,The central bank,Regulators,(监管部门),Self-discipline organization,(自律组织),15,Chinesebanking system The cen,The peoples bank of China is Chinas central bank,the peoples bank of China under the leadership of the state council,(国务院),formulate and implement monetary policies,(制定和执行货币政策),prevent and defuse financial risks,maintaining financial stability,16,The peoples bank of China is,China Banking Regulatory Commission,中国银行业监督管理委员会,Banking regulators,responsible for the banking financial institutions to regulate,17,China Banking Regulatory Commi,non-commercial bank,政策性银行,China Development Bank,The Export-Import Bank of China,Agriculture Development Bank of China,under the leadership of the state council,18,non-commercial bank 政策性银行China,non-commercial banks principle,guarantee the relationship between the key construction of national economy and social development,establish investment loans censorship,(审查制度),assume corresponding responsibility and risk,prevent blind investment,redundant construction.,19,non-commercial banks principl,Commercial Bank(,商业银行),Five big state-owned commercial Banks,12 national shareholding commercial banks,138 city commercial banks and about 262 rural commercial banks,20,Commercial Bank(商业银行)Five big,The basic functions of commercial Banks,Regulating the economy,(调节经济),Credit creation,(信用创造),Credit intermediary,(信用中介),Pay intermediary,(支付中介),Financial services,(信用服务),21,The basic functions of commerc,Other financial institutions,Credit cooperation agencies,financial assets management companies,(资产管理公司),trust investment companies,(信托公司),finance companies,(财务公司),leasing companies,(租赁公司),.,22,Other financial institutionsCr,Thank you,!,23,Thank you!23,


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