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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Try to write a,composition nicely,泗洲中学金燕,如何赏析作文:,1.体裁:说明文、记叙文、议论文、应用文。,2.时态:一般现在时、过去时、将来时、现在完成时。,3.结构:分-总,总-分,总-分-总。,4.正确地运用语法。,运用简短的语句,5,.运用精彩的词句。,6.运用连接词。,保护环境,人人有责。可是你的朋友李扬却做得不够。请写一篇短文,说明他在环保方面的表现,并表明自己的态度。要点如下:,1.在学校,他不注意保持教室干净,不收集废纸废瓶来再利用,甚至乱扔垃圾。,2.在家,打扫房间,养盆栽,还在自家花园里种树。,3.适当发表自己的看法。,Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something useful around your neighbourhood.,But,my friend Li Yang hasnt done enough.He needs to do better in protecting the environment.,At school,he hasnt kept his classroom clean and tidy.He,also,hasnt collected waste paper or bottles for recycling.,Whats worse,he often throws rubbish around our school.I think it is not right to do,so.,At home he can do much better than at school.He cleans his bedroom every day.He keeps plants at home and plants trees in his garden.I think we should keep our home clean,as well as,our school.,If everyone makes a contribution to protecting our environment,the world will become much more beautiful.,By Ouyang Haonan,赏析,:,Structure,(,结构):,Conjunctions,(,连接词):,Transitional sentence,(,承上启下过渡性的语句):,Good expressions,(,精彩词句):,总分总,But,also,whats worse,as well as,At home he can do much better than at school.,Taking care of our environment is very important.,Wherever you live,My friend needs to do better in protecting the environment.,Its+adj.+to do,After school,Li Ming went home as usual.,When he was walking past a house,someone threw a bag of rubbish out of a window.Li Ming saw it happen and picked it up,then,threw it into a dustbin.,After doing that,he thought that he must stop people from doing this again.So he wrote a sign and put it up on the tree.It said,“Don,t throw rubbish about.”,Just then,a man saw it and came up.He said sorry to Li Ming.,If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment like Li Ming,the world will become much more beautiful.,By Cao Qiufang,记叙文,赏析:,Good expressions,(,精彩词句):,Time order,(,明确的时间顺序):,After school,when he was walking past a house,then,after doing that,just then,as usual,Li Ming saw it happen(see sb.do),He thought that he must stop people from doing.this again.(stop sb.from doing),He said sorry to Li Ming.(say sorry to sb.),If everyone makes a contribution to protecting,Tense,(,时态,):,Past tense,(,过去时),常用的连接词:,并列:,转折:,递进:,原因:,时间:,举例:,选择:,总结:,and,also,as well as,but,although,however,whats worse,whats more,because,as,since,for,when,while,before,after,as soon as,first,then,after that,later,finally,such as,for example,or,eitheror,in a word,after all,in all,一篇好的作文应该是:,1.有好的开头和结尾,最好首尾能呼应。,2.正确地运用时态和语法。,3.运用连词,使得行文流畅。,4.运用精彩的语句。,口头表达:,根据下面4幅图画,口述一篇50词左右的短文,要求达意、通顺、连贯。,老师帮你审题、构思:,It was March 8,th,Womens Day yesterday.Jane wanted to do something for her mother.,she bought some delicious food from the shop,.,she got home,she tried her best to cook a meal,swept the floor.Everything was ready,_,her mum came back.Her mother was very happy and she said,“Well done,my dear!”,What a good girl Jane is!,So,after school,When,and then,when,/,before,假设你叫李平,暑假快到了,给你在美国的朋友,Tom,写一封信,邀请他来中国旅游。在信中简单地向他介绍中国。内容包括以下要点,80个词左右。,要点:,1.中国是世界大国之一,有悠久的历史。,2.中国有13亿(,1,300,million,),人口,中国人民勤劳友好。,3.中国有很多风景名胜,万里长城举世闻名。,4.2008年奥运会将在中国举行,到那时中国将更加美 丽富强。,5,Dear Tom:,How time flies!Summer holiday will start.I hope that you can come to China.,China is a great country with a long history,.It is one of the biggest countries in the world.,And,it has a large population.There are about 1,300 million people in China.Chinese people are hard working and friendly.There are many places of interest in China,such as,Mount Emei,the West Lake and so on.,Whats more,the Great Wall is,famous all over the world.The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in China.I am sure China will be much more beautiful and stronger by then.,I am proud of China.,Welcome to China.,Yours,Li Ping,总结:,平时训练中的几个注意点:,准备工作:,仔细审题,明确要求。,罗列信息,认真分析,审清题意,列出要点。,紧扣要点,寻求思路。,草拟提纲,确定开头,选词,造句,拟好结尾。(可适当发表自己的观点),写作之中,开门见山,紧扣主题。,语言正确、规范地道。,句型结构避免中国式英语。,如,,I by bike to school.,标点符号,重短轻长,就易避难。,以写正确、通顺为最低要求。,过渡自然,表达流畅。,正确使用连词,保持行文流畅。,不重复使用可置换的词。,适当评论,发表已见。,What a nice girl she is!,We can learn from her.,成文之后,一般语法项目的检查。,人称:,Mr.Chen is my math teacher.,She,works very hard,.,时态:,I,have visited,my grandparents yesterday.,主谓一致:,Everyone in our class,work,hard,.,习惯用法:,She often helps me,in,my English,.,书写规范,卷面整洁,。,w,.,书写规范,卷面整洁。,Bye-bye!,Good luck with your English study!,Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something useful around your neighbourhood.,But,my friend Li Yang hasnt done enough.He needs to do better in protecting the environment.,At school,he hasnt kept his classroom clean and tidy.He hasnt collected waste paper or bottles for recycling.He,also,hasnt planted trees.Whats worse,he often throws rubbish around our school.I think it is not right to do,so.,At home,he can do much better than at school.He cleans his bedroom every day.He keeps plants at home and plants trees in his garden.I think we should keep our home clean as well as our school.,If everyone makes a contribution to protecting our environment,the world will become much more beautiful.,


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