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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Nurturing nature,The,Sky Railway,Nurturing nature,1,expert,专家,Sitting back in my seat,,,I cant quite believe that I am about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was impossible,做,回我的座位,我不能十分相信,我即将沿着这条铁路旅行,这条很多外国专家宣称是不可能的铁路,expert专家Sitting back in my sea,2,claim,声,称,Sitting back in my seat,,,I cant quite believe that I am about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was impossible,做,回我的座位,我不能十分相信,我即将沿着这条铁路旅行,这条很多外国专家宣称是不可能的铁路,claim声称Sitting back in my seat,3,steady,稳定,His mood gradually become steady,他,的心情逐渐变得稳定,The train has been racing along steadily since it left Xining,自从离开西宁,这两火车一直稳定的跑,steady稳定His mood gradually bec,4,massive,巨大的,The words,“,railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains,”,seem particularly vivid as I travel across the,“,roof of the world,”,这些话“(铁路)像一天天巨龙翻山越岭”似乎尤其生动,当我横穿“世界屋顶”时,.,massive巨大的The words“railways,5,vivid,生动的,Does the picture describe you vividly,?,The words,“,railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains,”,seem particularly vivid as I travel across the,“,roof of the world,”,这些话“(铁路)像一天天巨龙翻山越岭”似乎尤其生动,当我横穿“世界屋顶”时,.,vivid生动的Does the picture descr,6,v,ivid,e,xpert,claim,s,teady,m,assive,vivid,7,v,ivid,e,xpert,claim,s,teady,m,assive,生动的,专家,声称,稳定的,巨大的,vivid生动的专家声称稳定的巨大的,8,Complicated sentences,Sitting back in my seat,,,I cant quite believe that I am about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was impossible,Key point 1 sitting back in my seat,是什么东西做什么成分,Key point 2,这两个,that,分别引导什么从句,Complicated sentencesSitting,9,Sitting back in my seat,,,I cant quite believe that Im about to travel along the railway that many foreign _ _ was“impossible”.The train has been racing/running along _ since it left Xining.All this time,,,the song“Sky Railway”has been playing inside my head.The words“railways like _ dragons are winding among the mountains”seem particularly _ as I travel across the“roof of the world”.,Q1:How has the train been running since it left Xining?,Sitting back in my seat,I can,10,record,记录,Record the process,(过程),of crime.,Tibet Railway is a record of all of our efforts to,o,vercome the most difficult engineering challenges.,青藏铁路是一个我们克服最困难的工程挑战努力的记录,.,record记录Record the process(过程,11,克服,overcome,Every single challenge can overcome,you.,每一个困难都能克服我,Tibet Railway is a record of all of our efforts to,o,vercome the most difficult engineering challenges.,青藏铁路是一个我们克服最困难的工程挑战努力的记录,.,克服overcomeEvery single challen,12,脆弱的,delicate,My delicate young boys heart.,How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns,如何保护脆弱的生态系统在最顶端的担忧之中,脆弱的delicateMy delicate young b,13,生态系统,ecosystem,How to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns,如何保护脆弱的生态系统在最顶端的担忧之中,生态系统ecosystemHow to protect th,14,Record,Overcome,Ecosystem,delicate,Record,15,Record,Overcome,Ecosystem,delicate,生态系统,记录,克服,脆弱的,Record生态系统记录克服脆弱的,16,Complicated sentences,Taking years to complete,,,the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a record of all of our efforts to overcome the most difficult engineering challenges.,Key point 2 taking years to complete,是什么东西做什么成分,Key point 1,单词,complete record overcome engineer,Complicated sentencesTaking y,17,I was one of the people who came from all parts of China to work on this railway.Taking years to,_,,,the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a,_,of all of our efforts to,_,the most difficult engineering challenges.How to protect the,_ _,was among the top concerns.,Q2:Why was it not easy to build the Qinghai-Tibet Railway?,I was one of the people who ca,18,S,ummary,Key,words,Record,Overcome,Ecosystem,delicate,生态系统,记录,克服,脆弱的,v,ivid,e,xpert,claim,s,teady,m,assive,生动的,专家,声称,稳定的,巨大的,SummaryKey wordsRecord生态系统记录克服,19,Key,structure,非,谓语动词做状语,定语从句,Key structure非谓语动词做状语定语从句,20,Homework,翻译第一段,课时作业,147 AB,阅读,Homework 翻译第一段,21,地标,landmark,They are landmarks in their country.,他们是他们国家的地标,The first landmark to catch my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge,第一,个抓住我眼球的地标是绚烂的清水河大桥,地标landmarkThey are landmarks i,22,壮观的,splendid,The first landmark to catch my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge,第一,个抓住我眼球的地标是绚烂的清水河大桥,壮观的splendidThe first landmark,23,西藏的羚羊,Tibetan antelope,西藏的羚羊Tibetan antelope,24,空闲,休闲,at ones leisure,Some fellows seems to be at their leisure,,,in fact,,,they have a lot of homework to complete,Look,,,a group of Tibetan antelopes is moving under the bridge,,,with some stopping to eat grass at their leisure.,看,一群藏羚羊正在桥下移动,伴随着空闲时停下来吃草,.,空闲,休闲at ones leisureSome fell,25,允许,allow,I allow you to run 39 meters in advance,(提前),Thirty-three passages have been built under the railway to allow the animals to move safely and freely in their natural habitat.,33,个通道在铁路下被建,目的是允许这些动物可以安全自由地移动在他们的栖息地,允许allowI allow you to run 39 m,26,栖息地,habitat,The King valley,(峡谷),is the habitat to many animals,Thirty-three passages have been built under the railway to allow the animals to move safely and freely in their natural habitat.,33,个通道在铁路下被建,目的是允许这些动物可以安全自由地移动在他们的栖息地,栖息地habitatThe King valley(峡谷)i,27,无意识的,unaware,Some characters can make others unaware,一些角色可以使别人没有意识(眩晕),They seem totally unaware that we are speeding past at over 100 kilometers an,hour,他们似乎完全没有意识我们正在加速通过超过一小时,100,公里,.,无意识的unawareSome characters can,28,Unaware,Habitat,At ones leisure,Landmark,Splendid,allow,Unaware,29,Unaware,Habitat,At ones leisure,Landmark,Splendid,allow,无意识的,栖息地,空闲,地标,壮丽的,绚丽的,允许,Unaware无意识的栖息地空闲地标壮丽的,绚丽的允许,30,The first landmark to catch my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge,,,the world s longest bridge built over permafrost,(冻土),Complicated sentences,Key point 1 to catch my eye,是什么东西做什么成分,Key point 1 built over,permafrost,是什么东西做什么成分,The first landmark to catch my,31,The first _to catch my eye is the _Qingshuihe Bridge,,,the worlds longest bridge built over permafrost.Look!A group of Tibetan antelopes is moving under the bridge,,,with some stopping to eat grass _.Thirty-three passages have been built under the railway to _the animals to move safely and freely in their natural _.Wild animals such as these Tibetan antelopes have now been using these passages for years.They seem totally _ that we are speeding past at over 100 kilometres an hour.,Q:Why was Thirty-three passages built under the railway?,The first _to catch my ey,32,阻止,prevent,I prevent the dog from talking,我阻止这条狗说话,To prevent damage to wetland and grassland,,,675 bridges with total length of about 160 kilometers were built between Golmud and Lhasa,为了阻止对湿地和草地的伤害,总长度达,160,公里的,675,座桥被建立了在格尔木和拉萨之间,阻止preventI prevent the dog fro,33,伤害,damage,Zhangliang can make massive damage to the monster,(怪兽),in a row,张良连续对这个怪兽产生巨大伤害,To prevent damage to wetland and grassland,,,675 bridges with total length of about 160 kilometers were built between Golmud and Lhasa,为了阻止对湿地和草地的伤害,总长度达,160,公里的,675,座桥被建立了在格尔木和拉萨之间,伤害damageZhangliang can make ma,34,方形的,平方的,广场,square,You all are squarer than me,?,We even moved 140,000 square meters of wetland to a new area in order to protect its instinct ecosystem,我们甚至移动了,140000,平方米的湿地,目的是保护它不一样的生态环境,方形的,平方的,广场squareYou all are sq,35,有,区别的,不一样的,我们不一样,We are distinct,,,I am a old driver.,distinct,We even moved 140,000 square meters of wetland to a new area in order to protect its instinct ecosystem,我们甚至移动了,140000,平方米的湿地,目的是保护它不一样的生态环境,有区别的,不一样的我们不一样We are distinct,,36,Distinct,Prevent,Damage,square,我们不一样,Distinct我们不一样,37,Distinct,Prevent,Damage,square,有,区别的,不一样的,阻止,伤害,方形的,平方的,广场,Distinct有区别的,不一样的阻止伤害方形的,平方的,广,38,Complicated sentences,To prevent damage to wetland and grassland,,,675 bridges with total length of about 160 kilometers were built between Golmud and Lhasa,Key point 1 to prevent damage to wetland and grassland,是什么东西做什么成分,Key point 2,主句的主干成分是什么,Complicated sentencesTo preven,39,4.To,_,damage to wetlands and grasslands,,,675 bridges with a total length of about 160 kilometres were built between Golmud and Lhasa.We even moved 140,,,000,_,metres of wetland to a new area,_protect,its,_,ecosystem.,Q4:Why was the wetland moved to a new area?,4.To _ damage to wetland,40,Distinct,Prevent,Damage,square,有,区别的,不一样的,阻止,伤害,方形的,平方的,广场,Unaware,Habitat,At ones leisure,Landmark,Splendid,allow,无意识的,栖息地,空闲,地标,壮丽的,允许,Key words,Distinct有区别的,不一样的阻止伤害方形的,平方的,广,41,Key structures,非,谓语动词做状语,非谓语动词做定语,Key structures非谓语动词做状语,42,坐落于,locate,Located at over 5,,,000 meters above sea level,,,this is the highest railway station in the world,坐落于超过海水平,5000,米,这是世界上最好的铁路站,坐落于locateLocated at over 5,000,43,level,水平,级别,Which level do you belong to,?,Located at over 5,,,000 meters above sea level,,,this is the highest railway station in the world,坐落于超过海水平,5000,米,这是世界上最高的铁路站,level水平,级别Which level do you b,44,radiation,辐射,The skills have massive radiation damage,这些技能有巨大的辐射伤害,In location such as this,,,the thin air,,,changeable weather and high level UV radiation perhaps presented the greatest challenge for railway workers,在像这样的地点,稀薄的空气,多变的天气和高水平的紫外线辐射也许给铁路工人提供了最大的挑战,radiation辐射The skills have mas,45,Present,(向前送),赠送,提供,向前送东西:礼物,向前送东西的动作:赠送,提供,向前送,想法,:赠送,提供,向前送人:出席,当前的,现在的,Present(向前送)赠送,提供向前送东西:礼物向前送东,46,construct,建设,The thunder god mountain,(雷神山),hospital is being constructed,雷神,山医院正在被建设,To make sure we stayed healthy,,,several oxygen-making station were constructed.,为了阙波我们保持健康,几个氧气制备站被建设了,construct 建设The thunder god mo,47,construct,Present,Locate,Level,radiation,construct,48,construct,Present,Locate,Level,radiation,赠送,提供,建设,坐落,水平,辐射,construct赠送,提供建设坐落水平辐射,49,Located at over 5,,,000 meters above sea level,,,this is the highest railway station in the world,Complicated sentences,Key point 1 located at over 5000 meters above sea level,Located at over 5,000 meters a,50,5.The journey has been flying by,,,and before I know it,,,we have reached Tanggula Station,._ at,over 5,,,000 metres above sea,_,,,this is the highest railway station in the world.In locations such as(like)this,,,the thin air,,,changeable weather and high levels of UV,_ _,perhaps the greatest challenge for railway workers.To make sure(guarantee)we stayed(kept)healthy,,,several oxygen-making stations were,_.,We were also able to enjoy regular breaks in lower areas.,5.The journey has been flying,51,a,sense of pride and achievement,一,种自豪感和成就感,The soldier has a sense of pride and achievement.,As we pass Cuona Lake,,,I feel a sense of pride and achievement.,当,我们通过错那湖时,我感到一钟自豪感和成就感,a sense of pride and achieveme,52,Protect A from B,保护,A,免受,B,的伤害,The pan,(平底锅),protects Guoda from bullet,(子弹),Using thousands and thousands of sandbags,,,we built a twenty kilometer wall along the lake to protect it from construction waste,使用成千上万个沙袋,我们沿着这个湖建造了一个,20,公里的墙,来保护这个湖免受建设垃圾的伤害,Protect A from B保护A免受B的伤害The p,53,surface,表面,On surface,,,you are as steady as a dog,,,but inside,,,you are quite anxious,表面上,你和二狗一样稳定,但是内心慌得一批,Pale blue mirror-like surface,淡蓝色的像镜子一样表面,surface表面On surface,you are as,54,wander,漫步,Water birds playing in the,lake,,,and cattle and sheep wandering the grasslands bring the scenery to life,水鸟 在湖中嬉戏和家畜牛羊在草地上漫步,把风景带到了生活感,wander漫步Water birds playing in,55,a,sense of pride and achievement,Surface,Protect A from B,wander,a sense of pride and achieveme,56,a,sense of pride and achievement,Surface,Protect A from B,wander,表面,一,种骄傲和成就感,保护,A,免受,B,的伤害,漫步,a sense of pride and achieveme,57,6.As we pass Cuona Lake,,,I feel _.Using,thousands and thousands of sandbags,,,we built a twenty-kilometre wall along the lake to,_it _construction,waste.Cuona Lake is so close to the railway that I want to reach out and touch its pale blue,mirror-like_.,Water birds playing in the lake,,,and cattle and sheep,_ the,grasslands bring the scenery to life.,a,sense of pride and achievement,protect,from,surface,wandering,6.As we pass Cuona Lake,I fee,58,attract,吸引,The toilet attracts fire successfully,这个厕所成功地吸引了火力,attract吸引The toilet attracts f,59,magical,魔法的,In northern China,,,it is dry and cold,,,just,Like physical attack,,,we can protect ourselves from cold by wearing thick clothes,,,nevertheless,,,in southern China,,,it is wet and cold,,,just like magical attack,,,we can not protect ourselves by thick clothes at all.,Thanks to our efforts,,,passengers from all over the country have been enjoying these magical landscape,多亏了我们的努力,来自全国各地的游客一直享受这些魔力的景色,magical魔法的In northern China,it,60,deserve,值得,Young guys,,,you deserve it.,I am proud that we built our,“,impossible,”,railway,,,and did so with the care the environment deserves,我很骄傲我们建造了我们的不可能铁路,并且建造它伴随着关爱,自然环境值得的关爱,.,deserve值得Young guys,you deserv,61,extraordinary,extraordinary/unique,ordinary,If everyone knows you well,,,you must be quite ordinary,It,truly is an extraordinary“sky railway”,非凡的,杰出的,它确实是一条非凡的天路,extraordinaryextraordinary/uni,62,Extraordinary,Attract,Magical,Deserve,Extraordinary,63,Extraordinary,Attract,Magical,Deserve,非凡的,吸引,魔法的,值得,Extraordinary非凡的吸引魔法的值得,64,Complicated sentences,寻找包含,have been doing,的句子,Complicated sentences寻找包含 have,65,7.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been,_peoples,admiration for centuries.Now,,,thanks to our efforts,,,passengers from all over the country have been enjoying these,_,landscapes(sceneries,views).I am proud that we built our“impossible”railway,,,and did so with the care that the,environment_.,It truly is an,_,“Sky Railway”.,extraordinary,deserves,magical,a,ttracting,Q7:Why is the author so proud?,7.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ha,66,


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