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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 5 Unit 1,We went to the Great Wall.,Module 5 Unit 1,Module 5 Unit 1,We went to the Great Wall.,Module 5 Unit 1,phone Grandma,ed,help my mum,wash my trousers,clean my room,play football,watch TV,paint a picture,listen to music,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,d,What did you do,yesterday,?,I,phone Grandmaedhelp my,a school trip,a school trip,Yesterday was a school trip.,Yesterday was a school trip.,the,G,reat,W,all,mountain,s,the Great Wallmountains,go,went,see,saw,eat,ate,have,had,buy,bought,The past tense form of irregular Verbs,不规则动词过去式,gowentseesaweatatehavehadbuybo,see,take,have,do,go,eat,buy,seetakehavedogoeatbuy,1.What did they,go,yesterday?,2.What did they,eat,yesterday?,3.What did they,buy,yesterday?,Answer the questions:,They,went to,the Great Wall.,They,ate,candies.,They,bought,a present.,1.What did they go yesterday,4.What did they,see,yesterday?,5.How long did they,take,to climb to the top?,Answer the questions:,They,saw,lot of mountains,.,They,took,fifty minutesto climb to the top.,.,4.What did they see yesterda,Where did you go?,We went to the Great Wall.,Where did you go?We went to t,Farm,We went to the.,FarmWe went to the.,We,saw,lot,s,of mountain,s,.,see,We saw lots of mountains.see,What did you see?,What did you see?,We,ate,candies.,eat,We ate candies.eat,I,ate,a hamburger.,We,ate,I ate a hamburger.We ate,We,bought,Dad a,present,.,buy,买,We bought Dad a present.buy买,We,bought,We bought,We,had,a good time.,have,6,图,We had a good time.have6图,They,went,to the Great Wall.,Yesterday,They went to the Great Wall.Ye,climb-climb,ed,top,climb-climbedtop,They,climbed,to the top.,Yesterday,They climbed to the top.Yester,They,saw,lots of mountains.,Yesterday,They saw lots of mountains.Yes,They,ate,candies.,Yesterday,They ate candies.Yesterday,They,had,a good time,.,Yesterday,They had a good time.Yesterday,They,bought,a present for Dad.,They bought a present for Dad.,Yesterday was a school trip.,Practise:,went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,They went to the,Yesterday was a school trip.Pr,Fill in the blanks,Yesterday,1.We,to the Great Wall.,2.We,to the top.,3.And we,lots of mountains.,4.We,candies.,5.You,a good time.,6.We,you a present.,went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,Fill in the blanksYesterdaywen,Homework:,1.Read the dialogue 5 times.,2.Write the words,wentbought,5 times,with 1 times Chinese.,Homework:1.Read the dialog,Module 5 Unit 1,We went to the Great Wall.,Module 5 Unit 1,see,take,have,do,go,eat,buy,seetakehavedogoeatbuy,Yesterday was a school trip.,Practise:,went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,They went to the,Yesterday was a school trip.Pr,Yesterday/Last Sunday,We went to the park.,We saw lots of trees.,We ate hamburgers.,We bought lots of pictures.,We had a good time.,Yesterday/Last Sunday,phone,d,phone,wash,ed,clean,ed,play,ed,help,ed,cook,ed,cook,help,wash,clean,play,规则变化,phonedphonewashedcleanedplayed,climbed,climb,ate,saw,went,bought,had,have,buy,eat,see,go,不规则变化,climbedclimbatesawwentboughtha,We,went,to the Zoo on National Day.We,saw,lots of animals.We,ate,some chips.I,bought,a toy panda for my friend.We,had,a good time,.,We went to the Zoo on Nation,Free talk:,I,went,to_.,I,saw,_.,I,ate,_.,I,bought,_.,I,had,a good time,.,Free talk:,Farm,Group work:,FarmGroup work:,A School Trip,It was a school trip.,We,to the park.,We,lots of trees and flowers.,We,some bread and apples.,We,a good time.,went,saw,ate,had,went,saw,ate,had,A School Tripw,went,saw,ate,had,A School Trip,It was a school trip.,We,to the,.,We,.,We,.,We,a good time!,Farm,wentsawatehad A,Homework:,1.Read the dialogue and try to recite.,2.Write a composition,(作文):,Where did you go?,What did you see,eat,buy?,Homework:1.Read the dialog,


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