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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2023/8/21,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit 6,I like music,that,I can,dance to,.,Unit 6I like music that,1,prefer to,to be honest,remind of,on display,be bad for,stay away from,be in agreement,比起 更喜欢,老实说;说实在的,提醒;使记起,展览;陈列,对有害;有害于,与保持距离,意见一致,prefer to 比起 更喜欢,2,dance to,sing along with,be important to sb.,be sure,get together,cause cancer,taste good,随着跳舞,伴随 唱歌,对某人重要,确定;一定,聚集在一起,致癌,尝起来好,dance to 随着跳舞,3,1.prefer+n./doing,e.g.I prefer swimming in the river.,I prefer Enlish.,2.Prefer sth to sth 比更喜欢./,prefer doing sth to doing sth.喜欢做、不喜欢做、,e.g.I prefer walking to cycling.,3.prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事,e.g.She prefers to be alone at home.,1.prefer,1.prefer+n./doing1.prefer,4,Creativity,Reality,p,refer to do sth rather than do sth=would rather do sth than do sth.,宁愿做、而不愿做、,I prefer to write rather than read.,=I would rather write than read.,remind sb of sb/sth“,使,记得,提醒,2.,r,emind,提醒,eg.This song reminds him of his mother.,CreativityRealityprefer to do,5,1.When people want to relax themselves,they prefer_ TV or listen to music rather than _ newspapers.,A.watching,read B.watching,to read,C.to watch,read D.to watch,reading,2.She likes Chinese food better than American food.(改为同一句),She_ Chinese food _ American food.,3.比起看电影我更愿意呆在家里。,I _ _ at home to _ to the movies.,4.I prefer doing exercise to _(watch)TV.,C,prefers,to,prefer,staying,going,watching,1.When people want to relax th,6,remind sb to do sth提醒某人做、,e.g.,My parents often remind me to study hard.,3.heart.,内心,心,l,earn sth by heart.,用心记,背诵,l,ose heart,灰心,h,ear,t,and soul,全心全意,remind sb to do sth提醒某人做、e.,7,4.interest.n.兴趣,爱好,His two interests in life are painting and music.,t,ake an interest in=be interested in,对、感兴趣,e.g.,He takes an interest in playing soccer.,i,nterest.v.,使、感兴趣,e.g.,The book may interest you.,4.interest.n.兴趣,爱好His two int,8,5.whatever=no matter what无论什么,不管什么 引导让步状语从句,类似的词:疑问词,+ever=no matter+,疑问词,Eg:whoever(,无论谁,),,,whenever(,无论何时,),,,wherever(,无论何地,),,,however(,无论怎样,),e.g.,Whatever he does,he will not miss the party.,5.whatever=no matter what无论什么,,9,6.miss.v.错过 miss+名词 错过、miss doing sth错过做、,e.g.,I missed taking part in the sports meeting.,m,iss,想念,e.g.,I miss you very much.,7.Suggest.v.,暗示,显示,间接表明,s,uggest that,从句,e.g.,His angry expression suggests that he is angry.,6.miss.v.错过 miss+名词 错过、m,10,suggest doing sth.建议做、,e.g.,He suggested going out for a walk.,8.,s,uit sb fine/well,很合某人的意,e.g.,Blue suits her very well.,9.,e,xpect.v.,期待,预料,e,xpect+n/pron/to do/that,e,xpect sb to do sth.,期待某人做、,suggest doing sth.建议做、e.g.H,11,I expect a letter from him.I expect to come back next week.I expect that I will get good grades this term.,10.Taste,尝起来,taste+adj,尝起来、,这样的连系动词,look,sound,smell,feel,摸起来,e.g.,The food tastes delicious.,I expect a letter from him.I,12,11.to be honest 作插入语,经常单独使用,用逗号与句子隔开。,e.g.,To be honest,this food doesnt taste good.,12.,s,tay away from sb/sth,远离某人,/,某物,e.g.,You should stay away from dangerous things.,13.,b,e shocked by,被、震惊,e.g.,Everyone is shocked by him.,11.to be honest 作插入语,经常单独使用,用逗,13,1.I listened to one called,Heart Strings,.,o,ne,是代词,可指代上文中提到的同类东西当中的某一个。强调数量。,e.g.,She has a washer.I want to buy one,too.,注意:在句中,it 往往指代上文中提到的那个物品。,e.g.,Jack caught a big fish this afternoon.Now he is cooking it.,1.I listened to one called He,14,2.Thats not really important to me.,be important to sb.,对重要,e.g.T,his book is very important to our teacher.这本书对于我们老师来说很重要,be important for sb.to do.,做某事对某人很重要,e.g.,Its very important for us to study well.,对于我们来说好好学习是非常重要的。,2.Thats not really important,15,3.It does have a few good features,though,do,用于加强语气。,d,o 的适当形式(do/does/did)+动词原形,为强调句式。,e.g.,They do have a lot of work to do.,他们确实有很多工作要做。,t,hough,还可以作为插入语,意为“然而”,though=although,作连词 虽然,尽管 放在句子中间/句首,,不能和but 连用,e.g.,Though it was very late,he went on working.,虽然很晚了,但他还在工作,e.g.,Mr.Smith,though he was young,did it very well.,史密斯先生虽然年轻,却做得很好。,3.It does have a few good fea,16,4.Whatever you do,dont miss this exhibition.,w,hatever,意为“无论什么的事情;任何事”,相当于,no matter what,引导的是一个让步状语从句。,e.g.,Whatever you do,I always believe you,=I always believe you no matter what you do.,类似的用法还有:,whenever,wherever,however,whoever,相当于 no matter+疑问词,e.g.,Whenever I meet him,he always smiles.,=No matter when I meet him,he always smiles.,4.Whatever you do,dont miss,17,5.Over the years,we have seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.,o,ver=during,意为“在 时间内”,e.g.,Over the past ten years,great changes have taken place in China.,在过去的十年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。,5.Over the years,we have see,18,6.A group of yong people got together to discuss this question.,get together,聚在一起,e.g.,On Mid-autumn Day,many families get together and eat a big dinner.,在中秋节,许多家庭聚在一起吃一顿大餐。,6.A group of yong people got,19,7.And if food tastes good,its usually bad for you,isnt it?,be bad for sth.,对有坏处的,e.g.,Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.,be bad for doing sth.,做有坏处,7.And if food tastes good,it,20,8.Oh!And I stay away from sugar,you do too,dont you?,stay away from,远离,如:,Stay away from me,I have a cold.,请远离我,我得了感冒,8.Oh!And I stay away from su,21,根据句意和提示完成下列句子,What,(类型)of,(音乐)do you like?,I,(更喜欢)tea to coffee.,I like music that has great,(歌词),Carmen like,s,this song,because he can,(伴着跳舞),it.,Lily like,s,music that she can,(跟着一起唱),kind,prefer,dance to,sing along with,lyric,s,music,=like.better,常用复数,根据句意和提示完成下列句子kind prefer dan,22,remind cant stand look for prefer love,1.I _ classical music to pop music.,2.That man _ me of my English teacher.They wear the same clothes.,3.Were _ a quiet place to go on vacation.Do you know a good place?,4.I _ eating ice cream on a hot day.Theres nothing better!,5.I _ hamburgers!They make me feel sick.,prefer,reminds,looking for,love,cant stand,remind cant stand look for,23,根据汉语完成句子,_ _ _(,无论你做什么,),dont forget to tell me.,2.Im going to Hainan for my _ _(,为期,3,周的假期,),。,3.I _ _ _(,更喜欢古典音乐,)to pop music.,4.That man _ _ _(,使我想起了,)my teacher.They wear the same clothes.,Whatever you do,holiday,three-week,prefer classical music,reminds me of,根据汉语完成句子Whatever you doholiday,24,5.Were looking for a quiet place to,_ _ _(,度假,).Do you know,a good place?,6.I love eating ice cream on a hot day.,Theres _ _(,没有比这更,好的了,),。,7.I _ _(,不能忍受,)hamburgers.,They made me feel sick.,8._ _ _ _(,什么类型音,乐,)do you like?,go on vacation,nothing better,cant stand,What kind of music,5.Were looking for a quiet p,25,.,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Jim looks _(worry).Whats,wrong with him?,2.Erics two _(interest)are,music and collecting stamps.,3.He lost his book while _(play),on the playground.,worried,interests,playing,worriedinterestsplaying,26,4.This kind of music always makes,people _(energy).,5.There are many people _,(wait)for the bus at the bus stop.,energetic,waiting,4.This kind of music always m,27,Exercises:,根据句意和首字母提示填词,1.Which do you p_,basketball or soccer?I like soccer better.,2.I like songs that have great l_.,3.G_ music makes me relaxed.Loud music makes me tense.,4.Nothing is so difficult if you put your h_ into it.,5.The movie r_ me of the old days.,6.Some f_ are catching fish in the river.,refer,yrics,entle,eart,eminds,ishmen,Exercises:根据句意和首字母提示填词referyri,28,1.Some of her best-loved photos are _ display in this exhibition.A.on B.in C.at D.about2.What time is it?Its 7:25.Lets be quick,or we will _ the first bus.A.cause B.miss C.lose D.catch 3Smoking and,drunkenness,(酗酒)are both bad for peoples health.Yes.So we should _ cigarettes and alcohol.A.shut down B.get on withC.stay away from D.put away,A,B,C,1.Some of her best-loved phot,29,4What _ me most is its _ sights.A.interested;interested B.interested;interesting C.interesting;interesting D.interesting;interested5.He is expecting me _tomorrow.A.to coming B.come C.coming D.to come 6.Alice prefers,_,to,.Then,lets ask her to take part in our dancing club.A.dancing;singingB.singing;danceC.singing;dancing D.to sing;dance7.,My grandfather often tells me,_,I do in the future,I should try my best to do it well.A.however B.whatever C.wheneverD.Wherever,B,D,A,B,4What _ me most is its _,30,1.What you said made me think of my dogs death.(改为同义句),What you said _ _ _ my dogs death.,2.They prefer staying at home to going out on Sundays.(改为同义句),They would like _ _ at home _ _ go out on Sundays.,3._(老实说),we dont like this house.,remind,ed,me of,to stay,rather than,To be honest,1.What you said made me thi,31,4.Family _(对重要)everyone.,5.Frank,dont eat so much candy.You should,_(好好保护)your teeth.,6.Tony is a problem boy.Many of his classmates _(与保持距离)him.,7.Having enough sleep is good,but sleeping for so long _(对有害)you.,is important to,Take good care of,stay away from,is bad for,4.Family _,32,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,能力提升训练,()3.Mary sings English songs well and _.,A,Jane does too B,either does Jane,C,so Jane does D,so does Jane,()4.The boy _ I talked with just now is my best,friend.,A.which B.that C.whose D.where,D,B,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练(,33,Unit 6,能力提升训练,英语,新课标(,RJ),()5.What do you think of soap operas?,_.,A.Id love to B.I think so,C.I cant stand them D.I dont think so,()6.House_ are near the park cost more.Would,you like to have a look?,A.where B.which,C.who D.when,C,B,Unit 6 能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)(,34,Unit 6,能力提升训练,英语,新课标(,RJ),()7._ you are,you shouldnt speak to the old,like that.,A.No matter who B.What ever,C.No matter what D.Whenever,()8.You remind me _ your father when you,say that.,A.of,B.to,C.at,D.on,A,A,Unit 6 能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)(,35,Unit 6,能力提升训练,英语,新课标(,RJ),()9.I prefer going to the park to _ home watching,TV in my spare time.,A.stay in B.staying in,C.staying at D.stay at,()10.What kind of animals do you like?,I like animals _ cute.,A.that is B.which is,C.that are D.what are,C,C,Unit 6 能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)(,36,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,单项选择,()1.What do you think of the school uniforms?,Very good.I like clothes _ make me feel,comfortable.,A.that B.what C.who D.where,A,解析,考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词,clothes,指“物”,故定语从句的引导词用,that,引导,在定语从句中作主语。故选,A,。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练易错点,37,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()2.2012,兰州,I prefer sports shows _ soap,operas.What about you?,Me,too.,A.at B.than C.to D.of,C,解析,考查固定搭配。,prefer sth to sth,意为“比起,更喜欢,”,,为固定搭配。故选,C,。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,38,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,(,)3.2012,兰州,I like these photos and they can,_ me _ the life living in the,countryside.,A.think;of B.remind;of,C.let;down D.wake;up,B,解析,考查动词短语的辨析。,think of,意为“想出”;,remind of,意为“使,想起”;,let down,意为“使,失望”;,wake up,意为“叫醒”。根据句意“我喜欢这些照片,它们让我想起了乡村生活”,可知选,B,。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,39,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()4.How many new desks and chairs are there in,your school this year?,There are,over,3,000.Each of us has one.,A.less than B.most,C.more than D.as many as,C,解析,考查词组的辨析。,less than,意为“少于”;,most,意为“最多的”;,more than,意为“多于”;,as many as,意为“和,一样多”。,over,意为“超过,多于”。故选,C,。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,40,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()5.2012,日照,I really enjoyed your speech,_,there were some parts I didnt quite understand.,A.because B.for C.until D.though,D,解析,考查连词的用法。,because,意为“因为”;,for,作连词也是意为“因为”;,until,意为“直到,时”;,though,意为“虽然”。故选,D,。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,41,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()6.What music do you like?,I like music that I can sing along _ or,dance _.,A.to;with,B.with;with,C.to;to D.with;to,D,解析,本题考查介词的用法。,sing along with,表示“跟着唱”;,dance to,表示“跟着跳”。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,42,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()7.Some of the students are afraid of the teachers,_ strict with students.,A.that is B.who is,C.which are D.who are,D,解析,本题考查定语从句的关系词和动词的单复数形式。先行词是,teachers,,故应该用,who,或,that,引导;,teachers,是复数,所以从句中的动词应该使用复数形式。,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,43,英语,新课标(,RJ),Unit 6,易错点针对训练,()8.For this job you will need a good knowledge of,_ Italian and Spanish.,A.all B.both,C.either D.neither,B,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练(,44,


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