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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,PPT课件,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,PPT课件,*,The Victorian Age,(1832-1902),1,PPT课件,The Victorian Age(1832-1902)1,Objectives,1.To have the basic knowledge about the brief history of the Victorian Period.,2,.To know something about,the,critical realist,3,.To be familiar with Charles Dickens writing styles and major contribution to English literature.,2,PPT课件,Objectives1.To have the bas,Historical Background,3,PPT课件,Historical Background3PPT课件,-,began with the passage of the Reform Bill in 1832 and closed at the end of the Boer War in 1902.,Victoria age:,4,PPT课件,Victoria age:4PPT课件,Victoria,;,the queen,Victorias accession in 1837 and her death in 1901.She ruled for 63 years,the longest in English history,.,The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.,5,PPT课件,Victoria;5PPT课件,Queen Elizabeth(1533-1603)and Queen Victoria(1819-1901).,The English people were proud of two queens in their history:Queen Elizabeth(1533-1603)and Queen Victoria(1819-1901).There are similarities between the two queens.,First,both queens were on the throne for a long period of time,Queen Elizabeth being on the throne for over forty years(1558-1603)and Queen Victoria more than 60 years(1837-1901).,6,PPT课件,Queen Elizabeth(1533-1603)a,Secondly,during their long reigns England developed rapidly both politically and economically.During the reign of Queen Elizabeth,capitalism first took its shape,and the small island country defeated the strong naval power Spain in 1588.During the long reign of Queen Victoria,England grew the workshop of the world as well as its financial and political cente,r,.,7,PPT课件,Secondly,during their long re,Thirdly,during their reigns,literature flourished.In the age of Queen Elizabeth drama flourished and with it there was,the greatest dramatist William Shakespeare,.,whereas in the age of Queen Victoria,novel flourished and with it a galaxy of brilliant novelists appeared on the literary scene.,8,PPT课件,Thirdly,during their reigns,The Victorian age can be roughly divided into three periods,the early period 1832-18,54,a time of social unrest;,the middle period 18,55,-187,9,a period of economic prosperity and religious controversy;,the last period 18,80,-1901,a period of decay of Victorian values.,9,PPT课件,The Victorian age can be ro,It can be divided into 2 periods:,-Early Victoria Period,(,1832-1868,),-Late Victoria Period,(,1869-1902,),10,PPT课件,It can be divided into 2 perio,the first fourteen years were filled with unrest,alarm and misery,and they contrasted with the growing prosperity and general good feeling of the succeeding twenty-two years when England,having committed herself to industrialism and free trade,because for a theme the workshop of the world,11,PPT课件,the first fourteen years were,一,Political,1 Reform,2,Chartist Movement,(,1838-48),12,PPT课件,一 Political1 Reform12PPT课件,The Progress of Reform,great changges in administration,leadership/financial policy,Whig,Tories,emancipation of slaves (dominions),effect other areas,13,PPT课件,The Progress of Reform great,The impetus of refom,A series of laws;child Labour in factories in 1833 Factory Act (1833)Poor Law Amendment Act (1834)The repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 Ten Hours Act in 1847,14,PPT课件,The impetus of refom 14PPT课件,The Reform Bill of 1832 extended the right to vote to all men owning property worth ten pounds or more.This bill extended the right to vote to the industrial capitalists and the lower middle class,but not the workers(they had to wait until 1867 when a second Reform Bill was passed),15,PPT课件,The Reform Bill of 1832 extend,The second accomplishment of the Reform Bill was to eliminate the“rotten boroughs”and gave the vacant seats to the industrial cities.This Bill broke the monopoly in Parliament of the conservative landowners and ended the long reign of the Tory party which had been in power almost continuously from 1783 to 1830.The Whig party,which represented the interests of the industrial capitalists and businessmen,came into power.,16,PPT课件,The second accomplishment of t,With the introduction of the steam engine,it was possible for the capitalists to hire unskilled workers,such as women and children.Many skilled workers were unemployed,and what made the situations worse was the enforcement of the Corn Laws,which forbade importing any grain from foreign countries when the price of wheat dropped to a certain price;this measure kept wheat at a high price in the interests of the landed class.In 1845 serious crop failures in England and the potato blight in Ireland kept the price of bread still higher.,17,PPT课件,With the introduction of the s,Under the economic policy of Laissez faire(a policy based on the Utilitarian philosophy)which asserted that the function of private property and not to interfere with the economic operation of the country,the capitalists did not feel they were responsible for the poverty of the working people.In order to demand their own rights,the working people launched large-scale demonstrations.They put forward their political demands in the form of a Charter and organized meetings to collect signatures.In the 1830s and 1840s the country was threatened by social unrest.The Chartist Movement reached its peak in 1838,1842,and 1848.,18,PPT课件,Under the economic policy of L,Chartist Movement,The major contradition in the political arena became more definite between labour and capital.,The workers for social justice and a better life,For want of possessing votes and leadership,a unified purpose and funds,19,PPT课件,Chartist Movement The major co,The Movement Fizzled Out,Reson:1 Toomas Carlyle,2 Hungry Forties,threantig cloud,Ruling classes two fears;pestilence and rising mob,20,PPT课件,The Movement Fizzled OutReson:,Though it failed,Chartism signifified the first great political movement of proletariat(无产阶级)in English history.,21,PPT课件,Though it failed,Chartism sig,二,Economic,An age of prosperity and progress,the richest and most powerful;,the 1st urban and industrial society in the world;,The development of science and technology:,railways,telegraphs,journalism;,22,PPT课件,二 Economic22PPT课件,三,Culturally,97%people able to read by 1900;,cheaper paper;,faster printing;,easier circulation;,more working readers demanding cheap,literature:,23,PPT课件,三 Culturally23PPT课件,Victorian novels are characterized by the common features below:,1.,The plot is unfolded against a social background which is broader than what it had been in previous novels.The plot draws materials from society and relates them in such a way that the Victorian novels reflect the complexity of human relations in a capitalist society and reveal the writers attitudes towards the society.,24,PPT课件,Victorian novels are character,2.,The cause-effect sequence is much more striking than in previous novels.Generally speaking,a motive or a set of circumstances gives rise to an event which produces an effect on a character,and through the mechanics of internal causation,it gives rise to another event which in turns becomes another cause.And all this is centred around the central character.This kind of development of plot is called“linear causation,”which makes the Victorian novels better constructed than previous ones.,25,PPT课件,2.The cause-effect sequence i,3.,Most of the Victorian novels were first published in serial form,that is,by instalment,before they were fully published in a single book.They first appeared in pamphlets,periodicals,or newspapers.This was true of Charles Dickens works and William Thackerays,Vanity Fair,.The serial form may be detrimental to the plot,as Henry James(1843-1916)characterized the works of Dickens as“large loose baggy monsters.”,26,PPT课件,3.Most of the Victorian novel,However,this was not necessarily so.The later novels of Dickens were well constructed.Like an actor or public speaker,the Victorian writers had a sense,during the process of their writing,of how their readers would respond to their works.They had to meet the challenge that was put to the writers to hold the interest of the readers in every issue and had to provide them delight and entertainment.,27,PPT课件,However,this was not necessar,4.,The Victorian novels were tainted by the spirit of Puritanism of the Victorian age.The Victorian capitalists were notorious for their hypocrisy.Though cruelly exploiting the working class and living luxuriously themselves with little care for the miseries of the poor,they preached that the key to success was that they were sober,earnest,hard working,and that they abstained from worldly pleasures.,28,PPT课件,4.The Victorian novels were t,Their Puritan standard of sexual behaviour was very strict.Women should be kept innocent,i.e.,ignorant.Their Puritan code had much bearings on the literature.For whenever sexual matter was touched,Victorian writers would try every means to keep away from it.It was especially so since novels were,commonly read in family gathering and it was necessary not to include in the novel what might cause embarrassment to the ladies.,29,PPT课件,Their Puritan standard of sexu,5.,The Victorian novels were characterized by their moral purpose.Many writers wrote novels with a purpose to edify readers and to bring about reforms.Of course,this was no new thing in English literature.But the Victorian writers,living in an age when there were striking differences between the rich and the poor and when the evils of the capitalist society were so conspicuous,invariably criticized certain aspects of the society and advocated their remedy.Some Chinese scholars called them critical realistic novelists,an epithet or label too vague to be applied to such a variety of writers.,30,PPT课件,5.The Victorian novels were c,Literarily,poetry,Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892):poet laureate,Robert Browning(1812-1889),Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861),Novel,A Golden Age of Novel,:,(Critical)realist novels,Critical realism flourished as a literary current.,31,PPT课件,Literarily31PPT课件,*Some major,authors,(书目录中),32,PPT课件,*Some major authors32PPT课件,Charlotte Bront (18161855),33,PPT课件,Charlotte Bront (18161855),Emily Bront(18181848),34,PPT课件,Emily Bront(18181848)34PPT,Anne Bront(18201849),35,PPT课件,Anne Bront(18201849)35PPT课,the Bront Sisters,Charlotte Bront,Emily Bront,Anne Bront,Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights,Agnes Grey,36,PPT课件,the Bront SistersCharlotte Br,*,Critical Realism,The English critical realists of the 19th century flourished in the,1840,s and in the beginning of,1850,s.,The realists set themselves the task of criticizing capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated the crying contradictions of bourgeois reality.,Critical realists reveal the social reality and criticize the injustice,poverty and religious hypocrisy.,37,PPT课件,*Critical Realism The English,The Features of English Critical Realism,1.Gives a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie,and shows profound sympathy for the,common people.,2.Democratic and humanistic,3.Unable to find a good solution to the social contradictions.,38,PPT课件,The Features of English Critic,


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