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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit7 Protect the Earth,(Grammar time&Fun time),Period 2,Unit7 Protect the Earth(Gramma,Its important.,We use it,every day.,We use it,to clean,things.,Water,Most of it,comes from,coal and oil.,Its useful.,Energy,We use them,to make a lot,of things.,They can keep,the air clean.,We use it,to make,bags and,bottles.,Tree,s,But we,shouldnt,use too,much.,Plastic,根据提示猜单词,Lets,guess.,Its important.We use it We,oi,l,c,oa,l,e,n,er,g,y,w,oo,d,w,a,t,er,Lets play,游戏规则:,迅速说出与所给图片相关,资源,。,pl,a,st,i,c,oilcoalenergywoodwaterLets pl,c,oa,l,oi,l,e,n,er,g,y,p,a,p,er,w,a,t,er,w,oo,d,Lets play,Lets talk,We,use,paper,to,make boxes.,Energy is useful.,_ is useful.,_ is useful.,coaloilenergypaperwaterwoodLet,Lets think,clean things.,make bags and,bottles.,make tables,chairs,use,to,Lets find the rules,sth.,do,and other things.,Lets thinkclean things.make b,water,sit,trees,wood,chairs,We,use,water,to,plant,trees.,Wood comes from trees.,We,use,wood,to,make chairs.,We,use,chairs,to,sit,.,Lets try to use,use.to.,watersittreeswoodchairsWe use,Lets try to use,活动要求:,选好题目,小组合作,一人说一句。,use.to.,wood,eat,plastic,go shopping,water,read,plastic,go shopping,Lets try to use活动要求:use.to.,What did human beings get wrong?,人类做错了什么?,We waste,We cut,We drive,We use,Lets t,hin,k,What did human beings get wron,To protect the Earth,What should we do?,What shouldnt we do?,We should/shouldnt.,Lets think,To protect the EarthWhat shoul,We,should/shouldnt,.,Grammar time!,We should/shouldnt.Grammar,suggestions,建议,说一说,生活中,保护地球的措施。,Lets talk,suggestions说一说生活中保护地球的措施。Let,Protect the Earth,Try to say:what can we do?,Protect the EarthTry to say:,Protect the Earth,Collect,plastic bags&plastic bottles.,some paper,Try to say:what can we collect?,Protect the EarthCollect plast,Know how to reuse the things,Know how to reuse the things,译林英语六上Unit-7-Protect-the-EarthB优质课ppt课件,I can reuse paper to make a box.,I can reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy.,I can,reuse,to make,.,How can you,reuse,these things?,paper,plastic,I can reuse paper to make a bo,useto,Lets summa,ry,usetoLets summary,Lets make a,p,oster,(海报),Save water,Dear friends,Water is very useful.We _water_,drink.We_,But there is not much water in many places on Earth.,We should not_,We should_,Water is life!,Save water!Save our lives!,_,Lets make a poster(海报)Save wa,Lets make a p,oster.,Save water,Dear friends,Water is very useful.We _water_,drink.We_,But there is not much water in many places on Earth.,We should not_,We should_,Water is life!,Save water!Save our lives!,_,活动要求:,1.,小组合作完成,2.,完成后组内交流,Lets make a poster.Save water,Collect something and try to reuse them.,2.,Finsh your poster.,3.Preview cartoon time.,Collect something and try to r,We have only,one,Earth,We have only one Earth,译林英语六上Unit-7-Protect-the-EarthB优质课ppt课件,


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