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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Oxford English,Module 4 The natural world,10,Air,Oxford EnglishModule 4 The n,This is our home.,Look and read,This is our home.Look and read,We live on Earth.,There are many natural elements around us.,We cannot live without them.,They are everywhere around us.,Look and read,We live on Earth.Look and rea,natural elements,Mind-map,Think and say,natural elements Mind-mapThink,What is it?,water,sun,sky,wind,air,light,LISTEN AND Guess,What is it?watersunskywindai,air,Think and say,airThink and say,Air is,Air has,We need air to,We can with air.,What do you know about air?,Air is everywhere around us.,Think and say,Air is What do you know about,Air has no smell.Air has no taste.,Air has no colour.Air has no shape.,When the wind blows,we can feel it.,We need air to breathe.,We need air to survive.,When we breathe it,It keeps us alive.,Look and read,Air has no smell.Air has no t,Does air have taste or smell?,No.,Ask and answer,Does air have taste or smell?N,It uses hot air.,How does a balloon lift people up?,Ask and answer,It uses hot air.How does a bal,How do kites and planes stay in the sky?,They ride on air.,Ask and answer,How do kites and planes stay i,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,What is it?,Does it have any colour or taste?,Can you see or feel it?,What is it?Does it have any co,What is it?,Does it have any colour or taste?,Can you see or feel it?,It is air.,No,it doesnt.,I cannot see it,but I can feel it.,What is it?Does it have any co,It has no _ or _.,It has no _ or _.,We cannot _ it,but we can _ it.,Think and complete,colour,shape,smell,taste,see,feel,It has no _ or _.Th,Why is it important?,We all need it to keep us alive.,Why is it important?We all nee,It is _.,It is important to all _.,It is also important to _ and _.,We all need it to keep us _.,everywhere,people,animals,plants,alive,Think and complete,It is _.everywherepeo,What other things need air?,Kites,hot-air balloons,planes,and birds.,What other things need air?Kit,Look at the _ and the _.,Look at the _ and the _.,They all need it too.,It keeps them _ in the sky.,kite,balloon,plane,bird,high,Think and complete,Look at the _ and the _,It,keep,s them high in the sky.,It keeps them high in the sky.,It is air.,It has no colour or shape.,It has no smell or taste.,We cannot see it,but we can feel it.,It is everywhere.,It is important to all people.,It is also important to animals and plants.,We all need it to keep us alive.,Look at the kite and the balloon.,Look at the plane and the bird.,They all need it too.,It keeps them high in the sky.,Read and recite,It is air.Read and recite,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,parachute,parachute,How to make a parachute?,How to make a parachute?,What do we need?,a piece of cloth,a string,a small toy,What do we need?a piece of clo,Take a piece of cloth,.,Take a piece of cloth.,Tie a piece of string,to each corner.,Tie a piece of string,Bring the four pieces of string together and tie them to a small toy.,Bring the four pieces of strin,Throw the toy up in the air.,Throw the toy up in the air.,What happens?,What happens?,How to make a parachute?,How to make a parachute?,1.The parachute falls down,quickly,/,slowly,.,2.The parachute is,open,/,closed,.,3.The parachute hits the ground,gently,/,heavily,.,4.There is,air,/,water,in the parachute.,Think and choose,1.The parachute falls down qu,The toy moves slowly in the air.,The toy moves slowly in the ai,Homework,1.Listen to and read,Students Book,pages 68,and 72.,2.Recite the riddle in“Listen and say”on,Students Book,page 68.,3.Make a toy parachute.,4.Finish,Workbook,pages,56 and 58.,Homework1.Listen to and read,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,英语六上unit-10air(period-1)ppt课件,


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