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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 8 Choosing presents,Summary:,一、定义,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,等词在英文中被称为“频度副词”,是用来表示动作的频率,但程度上有别。一般来说按频率大小排列为:,always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,(很少),never,频度副词,二、位置,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,等词一般用在,be,动词、情态动词或助动词之后、行为动词之前。,I will never forget the first time I met you.,我将永远忘不了和你的第一次见面。,We often go there.,我们常去那儿。,Mary always help others.,玛丽总是帮助别人。,She is sometimes very busy.,她有时很忙。,三、用法,1.always,意为“总是,一直”,这是频率最高的词,表示动作反复,状态持续,不间断。其反义词是,never,,意为“从不”。如果要变为否定句,应将,always,改为,never,才能全部否定。另外,当,always,与进行时态连用时,常表示“总是”,带有厌烦、不满或赞美等感情色彩。如:,Li Ping is always late for school.,李平上学总是迟到。,Li Ping is never late for school.,李平上学从不迟到。(全部否定),Li Ping is not always late for school.,李平上学不总是迟到。(部分否定),The boy is always asking for money.,这个小男孩总是要钱。(表厌烦),He is always thinking of others.,他总是想着别人。(赞叹),She is always asking silly questions.,她老是问些愚蠢的问题。(厌烦),2.usually,意为“通常”,表示习惯性动作或状态,很少例外。如:,We usually go to school at seven in the morning.,我们通常在早上七点上学。,My mother and I usually go shopping on Sundays.,我和妈妈通常在星期天去买东西。,3.often,意为“经常,时常”,表示反复性的动作或状态,中间有间断。其反义词是,seldom,意为“很少,不常”。,often,在句尾时常被,very,或,quite,修饰。如:,The boys often eat noodles and the girls sometimes eat them.,男生经常吃面条,女生有时吃。,I often chat with my friends under the big tree.,我经常在这棵大树下和朋友聊天。,He writes to his friends quite often.,他常给他的朋友写信。,4.sometimes,意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生,间隔较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。如:,Sometimes we go to the cinema and at other times we go for a walk.,有时我们去看电影,有时我们去散步。,I sometimes watch TV in the evening.,我有时晚上看电视。,My father has lunch in the factory sometimes.,我父亲有时在工厂吃午饭。,5.seldom,意为“很少,不常”,表示否定意义。如:,The little girl seldom goes out.,这个小女孩很少外出。,He seldom gives his wife a present,does he?,他不常给妻子送礼物,是吗?,6.never,意为“从来不,从来没有”,也表示否定意义,它表示从未发生的动作或情况,没有例外。如:,The boys never eat chocolate and the girls seldom eat it.,男生从不吃巧克力,女生很少吃。,Better late than never.,谚语,迟到(迟做)总比不来(不做)好。,另外,,once a year(,每年一次,),twice a week(,每周两次,),three times a day(,一天三次,),every Saturday afternoon,(每星期六下午)等,这些时间状语也表示频率,它们可以和频度副词用在同一个句子中,表达上没有重复。如:,We usually go to the cinema four times a month.,我们通常一个月看四次电影。,3.,对这些频度副词提问时,用,how often,表示“每(隔)多长时间做一次”的意思。如:,I write to my brother,sometimes,.,How often do you write to your brother?,I watch TV,every Sunday evening,.,How often do you watch TV?,He,often,goes out for a walk after supper.,How often does he go out for a walk after supper?,Andy feeds the little cat,three times a day,.,How often does Andy feed the little cat?,Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about Grandpa.,Activity,People,Grandpa,You,Watch TV,Play football,Go to the cinema,Read books,Listen to music,Go shopping,always,sometimes,never,usually,often,sometimes,-Does Grandpa always watch TV?,-Yes,he does.,Rewrite the sentence with the words in brackets.,1.I go to the cinema.(often),2.He plays football on Saturday.(usually),I often go to the cinema.,He usually plays football on Saturday.,3.She gets up at 7:00 am.(always),4.They eat chocolate at home.(never),She always gets up at 7:00 am.,They never eat chocolate at home.,Rewrite the following sentences.,1.My father always watches TV in the evening.(,改为否定句,)My father _ _ _ in the evening.2.,Mr,Zhang often comes late to the meeting.(,改为同义句,),Mr,Zhang is _ _ _ the meeting.,never watches TV,often late for,3.The twins never go to the Internet bar.(,对划线部分提问,)_ _ _ the twins go to the Internet bar?4.We have art lessons twice a week.(,对划线部分提问,)_ _ do you have art lessons?5.How often do you play basketball?(,根据汉语提示回答问题,),_ _ _(,隔周一次,).,Every other week,How often do,How often,Around the world:Birthday presents,Discuss the differences between Chinese and US/UK birthdays.,Writing,Think of one of your friends.Write a description of him/her.Then choose a present for him/her.,Planning a classmates birthday party,Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about each others birthday party.,When is your birthday?,Do you always have a birthday party?,What do you usually do at your birthday party?,Make a survey,Plan a birthday party for your partner.,Choose the time and place,Choose the food,Choose what to do,1.,我从电视上知道这个消息。,_,2.,他们不经常去看电影。,_,3.,我父母星期天不去看音乐会。,_,My parents dont go to the concert on Sunday.,Exercises,Translate these sentences.,I know the news on television.,They dont often go to the cinema.,4.,我妹妹经常买昂贵的衣服。,_,5.Betty,在生日时通常不开晚会。,_,6.,他们生日礼物是一双鞋子和一条丝巾。,_,Betty usually doesnt have party on her birthday.,My sister often buys expensive clothes.,Their birthday presents are a pair of shoes and a silk scarf.,Today is the 5th of March.Its my b_.I get a lot of p_ from my friends and family.They are in nice b_.My father gives me a yellow box and there is a b_ in it.Because I like reading.Jack,one of my friends,gives me a big box.Whats in it?Its a box of c_.I like eating them.My sister,irthday,resents,oxes,ook,hocolates,Complete the passage.,gives me a round box.I think its a big cake,but it is a f _.I like playing football very much,so Im h _ to have it.My uncle gives me a pair of s _,and my aunt gives me a silk shirt.My mother buys CDs for me.I like them very much.,Now my friends are s _ the song“Happy Birthday to you”to me.,ootball,appy,hoes,inging,


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